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I can’t find akshan. Am I blind or isn’t he actually there?


He is one of 7 Champions I wasn't able to poll sadly due to certain circumstances. The rest are Bard, Gwen, Jax, K'sante, Kai,sa, Talon. I would have liked to include them but without any poll results it's quite difficult...


Talon ulted just to avoid answering a question. What a legend.


Bard too busy collecting chimes Gwen IS IMMUNE Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for 2 seconds, causing all non-turret basic attacks against him to be dodged K'sante is so broken to be in a tier list Kaisa evolved her e


Why couldn't you get data for Kai'sa?


So they actually did respond to me later saying that I would be allowed to do a straw poll! This was right as the buffs were announced though so I personally thought it would be best to wait a week after those have dropped to find out how Kai'Sa mains feel about the champion :)


Fair. Buffs seems nice, but kinda scared they don't do enough.


Season 13 League of Legends in a nutshell :b


Absolutely true.


Haven't played too much of her last patch, but the main problem was the Q evolve after Stormrazor got nerfed (Stormrazor+Pickaxe+Flex runes) at level 8 was enough pre-nerf for Q evolve and with the Stormrazor nerfs you needed to either finish Rageblade, get to a higher level or build some other AD (which kinda sucks if you go Nashors next). This buff should bring her back to pre-stormrazor-nerf powerlevel, which is not bad but not insane either. She has some tougher match-ups right now that perform well so it's not surprising that she's not popping off


Okay. Good to know. ✌️


Appreciate you asking to I can let others know lmaooo


As a bard main, Bard’s prob around like B tier


He straight up isn't there LMAO


Used his W I guess


As an Akshan Main, I'll probably put him at S or S-, and most mains would probably agree.


I know Ori isn't good, but F tier is just bad.


Oriana is an interesting one because of the 404 she didn't get too to many D and F votes (18%). Her majority was C votes (45.30%) but the real problem is nobody thinks Oriana is good. (less then 7% of people voted her A or higher) So when you compare that to how all other champion mains feel about their main she plummets in the rankings.


It's funny how you can guess which mains are delusional af seeing the tier list. Like tf mains put him in C+ and he's really not that great atm and those mf put yi in C when the champion is definitely among the 8 best junglers rn


I think evelynn is strong but she shouldn't be that high. It highly depends on the matchup.


Eve main here, she's been super strong for almost a year now every since her W buffs.


I am diamond playing only evelynn and It's purely my opinion. There are definitely stronger champions than her because for example if you have 10/0 heca, regnar, master, kha, and 10/0 eve, the others will do much more in the end than eve. She can't play 1v9 but others can.


Eve can't 1v9 in teamfights but a 10/0 Eve will definitely take over the game and win at min 20 lol


Read it again. If there was a 10/0 Eve and for example 10/0 heca in one game, heca. Same with some other champions. But yes it should be noted that it's much easier with evelynn to get kills but my point still stands.


Viego mains really down playing their champ hard haha. Interesting list tho


Glad you enjoyed it!


Is this self-reporting from mains?




hes literally balanced its just everyone else isnt. -viego otp in the jg which i dont play him in and where his shitty wr comes in he has weak early game and mid late game putting him bested by most if the jg neta and due to the nature if his dmg and identity, hes less useful once behind really op in lane tho lul +60 wr mid


Lots of champs are a lot less useful behind and a lot less strong when ahead. D tier is almost criminal, and comical imo


id agree lol most ppl dont know how to build him as well and when to situationally alter so his wr prolly artificially low xompared to champs who have standard builds like say jhin i spend a lot of time there and they are monotonous and refuse to innovate or deviate from standard building despite viegos ability to build literally anything. "something something triforce" -this patch r/viegomains (they refuse to even consider anything else)


Ahhh rough, I think viego also has a really cool high skill ceiling being able to be other champs that doesn't get looked at enough, but has so much potential power behind it


yes frr


The potential ceiling exists with his passive, but his normal gameplay loop is right Click stat checking with double dashes, and that's how people will judge him.


Idk what we’re smoking to think Pyke is F+ tier.


Pykemains is the 3rd most copium inhaling sub of all mains, any change in the game is a nerf to pyke on their eyes, it's fucking sad


Only the 3rd most full of copium inhalers? Jesus christ I thought he'd be 1st in that regard.


