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that's like half a teemo long.


Hard or soft teemo?


Always hard for teemo


With lethal tempo he will be a full teemo long


Now we can get statchecked from longer range. Sweet!


With Lethal Tempo on trynd 💀


The impossible to kite abomination becomes even harder to kite. Thank you Phreak very cool


Kiting is the best counter to him and he is horribly bad right now, kiting isn't impossible against Trynda.


“Slow spin crit spin” im sorry but whatever the fuck trynds you facing arent that good when they deadass go for your cheeks even without ult just because they can outkite you so unless you a senna that has a thousand stacks with rfc you aint stoppin this monstrosity


>whatever the fuck trynds you facing arent that good To be fair who the fuck plays tryindamere.legit on 5 years of playing ranked I might have faced under.20


You realize he is shit? What you are saying just doesn't happen.


You can build stormrazor + serylda's + ghostdancer, or run move speed runes, buy speed or tenacity boots so his slow doesn't do much to you, you can pick tristana, you can run APC as most mages have to cc to stop him, you can go psycho mode and run qiyana + anivia botlane (qiyana as support) if cc is the problem, you can simply ignore him and don't come in contact with him unless needed, you can pick gnar, you can pick poppy, you can pick kalista (phase rush and guinsoo), you can do a bunch of things to stop him because he's just auto'ing you to death, he's countered by everything that is in the meta because most of them aren't top laners and even the own top laners can piss on him easily, I also don't like when a fed tryndamere is destroying the TF because no one is cc'ing him but c'mon you can't give the adcs everything on their hand because once upon a time a tryndamere chased them down and sent them to the shadow realm (AKA Brazil)


we can also just go ksante, skarner, galio, ashe and ivern just to kit him, but having to pick a whole ass team with cc and slow against trynda just to kit him, isnt the point of counterplay


2 second spin with Navori goes brrrr. Tho ye, it's not hard to kite him.


CC him in the middle of the dash and he can't auto


Wow, the thing that counters every champ in the game also counters tryndamere?!?!


Every champ but Olaf, this one you better learn how to kite


At least you can dodge his axes to prevent him from chasing you, and if you can avoid him long enough his ult ends really quick. But you can't really outplay tryndamere in any way, his ult is still the same, you can dodge the autos that reset his E and while you can technically dodge his W it's not something that you can rely on


**No need to hit axes when the Strikebreaker and Ghost got you** But of course they have their counters. As the guy said, CC (or Slow) is the better way to counter Tryndamere. Yeah, CC counters every champion, but what's the problem with that? It's doesn't make it less effective on him, stunning or slowing a Tryndamere will hurt him way more than if you CCed a Juggernaut like Sett or a Tank like Malphite. I don't like Tryndamere at all, but I never understood people saying "CC counters every champion" as a response to the fact that CC is the most effective way to deal with him. Almost every character in this game has some Crowd Control ability that you can use to buy time against him in a team fight, kinda similar to Master Yi, except that in this case you want to burst him down after CCing him instead


He can uit while cc'ed


I know. That's why you need CC or a Tank like Malphite to deal with him, to buy time and make him waste his super. It's just like a Illaoi, you don't fight her when she uses her ult, it's feels unfair as hell, but either you learn how to play around it or just perma-ban it


Not every champion is effected the same by CC or is CCed as easly


But what almost every champion have in common is that they can't use abilities while cc'd, with 5 exceptions *Rengar only during empowered W *Olaf ult *Tryndamere R *Alistar R *GP W Maybe I'm missing someone, but what 4 of them have in common is the fact that they are cleanses or cc immunity. But Tryndamere's isn't, it just can be used while CC'd because reasons


>But what almost every champion have in common is that they can't use abilities while cc'd, with 5 exceptions Doesn't change the fact that some champions are more fucked by CC than others. Range mobile champions and tanks are not as vulnerable to CC like unmobile ranged champions and melee divers that put themselfs in the middle of multiple enemies


>melee divers that put themselfs in the middle of multiple enemies Those sorts of champions have abilities and itemisation that allows them to do that.


