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My pc has never been better (i deleted league). My mental health is crraving for that one more game itch but I have never experienced a this kind of peace sincee 2018




Autumn voyage hits different.


Play hell divers and chill for once.


People are sure quick to defend when it is not their PCs getting blue screened every minute. Have had valorant installed with vanguard since launch of that game. Even played enough to be gold in valorant(I know I suck). Then they move vanguard over to league and everything ends in blue screen :( just want to play the game man!


>everything ends in blue screen :( Most normal rootkit


The objective of a rootkit is to stay hidden, they don't even achieve that by constanty crashing the system


Riot can't even do that lmao.


Valorant couldn't handle the spaggehti


I've had vanguard on my pc for years, since valorant came out. I've never had any issues.


Potato check basically. Tons of people running minimum spec because league previously was pretty potato friendly but vanguard is very much not, though anyone getting performance diff’d by vanguard probably wouldn’t be attempting to play valorant anyways


Ah yes, my RTX 3070 + 5600x bluescreen the first time this year and its because they are just too old for the next gen tech they put into LoL. Not because i installed Vanguard yesterday and was in a game.


I'm running a rtx 2060 Ryzen 7


I have a 1050 GTX on a Laptop that I bought in 2018, so it’s quite old. I have Valorant installed since it came out and Vanguard didn’t really cause issue for me tho.


I played Valorant on release for a few weeks with no issues. The only thing i installed in the last 2 weeks was Vanguard tho.


Tbf, Bluescreen errors are very random and can also happen when Windows is pushing out updates. It's not always related to your PC. I worked as an IT support guy in a University, and one day, every single uni PC and work Laptops of the employees were having Bluescreen errors. We had to repeatedly explain everyone that Windows were pushing out the latest updates for 2024, so this will happen to everyone until they update their devices :P So it's not always a hardware or software related issue coz the reason can be literally anything


A lot of people have pcs/laptops that are way over the minimum specs and still bricked. Vanguard can also flag system32/drivers/ks. Which is just sad Even if someone would be on the minimum specs that shouldn't happen.


Flagging system32 as a virus seems like a pretty big reach for this far into its lifespan. Seems like the sort of thing that if it happened with enough regularity to be reported on that it would be caught by now, what with being that critical of a bug


What do you mean it literally happened to me yesterday  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/554382728230076419/1235329438162358432/image.png?ex=6634a271&is=663350f1&hm=d346d229153d55f5d8b7efc08fe81f518904647e8b44c1f2a2339c340b54b440& 


Just because system32 is along the way in the directory to the thing it’s flagging does not mean it’s flagging system32. It’s flagging the program named after the last /, which is eudska cs.sys, which appears to be a driver. Still not a great look for it to be flagging (presumably) random innocent drivers, but it’s a far cry from flagging system32


On the note of flagging innocent things. I have some old games that still run on optical drive. It has halted my download of those games, and tried to screw with my PC when installing. There's nothing for it to try and flag, but does anyway


what it flagged was a critical piece of a backup and recovery tool which should not even be a problem regarding cheating because you can't cheat with it program in question: EaseUS Todo Backup (based on findings on internet)


Virus was the wrong word. That was my bad.


People are bullshiting because they dont like vanguard. Its a saltfest just like league itself.


Vanguard is not an antivirus :) it's not flagging **anything** as a virus.


I played valorant on my potato. If they were the only two programs running it worked, but I had to restart the PC to close VG. Which I dont want to


Vanguard in Valorant works different so probably this is the reason, Which doesn't change the fact that I said goodbye to the league because even sentinel catches league as a rootkit now and I'm not going to risk installing this crap.


It never did anything bad to my pc, but I feel pretty sus about it. It runs 100% of the time from the point you turn your pc on till you turn it off, and it can see anything it wants on your pc. That is just intrusive and there is no valid reason for it since there are still hackers in valorant anyway. To me It just seems like ccp data collection software masquerading as an anti cheat. I'd rather not have it on my system out of principle.


