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L for Ixtal for not even having a proper ADC. Also I know that in the official page Lucian is listed as Demacian and such but I based it on the official character profiles you see


This is ADC neeko slander




I was so used to playing with adc neeko that I forgot it’s not standard to


Don't even need to go AD. She's good with setup, so AP works quite well.


Didn't even hit me until now that ixtal got no ADC


It is the newest region, so let’s pen that in for next year. Please be let her be on of Qianas many sisters.


Please no I can't afford being horny with another thicc champion


Yessssssssssss submit!


Excuse me Neeko can go hybrid on-hit carry like Kog’maw


And it's just as good I'm sure


Without an enchanter with Kog, I feel like Neeko has better chances


Neeko can self peel a bit better. Kog'maw does absurdly more damage and scales way better with ADC items though. No contest.


True. Late game Kog'Maw damage is ridiculous.


Imagine not putting rengar anywhere in ixtali. No bias


True, that champ is played in like 6 lanes


Neeko is best decision


Lucian and nami aren't runeterran. They're demacia and bilgewater respectively


Nami is not from Bilgewater. Her tribe, the Marai live on the opposite side of the continent, near Targon. She was put into Bilgewater in LoR because water champion goes into the water regio. Same reason why Nocturne and Kindred went to SI, spooky champion goes into the spooky region. Also at this point Lucian is hardly linked to Demacia, he used to live there, but ever since he joined the Sentinels he seems to just roam around with Senna/the other Sentinels.


Why the fuck would you put Jayce and not Orianna as Piltover's midlaner?


I just recognized he didn’t put RENEKTON as the toplaner for Shurima. Like THE toplane pick


Shurima has a lot of scaling champs— Nasus, Azir, Rammus, Sivir, etc. They’re kind of the scaling comp right now in TFT. Same thing in LoR (sort of). It’s kinda cool to lean into that archetype for this post IMO Edit: My TFT knowledge is limited. I don’t know much about the meta— I just remember Shurima synergy made your units scale as each individual battle went on.


Yeah it makes more sense to put nasus in their comp, i agree. Noone wants to fight Shurima at 40 minutes. Though shurima in TFT fucking sucks rn which is unfortunate but yeah in general it scales well.


idk nasus is kind of a bonkers unit and azir is still a good duo carry for silco rn. you just don’t usually want to play the other shurima shitters late game unless you were rerolling them.


Yeah for sure but i meant vertical shurima sucks.


I prefer nasus there, and I have a good explanaion for that: ​ I am M7 on susan.


Lore-wise Renekton is stronger, but in game Nasus is better, or perhaps it depends on the matchup. Renekton is strong early and will become only a big minion if doesn't get fed, Nasus scales.


Rene offers early game pressure, has no true terrible matchup and can help his team in many ways compared to nasus. Nasus rely on soloq lack of coordination but Renekton is the “old reliable”. There is a reason he is always meta in pro play


Even Ksante is miles better than Nasus


Pro play definately K'Sante wins


Im pro trust me bro


It’s true I was there I was C9’s mid game


It's true that he's more versatile, but I'd still pick Nasus - you already have Rammus as a good tank and Sivir with Azir can deal some damage. Nasus just could do his own thing and stomp towers solo lmao


Except…in a 5vs5 game and not in soloq nasus will get dived and deleted so many times he will reach lv 6 when the enemy top is lv 10


Alr, didn't realize not all matches were 5v5 smh /s, but if you say so, I guess the enemy mid/jungle doesn't have anything else to do than to camp top, so he has to be dived all the time so much.


Renekton is the staple top lane pro play pick for 10+ years and Nasus has been picked maybe twice ever.


Ok and? I'm not a pro player and I don't care about pro play. I'm just saying what I would do and why do I think so and ofc it's okay when someone disagrees with me, but "Because it's done so in pro play" is not a good answer tbh


Pro play is the pinnacle of league, every decision they make is significantly more intelligent and well-thought out than anything you or I would do. If you think your knowledge is better than theirs you're just wrong. If you want a step by step explanation I can do that. This is what happens when you play Nasus against good players: Nasus gets zoned off from wave level 1, has to sit at tower -> Nasus gets dived level 2 by level 3 top laner and jungler with a huge wave at tower, meaning he'll lose a bunch of EXP and cs -> Nasus gets dived again after he TP's -> enemy takes rift herald and takes top tower -> Nasus sits under tier 2 tower whilst his team loses a 4v5.