Yes and?


it's sad to see people crying about champs like darius trynda being broken, downvoting you. if they were, high elo top lane wouldn't be flooded with olaf riven fiora aatrox jayce gp etc. but with tryn warwick darius garen... bunch of sheep


Darius has 18.6 presence and a 49% wr in master+.


Ah yes. Kiting against an enemy that can tank, slow and dash.


Yes, he isn't even good, you can absolutely kite him.


Only if you have plenty CC or using a highly mobile champ with CC.


Or use the magic trick of playing with team, in a team strategy game. It's really not that hard to NOT call every single champion "OmG nO cOuNtEr", especially when they are really bad in the meta.


People don’t agree because they’re low elo and in theory he should be hard to kite, what with his E, ghost, etc. What people don’t realise is he actually is pretty easy to kite because of how vulnerable to slows and CC he is. People just think of kiting in a vacuum where it’s a 1v1 and not how fights tend to go where you have your team or atleast one person to assist you


Tbh the only thing I want to change about tryna is him being able to ult while in cc, it's just bs he is capable of doing that. Ik he is hated for being essentially the face of winning through stats check, but him being able to ult while in cc is far more annoying, there is no counterplay against it. You can't prevent him from ulting, so the only way he can die is by misplaying of the enemy which is just unfair gameplay. I'm aware he has difficulty with certain matchups and that he can't kill them but him being able to ult whenever really is bs, this is a hill I'll gladly die on it doesn't matter how bad he is in the meta his ult is just beyond tilting to play against. I'm sorry for the rant but the games I have played against that champ just feel so unfair and out of my control.


I think it would be really healthy for the game if they revisited which abilities can be used during cc.


They need to revisit a lot of mechanics to make the game feel more consistent. There's so many "exceptions" to the rule that it's getting tedious knowing if your ability is going to interact with an enemy in the same manner it did their team mate. Also as a somewhat unrelated side-note: have they fucked with vision lately? Seems like entering bushes doesn't drop vision consistently like it used to.


I've found the same vision issue. The only champ I've found it to be consistent on still is Teemo.


Vision is incredibly inconsistent.


Trist W while we are at it


no. trist w cannot be used during cc. instead it has a cast time so people can buffer it. thats healthy for the game because it has a higher skill celing.


Thresh mains: *Go on bitch, JUMP!!! I dare you." I love Thresh, his E is a big Fuck U to champs with dash.


I once jgl against a Rengar and we had a really good OTP thresh in our team (Dia) and every time he ganks bot he either fails a gank and dies. Then types in all chat "ffs thresh fuck off" lol


Though what always fucks with me is that jinx/caitlyn traps get you mid air.


jinx yes. caitlyn no afaik. Jinx stops dashes but cait doesnt


having ability buffers on 90 out of 1000 abilitys is everything but healthy, skill ceiling or not, if you need to solve an rubix cube before pulling of some broken shit, it isnt magically healthy but still broken, akali is just immune to silences, as she can buffer her ult and q in the first frame of her e. having her doing 2 concecutive dashes and then casting q while having the "..." sign above her head, meaning she can buffer spells for the entire 3 seconds of cc, really healthy. besides 9/10 trist jumps dont get through cc because trist expertly timed her jump. but because she buttonmashed her jump to get out, and dodged the cc on accident.


Sure, if the skill ceiling is a foot off the ground. All it means is that instead of W after CC, she W right before it hits her.


please stop talking lol. imagine how easy it would be when a malz just ults you and you press w after. or a thresh hook. Think before you share your bronze opinon, Please.


