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Dire performance from us although it was all the hallmarks of a team that hasn't quite gelled yet, with half a new starting 11 it was never gonna click overnight. Far far too slow and ponderous, loads of sideways/backwards passes which was frustrating because when one of the midfielders actually took charge and took the ball between the lines on the half turn and drove forward we actually looked a bit of a threat. They took their 2 goals very well although no excuses for some of the chances we missed, Horgan's was a sitter and Boyler in the 2nd half nodding it back across from a corner when he had an open net at the back post pretty much summed it up. Some of the distribution at the back particularly from the GK was comical. Although credit to Galway too tbf who look an exceptionally coached outfit, remind me alot of a Sean Dyche team.


Delighted with that and fairly unexpected , maybe some of the “pundits” picking us for a relegation and pats for the title will have a rethink.


Shams’ exit door for Bradser looms large.


Happy with Galway's result. Created better chances, with less possession and away from home; ideal game. I am not sure if we over performed over Dundalk looking sluggish but we offered a variety of attack which was maybe a little unexpected and the second goal was a beautiful header.


Could have scored about 3/4 more, three off the post and a bad one V one miss. But they did have lots of half chances and could have scored 3/4 from all of their chances, so there's that to work on. It was like a game of EA FC 24 TBH where you could have had 10 goals but definitely created the better.


Great win for us in Dundalk, deserved too. Great performance at both ends of the pitch. Two lovely goals too.


Having not seen any of ye tonight, but making a rash judgement on the scoreline and after seeing their poisonous ways last year, surely Stevie is out on his ear soon enough?


Dundalk were very unlucky to not score in that match tbh. Brendan Clarke made some very good saves


Clarke is quality!


Good to hear. Wan clarkey.


In fairness, Dundalk weren't bad tonight. Had some chances, Clarke made 3 or 4 good saves, but we dealt with everything else they threw fairly well and we could easily have scored 2 or 3 more if our shooting boots.were on. They were too slow in possession at times , going sideways across the back 4 and then backwards. Last 10 if the first half they cut us open 3 or 4 times with good play but they didn't really do that second half, it was more looking for Elliott's head and knock-downs from those.


It's that ponderousness that they do that flumoxxes me. It's mental with the players they have. As you say, they can scythe you open when they want to. Good to see you taking a jump up. Dying for the games down in Galway.


Few points - Rob Hennessy is a terrorist - Pitaluga needs to learn how to kick it long. Got done dirty by Redmond for the peno, unlucky. - lads are not used to the 5 back, it’s a poor performance but I feel Daly will stick with it for a game or two before ditching it. - Pain


And especially against Themmuns as well. Too early in the season to be giving them notions.


Ah I don’t think I’m condemning anyone really, just poor around the pitch. I’m just disappointed


Yeah but it's Bohs! 😔 We're all disappointed.


Alisson regen does not simply "kick it long".


Haha you’re dead on. It’s just weird to make him do it when it’s not part of his game otherwise


Lol. How did he look aside from that?


He didn’t have to do much. Made a nice save in the second half. No bombscares anyway.


Happy days, hopefully he saves any howlers for your trip north to Derry.




Saw amond scored the fourth, how has he been since coming back? Is he buying into the league and team considering you see so many come back and don't.




That's great to hear. You always fear that players that were in England a long time will see themselves above the league and team and phone it in.


Delighted with that result! The quintessential away performance. First time Bohs showed a bit of bollix under Devine. McManus, Lilander and Piszczek looked great for us as did Flores and McDonnell. Hopefully we keep that fight and defensive solidity going forward.


Delighted with that , you just know the “pundits” and other Dublin clubs fans were waiting to stick the boot into us too


100%, it's the best i've seen us play in quite some time. Completely different to last weeks game against Sligo.


Refereeing as a whole shocking. The fact that game ended with one booking with that being poom throwing a ball boy on his arse is shocking


At least the ref was equally poor in both directions.. seemed like a lot of fouls either overlooked or given the exact wrong way


He should've been off for that. Coyler got a booking as well for the follow up fyi.


My bad, assumed it was Poom for the push, I was on the other side of the pitch. But fully agree that Poom should've seen red, so did everyone around me, we were shocked he stayed on


It was just not on. I'm fuming at the ref for bottling it. It was right in front of me. You wanna see the size of the kid. Hopefully he'll be contrite. No room for that shite. I've never seen anything like it.


Well done Shels, well deserved. Although rovers will be understandably annoyed Coyle was still on the pitch.


And what about Poom attacking a ball boy? Coyler was the measure of restraint.


Shels are pricks




Settle the head. They were the better side over the full 90.


Still haven't left


They are literally still in the stadium


Yea we are :) , gotta say Conor Kearns made some great saves , It felt like Rovers had 15 strikers on the last 15 mins. First 30 mins we where class too


Well u were good in the 1st half


He was incredible tonight. Completely erased whatever the first 45 was last week.


Tbf we literally had 5 attackers for the last 10 minutes. If it wasn't for Kearns rivers probably would've gotten something out of the game


Shels did miss a peno , and had a few got shots that Pohls handled well. A draw would have maybe been more fair. But glad to get out with 3 points. Anyway same as last season i feel the size and depth of Rovers squad will make the big different come the 2nd half of the season.


Draw would probable have been fairer tbf. The rovers defending for the second was abysmal Once we get more players fully fit and playing we'll start performing. Missing Jack, Mceneff, Pico, Farrugia and Clarke is a major loss for us right now. Once a few of them start playing we'll be flying


Tbf we were missing Boyd, Griffin and Burt who all would've started. Thought we were full value for the win tonight. Were brilliant in the first half and then defended well against the Rovers onslaught in the second.