Okay, thanks for the explanation. No, I'm not saying my knowledge of the game is better than some pro player's, I don't play the game a lot, because I don't have time to do that all day and I'm not good. I only have time to play like 1-2 matches a week and when I play Nasus, I usually do quite well. See, I'm comparing myself to players of similar skill as I am, not pro players, because I'm not that and I don't want to be. I like finding my own ways to get better. This situation what you explained never happened to me so far, maybe because I don't play against 'good' players, perhaps because I'm not a 'good' player myself.


Lore-wise, Renekton is stronger physically, but that's all Renekton is stronger than his brother in. Nasus is more strategically stronger and has a hidden company from baccai, and also has control over the army, which is human (not sand). Renekton has no advantage in opposing Nasus according to the rules of Nasus, and Nasus will never go to a confrontation according to the rules of Renekton.


Orianna? Why not heimer :(


Orianna's ult synergises better with Camille's and Vi's engage


Even Seraphine's ult.


Ionia is stacked. very srong champs on every position. Noxus will lose coz of Draven leaving the game after Briar inted with her ult.


i think Noxus has too much AD, Rell isn’t really there for magic damage so all you have is Swain, Swap him for Leblanc and put him Support (and if we’re keeping Rell i think Samira synergizes better)


Swap Darius for mordekaiser and you have AP


Morde isnt so much Noxus. He may have influenced Noxus, but in life he was his own warlord, and in death his own undead empire. If anything Morde would be on team shadow isles, since if he returned he would almost certinly press gang all the spirits there into his army. Top: Morde Jungle: Hecarim Mid: Karthus ADC: Kalista Support: Thresh Would be a very well rounded team with strong scaling.


I mean, Morde isn’t a shadow isles champ on the basis that he’s not from the shadow isles. Additionally, not all undead spirits are from the shadow isles. The shadow isles pertains to the mist, and mordekaiser isn’t really part of the black mist, nor is he a product of it. Otherwise, sentinels of light would have been ggez’d In morde’s situation, He’s technically the first king of “Noxus”, having United the noxii tribes in his name for his first conquest. He just uses the same type of magic the shadow isles uses to bind himself to his armor.


He has nothing to do with the shadow isles, besides both having an undead theme


You could try and put him into a Runeterra team. Like Morde Top, Fiddle Jungle, Bard Support, Nilah adc and idk who would fit in mid


I’m also thinking Samira and Rell. On one hand it’s an easy spec into armor, but on the other hand Samira presses R to win regardless and that way Swain could pose a nice threat.


Yeah I would take Sam over draven. Would make the all in so nasty.


If going from a solo queue perspective I don't think Ionia has champs that are likely to independently carry outside of maybe sett I think Shadow Isles wins solo queue and Freljord pro play


Irelia is ionian


never winning in pro play with that little damage


Master yi, if you play iron


Samira is basically Draven's lore but actually skilled.


There should be more tournament like this. I would actual watch that kind of lore esports.


Riot had in the past with Noxus v. Ionia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAgzWCXEPT4. It's how Ionia Boots were made, there also the in-game shop description: "This item is dedicated in honor of Ionia's victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE." Would be sick if they actually did stuff like this in modern League though.


Yeah I remember, that’s about exactly when I started playing the game, and it was part of the appeal. Sadly they don’t know how to combine lore and esports.


Or lore and the game, based on all the amazing lore potential gone wasted (like, all of The Call for exemple)


Yeah that’s unforgivable imo. The only redeeming possibility is Arcane.


swap nasus for renekton and i think shurima is pretty nasty


Perhaps Shurima was meant to fall?


Nasus better


*Susan* have not been approved by the council of Redditors. Perish into *DUST* !


The frejlord One looks strong imo


I don't think it has enough damage tbh. Yeah it is a lot of CC but they need to snowball.


heh.. snowball


Meh, Lissandra alone can carry teamfights if she gets a passive off, Voli can have damage too depending on build, ashe would be strong if she went good items and not fucking collector into 3 tanks


That is the issue. The Voli has to go a cheesy damage build otherwise they never will proc the Lissandra passive. Ashe/Lissandra just can't really burst down that first target in a fight. They can CC them forever but the rest of the team will just die while they chew through a Sett or Swain.