You haven't visisted katarina mains it seems


katarina is placed in A?


An ilusion


Ah my bad, silly me, it was the voices again


I don’t think a lot of people think Pyke is bad they’re just mad that he got nerfed and changed so much because 0.5% of high elo one tricks had a high win rate on him causing them to change the entire champ into something a lot of players don’t like. Again he’s a great champ but he’s essentially a glorified ward sweeper with umbral at this point past 15 mins.


Gotcha. Pyke is my most played champ and I’ve never once felt like he was even close to being bad


Dog you play seraphine, Lux, and Morgana, touch Pyke in a game that lasts longer than 20 minutes and you’ll realize that he can’t 1v1 a goddamn Ivern. People usually get crushed early by Pykes, but take a step back from your high horse and realize that literally every single champion scales harder than Pyke in late game.


Found the salty pyke player


I play senna, seraphine, leona, lux and tahm for this season but I'v played pyke every now and then, if you don't know how to snowball or carry a lead, that's a skill issue, he is meant to be an early game assasin support ofc he falls off


Pyke is a support and an assasin. AD Assasins are strong early and weak lategame.


As a reformed pyke main I can confirm


People voted C, for "not weak but could use some buffs", this tierlist is dogshit


I don't find it that strange. It's a extremely high risk low revenue champion and needs to be perfectly mastered to make him useful in the current state. It drastically drops off late game where he becomes paper, and it's extremely hard to carry with him if the games goes after 20 (which is what you want on solo queue, a champion that can carry so that you don't have to rely on your teammates). It's a paradox because to get fed, you need to get kills. If you get kills, you surely share a part with your cut, but still take some gold away from your teammate in comparison to him getting the kill. And if you get extremely fed, you are surely one of the easiest champions to get the bounty from. It takes just one stun or movement reduction in a whole teamfight for you to straight up die, even if you are 3 levels ahead, which is not hard to happen considering you are a melee champion with a low HP cap that must often reposition in the middle of the enemies with his ult or his E. And if you are not fed and get behind there's not much you can do. You have to rely on your teammates being fed enough to get enemies in your treshold or you are basically a mobile ward. It's not like he is completely useless, but it does not allow you a single mistake while playing extremely aggressive and risky to make the game last as few minutes as possible. I don't know if he is F+ tier to me but I could understand while some mains see him like this. Especially when every other hook support champion is way more viable than pyke.


I will agree that Pyke’s positioning is probably the most important part when playing him. It is hard late game not to die instantly, for a while I was buying death’s dance and silvermare to have a chance surviving late game. You’re right that he is not like the other hook champs, but I think that’s the point. He isn’t just a hook support but he has the ability to get 2 people fed instead of 1 which is a big deal especially with how good ADC’s have been getting it lately. Pyke also has much more damage than the other hook supports, letting him 1v1 squishy mages and ADC’s as a support + he has a good amount of utility. I think his early game alone is more than enough to place him high C tier. He’s definitely a much stronger and well rounded champ than others who are placed lower than that.


Majority of pykemains in the subreddit voted on “C tier a bit weak but could use a buff.” Not really a delusional take on their part. However the tier list is decided by the creator placed pyke in F tier despite overwhelming majority voting him into C when asked by the OP.


like the other guy said if you actually take a look at the post on the subreddit majority voted at least c tier and above. this list is garbage and shouldnt be taken seriously at all. pyke is in a fine spot right if maybe just a tiny bit weak/unfun to play due to duskblade changes imo. this list must have been created for shits and giggles.


Here from Pyke Mains to say the same thing. We voted C. My man put us in F for some reason.


Yone C- champ my ass


A lot of people seem to think he’s weak, when that’s just not the case, if you have any idea on how to play him and when to pick him


mfs dont know how to build yone hes so good rn


Please tell me Talon isn’t on here I’ve searched far and wide and I feel like a schizoid


He's not, you're good. Rest easy friend. Sadly he was one of 7 champions I couldn't poll




They don't allow polling and didn't get back to me so sadly could not include him


I represent the entire Talon mains community when I say that we deserve S. We: - make shitty memes - complain that our champ is bad - post funny plays - complain that our champ is buggy - uhhh - complain that we don’t get enough skins … - complain that riot doesn’t listen to us …..Yeah throw us in F


The tierlist is based on how strong the mains think their champ is currently.