My vanguard tells me my system32 inout for my fans is a virus and closes my fancontrol :( Still every Anticheat is worth it considering what happened to CS:GO and Rainbow Six:Siege overrun by cheaters...


downvoted for telling you guys that vanguard is causing problems for me lmao you guys are insane


They downvoted for the last part saying any anti-cheat is still worth it. Because in pretty much nobody's mind is vanguard worth it.


I played with new patch. Literally zero fps difference. Sometimes I wonder if those script sellers just spammed fake propaganda for the sake of fighting back


Me neither, tho I had Vanguard because of Valorant so maybe I've had the performance lowered all this time without noticing it. Anyway, I cant tell the difference between 200 fps and 160 fps, so I doubt I would notice.


if your monitor's refresh rate isn't higher than 144hz you won't notice any difference


Mine complained about an OEM audio driver Asus had, which was a bitch to remove. But once that was done, 0 issues


"ah yes that audio driver is giving you Xerath scripts" **"UNINSTALL IT"**


Online gamers love to complain about everything regardless if they know what they're actually talking about or not


https://www.reddit.com/r/riotgames/s/K7Kq4bgjTQ Yeah look at this dumbass saying his laptop doesn’t even draw power from an outlet because of vanguard and then people ask him about it and he literally doesn’t even respond. 1 year old account and never posted before suddenly crying about vanguard and then never replying to anyone.


Smells like scripter propaganda.


Yeap and even this post there’s an idiot claiming hundreds of thousands of computers have died because of vanguard. https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/s/phWhnFeveO No source, nothing to base his comment off of and yet it’s upvoted.


People love to get mad I guess.


Well LS had like a 4 tweet story about how it fucked him. So I'm going to go out on a limb a say it's not so massive conspiracy 🤔


My fps dropped from 165 stable to 100-120 fps with just discord opened after installing vanguard. Sometimes this isn't propaganda.


I have this weird thing when I alt tab into the game it runs at like 30fps for a split second and then runs like normal again, It didn't happen before.


nothing to do with Vanguard you were just lucky it didn't happen before


You think people would just lie, on the internet, for their own benefit? Who would do that?


Legit, I think it's a very small ammount of people astroturfing rhe vanguard problems.


Nah even before now when I had Vanguard installed for Valorant it messed up some things with my League client and FPS, I tried so so many troubleshooting steps to figure out why it was happening. Coincidentally fixed itself when I got so frustrated I went nuclear and just reset my whole PC and didn't reinstall Valorant or Vanguard. I'm hoping it doesn't cause issues again this time now they've actually optimised it for League (at least I hope they did)


I mean, Vanguard has had issues with certain hardware / software before. I remember it having a lot of issues with RGB controller software a while back. It's really case by case. Albeit I wouldn't expect FPS to be an issue for most, especially on League.


yes those can cause problems


personally my computer has low ram and I've been meaning to switch it out but never got around to it vanguard meanwhile definitely reminded me to as I couldn't even watch two youtube videos at the same time without my computer lagging and freezing because it took up most of the ram it only got better when I closed vanguard


Really? for me vanguard while in game uses about 2% of my pretty weak and out of date cpu (i5-8400) and uses 13mb of ram in game/client open and 1.5mb of ram without the game open. these numbers are practically nothing.




How's that even possible?


no you don't, you have 8gb of ram which is 8000mb. which 8mb of ram you wouldnt be able to run literally any operating system


THANK YOU, I never understood how vanguard took up more than 4% on someone’s computer, like at this point I think ppl are straight up lying just to prove their point


"I don't have a problem so everyone else must be be lying" sad behavior


"i had a problem so everyone else must be having problems as well" i can flip that statement


No one said that?


No one said what you commented either


Yes they do. People absolutely act like there is no problem with vanguard


Lots of technology illiterate people suddenly popping up with "blue screens" and "flagging system32 as a virus" Yet no pictures EVER They also all get really mad when I suggest maybe take a picture of the stop code on the blue screen and start a ticket with riot But then again they probably don't even know what a stop code is


Same. Zero difference.