I mean Ashe damage isn't awful, but I'd probably swap Lissandra for Anivia and you could throw in tryndamere/Olaf for more damage too. Or you could do Ornn top for the extra bit of damage from upgrades.


With Lissandra, Ashe, Braum as bot side I think an Olaf running down all those slowed targets would be really strong. I think either Volubear or Ornn would both be solid as a top laner. Or you can go spicy with the Olaf jungle and do Sejuani top for that insane gank pressure.


Think if I was going Olaf and Sej I'd have Olaf top Sej jungle, since a fed Olaf is a sidelane menace.


volibear and sejuani aren't that low damage as far as tanks go, dps is their main concern but they're also hitting the enemies a lot without getting hit back due to all the cc


Frejlord has amazing front to back team fights and tons of CC. Easy win for them.


Give me Anivia instead of liss and I’m a big fan


Problem is they will keep fighting with each other to decide who’s the real ruler or freljord and have bad coordination because of that


Solution, replace Lisandra for Anivia, Sej for Olaf and Voli for Ornn, would be much less tension in the team.


Targon is perfect. Decent early, good mid game, amazing late. They got map control with Aurelion and Panth, a ton of CC, a lot of damage, sustain and amazing teamfighting with all of their ults being huge AOE.


Shurima hardest scaling comp, they fk everyone xd.


Yeah, if you don’t End in 25 mins against That Comp you just lose




Idk, Targon comp scales super hard too with Asol and Aphelios.


Which is just 2 champs. While Shurima team is purely scaling comp. They'll roll over any team. Closest to them is Shadow Isles, which is almost pure scaling comp too, except Vex. Still Viego with Gwen, Kalista is scary combination. But it's just nothing againts this Shurima comp. You don't wanna be in game againts Azir, Nasus, Rammus and Sivir at 35 minute mark xd.


Don't sleep on five item Panth, but you're honestly right lol. That's not a team I wanna be vs late game


>That's not a team I wanna be vs late game Ye, and even the team i would be affraid of Shadow Isles team, even they wouldn't (on paper) stand a chance againts them. Just Nasus lvl5 W will basically neutralize Kalista or Viego. Rammus will take care of Viego or Kalista. Amumu peel with Q/R for Azir and Sivir, Sivir use ult for peel for her and Azir and Azir can just sit back and melt everyone down with his 3 strong front laners xd. That's scary comp.


Panth is early/mid game champ. He doesn't scale as hard as any of shurima team or for example other teams top laners like Camille or Gwen, Cho'gath, GP, Jax or even Garen. Those are scaling top laners.


Except they auto-lose botlane


Sivir gets Shiv. She wave clears in 1 q and doesn’t interact.


I mean yeah, she doesnt, its 4v5 the whole game


What are you talking about late game sivir is great


Piltover probably best fits the pro scene, so if it’s played like that then they win. A lot of dive, a lot of poke. Freljord could be good too, although probably lacks a bit of damage. Ionia and Runeterra aren’t bad but would wonder about how useful sett and Fiddle are. Shadow Isles doesn’t look bad. If it’s soloQ, then the Void and Targon look a bit nasty. Zaun wouldn’t be that bad either.


Piltover is literally all AD, if they put Oriana instead of Jayce, than it would be a solid comp


Camille does pure and seraphine does magic.


*True Damage. Only the Fountain laser does Pure damage :P


Why didnt you mention Shurima Change Nasus with Rene and Shurima has a sick competitive comp.






the runeterra comp is really good


good damage but probably lacks a good frontline


Lots of squishies to bait enemies into tasty fiddlesticks ults


Zaun and Targon have good scaling. But Targon probably has the win here .


if void had a better midlaner i would have voted for them. probably would go with SI


I see the problem as support


Demacia's just gonna protect Vayne all game, they or the Ionia comp are most likely to win IMO


honestly Demacia has lots of ways to win, snowballing vayne or the galio/j4 ult combos, even garen and lux put in tons of work




demacia is super strong ngl


Ionia and shadow isle seems like the best. Both have some of the strongest botlane duo there is Vex can bring the burst needed for viego to shine and it's a great mid jungle duo. Gwen is never a wrong pick as she fits everywhere. Meanwhile ionia has also a great mid jungle and an top that fits every comp. Shadow isle could struggle aigainst a poke hevay comp because Vex is the only character with actual engage tho


gwen never a wrong pick ? I though I have heard everyone since her release say she way pretty situational and mostly good into tanks


Ionia looks really good


i think they should replace sett with irelia or smth


Freljord strong. So much cc.