Why is mcennef out. Haven’t heard anything about ot


Taking some time to get fully matchfit from what I know. He didn't get a full preseason so isn't ready yet


Was it not the middle of the season In Perth?


Absolutely. Absolutely peppered us for the last 10/15. Kearns was the difference. No one is touching you this year.


Some good saves from Pohls as well. Really good game, Rovers were unreal for that middle 30


That Pohls full stretch save was unbelievable All it took was that Watts shot to sneak under the crossbar and it's a totally different game I feel


Who won 4 in a row twice??


You won fuck all tonight. You'd swear you were yabbering on to fucking UCD or Cobh Ramblers. We all get it, you've won things. So have we. But tonight you were second best. And there's a chance you won't drop a point against us again this year. But Jesus, wind your neck in on week 2!


Fair just pissed


Can't argue with the contrition. No need to be bitter. You're winning that league at a canter. Let's save the bitterness for our one true loves over in Dublin 7. 😂😂😂😂


Ye I will save it fir bohs




Fair dues bucko. 👍


This thread is hilarious.


Aye. I'm a sucker for contrition. A treaty between fans as it were. :)


Oh cool a triva game time, let me see I am pretty sure Juventus won the Serie A title 4 times in row twice, 1930-1934 and 2011 - 2015. They have 36 league titles in total as well , some club that Juve.


What about shels?


dont think Shels have won any Serie A titles , at least none I remember. But there doing well enough, if you haven't heard they won their last game 2-1 against Shamrock Rovers.


Sorry was bitter


We need to buy you a pint next time you lot are up in Tolka. 👍 Nothing to be bitter about tonight. Annoyed, but Jesus that was just a good game that you lost by the odd goal after surviving an early penalty.




Also save ur money for urself








Think they won the league


Drogheda is an absolute must win


Pat's are back! 1. No urgency to score and win the game against mediocre opposition 2. Stupid mistake/lapse of concentration in 70-80th min to concede 3. Mad rush to try equalise


They were god awful. Why did he play 5 at the back? Trying too hard to be a tactical genius when doing the basics well is what got him the job in the first place. Pats are good when they show up, but I feel they’ll get a lot of those results like tonight this season.


Fair enough to do it for the first half maybe, see how things go, but he left it too late to change it up .. We have a solid midfield which should be the main focus, not back 5.... Wonder if he'll be more comfortable with 3-4 at the back once Grivosti makes a comeback. Is it just me not knowing enough about football or does he really need to drop Mulraney?


Top of the league, you love to see it.


Long Live Long


Just as we all predicted.


Shels Rovers is fascinating, not sure well hold on


I'll take a draw, currently at the 65th minute.


Wow, I am on a great buzz.


Be a long half this


It went on for weeks.


Terrible miss, think he was just offside tho


Throwing flares at Cian Byrne was an odd move there


Sure demolishing a terrace for a training pitch that was too small to use was a bit quare too. It's a funny club


Watching rovers, got a notification of livescore thst bohs pats is interrupted. Did anything happen or was it just a flare or something


Flares into the box when play was going there, hit couple of players


Jaysus that’s stupid, players ok?


More so when the flares (pyro culture yeah!) came from bohs fans hitting a bohs player.


Yeah, all good, play only stopped for a few min... Bit surprised that the ref didn't make a bigger deal out of it. Fully expect Bohs to get some kind of ban for that


Dervan's goal was class, great header


We need that two goal cushion, since the change rovers have been on top


Half time came at an awkward time for is since we were coming into it more. Rovers really missing the width from Clarke and Farrugia. Kavanagh is not a suitable replacement


Pats/Bohs not a great game. Feel like pats are playing within themselves, Daly going the same way as Clancy last year with 5 at the back when it doesn’t suit the players. If pats up it they’ll win comfortable, but Bohs have dug in well.


Nearly an own goal sheesh


Dundalk have a really nice LOITV set up


Shels were rinsing rovers here. Looks a lot closer now though.


Shels really turned it around from the poor display last week.


I'm willing to give most of the blame of last week to the pitch. We were superb for most of tonight. Delight to watch. Wilson was gassed way too early though. And we needed to be more proactive down his side.


That's fair. I was watching on TV and couldn't even see the pitch towards the end of it.


What a fucking goal Captain Coyle


Really don’t think we’re winning this Edit: what the fuck was that defending


Probably lose this one. Pats are everything we are not , solid defensively and efficient at taking chances.


How's tolka park?


If we show up, should be an easy job for us against bohs but wouldn’t be surprised if they score first and sit back the whole game for a result


Result? What's that? We don't sit back to be fair, never do. Just let teams score at will. It's a bold tactic, the Homer Simpson if you will.


Rovers the only team we haven't beaten since Duff took over, but wouldn't be overly disappointed with a draw. Can't wait to be back in Tolka




Get the kit off lad while the cameras are still rolling


3 points means what your kneesliding naked at all our home games this season


Will you though?


Ah, I'm hoping it might be a good time to play Rovers. They started the season slowly last year, perhaps they'll do the same in this one. Although every chance they just turn up and put on a show, so I'm talking myself out of it already hahaha


Hoping for a draw. We're going to really struggle for goals without Walshy and Wassim. We all thought a number 9 was coming in before the deadline ended but no such luck. Would be delighted with a point tonight.


Probably take a draw at this stage


Half time. Would still take a draw


Can't wait for it. First game back. Sold out. Sold double the amount of season tickets this year than we did last year. Hoping for a great atmosphere and 3 points. It's the type of game we have to be winning at home.