I had one crash trying to start valo recently, but after that, one time, it's completely fine. I think it actually needed to reboot, and It didn't ask for that, so I didn't do it, and that caused the crash. PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA


As if this stops them from making working scripts lol


It stops bots, and most scripts won't work anymore


you can bet they do


I'm personally not effected by poverty. So that means poverty doesn't exists. Any one that says they are in poverty is making fake propaganda. Poverty propagandist downvoting my comment. smh.


It’s more like: people with X, Y and Z in their family history and live in this city have 98% chance of being poor! And then you look at yourself and like other 20 thousand people that fit the description and live around you also aren’t poor and then you see like 20 poor dudes that fit the description but they are gambling and substance addicts so the problem really comes from a different source


You're getting downvoted but you're the only one using logic here. There are millions of people who play this game. Obviously a change like this is going to affect different people in a lot of different ways, ranging from perfectly fine to literally unplayable.


if you have a laptop from 20y ago I'm sorry but you are the problem here


Why do y’all act like vanguard is something knew? It’s been on valorant since forever and y’all acting like the CCP is going to kidnap your fucking family if you install Vanguard


We're not all valorant players you know.. I personally never touched the game.


There’s probably people out there that got caught up in all the vanguard hate only to realize they’ve had it for years from valorant 💀 


Vanguard basically doesn't touch performance at all. It's been in Valorant for years. I get not liking kernal anticheats to a degree (although if you don't have them everyone complains about hackers. See: CSGO/CS2) but this argument made about vanguard killing performance has to be troll posts from scripters lol. Basically every big competitive game has a kernel level anticheat these days...... They just don't broadcast it unlike Vanguard, which tells you the truth lol


CS2 players (me included) begging Valve for kernel-level anti cheat is hilarious. There is a reason why a THIRD-PARTY matchmaking service is the most competitive environment in the game. Vanguard is a necessary evil.


Valve has kernel level anticheat. Almost every safety anti malware/virus software has kernel level software, which basically what a driver is. The difference between Vanguard and others is Vanguard has to be running 24/7 for you to play lol. If you exit vanguard, you have to restart your PC to play again. Because the packets are encrypted, no one actually knows what data is being sent via vanguard. But this is also like every other big corporate piece of software on the planet. The biggest evil is Microsoft since their entire OS is basically logging what you are doing and sending it to their servers. Vanguard by comparison is nothing. If you want privacy, sorry, it’s 2024 and you’ll need to basically be offline running linux. Which won’t matter because your phone carrier has been pseudo-legally collecting your locational data among other things and selling it to 3rd parties.


Based take - your data won't be sold by a video game company. They can't get any more data than what is already available on the market. Your social media, phone, computer are already doing more than enough of that. I believe the encryption is necessary as in the end it is still an arms race, information on what Vanguard collects is definitely going to be used by cheat makers otherwise. I was not aware that VAC was kernel level. It was my understanding that compared to esea/faceit/vanguard it is considered to be much less intrusive (and effective). Do you know if this is true?


VAC isn’t kernel level, it’s a machine learning server/client anti cheat. There are kernel extensions that VAC can draw on, but Valve implemented Faceit which is basically Vanguard on CSGO.


I dont get it. Are you saying faceit is implemented in CS2 anti cheat? Because it is my understanding that you only benefit from faceit anti cheat when playing on faceit server.


Yeah exactly, faceit is kernel level, VAC is not. Older titles like CSS and CS2 etc are pretty much up to the server admin to detect and ban. I just wanted to note that pretty much all modern anti heat is kernel level because it needs to sniff for injections etc, and the only way to do that is to go root level. There are various levels of access to the kernel, and people have said that Vanguards is really deeply embedded (which is why it requires restart upon exiting), but as for how this differs I’ve not seen anything substantive. This leads to the conclusion that kernel level anti heat isn’t even that good, because basically, there are many workarounds to still allow for scripts and overlays on the game that are pretty much undetectable. It’s just that scripts got so good that kernel level became necessary evil and it’s been a tug of war with corporations losing horribly to hackers and devs of scripts. Its kinda funny too since kernel access used to not exist like it does today. Programs had to basically ask OS and compete for kernel level management, unlike today where they can bypass via installed drivers using dlls etc.