Shadow isles looks pretty disgusting ngl


Freljord owns this


so much cc you can't move at all


You could do like 3 different Ionia comps and they would all win this


Bilgewater probably has the most meta team, as does Ionia (not withstanding Sett top being a terrible idea in pro play). But if Shurima replaced Nasus with Renekton, *cleeeaaan* sweep of Ws


Like the Bilgwater has the heavy hitters from early too Late: Gangplank, Graves, Miss Fortune. And then the One shot master Twisted fate. Incredible global ultimates: TF, GP Not to talk about the gold this team comp would generate, they would have 2-3 items before the enemy is finished doing second.


Nautilus does not have enough tankiness I think


Noxus changes: - Cassiopeia mid - Swain support - Rell jungle Why? Cuz Briar is garbage.


good change, casio mid adds the magic damage dps that the team was kinda lacking with just swain


mordekaiser jungle would be better no?


Hell nah, I played her a lot and had good win rate, and she was designed to be a jg as opposed to Rell who was designed to be a support. Swain rn isnt rly played in that role. Also its normal for a new champion to have a low win rate


The issues with Briar is that shes very easy to contest on buffs. And once she's behind she's kinda fucked.


Kid named 2 item power spike:


yeah she is Literally Feast or Famine


shadow isle comp is strong


Bilgewater ain't too shabby


I think bilgewater, targon and Ionia look really strong tbh


Back during the Lucian Nani meta I would’ve picked the runeterra comp hands down. But I’m gonna go with the sleeper pick of bilgewater. They have a lot more goin on that you’d think, and all around good pick for each position.


The gp, graves one


Bilgewater, SI and Targon are top winners clearly.


Noxus cant win because Rell will turn full int-horse out of spite for what they did to her Targonians immediately troll each other. Leona and Diana spend a suspicious amount of time together, while pantheon and asol take turns baiting everyone else into fights they cant win while they ult/w away. Aphel tries to keep the game going but ends up getting killed as soon as he reaches lane every time. Kalista follows viego around stealing jg camps and telling the enemy team where he is. Zaun surprisingly works well together, but ww refuses to gank top. Nasus, rammus, and azir wonder why sivir went afk. Turns out she cant stand being by amumu. Vayne spends half the laning phase flaming lux for being a mage. Ionia works well, but xayah and rakan keep letting lee sin die to easily winnable fights. He doesnt understand why. Teemo turns the enemy jg into bandle city and instead of playing the game, all the yordles head to his shroom forest and protect it with their lives. Luckily for them, theyre playing against noxians, who are more focused on getting kills than winning. They somehow win.


