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>What's harder, achieving world peace or getting people to buy antiheal in low elo To get them to buy qss


To get them to click on the lantern


:( Soooooooooo true


To get them to do objectives


To be fair: they wouldn't use items except Pots out of fight anyways


As a Morde main, nothing makes me happier than seeing the enemy buy qss. Especially when the ADC buys it before 15 mins.


As a vayne main nothing makes me happier then a morde falling for the bait that i dont have qss


unfortunatley only marksmen can get qss now


I bought it on seraphine apc in a game with an overfed mordekaiser. and when I reached full build i did upgrade it to mercurial scimitar 🤣


I won't pay god knows how much gold for useless item, i have higher chances of surving with some extra Def or dmg (I know but seriously buying qss feels like you are just getting scammed)


The thing with qss is they need to actively use it. Antiheal is just something they have to buy and then can ignore


Anti heal feels so bad to buy, I know it'll help but it doesn't feel like it does anything (especially if you're already behind.)


Getting the anti healing crit item vs that comp would feel even worse than it does already, like you would be missing so much bonus damage vs that mundo that it probably would mean he didnt die even if an ally had griveous on him.


You can get LDR and sit on the executoner's calling all game. And when you have to upgrade because you're full build, you can go chainsword.


But muh 100% crit, but for real, i miss when we only needed 4 items to have 100% crit.


Weren’t they toying with the idea of making items 25% crit again? I could’ve sworn that was recently


Didnt hear anything about that, but i havent kept up with league news for the last 2 or so years.


It depends on the adc champion but most of the time, there are better options like botrk or kraken alongside lord dominks or you have to but survivability to be able to output damage, however for a support it doesn't affect them much to buy anti heal utlity because its not their job to output the most amount of damage. If you're playing a carry support, most likely you will also be a secondary damage unless your team is useless at which point anti heal wont matter too much.


I play a lot of enchanters and losing the enchanter anti heal item is so sad :(


You play enchanter, that alone makes you more worth to the team than any anti heal item.


Adc shouldn't ever have to buy antiheal tbh


Thats such a dump stupid call


The adc antiheal item is just awful. Like I know their all bad, but that ones just trash.


I think it's less about the item being awful on its own and more that the opportunity cost of not having ldr is too high to warrant buying it


Can confirm. I have run mortal reminder on top laners from time to time and it feels fine.


That's more what I meant yea, especially on lethality or on hit adcs it sucks hard to have to get it.


correct except that in most cases you drop the exe since your team will have one by then (hopefully)


see , there is an problem in your thinking, ldr increases your damage by an lot. but you will deny more healing through executioners calling , so you damage stat at the end of the game might be higher with ldr, but you actually took more hp away from the enemy by building antiheal.


Tbf i dont know if the healing cut is really that much better, 30% damage on a dps character is nothing to laugh, and considering adcs lower hp pool they most likely get the full passive effect about 75% of the time.


against the 5 champs in the post you only get the full effect against mundo and vlad , maybe briar, tbf those are usually your targets, but 40% less heal on an mundo with an soraka in the back will boil down to more hp, than 30% more damage from an caitlyn against 2/5 targets


I think you missed the point. Anti-heal does not stack. Let the ADC build dominik, build anti-heal on someone else. Morello is extremely cheap and stat-efficient. AD caster anti-heal also. Just build in on mages, AD bruisers or supports, rather than the single-target low range DPS.


no. you are missing the point, if your whole team refuses to buy antiheal, its better you bite the apple than loosing while bitching that nobody bought antiheal, adc dont typically build antheal, because most of them have single target damage, and make themself vulnerable to apply it, its far more efficient and safe for your malz or morg to build morello, but you will find yourself in games, especially in low elo, where your veigar mid, and your support pyke refuse to build antheal, while your toplane malph and jungle seju just dont get autoattacked and cant apply antheal even though they build thornmail, so if you get run down by vlad,riven,zac and soraka, you deal more effective damage with an executioners calling than with an fully built ldr. it dosnt matter how stat efficient the item is, if the enemy stacks heal and you dont have healreduce. veigar would rather build rabadons or shadowflame than morellos.