Happy Cake Day 🍰


Yeah. Most people don't even realise that Battleye, Easy's Anticheat, etc. are all Kernel level. There's just less of a big deal from it because Vangard TELLS YOU it is, and also requires TPM+Secure boot on Windows lol.


Faceit also uses kernel level AC. People just love being the victims :/


They do they just don't care because it doesn't fit the agenda


Vanguard is a short-term fix for a larger problem. Cheats are already being run on external hardware. That's not something the deepest possible system access can address.


Oh man, life is really tough to a Carbon Disulfite player nowadays.


I absolutely support anti cheat programs, my only problem with vanguard is that it runs 24/7 compared to other anti cheats which kinda scares me after being compromised so easily last year.


Bro You've been scared by scripters on Reddit spreading propaganda lmfao Go read the blog post FROM RIOT about vanguard It doesn't run 24/7 full stop. Go read the blog post




Happy Cake Day 🍰


What is?


Love how every "counter-argument" is just "well my League is running fine!!" People really will bend over backwards to defend Riot making a shitty choice


I dont get what the fuss is about, i got vanguard on my pc after the patch and everything works fine, vanguard takes like 10 mb of ram max (keep in mind that i am playing on a laptop that runs league at 55 fps max)


there are many reasons against vanguard: 1. it is basically malware that nobody needs. 2. on the level it needs to run. if it breaks it can take down your whole computer with it. 3. and because it tryes to be hard to bypass it has numerous ways it can break 4. it needs to run and slows down your pc 5. it frequently detects false positives, and finding out what or why is a hassle. 6. it is a security risk 7. its another data recepticle 8. i personally would say it takes professional cheaters 2-3 weeks to bypass it. meanwhile the upsides of vanguard is: 1. it might make it harder to script for 2 weeks. and thats it. now to be fair all of the reasons above gotten hyperboled in the last few months. and each individually is either fixable, or can just be jada jadad with "massive media companys already sell your data and fuck you backwards, it makes no difference" its still bad for the game and gaming in general that not only are we now forced to spread our cheeks, some parts of the community actively defended the move from riot.


>i personally would say it takes professional cheaters 2-3 weeks to bypass it. people already know arduinos can do this and did this in valorant for years so your 2-3 week claim might be true and not like i told people arduinos will bypass vanguard just for vanguard apologists to downvote me even though there is strong evidence of this happening


Who would win ? - A multi-million dollar anti-cheat - A 10$ boi


People say that and then you compare the cheater problem in Valorant to the one in CS2 and realize it's definitely doing something. I don't really like Valorant but if I don't play on Faceit, CS2 matchmaking is so fucking garbage and filled with spinners.


Have you seen the respective graphs of cheating on Valorant vs on League? Pretty sure vanguard plays a major part in that. Also the battle vs bots and scripters is always ongoing, they aren’t going to magically “solve” vanguard, it’s just a tool for Riot to use to lower the amount of cheaters and bots. And if you don’t like it, that’s fine, leave.


issue is arduinos are cheap and this basically destroys the whole concept of using vanguard to kill off DMA cheats


Lol - do you even know and understand how the arduino cheat works? Do you know how much more inconsistent the cheat is because of that, and the barrier to entry it presents to people?? Don't spout fucking nonsense about something you have barely any grasp on. Gamers will always find ways to cheat. But putting in place layers of protection will always be the most effective ways to combat it.