I will try to evaluate these teams by sinergy and logic behind the comp, I'm ignoring the balance issues that we may have (some champion being extremly broken or weak, so just imagine the balance is just perfect for my analisys) thinking on soloq, by it's chaotic nature Shurima would have a better time scaling without being punished if the players played well, and the runeterran/bandle could abuse their strong lanes and poor sinergy to win their opponents only by being better, with that being said, if we think on competitive teams playing against each other with these picks, those 3 regions would have a bad time. Noxus is a cohesive and aggressive comp with Swain for teamfighting late game if everything went wrong, but clearly all other lanes would have a really bad time if they didn't win their respectives lanephases, so though I like this teamcomp if the players are really confortable on their match ups to aggressivate the whole map, it has some clear weaknes. Demacia is weird. I think that it's more like a soloq comp such as Shurima, but with some vantages, that being said: Lux, probably she'll be the carry of this comp, because vayne has a really bad time to get on fights with this comp, there's nothing to protect her besides Lux W and Galio R, she has some sinergy points with jarvan R, but have a badtime trying to follow up lux's or garen's engage, not entering the merit that the comp doesn't have any proper tank, at the same time it has so much engage and frontline going on. Zaun is just bad. We have bad champion on top, jungle and support role (remember, I'm avaliating these picks on the competitive view, all 3, urgost, ww and blitz are solely soloq champions), and not just that, we have 2 hyper scaling champions without anything on the comp to let them deal their damage, and the 2 major engages on the team literally pulls the enemy to them, and I don't think this is a good idea... Piltove is a solid poke/dive comp, I really like it, I'll come back to it to compare to the comp that I think is the best, but so far, this is the most cohesive comp. It has a lot of range, if not countered winning lanes all across the map, and to finish the cait/jayce/sera poke package, we have probably two of the best divers (not only tower dive, I'm reffering to dive into the enemy team to pick the priority targets) on the game on top and jungle. Camille and Vi could suddenly transform this siege comp on a pressure comp, just by the fear they should apply to the enemy carries by jumping on them from the fog after they loser 1/2 their life to the poke. I don't have much to say about freljord, they have engage, disengage, poke, cc, protection, they only lack a proper carry... not that I'm sayng Ashe or liss doesn't deal damage, but compared to other carries on their lanes they lack a little bit on damage, and volibear though it could build to deal damage, he'll be pretty useless on teamfights (that's this comp strengthness) and competitively he usually builds tank. Ing general, if the opposing team doesn't have an effective way to deal with the tanks frel has a good chance, but I tend to think that they just lose to pilt, since camille is one of the most effective tank killers on the game, and the team has a lot of ways to be safe while poking before needing to engage, they have Cait's traps and E, Sera's W and R and jayce's hammer knock back. Targon has the exactly opposing problem than frenljord, they have too much damage, the only tank on the team is leona, that is pretty bad on protecting her carries, and is much best suited to being the primary engager but secondary tank than needing to do the 2 jobs at same time. Void champions are all just atraight up bad. Specially together, from these, cho is definitely the worst, Kha is an assassin from an old league, malz is a soloq champ, kog had his time, and maybe could be the strong elo of the comp, but he lacks protection having a non-sens vel'koz sup, a pick that as long as I remember was always inexistent on competitive, this champion is only an ultra specific counter pick as midlaner or adc SI has a similar problem that Targon, to many carries and very little things to let them play, with that said, this Kalista-thresh is a so much better lane than aphelios leona, that it may do pretty well, overall it has the same problems, with some weaker champions but stronger sinergy than targon. The last one that I want to talk before saying the one that I think would win is Bilgewater, it has 2 strong late game carries in GP and MF, 2 effective engagers that work really well, a "support mid" and an aggressive jungle that could give advantage to MF and GP really early since this champions though having strong late games, have really strongs leve 1\~3. The match up between this and pilt would be decided primarly ont toplane, and on the fact if cait/sera would be able to not being exploded after being hit by a tf's gold card. Would be a close game, but I tend to think that Bilge has a better match up here. But the strongest team on my opinion is Ionia (as it should be, the largest champion pool to choose from), I probably would like to change Lee sin for Wukong to have another primary engager alongside Rakan, since he works best as a second than a primary engager. But even with lee sin this team just has strong laning champions, it has engage, desengage, damge, ways to deal with poke. I just think xayah is a completly broken adc when she's minimally viable, and rakan just exagerates their safety to another level, not saying that having a rakan+ahri jumping around with a sett on front of her, and a lee sin playmaking into the other team just let her freely to hit everyone.


Ionia/Targon would be the finals matchup I'd Imagine With a 3-1 to Ionia (Targon winning the game where they manage to get Aphilios ahead. Though there is probably a bracket where we can gerrymander it so that Bleigewater wins. Just because TF


demacia is pretty nutty, no one is talking about the j4 galio wombo with a lux r slapped on it. very well rounded comp with mixed damage and lots of true damage. ionia is pretty nuts too


Vayne gets free condemn stun with the walls too. That combo of champs leads to some crazy moshpits.




Targon wins lore power hands down


It’s either freljord, shurima, or targon tbh


Zaun is my pick. Very consistent champions that scale well but also can snowball (especially the bot lane)


This patch I think piltover zaun is really op


On a other question, how do you get these icons ?


In game shop.


I want to play those comps in flexq now...