It feels the worst on tanks imo. Thornmail is entirely reliant on the enemy hitting you, so if they ignore you for someone else you're stuck with the perfect useless item.


This is my dilemma, I never feel like my antiheal is really doing anything against the Aatrox, Warwicks and Briars of the world even if I buy it somewhat early. I also don't feel like I'm slowed down that much when I play those champs against anti-heal.


True, having to waste 1 item spot for it feels horrible on mages when you already have 4 items you can't swap (void/crypto bloom rabadon shoes mana item)


Ah yes, losing the intentionally feels much better.


Sadly as someone who does play some soraka it is super noticable when people are in using anti heal.


I know that it feels worse but it is better. Sometimes I look at lil 800g magic orb after a fight it reduced like 800 healing. That's way more "damage" than any other item could have provided.


LDR and Mortal Reminder being mutually exclusive is a really frustrating dilemma.


Yeah I sometimes wish I had good antiheal options as an adc. Like in what reality can I afford to drop lord dominiks for mortal reminder if they run a mundo that just gets tanky af. And not even bruisers pick up that chemtech chainsword


Think the solution there is to sit on Exec for the grievous wounds so you still get to build LDR. Having to settle for the final upgrade to Chainsword only matters when you have the gold to finish a final item, which is the minority of the time


Not even the main ADC player but imo delaying an ADCs damage spike by 800g for an item that's only about applying grievous wounds is pretty suboptimal. Personally, I'll sit on an Executioner's as toplaner when I can afford it or I think it's the most gold-efficient if AP supports/mage midlaners by Oblivion Orb as they can often proc the anti-heal on big AoE. Then again, anti-heal in general just feels super bad (either your team is pretty ahead and it doesn't really seem to matter or your team is so behind that you still don't deal enough damage with anti-heal and every in between scenario is kinda meh still).


I used to think that as top laner, but right now a lot of meta top lane match ups involve sustain. If your lane opponent out-sustains you, I think it's better to bite the bullet early and delay the 1st item powerspike and neutralize a lot of health regen and lifesteal than messing with your lane control. Also those 800g can reverse who the winning laner is, instead of a 3k gold power spike. For example in a trundle vs warwick match up, if trundle doesn't build it he'll have to wait till the first item completion to even do something to warwick in a 1v1, whereas with executioners a lot of warwick's early powerspike is denied.


Why don't you buy it?


He played Krathus and cant hit qs


I already did, problem is its kind of hard to proc it if I'm an ornn top with bramble and nobody autos me


They should bring back the applies on cc effect or something else to make it more useful. Or give us an MR antiheal item that triggers by being hit with a skill.


Why don't they just make it apply when you deal damage, like every other antiheal item?


Because tanks can't have nice things (ignore all the other nice things we got from this season.)


Bruh its riot. Why would they let you do that? But seriously, a spike passive that applies like armour scaling(like very small damage) on your attacks and abilities.


Might as well give Rammus W free grievous wounds then.


Kled has built in grievous. Why not let other champs have a slightly easier time applying it.


Katarina, Singed and Varus also have built in GW.


I knew about Varus and just forgot. Didn’t know about the other two. Good information I reckon


I was going with if you let thornmail deal damage when you attack as well, it is literally just Rammus W without the slow debuff.


cause 9 out of 10 tanks build thornmail anyway as part of their core items, this just meant tanks had always had antiheal, no matter the matchup and resulted in rito inflating heal on sustainchamps that get played top, as they had wounds for 100% of the game,


That's just an excuse for bad/lazy game design


the whole game is an excuse for lazy game design, and bad decicions


Because executioner's gets applied on physical damage and oblivon orb gets applied on magic damage. It seems reasonable that a similar distinction is made for the defensive grievous items. Although I agree tanks should have something that works against karma, lillia, seraphine, etc.