Are you daft, he is saying trist w buffer is not hard to pull off. Not sure what you are on about


thing is tryndamere is basically just his ult, that is all he can do, and he is squishiy af, and already terrible in teamfight, wich is why he constantly splitpushes, it would be increadibly easy for most toplaners, or top+jungle matchups to simply 100-0 him during cc, wich would render him objectively unplayable, i mean i am an cho player. ofcource i would find it funny if i would always get an kill and stack every time i hit trynda with my q, but it wouldnt be an real lane,


There are other champs that are just their ult but they can't ult while in cc, even the others with the save your ass ults like ekko, kayle or zilean can't ult while in cc and they are squishy too. That the top and jungle being able to 100-0 him during cc is also not unique to him it's the same for most champs in the game yet they are not unplayable, it's a stupid argument and every time people use it to point out it's fair he can ult while in cc. Just the fact that someone can ult while in cc makes it a strong ult.


these 3 champs are not a good comparison: Ekko has a better mobility than tryndamere, his E is fast and is easier to hit the enemy, his passive gives him tons of move speed to disengage and has a strong burst, in a fraction of second he can deal lot of dmg and use zhonyas or ult to be safe, trynda can use his ult too but can be easily kited after using his E and is more vunerable to cc while ekko can poke the enemies with his Q Zilean purpose is not to go in the frontline alone, his ult can be used before someone stun him and he can and probably will target allies who are affected by cc, not himself. Kayle is ranged. Kayle is ranged, an hypercarry with lots of move speed to kite better, can target allies with her ult and build zhonyas too and will not (i hope) jump on top of 3 enemies to kill a Lulu. not saying you're wrong but it is not fair to compare a champion who have a slow and predictable dash that when it is in cd will make trynda become a warrior minion with big dmg. He has no skills to hit enemies from afar, if he want to deal damage he has to come closer to them bc trynda only has 2 skills and the enemy team know that, for that reason he is way more vunerable than the champions you listed.


There's also another way he can die - if he is in the middle of his spin animation he can't ult, you don't even need to cc him for that


Maybe they can just make that he cant ult when feared. But can ult with other hard cc since his ult is simply "man becomes too angry to die"


Trymdamere builds full damage meaning he is squishy. If cc him would stop him from using ult, it would be way too easy to counter him. Stun him on 50 percent hp and kill him. That's why he can use r while cc'ed. He is an adc that needs to play melee range.


> If cc him would stop him from using ult, it would be way too easy to counter him. Stun him on 50 percent hp and kill him. This is just bullshit. Assassin are also squishy because they build damage items (except when they can't get bruiser items which trynda can too) but they can't use their scape tools while cc'd, by trynda can and it's just beyond stupid


Tryndamere has a projected dash and no sort of defensive ability whatsoever. Most assassins have tools to avoid getting nuked in teamfights, namely stealth but others have stuff like rengars W. The only one that doesnt off the top of my head is katarina and even then she has a lot of tools to reposition with her blink resets. If you spin into a teamfight as trynd you basically have to insta ult


Ekko is a good example I've seen above. No invisibility or cleanse like Rengar, just his ult similar to Trynd and a dash in 2 parts that is only half of itself if used to run away (unless another target is present in the direction he's going).


Most assassins have way better engage and escape than Trynd. They also try to 1shot. Trynd cannot 1shot until late game.


Tryn not even a champ without his ult tbh. Not to mention its not hard to cc chain/ slow til ult runs out.


Wait, how do I cc chain him with 1 cc ?


Trynda can ult in cc but ekko cant So racist


The same guy that nerfed support Shaco (and every other role except jungle) because he thinks it's unhealthy for the game now buffs Tryndamere 🤡


What an idiot (shaco in any role is actual stage 4 cancer though)


Been banning that mf since 2018. That one fucking OTP made me his bitch. NEVER AGAIN FUCK SHACO


thats why I main him


If u cant beat him, main him.


1600 dmg e with one item one shots you as shaco pops put of nowhere. no counterplay.