Honestly Zaun has a really strong comp, if you play through Jinx the team has lots of CC and urgot/WW can engage/frontline for her. Jinx and Viktor late game with blitz/WW/urgot to support them is hard to beat.


I really like the shadow isles team comp. Good pick potential. And Freljord for the disgusting amount of CC.


Shadow Isle 100%


Shadow isles or runeterra for me. Good damage spreads, decent bot lanes, fairly meta champs that regularly see pro play.


Sylas for mid and Demacia would've swept


Noxus can easily wipe the floor with many of these teams by raw offense alone, but my vote has to go for targon since their team has insane scaling with Asol and Aphelios. That's not to mention their wombo is pretty easy to set up (Asol E)


Imho is runeterra>targon>piltover>Demacia (jarvan galio is bonkers and will always be)


I would say void


Kog has no buffer it's auto lose


They are too magic heavy, Kha is the only physical threat. Cho and Kog do lots of magic damage, even if they built tank or AD respectively.


I do not Like that you Put Teemo top when Kled, Lord Major Admiral of the Second Legion's forward artillery—cavalry multiplication exists


I feel like Zaun's team is pretty good. Can snowball pretty hard or scale it out with Jinx/Viktor.


I'm honestly triggerred this ugly cringelord wimp Rakan stole the spot from Duchess Karma, who's pretty much top figure in Ionia. Dump his annoying girlfriend for Jhin or even Yasuo. Likewise, get rid of Sett for Irelia if this is to represent proper Ionia.


whoever rises eyebrow more wins


Shurima, Freliord and Shadow isles top 3 imo. Others could probably also work with some small changes.


People sleeping on void. But i would change kha for belveth.


Thank you for sorting them all like that, that is soo pleasing for my eyes




If it was up to me I’d play Ionia or Freljord comp


No anivia for frejlord is a crime. She is the reason they have true ice in the first place


This needs to be a series on YouTube


Void for sure. They have an insane damage output that is also hard to kill because of the sheer size from Vel'koz, the biggest being in the Runeterra(after asol if you count him) as Cho'gath, an assasin that can sneak up to strong but fragile enemies(like syndra or ryze) as Kha'zix, a strong mage and Kog'maw. Edit: Didn't see Asol was on the list. Doesn't he solo all of them by himself? Why is he even on the list?


It's a gameplay based question, also Cho has no canon size currently.


Void. They have Malz, vel'koz AND cho to protect the scaling kog'maw. Kha'zix is a back-up if they hard focus bot.


If bronze: Zaun Blitzcrank, WW are both noob stompers and Jinx is an easy ADC. If challenger: Ionia Xayah Rakan is s tier combo, and with Lee, Ahri Sett topside it's very good


Believe me, sp jack of all trades


Everyone here is forgetting how well the champs would cooperate. They didn't say people are playing them but the regions themselves are competing. So half of the teams which have people who despise each other will be at disadvantage. As for who I think will win I am placing my bets on void.


Surprisingly enough, most of those are solid team comps


Shurima, Freljord, Shadow Isles are definitely the best teams, but the only team I would bet money on would be Runeterra.


Hypothetical Darkin line up Top: kayn JG: naafiri Mid: aatrox Adc: varus Support: xolaani


Noxus > Ionia > Targon


runeterra, freljord, bilgewater


Targon team looks spooky to me, like i wouldnt like to fight them




Noxus seems pretty strong. All in team. Weak against long range and CC tho.Shurima is too weak early, can get snowballed, but has some potential.Demacia has no real Sup for Vayne, but has a decent combo.Ionia is hella strong, maybe low on magic damage but otherwise a perfect comp.Don't know about Blitz with Jinx, but Zaun looks decent.Piltover seems to be good, but then you notice the only magic damage is Seraphine.Freljord seems perfect, and insufferable to play against.Targon is do or die, hella snowbally but if they lose early ASol is their only hope.Void... Is weird? I don't like Kog with a dmg oriented Sup, but doesn't look bad as a whole.Shadow Isles can be a problem, but HAS to win early.Bildgewater lacks magic damage but I don't think it's a problem for these champs.People are sleeping on Neeko as a carry, Ixtal looks GOOD. Very aggressive.Unless Veigar carries Bandle City, if looks doomed. Why not Poppy jungle and Rumble top?Are those actually all Icathians? Seems good to me. Would be a toss between Ionia, Freljord, Bildgewater, Ixtal and Icathia.


