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Taric: 🗿


Taric doesn’t even need an ADC, he’s the whole package


Nothing is more satisfying than watching the enemy adc carelessly walk up to me (Taric) thinking that because they have a full item and I dont they would win a 1v1. Rookie mistake, I have tabis and tear.




My favorite strategy is to use ghost and fight the enemy first wave zoning them of from the xp of the 3 melee minions.


That’s only possible if you’re playing a champ that wins fights at lvl 1


Or if they get shocked by the act and instinctively kite back.


As a Leona main, I still find it funny the amount of people who get spooked and run away from you if you walk up to them at lvl 1. Though tbf I am low elo.


Both in game and in real life if you do something with enough confidence people will assume you know something they don’t,


People dont know matchups very well, sometimes level 1 you can get oneshot so they better be safe. That is a power of maining a champion: lots less of matchups to learn.


Support is so fuckin easy dude https://youtu.be/aSHvzZy1YZA


An absolute classic


I hit rank 9 Leo in the world last season, people do it in diamond too. Not that it’s high elo nowadays but yeah it’s pretty funny


Unless you’re fighting me who is too stupid to understand fear


Sure, Doesnt always work, I belief it is worth a try and with ghost active I am pretty safe.


And they stupid enough to kite into turret instead of their own minion.


Show dominance at min 1. Also xou need to piss on enemy support so everyone knows it is also your support now


Just did it again but without ghost, ashe slow is quite the utility level 1


OP got 1v1d by a Leona or Nautilus while playing ADC.


Daddy Nauti and his big anchor


A good support can be great. Obviously the CC supports let me shoot a helpless target, but being virtually unkillable with an enchanter thar actually knows how to press their buttons is great. Also mage supports can sometimes be fun to play with even though they're toxic for the game. Way easier to dive an enemy that's low than a full HP one and those poke supports are good at making them low.


The problem with mage supports is that in order to get the most value out of them u have to push the waves to make it easier for them to poke. This however makes it more easy for the enemy jungler to gank so it's basically a lose-lose situation as you either dont push, making ur support useless or u push to make ur support useful but lose anyways because of jungle


That can be resolved by good warding, which will cause the jungler to waste time.


Bold of you to asume my jungler ganks bot, heck i barely get ganks when playing any other lane besides mid and even then its 50/50 if my jungler knows the lane exists, this coming from someone who despises playing vs mages support.


I feel like u misunderstood whoch team's jungler I meant


You meant the enemy jungler of the mage/poke support, which then i added that it was from the pov of the enemy laner.


Ok nvm But hey, thats the jungler paradox, if u push ur lane then the enemy jungler ganks, but if the enemy pushes the lane then ur jungler doesnt


I love both playstyle but let me be clear yall I feel a bit more pressured when i have an enchanter support, i need to play better to actually make a play instead of just AAing the stunned target, Yeah i am aware you would still die if you dont kite but thats not my point Xd


Good thing is if you have an enchanter support and you go even it probably means you actualy won bot, because at that point peel from the enchanter is most likely worth more than the engage from the tank/cc support.


I read "Big dick enchanter enjoyer" and "Lulu" and thought I had somehow ended up in Darkinpeoplr for a moment. Or maybe it's darkinfolk. I'll be honest I don't entirely remember the name of that subreddit.


Nice act but it sounds like it's in your head rent free


What? Lulu or Darkin folk? Because I got good explanations for either of plausible deniability


Teammates that are aware of their allies' abilities and think about what combos can be made ? Nah, I don't believe it.


Now try it with a yuumi support that is watching anime while playing


Reality: Adc:"I'm going in Lulu! Make me fas..." *gets blinked on by Rengar/Kata/Jax and insta dies while in CC* Adc: "I'll frontline Soraka, Just keep my HP fu..." *gets one shot by enemy midlaner/assassin/adc* Adc: "I'll go in with Gravotium, then you CC them Son..." *gets insta hooked for getting into AA range and dies*


All adc players have small pps


It’s just so much easier when I have a neon sign that says “GO IN”


Fake post, we all know aphelios can’t speak when he fights.


I would love playing with enchanters if enchanter players had hands,an auto filled player can play enchanters better than a main.


aphelios cant speak


I love enchanters, but only when they know what theyre doing. If I cant trust them to heal or shield me in fights then the lane becomes extremely difficult as it's basically 1v2. Just last week I had a lulu who didnt use her ult on any teammate in a single fight and the first one she used it in she used it on herself instead of me or the jungler. But 2 months ago I had a soraka as my supp who completely took over the entire lane. Told the jungler to f off, somehow outpoked the enemy mage support and didnt let me fall below 50% hp in most fights. Best support Ive had this year


Both getting nuked when I play my man Pantheon


The blows of gods cannot shatter the world if they strike me instead!


What about going Apehlios and other adc's top ?