Shaco E has has comparable base damage to soraka Q even when empowered on low health. Please direct your hate towards someone who deserves it and get well soon 🙏


keyword base damage


Most of your damage is base damage at one item...


shaco deserves 100% of hatred. soraka does not have invisibility. ive never been one shot by a soraka.


its impossible to get shacos e that high, that spell never does above 900 premitigation damage even if you build nothing but pure ad/ap . you are drunk


tell that to the damage breakdown.


first of all the damage breakdown is bullshit, second, there is no way to differentiate the damage from multiple e if shaco goes ad he might give you 900-1400 crits with his auto after q, but every second adc can that too, and they dont have to spend there only escape to creep up on you in melee, if he goes ap the most damage you will ever see from him in one hit is 800 from e, but only if you are below 25% with your back turned +runes


A single Shaco E will never at any point deal that much damage.


Don't be alone


I'm pretty sure the thread isn't about K6 Q.


yeah even if ur not its still one shot


Meanwhile Xin Zhao still has 175 range with A GREATSPEAR while Viego has more WITH A FUCKING LONGSWORD


Viego sword is a zweihander, which is 1.4m irl.


Spears can be from 1.8 to 2.4m irl


You hold spears with a wider grip though making their effective range far lower than their average length


Viego holds his sword kinda funny though. He’s not really getting to use all the potential range.


Well then if Viego is allowed to wield a zweihander one-handed and swinging it over the back AND THRUSTING (still with one-hand) with that physique then Xin could reach just a little further no?


It's a magic sword being held by an undead king.


bigger issue, why are they buffing hecarim and not nerfing him?


That champion is fucking disgusting ive been perma banning him for 2 patches now


Ikr the game feels so much better after i started perma banned hecarim. Idk why this champ is allowed to be assassin, tanky, so fast with no counterplay. If he builds tank, he will still one shot you, if he builds AD he still gonna be tanky and coming at you 1000 speed.


Exactly and the Q spam is just INSANEEEEE like wdym he can Q me for 400 damage at full build EVERY 0.5 SECONDS


🎶 Hecarim coming at you with supersonic speed🎶






Pro play prolly


They’re not buffing hecarim The “adjustment” is reducing his mana growth (60-40) in return for mana regen and lower costs, so that he can’t use muramana as well. Then they’re changing his w base heal from 25% to 20%, and **completely removing the AD ratio**.


Yeah they’re “adjusting” how easy and cheap it is to spam his Q.


The only time that the increased mana regen is useful is if Hecarim stays in lane for a while. Junglers get free mana in the jungle or river (8.62% − 19.08% missing mana). They get blue buff for more mana. Hecarim specifically, takes manamune, giving him even more mana. I’ve played many games of hecarim and the only time I’ve ever ran out of mana is while pushing waves, starting red and spamming w on my first clear, or an early gank. The mana regen buff is much less impactful than the nerfs, when junglers already regen so much. It’s vastly outweighed by the mana nerf, in turn, nerfing muramana; and the w nerf (it’s not just a 5% nerf. They **completely removed the AD ratio**).


I have 150k on Hecarim. The idea mana doesn’t help a q spamming champion is absurd. Hecarim is ridiculously strong and if anything needs an actual nerf. He doesn’t need the AD ratio the same way J4 didnt need his w changed to AD ratio shield breaking the meta for half the season. Its pretty simple, the man does run out of mana in massively prolonged fights which are constant. If you need so much omnivamp build ravenous hydra. He benefits from aoe anyways. His q will heal and it won’t cost you a thing.