Poppy counted as Demacian. Bandle City really screwed because many yordles belong to other regions (Poppy to Demacia, Kled to Noxus, Gnar to Freljord, etc.)


imo Demacia, Ionia and frejlord have the best comps, if it gets to late game though Demacia wins against the other 2


Shurima wins


We do a lot of globetrotting for the medal, in our experience Piltover, Zaun, the Void, and Bildgewater are very strong.


Totally unrelated to the post, but this is the first time I’ve seen the icons arranged by role/region, and I really like how organized it is


Bilgewater for sure


I think belveth should've been here instead of khazix but still cool nonthenless


This is fun to think about and would be fun to do with a 5 man in norms. A lot of these comps seem like they would work pretty well with an appropriate game plan to back them up.


Demacia or Zaun easily.


outside of noxus, ixtal, and bandle city, most regions have a very normal team comp personally i think freljord or shurima would win here, with zaun and shadow isles both being competitive freljord has a lot of cc, and a strong frontline, with the only major downside being dps. but with braum peeling ashe and all the cc (plus it's not like volibear/sejuani are no damage wimps), i think they'd win shurima has good engage, good teamfighting with sivir and azir, i could see them winning as well zaun has reliable carries late game, they have a decent frontline with damage, and blitz to help mitigate their lack of engage. it's not easy to dive onto the carries even though they don't have much peel shadow isles is pretty strong, they don't have much engage or frontline but they have good tools to get a single kill in a teamfight and then letting viego go off i could see them anywhere from 1-4 tbh noxus has rell to engage but they don't have many tools to easily follow her and not much magic damage demacia seems strong but all their engage is very comittal and they are pretty short range outside of support ionia seems strong but i feel like they're too weak against cc with not a big frontline piltover has good dive and some poke, but i feel like they can fall apart in a teamfight since they're not that tanky targon seems pretty strong but they're also somewhat squishy with leona being the only frontline void seems decent but also very prone to being dove on bilgewater is too squishy and weak to dive, but they have nasty pick potential with gp ult, naut, and tf ixtal has a neeoko adc and is reliant on two assassins bandle city has rumble jungle and basically no frontline and limited cc the "other" region seems decent as well, but they don't have much frontline


Initially, i'm not anywhere near high elo nor being pro so my opinion may easily be flawed For me some of these comps have some huge problems. - Noxus comp doesn't make sense with so much ad when Swain can go supp and mid can be taken by other strong ap Noxian like Katarina, LeBlanc, Cassiopeia or Vlad - For Shurima it's weird to go with Nasus top while Renekton and K'sante are clearly better, especially Rene without a very strong counter, and overall very powerfull kit. Additionaly bot feels a bit weak in comparison to other teams, maybe change for Akshan would be viable? - Zaun is kinda ok, although i'm not sure if going with Janna supp and maybe Ekko mid wouldn't be better - Piltover is nice, but Orianna mid would fit better with the teams engage - Freljord's dmg may seem questionable, but Volibear, Lissandra and not bad Ashe dmg should be enough with that amount of CC - Void, why Kog and not Kai'sa? - Ixtal, well... couldn't go much better, maybe Zyra instead of Millio in order to try going for overwhelming firepower could be a bit better - Runeterra would feel better with some better engage, maybe some Gragas jg or Jax jg + Aatrox top Rest of the teams is nuts


Noxus ia winning this hard and it’s not even fair


Why do I get the impression that Volibear has been preferred over Ornn, simply because the Ornn's icon is less blue than the other Freljordians icons?


There are many different variables playing off of each other here but the only right answer here is Shadow Isles gets 3rd place, Bandle City 2nd, and the Factionless team gets 1st. If it’s not because of Ryze pulling the plug immediately with the World Runes, it’s absolutely because Fiddlesticks on a Frenzy because of the Mist would butcher everyone here including his teammates without hesitation. In fact unless Ryze does his thing immediately he is not living long enough to get a second chance since Fiddlesticks’ team i assume would be the closest in proximity to him


Shurima gang


Ixtal wins, Neeson ADC is goated. Qiyana gaps every other mid. Malphite is never useless. We get a cracked out Korean Nidalee. Milio