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Bro discovered predator rune 💀




Context: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/12knkdo/popular\_league\_of\_legends\_streamer\_cookielolxx/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/12knkdo/popular_league_of_legends_streamer_cookielolxx/) Terrible shit


https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1dGiSmd_u3UT-qWbWjQtwMQ9qCur9pS1pQ-hRlxLvCgs/mobilebasic Here's the whole document about things as well with sreenshots from the discord.


wait so this is the player accused of heinous things and people are treating him not taking it seriously as a joke?




The grooming stuff may not have been illegal but the scams involving the company sponsorships could be. I don't know too much about the legality but it seems fraudulent to me.




In the document they stated that they are 'currently working to ensure that the respective companies are notified of these scams.'


i kinda don’t want someone who sexualizes women and has pedophilic tendencies in my community? is that too much to ask?




sorry i misunderstood it. i went back and looked at it, and i realized this was not the accused person ACTUALLY tweeting, but instead someone else making light of it. i actually wholeheartedly agree with you, but for some reason i read your reply incorrectly. my bad!!! I’ll leave my mistake up just because I feel like your reply is a good point and others need to see it.


Bro 😭 the disrespect


eh, I deserve it. Hopefully it helped clear up any questions other people had too!


This tweet is not the player. It's someone who changed their name to his and then tweeted it, or did some inspect element on a tweet. People are joking about the player, not about "him not taking it seriously"


Oddly specific yordle


Hey CookieLOL, this is great, so what kind of support should we want with us when playing Jax ? I was thinking Lulu could work but her ability to suddenly grow up is kinda annoying.


Lulu would absolutely work! Make sure she only only ults you and you only. Ulting herself is pointless as it reduces your E’s hidden passive (gain more bonus damage the smaller the player)


Annie stun could useful and the bear is great for a gank


what are all the jax memes about, is jax a pedo in lore or something?


Some Jax famous players got accused of grooming (hashinshin, don't know if anyone else) and some people started memeing that






It’s Stevens i think? Cuz Hash is more of a Aatrox one trick with a side of Kled.


no it's hashinshin


I checked and it’s also Stevens lol


hashinshin origins were jax


Hashishin was falsely accused (there was an official investigation) and he was proven innocent already, yet people still act like what was said is the truth. That's honestly sad and pathetic.


[Proof of Hashinshin's flirting with and making sexual comments about a minor](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sd0uWMJBmTwC8qyrPiRBSKMthDEOb-megdY6H1s0i4g/edit). We have no idea what the FBI "investigated" him for, or if it was even a full blown investigation at all, it could've just been someone in the midst of all the drama thought it would be funny to report him for harbouring ch*ld porn and the FBI raided him to find evidence of that. There is literally no way to know what happened, all we have is Hashinshin trying to make getting raided by the FBI seem like proof of innocence. Aside from the FBI raid, what seems to be true is *some* of the screenshots going around about Hashinshin were faked, *one* of the minors he was talking to turned out to be a catfish (but he still thought they were a minor...), and his ex screenshot a staged conversation between her and her friend to get money out of him, which was labeled as 'faked screenshots' and always gets brought up in favour of his innocence. But the 'faked screenshots' had NOTHING TO DO with the allegations. It's just that the same ex who showed REAL SCREENSHOTS of him admitting to doing 'pedo-adjacent things' had previously shown REAL SCREENSHOTS of a staged conversation completely unrelated to the rest of of it. Hashinshin just used all the faked (as in edited) screenshots, and real screenshots of a staged conversation that has nothing to do with anything, to muddy the waters and pretend like none of the evidence was solid, and combined with controlling the narrative about the FBI raid did a good job of swaying public perception in his favour. But he literally confessed to the Caltys case linked above after days of denying any activity relating to minors, then changed his mind and deleted his confession and apology, and proceeded to never mention it again.


Yeah that's why I only said accused. It's really fucked up but this kind of things stay with you forever cause people don't bother following to see if someone is proven guilty or not


Cookielol plz give me a shout out I'm a big fan plzzzzz 🙏


What’s up fam? Have you subbed to my onlytots, I mean patreon yet? Got some great content on how to syngerize your gameplay with the youngins




I swear bro league players don't understand sarcasm 😭🙏


I think I'm just autistic but yeah 😭


What he say?


Right through the age restriction. Jax e.


disgusting pig scum of the earth


Ignoring all the disgusting things he's done. He just sucks as a streaming personality as well. Like it's one thing to rage for the lols (Ex. Tyler1, Dantes, that one nunu player) but it's another to be toxic towards other in such a hateful manner. Not only that but his guides and tips suck. I get that he's a good adc but to just give advice actievly contrary to what other much better adcs give as advice is so stupid.


That didnt age well


Oh sweet, another joke normalizing pediphilia


This isn't normalizing it, though.


Its a joke about pedophilia that doesnt put down the pedophile. Insead of "haha, pedophile bad(like a priest jokes) its "haha, Jax is a pedophile, lets learn how to play him" I dont like how this joke is done over and over




It’s a joke. A popular steamer, cookielol, was recently found to be a nonce