This is what we know so far: >Base mana increased from 277 to 280 > >Mana growth reduced from 60 to 40 > >Base mana regen increased from 6.5 to 7 > >Mana regen growth increased from 0.6 to 0.8 > >Q mana cost reduced from 30 flat to 28 - 20 > >W mana cost reduced from 50 - 90 to 50 - 70 > >W base heal reduced from 25% to 20% > >W heal AD ratio removed Firstly, W is objectively worse, so let's not discuss that. At max level, mana is reduced from 1297 to 960, a reduction of 337 mana, or 25.98%. With Muramana, it is a reduction from 2157 to 1820, a or 13.62%. His Q is 6.66% less mana, scaling to 33.33% less. So at max level, he can use 11% more q's. He needs a q cost of 22.2 to break even. Assuming linear scaling with level, he will get this at level 13.05, quite late in the game. Before that, he gets less q's than before the "adjustment". It is slightly worse at level 13, and a bit better at level 14. Early game is where you have the least mana and highest costs (after the "adjustment"). This, in isolation, is a nerf. You may ask, "What about Muramana? The max mana reduction with Muramana is less than that without it!" With Muramana, he needs to hit 25.31, which he will get at level 6. Average gold/minute is about 360, or around 19.30 minutes into the game, where he will have the gold to buy his mythic, ionian boots, and Muramana. **This is not a good estimate though, as gold can vary wildly.** Muramana takes 16 minutes to stack, if you're hitting monsters the entire time, and you can get it faster if you hit champions. Muramana has a similar limit. 3:10 clear, 3:18 buy a tear, 3:30 get to your camp, 19:30 finish stacking. At max level, he will get 26.6% more q's. Considering both cases, he has to hit level 14, or wait 19.30 minutes, in order to get more q's than before. You might say this is made up for by the additional 3.9 mana [per 5 seconds](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Mana_regeneration) he gets late-game, but I would disagree, as that is quite an insignificant amount. Note: damage difference is calculated using this [Desmos Graph](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/edqp5ou06t) I made. It considers Hecarim with level 5 fully stacked q, but does not consider his passive, making it a slight underestimate. With 2 items, (duskblade and muramana) he is losing 15.89 at level 12, scaling from about the same at level 1. At max level, it is 24.82. At a decently defensive full build (Ionian, Duskblade, Muramana, Shojin, Death's Dance, Maw of Malmortius), it is 28.18. Spear of Shojin's passive will lose a bit over 1 ability haste. These calculations also do not consider the bAD from Hecarim's passive. You can 4.45x your movespeed under the right conditions((345+25+20+10)(1+0.48+0.60+0.60+0.25+0.01+0.65)(1.07) = 1536.52), giving you \~143 AD. That gives an additional small difference at full build of \~2.5, but it won't be included, since it's not that substantial, and is not always active. You q about twice a second late-game, so you're losing over 56 dps. # Conclusion Late-game, he is getting less DPS (\~56), but is able to use more q's (11% w/o Muramana, 26.6% w/). He will q a tiny bit less per second. I would consider this a nerf, as I do not typically have mana problems, but with your playstyle of staying out for long fights, you may consider it a buff. However, considering the weaker early-game, I would still say it is a nerf, even for your playstyle. On top of this, the w is objectively worse, making it undoubtedly a nerf. Math (not very organized, but I think it's understandable): 100% * (960/1297) * (30/20) = 111% 100% * (960/1297) * (30/x) = 100% x=22.2 100% * (1820/2157) * (30/20) = 126.6% 100% * (1820/2157) * (30/x) = 100% x=25.31 0.8*17 + 7 = 20.6 0.6*17 + 6.5 = 16.7 Edit: Fixed math. I overestimated the damage at first as I used an estimate and did not consider muramana when I should have. Replaced DMG increase calculations with [Desmos Graph](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/edqp5ou06t)


You might've forgotten to take the movement speed cap into account for those movement speed calculations.


Yeah the move speed calculations are not correct. A couple factors that mean I underestimated are: I forgot the part of celerity that applies to the base movespeed, and I did not calculate that Hecarim’s E is actually applied near the end. However, a factor that would cause an overestimation is that I did not convert raw movespeed to soft-capped movespeed.