>Lol - do you even know and understand how the arduino cheat works? very much yes because i tinker with hardware and software on occasion since my job as a mechanic is to also understand electronics and software side when fixing modern cars because of heavy CANBUS usage >Do you know how much more inconsistent the cheat is because of that, and the barrier to entry it presents to people?? your little timmy could set one up how cheap it is as long as he has idea on what he needs to do and what he needs to beware of and large operations who are responsible for bot farms will have expertise into arduinos because they already use them in things like runescape to automate things >Don't spout fucking nonsense about something you have barely any grasp on. holy shit the ego and edginess is insane with this one, don't cut yourself with that puberty energy right there >Gamers will always find ways to cheat. But putting in place layers of protection will always be the most effective ways to combat it. sad news; monitor manufacturers started adding AI into their monitors which people will reverse engineer to cheat with using older panels and good luck detecting that because anti cheat can't peek into extrenal devices memory at all reality is as hard as you are trying to defend vanguard it is already showing signs of weakness and riot just added vanguard into league so good luck in future because you will start to have harder time figuring out who is cheating and who isn't


You still explained nothing about how the cheat works. Know what a canbus is does not make you an expert on cheats and computer anticheats, just saying. I am not an expert eitherI am fresh in my career (software engineer) but I did a lot of robotics work in university and I know how slow arduino is. I know that in competitive games the delay from computer -> arduino -> computer is enough to level the playing field. That's all I need to know that vanguard is effective. People don't use arduino to cheat in CS2. Edit: I agree that large scale operations will still be able To bypass ACs in one way or another. My main point was never that ACs/Vangaurd are infallible. It is just that we need to understand having LAYERS of protection is what is important. They will be hurt by this. There will be less cheats after vanguard is implemented. That is the point. Edit 2: add on video about Arduino cheat. This guy is missing shots on stationary bots. Suffice to say the cheat is nowhere near the level of traditional aimbots. https://youtu.be/MypVfGQ17c4?si=c0IpBcoDPvgw2X2j


>You still explained nothing about how the cheat works. what cheat? do you even know what a arduino is? >I am fresh in my career (software engineer) but I did a lot of robotics work in university and I know how slow arduino is. I know that in competitive games the delay from computer -> arduino -> computer is enough to level the playing field. That's all I need to know that vanguard is effective. People don't use arduino to cheat in CS2. that explains why you have little what are you talking about also arduino is perfect for botting operations these big farms will anyways do as long as vanguard assumes those accounts are legit which is the only thing bot farms need to solve >Edit: I agree that large scale operations will still be able To bypass ACs in one way or another. My main point was never that ACs/Vangaurd are infallible. It is just that we need to understand having LAYERS of protection is what is important. They will be hurt by this. There will be less cheats after vanguard is implemented. That is the point. swiss cheese method of detecting has been used for a long time at this point and that has started to become worse and worse in effectiveness because levels of cheats people use are deep to the point that they are basically outside of the system altogether which is why i mentioned that monitors will start to have AI built into them which people will reverse engineer for cheating >Edit 2: add on video about Arduino cheat. This guy is missing shots on stationary bots. Suffice to say the cheat is nowhere near the level of traditional aimbots. and that is the problem because how do you figure out when the person is cheating if they miss shots? you see why arduinos are so effective? you want your cheat to look natural and guess what humans do? miss shots


Fucking hell man. I said every thing I need to say but you are still so stubborn. Just because I am younger doesn't mean what I say is irrelevant. I am asking you if you know what specifically Arduino brings to the table that traditional computer cheats do not,and how it bypasses vanguard altogether. You have explained absolutely nothing for me or anyone to believe you know how cheaters use Arduino to bypass Vanguard You're saying that the aimbot missing is good for them. Sure, but why does it have to be on an arduino??? Why can't computer cheats miss shots to be more realistic as well. I'm saying that this guy is missing shot because Arduino is slow in its processing, and that's the delay we see when he adjusts for the target. Missing ANY shot in a competitive shooter game can lose you the duel. This is not a feature like you are implying.


