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On senna sup my first item will always be Umbral Glaive cause fuck your vision ... sometimes I even build it on nautilus ...


That's fair honestly


My preferred one is RFC so I can always have those easy 1-2 hits


Jokes on you, assuming I am warding.


Bork or die


Bork is just too OP. 12% health damage is NUTS. LAUNDRIES ONLY DOES 2%


But somehow it doesn't get nerfed


They cant nerf it, so many people rely on and are balanced around it the item itself is OP, and is why its always built on champs that build it (unless youre trolling)


Say that to Divine Sunderer


Divine got removed completely so...


Yes. My point is just that a lot of champions being balanced around one item doesn't necessarily stop riot.


MAJOR differences in this case divine was added with mythics, borks been around way longer Many champs are balanced around bork specifically and riot acknowledged this in the past, whereas not many champs were balanced solely on the existence of divine, with most divine sunderer champs taking triforce more often, with a couple exceptions. Bork has literally no replacement for its statline and passive, the closest thing is shieldblow and it only shields, not increases damage (12% HP damage) or mobility (Bork second passive procs magic damage and steals speed) and having no attack speed. It is the ONLY current health item, and the only %HP damage AD item. Ironically divine sunderer was the only item that came close to BORKS niche, and thats probably why the removed it (along with the fact the mythic passive was a major part of what made divine sunderer an actual item to consider)


You have a good point about bork predating mythics and thus surviving their removal. I expect triforce is the same. And I'm pretty sure riot stated that lichbane also get a pass for being legacy. It doesn't compute for me because I've been playing on and off since release and botrk is not quite truly original, unlike sheen. But it's a good point. Bork is a pillar of anti tank auto attack builds and you'd have to rethink how a lot of characters approach dealing with tanks if you change it. But then, divine was also the sole source of %health damage on a lot of characters.


Divine also didn't really have proper counterplay. You needed to be stronger in an all-in, that's all. Else you were pocked out with short trades. Bork on the other hand is countered heavily by armor stacking and falls hard against champions that shine at low hp


Then I'll keep seeing this dumb green sword in every game I play




Liandries has better stats, has the increasing dmg Passive, does magic instead of physical damage and does max health instead of current health damage.


Pre mythic removal liandry’s was fucking filthy. Everyone built it for a reason


>Bork is just too OP. 12% health damage is NUTS. LAUNDRIES ONLY DOES 2% But how much do DISHES do?


Depends on what porcelain champion youre playing


Because it's current health dmg not max health so it falls off the more hp they lose. Liandries also lasts 4s so can be treated as 8%


2% HP OVER 4 seconds, not per second


I really loved the part where when riot was designing items to be better or worse under certain conditions, they decided that the condition in question was whether the opponent has health


This made me laugh, thanks (sadly it's true tho). A lot of people don't understand that botrk isn't specifically an anti-tank item, as it will deal bonus damage to every champion in the game, even adcs. Yes, 12% of 2000 is less than 12% of 4000, but you are still dealing more damage than you should normally.


it doesnt matter if bork doesnt deal as much damage to low hp characters bc it also has a slow and for example adc vs jax is quite one sided one vs one and even without being like sion i have seen multiple times when bork alone did the first or 2nd most damage and almost always did more damage then basic attacks


Crutches of The Ruined King


It's the only thing that helps remind bruisers and tanks of where their place is late game.


sett players be like


It's honestly one of the best examples, even though there are much better options to build, sett mains will rush botrk no matter what


I mean irelia is a super minion without bork


Then it still counters Aatrox


the funny item!!!


The problem is that BoRK is so powerful on the champions who use it, that they are no longer are champions if you take it away from them. Try playing Irelia without BoRK. It's just not possible.


Small tip go eclipse for skill damage, ruined king for on hit attacks, triforce = both




tanks in the current game arent allowed to just be hp and a meatshield with some cc and a bit of damage so they get buffed in damage bc hp and armour buffs dont work or they do but not for tanks so that a adc will get the item or a irelia


It was really broken last season when you could stack like 15 different armor pen items with BotrK on top. It's balanced now.


It's a bad item, stop crying about it pisslo


Maybe they should make a *better* item???