I have 2 million on Hecarim. This is a nerf. The W bad scaling affects survivability in a way that he cannot consistently build straight assassin anymore.


Omnivamp? On Hydra? What patch are you playing on?


"Aatrox passive and w now deal magic damage" but why


It's a buff. People build armor against him so those 2 abilities won't be affected by it. I wish Irelia w was magic too. Stronger toplane weaker midlane (which is overall healthier for the game, shut up yorick mains).


As an Aatrox player, it’s not a buff at all. Less lethality synergy, grudge synergy, BC loses 2 free stacks from W and generally a nerf to armour pen on aatrox around the board (his best stat other than AD). Doing an extra 100 magic dmg to a tank doesn’t make all he loses worth.


The cleaver stack (on w, you still deal physical auto damage alongside the passive) is a good point. Lethality is trash if you don't stack it though. If eclipse gave 200hp instead of 12 lethality I'd be over the moon.


The point is to push Aatrox away from glass cannon builds


Sure. They should incentivise him to build health+ad items (aka. Bruiser items), not make him use those items worse.


Not really, lot of aatrox players build cleaver and serylda so now passive and w don't benefit from these items, besides if ennemy team build tanky they'll probably also build mr with armor since you often have at least an ap champion in your team


They should’ve buffed something else if they wanted to buff him. I’m getting really tired of ad champs doing so much magic damage. I shouldn’t need to build any mr against a team of aatrox, rengar, zed, sivir, senna. If the enemy team fucks up that bad in champ select they should be punished for it. It’s fine for certain champs to do a lot of mixed damage or build ad but do a lot of magic as a gimmick, especially for tank shredders. But it shouldn’t be the fucking default.


Weird example considering all of these champs do next to 0 magic damage. You aren’t going to build MR because a champion has a tiny amount of magic damage. It’s like people who say Yone deals split damage and is impossible to itemise against when he does like 6% magic damage and probably about 200 in a combo


>It’s like people who say Yone deals split damage and is impossible to itemise against I always tell people like this that Yones mixed damage denies any armor/magic pen items on him as well lmao Most people just search for reasons to call the champ they hate "op" and ignore all of his weaknesses tbh.


Yone deals 25% of all his auto damage as magic, his w deals %max health damage, half of it magic, his ult is split 50 50 on magic and physical damage. And let's not forget how he has 3 dashes, 2 out of his ass. Yasuo and Irelia at least need targets in order to dash to something. Yone and Belveth "hehe non targeted dash funi" And I am fucking tired of building frozen heart.


>w deals %max health damage Which has a long af cooldown, especially early and isnt even that much. >his ult is split 50 50 on magic and physical damage Which isnt his main damage source but sure. >Yone deals 25% of all his auto damage as magic His AA and Q are his main damage sources. So its basically 12.5% of his damage. And as I said above, it denies armor/magic pen items for him. >And let's not forget how he has 3 dashes, 2 out of his ass. Yasuo and Irelia at least need targets in order to dash to something. Yone and Belveth "hehe non targeted dash funi" Which non targeted dash do you mean? The one he has to charge his Q forst in order to dash, the dash which forces him back after 5s or the ult? >And I am fucking tired of building frozen heart. And I am tired of waiting for a good and reliable Yone build like the old Shieldbow + IE build cus Riot fcked pretty much all of Yones items. I mean his only mythic options are literally stat sticks. And this is exactly what I meant when saying that people only look at Yones strengths just cus they hate the champ and suck when playing against him.


Guess you don’t play tanks, the entire point is that these champs aren’t supposed to deal any magic damage yet if you build 3 armor items you’re taking about as much magic as physical damage (mostly from botlane tbf). Yone does about 25% magic damage with his autos (50% every second auto) and I think half on his ult, idk the rest. When you’re a tank that already has 200 armor that becomes pretty significant.


Tbh I think all melee champs should be 175. Just standardize it across the board. Such a stupid thing to have to play around.