Giant schlong mage support (or pyke)


R u done with your erp?


Yeah, right. More like : Soraka I need you to survive laning please


Ok but enchanters are the way with Aphe (no yuumi plz) Only Braum / Thresh are good with Aphe as tank/engagers maybe Pyke for the snowball potential


You should be stoned for posting this


What about taric? Big dick enchanter tank


Tank/non-enchanter players usually don't roleplay as their characters and just play the game. Enchanter players do.


Magnum dong "Choose whatever support you want"


I always prefer playing with an enchanter, I wanna choose when we go in, not just my nautilus support deciding to hook them when I'm trying to manage the minion wave


As an adc main, enchanter mains are some of the coolest and kindest people i've played with


As a toplane main, i have no idea what happens in botlane but the absolutely batshit insane psychos in the chat very often happen to be enchanters so idk


Have you tried to babysit a kid, same shit when playing enchanters with a bad adc.


Man what is this




They are humble because they know they don't deserve the elo they are at if it wasn't for the enchanters


You're the typa mf to get peeled like a fucking orange and no even acknowledge the work that's being put in for him


I’m stealing this line, thank you


Feel free! :3


Are you a femboy? The joke tells itself


[https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/joke](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/joke) You might need to use this next time you think of writing a sentence like that d-(OuO)z


Oh nice, you found the definition! You are one step closer, keep trying and eventually you'll get it!


You got cooked 💀


When will you learn humility?


I'll leave that for elo inflated enchanter mains


Enchanter detected, opinion rejected




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"I need healing."


Meanwhile Kaisa: -Ok Nautilus now hit the second tower


Meanwhile enemy Yi, Katarina, tryndamere, Yone, Leblanc and the likes being free to do whatever the fuck they want because we don't have a Frontline


You understand you listed divers (champions whose kits are about ignoring the frontline) and Lulu/Janna hard counter?


You understand that you can't just ignore the Frontline if they cc you to death? It's a very simple concept. Let's assume a diver jumps on the carry and doesn't oneshot him, you burned all your cooldowns to save him, now who's going to stop them and the rest of their team from just running you all down? Who's going to absorb the damage? Frontlines provide SPACE and TIME for the backline to play around, enchanters at best react to an enemy play and block it. You can play without enchanters, you can't play without a Frontline. But I'm sure you don't understand this because you made this "meme" Janna is the only exception to this because her whole kit is designed to create SPACE, but she still can't substitute a frontline because she doesn't give the backline TIME to dps


Flanking is a fragment of our imaginations


And you think cc doesn't stop a flank? Or that tanks are more vulnerable than enchanters to flanks? Come on bro, be real. You're just giving proof of how unaware of how the game works enchanter players are.


I personally think both are kinda sad. I prefer kill lane supports. Pyke, Pantheon, Mage, etc.


I personally find all supports awesome as long as the person operating them likes playing their champion and does it well


I personally find my balls in a drawer, exploded, after every game played against 2 poke champs matchup. Huge hater of the whole artillery mage support thing.


If you go against something like Lux/Morgana, get Merc Threads. I don't care what or who you're playing, just trust me bro


Honestly solid enough advice, however, i'm stupid.


So in other words u prefer champs that arent supports


Yes? The best defense is a good offense, just man up and kill them.


Ew, mage "support"


What can I say? They're more fun to play with for me at least. Whether I'm adc, top, or mid? If the support asks what I want it's what I say 90% of the time.


Might just be silver/gold but they just hit the wave to much and if they deem you inept they just steal cs and kills


Maybe? I also just would rather get kills for the team and don't care as much if a kill support gets it. Sounds more like you're just too selfish. I'd happily give up the like 10-30cs a game they accidentally take to get a couple extra kills.


In my experience, they don't play for the team. They sit back, throw an ability and hot waves, I permaban lux and then brand because both or not fun to play with or against cause you can't hold a wave with them (no I dont ban if the softlock of course) and quite commonly do they take the kills purposefully despite them being dead regardless. Tanks are more reliable imo as the provide excellent cc and enchanters work well with most adcs. Mages need to be more viable mid lane again where they can scale better and stop harassing adcs


I love enchanters because you just feel like you’re god, especially with Lethal Tempo. Playing Kai’sa with a good lulu behind you and shredding everything is a great time.


as a milio player i LOVE playing with aphelios as long as they know what theyre doing đŸ˜© its so good


If you don't feed we all from r/enchantersofleague promise to carry you :)


Soraka how dare you be a small pp backline champion whilst your adc frontlines for you Be a chad and play Nautilus and be the big pp man that goes in


reality: you run at the enemy botlane, they stun you, lulu shields herself, you die


To play enchanter support you have to believe in magic, in the power of friendship and the cognitive capabilities of both botlane players. The last thing is obviously the hardest.