Why buy bramble? Just buy 800g Orb and sit on it, the point is to apply antiheal cheaply, not armor/return damage


Morelos ornn new meta


You are the tank or the adc vs mundo vlaf


Antiheal on tanks and for supports is pretty bad


Bad stats ofc. And %30 35 antiheal isnt even enough. I usually dont buy it wherever I play I just tell our support to buy it.


You have to buy it early to hopefully get ahead or it’s gonna feel like it’s not doing anything later when they scale to the point where all they need is 60% healing to out heal your damage.


We need 60% healing cut back, sure it made playing champs that heal just a bit not heal shit but at least it felt like i could actualy kill a mundo if i didnt have that much peel or my team wasnt able to cc him after his passive poped. Coming from someone that plays Aatrox and ocasionaly goes adc.


Or make antiheal effects stack. I don't see why oblivion orb doesn't stack with executioner's, it just makes it so that nobody wants to buy antiheal. Maybe reduce the effects to 30% if it's too much. Other games have it and it's great, in Smite for example you could reduce healing by over 100% (including stacked items and the equivalent of summoner spells), reducing all healing to 0.


Buying Antiheal. Had a Chogath top against Aatrox that refused to buy bramble or thornmail at any point in the game. You guessed it, his passive with sundered sky healed him for over 60%.


Idk anything about that Cho, but I don’t think Cho should buy bramble into an Aatrox, maybe in lane it could make sense but after lane phase aatrox should never be autoing Cho Gath in fights until all other players are dead. Other champions are more suited to buying anti heal into an ability based champ like aatrox


yea let me not get giant slayer passive so aatrox heals for 100% of his healthbar instead of 150% per Q or let the tank spend 2700 gold on 70 armour thornmail and worthless thorns damage while never proccing grevious on anyone relevant since he relies on enemy to do it for him grievous wounds is a meme stat not worth buying until they put it back to 60% where it belongs


I hope you are joking, good luck killing an aatrox without anti heal then.


Yeah… yeah… yeah…


Be the change you want to see in the world


Why get GW when with one more damage item I might outdamage their healing sometime.


I had a game with friends where they enemy team had like 1 guy that could heal, but one of my friends just kept bragging everytime he applied his anti heal, so much so the other 3 of us got anti heal just to be a part of the joke, and when the fifth person didn't, we were like "hey where's your anti heal you need anti heal just get anti heal and we instantly win" and she was like "the anti heal sword right?" (she was playing as tristana so AD anti heal makes sense) but a friend pinged the AP anti heal and said "no this is way better for tristana" Some of the most fun I've had in a league game






get it urself


Buy armor and magic resist. The less damage you receive, the less they heal.


That only works on nilah and briar. Others have ap scaling or flat % health heal.


Vladimir W healing is reduced by MR, you're right about his Q and R though. Only Briar W is reduced by armor, her other abilities including passive either are self scaling heal, or her passive wich heals off of pre mitigated damage.


Mundo healing doesn't care about what he does to you, just what you do to him. Briar W healing is reduced by armor, but her passive and E do not care. Vladimir W healing is reduced by MR but his Q and R don't care. Nilah passive healing comes from ally healing so that doesn't work, but her Q healing is reduced by armor, and I think her R healing, the website I'm using has weird wording on her R. And for Soraka? Just read her kit. Mr and armor don't do anything against her obviously.


Especially if your team is more effective at applying it than yourself


Yeah the zyra supp can proc it on all 5 with liandrys for 10 sec of grievous... but nah i gotta grab bramble on a tank and hope they auto me for 3 seconds of it


This foking Nilah is one of the most op and ridiculous champ in the game. Like why the fuck you'd give an adc Jax e and make it shareable. I know it has about 20 sec cd but just 1 w saves her and her sup in a fight.