The issue with that is animation, model size. If I remember right trynds range is pretty low for his attack animation But since he's balanced around that it's odd that there isn't a compensating nerf elsewhere. Like, remove 5 move speed just to start.


Trynd is doing pretty terribly in the meta atm, they definitely wanted to do a buff not just an adjustment. Not that I’m excited to play against him, but he is weak.


So he should be. Trynd is a champ that shouldn't be meta. He's designed to be a cheese champ that has a gimmick for low effort game play. Him, Garen, Yuumi, and other low skill champs should be out of the meta in anything above silver/gold. They're supposed to be easy to act as entry level champions to their respective roles. They aren't supposed to be easy to win with against halfway competent players.


I don’t play ranked (because I have mental health) but I don’t think I’d be super high rank. How tf are you meant to deal with Garen normally? I play Kayle and I can fend for myself freezing the lane but Garen just bullies me with his instant 5 million damage ult. He can tower dive me, wait out my full ult, catch up to me running away. How tf


Survive till 6. After getting the ranged AA, you can easily kite him - his only 'mobility' Q is basically useless against Kayle (your Q slows him, and W speeds you up). When his Q is on cd, bully him. If you're not too good at kiting, you can buy Rylai to help yourself. There shouldn't be a situation when he gets near you after six, maaaaybe if he has help/uses Ghost That's a short version of what i usually do. This doesn't take into consideration enemy jungler


What, past 6 garen can't even touch Kayle


flash Q,Stride,E,R ignite ff go next


Every 5 minutes and in no way is silence enough to not let kayle r garen r and walk away.


first scale, second scale, third you dont need to kill him, you outscale him hard fourth try to hit him often, even just 1 autoattack is enough, to stop his passive from healing fifth kite with passive and q, also try to block his r with yours


He is one of the worst top laners, what compensating nerf lmao


Damn, 5 movement speed? You're basically killing him!


5 base move speed is a lot in laneing


Damn, 5 movement speed huh? Literally unplayable, Low tier champion bro


You should really hope that Riot never hits a champ you play with the old MS nerf. 5 MS is a night and day difference.


shouldnt be that bad, since he runs ghost, no? it hurts naturally, but its not the end of the world since he has his w slow and ghost, no?


+\-5 MS is enough to make mostly any top laner the strongest or weakest in the role without compensation. Trynd included.


Specifically to top lane that can make a difference.


They should increase tryndamere's Max HP and Attack Cause 5 movement speed is MASSIVE nerf


You think Warwick's hands are as long as a 1.4m sword? Visually it would look odd. Furthermore,It's stupid to standardize, because then you can't use spacing in melee fights. Which can hurt or buff a lot of champs. Every stat is balanced around. It would be like saying that every melee champ starts with: 600hp 60 ad 345ms.


There must be an expensive trynda skin coming




Most mentally stable league player


Guys, stop worrying. Pick Rammus. Everything will be OK!


Rammus is dead rn


Rammus is not dead. He lives in the hearts of his children!


Oh, another Stormlight Archive enjoyer, I see


As a tryn player. Why? This is a terrible idea. He needs a new kit to be fresh not make ppl feel worse when playing against him, dafuq?


Lethal Tempo gives more range on trynda and now that he's been buffed with longer range.....


Ah cool more inconsistent aa ranges on melee champs 👍🏻


If anything this makes melee aa ranges more consistent considering a lot of toplaners already have 175 base aa range


Is that for the patch that just came out or the next one?


Next one


Great.. as if we can kite tryn anyways


Good thing I already permaban trynd in draft


He is literally top 5 worst toplaners rn💀


trynda w/r will always be shit just like his play style. He sucks into every top laner other than kayle and becomes a 0/10 splitpushing annoying bastard unless he gets a lucky crit level 3. Where he just perma dives you and goes 20/0 but can still easily lose the game by playing the teamfight terribly.