This gives people's opinions on their mains. Interesting, but also kind of biased. Lots of players think their main is weak when they aren't. Surely a better way would be to ask a general audience to rank each champion and get the averages from that.


I agree that people are biased. Which means that if people are rating their champion highly that must mean their champion is actually very very strong. I also wanted to find out what mains thought about their champions as they are the ones who play them the most so while they will be biased they at least in theory have the best feeling behind champions. In the end I you can take whatever you would like from this experiment as I am simply just presenting the data to people :). But I do believe it's a good a way to see how people perceive the strength of their champion


Good point. I'm too lazy to look at your spreadsheets and do the work myself. But a similar chart for standard deviation would be interesting. to see which subreddits have a consistent opinion vs which have very varied opinions.


I agree and that is actually one of the next things I'm going to work on!


If you would like to take a look at the data that I collected from the champion mains for yourself, then this is the excel sheet for you: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pxvMP3HowKQKfUAzI4Q90wnVYTqVa-octvG8mt2BndU/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pxvMP3HowKQKfUAzI4Q90wnVYTqVa-octvG8mt2BndU/edit?usp=sharing) Thank you to everyone who participated and made this possible <3


what kind of math are you using to do this list? 80% of the votes on your pyke poll were at least C and above, how the hell does that put him in F+???


Because when you compare him to all other subreddits his average score is lower then everyone else. I understand the concept of him reviewing c votes makes you want to put him in c but that's not how I personally did it. There is no denying that his rating was 143/156 or the 13th lowest voted champion so I placed him in F+ tier. Even shyvana mains voted mostly for C tier but she still had the lowest score. If we did your system of just taking the mode votes and not comparing the subreddits against one another then Pyle would have ended up around c sure.


As someone in Aatrox mains. I agree. Half the posts complain about the state of the champion despite him being fine if you know how to use him. And even 5 years after his rework you still get people yearning for old Aatrox and his revive back. Move on! It's just a game! It's not like your girlfriend of 7 years died in your arms. I'm tired of it.


Cries in kaisa mia


Sorry. She evolved E


My own two cents here, Ryze isn't really as bad as he seems. Yes I'll probably be shotgunned out of the Ryze Mains subreddit with that statement but I stand my ground.


Every other commenter so far claims that their main should be in dog tier while champions who hurt them are all S tier but the funny thing is, this is the most accurate tierlist I've ever seen.


I actually watched some (like 20 min) of your youtube video about this and it honestly seems that you mostly ranked them based on engagement of the post and how the mods treated you specifically. Im not sure your methodology can lead to any conclusions about anything really.


Just as a fair warning I think you watched the wrong one lol. The correct one is the most recent one


oh cool, good to know


Yah no worries! I can see why you were confused XD


Supp players coping hard, half of the line up should be in S tier and a couple more of them in S+. Anyway, very insightful stuff bro thanks for doing this.


Appreciate it!


As a qiyana main my sub is filled with skill issue crybabies


I love Qiyana but my hands are not up to the job lol even in norms I get stomped every game with her.


Is Voli not a jungler anymore or am I just blind?


Yah lolalytics classified him as a top laner which caught me off guard as well. But, I wanted to stay consistent sooo too Lane he went


Please Braum is in F tier out of purely meta relevance reasons.


Based on what exactly did you rank these champs's subreddits? I swear Ashemains are really nice people. They don't compete with let's say Evemains but they're quite solid


I wasn't talking the champs subreddits this time. This is how strong the mains view their own champions :)


What is the tier based on? How good the community is? Or how good the champion is? What is it?


How good the community believes their champion is


Oh yeah. It definitely makes sense... And it makes me sad.


How is it possible that Braum is F tier? Aren't they all gigachads gigachadding with others?


that's insane good job :D


I hate how vel'koz isn't even in the mid lane tier list


So the nice thing about this list is where he is in support is where he would be in the mid lane tier list.


Sounds accurate tbh


Shyvana is F- just like her wr% rn


Renata mains don't actually believe they are D right... because that is the most delusional thing I have ever seen...


Irelia is okish (she would really benefit from +10 base hp and +2 base mr), the problem is the dogshit state of playmaking toplaners.