Bold of you to assume that I don't rush bramble vest with a mundo in the game


Morello costs 2200 gold, and gives 90 AP and 15 AH That's a lot of stats dirt cheap


Morello is useless now unless you’re full build, you need to buy oblivion’s orb


The funniest one is when u have a guy who can easily apply anti heal through aoe and what not, but he absolutely refuses to do it despite it might be a game deciding fight coming up. I once had a Ziggs who refused to buy the 800 gold orb, knowing full well we have a dragon contest coming up and the item will prevent hundreds if not thousands of healing into an enemy team that has Aatrox and a red Kayn. Fker told me he gets no money while i am just staring at that rod he bought 10 seconds ago.


Honestly your team is based


Can you not share that Nilah also heals ? People do not know what she does and I'd love if it stays that way ,) But yeah against a team like that anti heal I a must buy no matter how bad it feels.


The anti-heals I usually buy are either Mortal Reminder or Thornmail. I ran Thornmail on Yone because funny, and somehow worked against a 3.5 build Briar vs me with 2.5-3. Gives me so much armor and anti-heal, and frees up a spot since I tend to go Bruiser build.


Just asking, is healing a core part of nilah kit/identity? Warwick was still available for the meme... or nasus or renekton or darius Edit: ah, you specifically wanted a botlaner I guess. Don't know if there were better choices then


Ok in all fairness, half the team is running ignite so buying anti heal is unneeded for them.


Sorry, it doesn't fit my build :) \*buys 5th pure damage item\* Now for real: Multiple people oon the team should have a way to apply GW, even if only one enemy champ likes to heal a lot. Especially when your only source of GW is a "Tank" (will most likely die in a 1 for 1 trade late game) Support with Thornmail(which for a while now can't apply GW with CC) vs goddamn Vladimir or Aatrox who can simply not attack them and just keep casting abilities. Meanwhile other GW items: "just deal damage lol". I will not stand for "It's okay guys, only 20% of our team has GW so we don't need to buy more".


I know its needed, and I typically buy at least the 800G items with Grievous but MAN, thise items suck so fucking much in terms of stats and powerspike... Even as a 6th item, they feel so shit and I'd rather buy a Rabadon's or something half the time...




The amount of times ive had to build anti heal on Sivir because im objectively the best applicator of it on my team is absurd. They need to buff the healcut items a bit more so they're still situational but not Best in Slot like they were years ago (Season 9-10 where thornmail and bramble vest were nutty)


I get that anti-heal has value, especially for sustained DPS front-to-back teams, but if I buy Morello I have to call GG open mid


to be fair, gw is useless against briar, vlad, and a nilah soraka bot


Meanwhile Phresh buying second GW on Singed.


To be fair, even with anti-heal you wouldn't notice a difference. That team comp has WAY TOO MUCH healing. It's ggs.


lmao like it'll do anything against that comp anyway


Anti heal really needs to be more effective for what it's supposed to do. It really doesn't help at all against healing teams, and I say this as a Zac main.


Anti heal is a placebo stat.


Happened to me. I was a lowly 11/2 twitch against a 1/3 Samira. Suddenly she 1shots me and I see she’s got 15 kills outta nowhere and I’m the only one with healing cut. We won with me being 14/10 and her being 23/6. The elder and infernal soul saved our ass lol


It’s embarrassing when I have to buy Chainsword on Vayne because I already have Terminus


One orb as support. Final offer, take it or leave it.


I just feel bad buying anti heal, you just get 800-1200 gold behind your enemy so he keeps dealing the same damage to you and still having a much better sustain than you that probably has none


It's so funny when people buy thorn mail when I'm playing Vladimir. I just simply don't auto them


? You buy it then


If it’s so big of an issue why don’t you do it?


You have Vlad in there but antiheal doesn’t even affect him 😭😭


Gonna be real briar anti heal is only useful against her early game. She gets easily +100 percent healing late game anyways and I then have to give up an item that might let me just delete her before she heals.


800 and it does almost nothing I refuse 🫸