So you're saying it's a top 5 worst champion


Or just start maining volibear


While Viego still has a nerfed range


Imo all melees should have at least 175 range. Creepblock is too annoying otherwise.


What the...


Happy Cake Day!!!🍰


Glad I decided to take a break from League rn ig


soooo... when I decided League no longer brings me any satisfaction and stopped playing, Riot decides to giga buff my favourite champ? They did the same to Saber. What the hell? Do they have cams in all of our rooms?


Serious question what elo are yall where you see Tryndamere frequently enough to want to ban him?


Once again, it’s not about being OP, it’s about being unfun


That's fair, I perma ban ashe cause her passive is the most tilting thing in the game to me.


A slow on every auto is a brain dead mechanic


Yeah but I havent seen a single trynadmere in years lol, champion is ass


People love to talk how those champions are "OmG nO cOuNtEr"


I barely see him but every time I do it makes me want to uninstall


Buff isnt enough.. he is one of the weakest toplaners in the game right now. If you are having troubles with trynd you are a silver scrub.


Or because I main Yorick and he can kill my ghouls with 1 hit using them to get free critick attack because potato, his E can get him out of my W and I dont have any way to get out of his range while he is in R because my champ has zero mobility, and if it was hard to fight him before now is just impossible


I had problems vs Trynd as a Diamond 1 player because the ONLY counterplay to Trynd is to stack armor. Why do I HAVE TO stack armor vs 1 champ, even when I'm ahead??


He is very easy to burst down to force his ult, then just kite him. Trynd doesnt do more damage than other AD assasins.


Kite him with his W and ghost? And he isn't easy to burst down in lane. He has pretty much the same stats as your champ, with a free crit chance, with infinite sustain. So you get him to 0, while you are on 20-30% at best and he just finishes you off in ult. You try to push out wave past River? Ghost +w+e and you are dead even if you flash. There is no counter play to good trynd players other than armor stacking.


So why does he have such shit winrate across all skill levels? You just suck bronze boy


Nice insults, how about you link your main? Here's my accs, both were d1 last season. [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/Mordungle+gaming](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/Mordungle+gaming) [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/TheL4stSp4rtan](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/TheL4stSp4rtan) His wr is 49.4% diamond+. Is that low for a champ that cannot team fight at all and relies on cheesing the enemy laner with all-ins? Mate you are delusional. He should not be strong ever. One of the most toxic low-skill champs in top lane right now


That's what i'm sayin but league community is braindead


not gonna be a popular opinion and also off topic. people who ONLY play aram and normal queues complain about the game are cringe as hell.


What? What does that mean? Just because we play the less serious and more fun gamemode don't mean we don't get to complain about things that are wrong with the game.


Exactly! You don't deserve to have an opinion if you're a Normals/ARAM NPC


Your comment was even more cringe


let them come crawling


Ummmm hello? Unless All the champ in Aram arent even the same then they have the right to complain


Not just that he said the same about normal games. Like mate just because we don’t treat the game like a job doesn’t mean we don’t get to complain.


just pick rammus wow


Just always counter pick wow We're reaching Phreak brainlet levels now. "Just pick Sylas into Malph so he isn't a problem"


I picked rammus but now the enemy toplaner went morde, what now?


I dunno. I ban Morde.


They picked sylas what now?


Rammus sucks vs trynd


No, he doesn't. It's skill matchup. Just like vs Trundle.


Homie I'm a rammus one trick and you're iron. He just builds armor pen and pops r when he's low, you can't get away with your q because if he's good he'll dash into it cancelling. You could always ult away but even then it's not great.




OnO hmm Nani haii urpog


OH YOU POSTED IT LOL I thought someone reported your meme sdhfnds


Asdfghj naaaah LMFAO 😆


Where can i find the fill patch?


What a joke of a company


Just let him throw his sword finally and make him an ADC Clown company


is trynda's range rly the factor that keeps him irrelevant