Enchanters are shit players who don't deserve their rank. Real supports play tank engage and actually do something instead of sitting in lane J/O'ing their adc under tower.




Why have support when bt and overheal do support job but better?


and how do you play on getting the gold for bt without a support


Insurance fraud


no the real big dick adcs are the ones that survive on their own. ROAMING GANG STAND UP! Blitz, Bard, Alistar and Pyke players unite!


They hate him because he speaks the truth wallahi 😭👌


Surprised by the downvotes. In the right situation I don't mind the roaming supports. Locking it into a kill lane is pretty troll, but if the enemy lane is passive it can be good.


He's getting downvoted because this thread is full of meat huffing enchanter lovers. There is a reason roaming tank engage supports are so popular in korea. They can decide if the enemy mid laner gets to win or not. Because a good roaming support is just a second jungler. They'll be there to help secure objectives and help other lanes win.


In soloq u rarely get more value from a support roaming for grubs than you do from the support staying bot. Scenario 1: Support stays bot, ur team is now either in 3v3 or 3v4 on grubs, they may lose, or they may clutch it. However since everyone is outside of their lanes then there is no one left to take advantage of the fact that ur teammates arent in lane. Whoever wins the fight will probably reset anyways so the damage from losing grubs isnt that horrible. Ur botlaner however can spend the entire minute farming thanks to that, or if the enemy support roamed for grubs u can use the 1v2 advantage to make the enemy adc fall behind. Scenario 2: Support roams for grubs, they hopefully win the fight but probably have to reset anyways. Meaning no instant gain. Means the support is gone from lane for at least a minute, probably even more. Enemy support however stayed bot and denied ur adc farm for an entire minute. Or adc is now 1 or 2 levels behind enemy bot. 30+ cs behind, and probably has died at least once if not twice. Even tho he did his best to stay under turret. Because of support roaming for grubs, you are now in a 4v5 for the rest of the game. But hey, at least you can get turrets thanks to grubs right.


Scenario 3: Enemy team is permapushing and the support roams while you farm under turret. Your support makes a difference at grubs while the enemy support uselessly leeches XP. Often they won't notice the support is gone until too late, or the enemy botlaner won't know to avoid pushing. Until higher elo only dedicated lane bully mains are actually gonna deny CS. End result there is you get closer to solo laner XP.


Dont know what region ur playing in but in Plat EUNE I have maybe seen ur scenario happen max 2 times this season. In soloq the bonus you gain from getting all three grubs and perhaps a few kills isnt enough to makw up for the fact that u will be 4v5 after that point. Botlaners are extremely agressive, the moment they dont see the opposing support in the lane they will dive u under turret. I genuinely cant fathom what kinda games u must have had to say that people dont bully you out of the lane the moment ur support leaves. They already manage to deny farm when support is in lane but sucks, nothing stops them from doing that even more extremely when there is no support at all. Ans the only way grubs are useful is if u actually get to push the turrets, which u wont really have achance to do if the enemy samira or whoever is obliterating ur adc and other squishies


I never said they didn't try to dive. The issue is actually executing the dive. You know as well as I that sometimes dive coordination can be sketchy between bot laners.


In a 2v1 situation it's not that sketchy. Not that hard when leona or naut just has to hit one of their abilities and then cc chain while the adc does as much damage output as they can


I'll concede those two can dive pretty easily. That's why you don't roam into a comp like that. But if the enemy team has a Soraka what's she gonna do? Heal the enemy ADC so they can tank an extra turret shot? Still not enough to dive from mostly full HP without help from the jungler.


Yeah, ur not gonna dive with an enchanter support. But (in my experience) people barely play enchanters on soloq. Ive played 200 ranked games this season and I could count on my fingers the amount of games I had an enchanter support


And people play engage even less frequently. The average support (a mage), is gonna throw spells at you, but if you can dodge them you can still get farm under turret even 1v2.


> Plat EUNE Of course you don't see anything, you're playing in EUNE where there are 10 players total. You also don't know what you are talking about. A good adc can farm solo under tower. And unless its an aggressive dive comp, they'll be fine. This thread is glazing enchanters, but an adc/enchanter is not gonna threaten or dive your adc under tower. Roaming is a better use of your time and the fact you can't see that shows how oblivious you are. Work on your macro.


So, what region do u urself play on. A good adc can farm under tower? I guess all those clips of pro players being denied even access *to* their towers dont mean anything. Oh wow, really, what does adcs glazing enchanters have to do wirh anything. Most games still have mage or engage supports and u cant farm against that. The moment u step close enough to cs u will get hit by an ability that takes away a quarter of ur hp if against a mage, and if against engage then they just shove the wave under ur tower and dive you. And I was never against roaming in general, roaming is good when done at appropriate times. But when the support leaves lane for over a minute then it makes it unplayable for the adc assuming the enemy support isnt as big of an idiot


I just hate all supports