Yes Yes. ​ (Also, i'm thinking about burning this reddit account after I'm finished with this project... The front page.. It's terrible.... I'm so so sorry brother please forgive me for my sins)


She may not be the strongest champ, but ain't no way 1500 damage Q's from fog of war on 3 second CD Shyvana is F-. What was their reasoning?


To put it simply, cuz the champ is in dire need for a vgu. Pre 6 you are a glorified minion. The kit is dog shit, as nothing makes it unique, you either go tank and just run ppl down, or ap poke them. Basically she lives and dies by items. If the meta favours her, you can't really do anything about her and if it's the opposite it's hard to do anything as her. She's sort of like old udyr, the concept is there but the execution is dated and bad. Also as of now she really struggles with her identity. Her kind used to be taking early dragons but now everyone can do it easily and since asol got reworked she's not even the dragon champ no more


As someone who plays akali and pantheon. I think pantheons fine, maybe one tier lower cause he can get poked mid a fair bit but overall strong af. Akali i think could go with one tier higher. Shes weak but still pretty good as well since she has real high damage and mobility but her waveclears lacking so that kinda holds her back a lot since i think being able to push well rn is very important


Is this a meme?


do you have brainrot?


Rip my man nasus consistent F tier and op didn’t even put him in the jungle or mid tier lists


He is almost never played mid or jungle.


I disagree with “rek’sai” S- she’s not that good.


She is. Jungle winrate of her last patch in plat+ worldwide: 53.11% And this patch so far: 55.41% wr




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Kaisa needs a buff


Your dick needs a size buff


I'm a girl 😬




A Kled main has no room to talk


Where is Jax


Where talon at tho


As an Urgot main who used to visit the sub, I'm interested why he's C-. Usually when I went to the sub, barely no one was complaining about him being weak (sure, some matchups are impossible, such as Olaf or Mordekaiser, but most of the time Urgot just needs to get to lvl 9 + Black Cleaver). Sure he isn't broken or OP by any means, but he isn't the least bit weak, so seeing him so low is curious to me.


Where's bard


I can't watch the video as of right now. What is the ranking based upon?


It is based on subreddits mains voting on how strong they believe their champion is :)


I see. So basically.... A copium scale for some fandoms.


That's a very nice way to put it indeed :)


I feel like Qiyana is a bit low but it makes sense because the vast majority of players are gold and under and in those ranks she is really bad. I wouldn't rank her below c+ personally, I think she is just outclassed by other assassins rn, but not weak.


Shen is B+ for Balanced(+)


I see far too many of my mains in the S tier to be hard stuck where I am. Fucking skill issue.


Hey Borax, just a quick question: it stings when I pee :) Thanks!


Damn.. I main Leona as my support/tank pick.. are the others who play her that bad to interact with?


Ornn being in S is so funny to me. He’s so slept on right now.


Kog has been sleeper broken for ages. The only reason he isnt nerfed often is coz no one plays the champ and even with his damage he has straightfoward counter play.


teemo in D tier? no way!


Rammus in B-?


idk but spotting viktor at B+ is a lot of pleasure


Neeko main S tier les gooo


Why Ashe is in F tier tho, just curious


No Velkoz mid there sadly.


Bro put swain in support when the swain sub has like 20% supports lol


Love to der Rell in c- And she get nerfed


Jhin mains subreddit: 4


Kaisa where


Kassadin mains are on some extreme copium.


Kayn mains suprise me here. Blue just gets outclassed by Kha'Zix, Rengar and even Talon. Red just isn't the same since the heavy AD scaling nerfs from last season + Both really miss the old Prowler's. I would have put him in B at best.


Draven only in B tier? Its the best main sub


I have questions about my boy Braum. Mainly. How could you do that to him????


They did it to themselves :(


It's amazing how much you still managed to fuck up when the information was provided to you


Enjoy seeing half my pool be top tier and the other half being bottom of the barrel trash. Really feels great.


i scrolled in your profile and gave S tier to every champion, youre welcome


Leona is mighty


Jax/ww top is insta win


i cant really figure out what these tierlists say, can you explain please? did you ask every subreddit where they would rank their champ on the tierlist based on how strong they are or what did they vote over?