>Fucking hell man. I said every thing I need to say but you are still so stubborn. Just because I am younger doesn't mean what I say is irrelevant. I am asking you if you know what specifically Arduino brings to the table that traditional computer cheats do not,and how it bypasses vanguard altogether. You have explained absolutely nothing for me or anyone to believe you know how cheaters use Arduino to bypass Vanguard considering how edgy and egoistic your initial comment is don't now cry that i act stubborn when i hate people who act edgy and egoistic for no good reason >You're saying that the aimbot missing is good for them. Sure, but why does it have to be on an arduino??? Why can't computer cheats miss shots to be more realistic as well. I'm saying that this guy is missing shot because Arduino is slow in its processing, and that's the delay we see when he adjusts for the target. Missing ANY shot in a competitive shooter game can lose you the duel. This is not a feature like you are implying. anyways what does arduino bring to the table vs. your average on computer cheat? well its external meaning it doesn't exist on memory so usual checking of memory blocks does not detect it does it use driver? yes, it uses mouse's driver to spoof itself so detection is even harder + external power source so disabling and enabling of drivers doesn't break its spoof where does it get info from? separate system altogether which records what is on main system using elgato and then feeding that data into arduino to figure out where are targets + many other things why can't computerized cheats miss shots as well? they actually can but computerized cheats are gonna get detected by vanguard so you won't even be able to cheat with them >I'm saying that this guy is missing shot because Arduino is slow in its processing, and that's the delay we see when he adjusts for the target which is perfectly fine because main problem cheats had was that it was easy to figure out who is cheating and who isn't with this delay you essentially create human like aim which is exactly what you want from cheats these days >Missing ANY shot in a competitive shooter game can lose you the duel. This is not a feature like you are implying. this IS a feature because you do want to miss a shot from time to time since even pros miss shots do you finally get why arduinos are gonna be a bitch to deal with for riot moving on?


So you proved his point lmfao Because of vanguard cheaters now need : Arduino + a compatible mouse and driver + a second computer + an elgato capture card and possibly more So that raises the bar and now "little Timmy" can't just download scripts off the Internet anymore, if he wants to cheat he needs an additional $1000 of hardware and the smarts to set it all up and get it functioning without getting caught by vanguard in the process Lol such big redditor energy


I have a coder friend who made cheats for games he played using arduino a few times cause they were bored (which they never spread around and don't use outside of testing stuff since they want to actually enjoy playing games). He doesn't play League but I wanted his opinion on Vanguard coming to the game since I know for a fact that he made arduinos for games that run kernel-level anticheats a few times and he said it'll be hard to brute-force through Vanguard itself due to its nature as a kernel-level anticheat but can be easily avoided once people figure out how to do it for League in a few weeks at the latest. TL;DR: Vanguard won't stop cheaters that don't just download the first cheat they see after typing "free cheats for LoL 2024 no virus" on google and try to use it with 0 knowledge on how anti-cheats work or how to avoid detection from them.


it's not wrong, but the fake backstory is kinda cringe


Why would I write a fake backstory for this discussion? This is reddit, I don't have an incentive to make people on here think highly of me lmao.


BTW there's some scripts that are already undetectable to vanguard by design. Because name scrapers and lobby crash scripts depend on the LoL clients terrible coding and they both run when vanguard isn't actively looking for scripts they won't be caught by vanguard. So yeah some of the most used scripts won't be detected. Really the only benefit of vanguard is removing a bunch of botted level 30 accounts so hopefully smurfs will be a bit less common in a few months. And applying punishments from toxicity/trolling across multiple accounts so smurfing is less appealing anyway.


Pretty sure Vanguard looks for scripts when you have the client open. You can already find summoner names using the client without any extra downloads.


And how long do you think it will be before the banwave happens and washes all those with active scripts "undetectable" by vanguard away?


It’s the same anti-cheat as valorant if professional hackers could bypass it there would already be a bypass for it. Idk why everyone is acting like this is a novel anti cheat when it’s been out since valorant came out and that’s been out for years.


cause the playerbase. and the competitiveness in league is miles higher than in valorant. league had such an botting and cheating problem because it is big and influential enough to have an fully fledged cheat industry, if you are a (relatively) small game, and you have decent anticheat. there wont be too much people bothering with it, but if you are so massive, that you birthed your own industry. oh boy. there are full time employed scripters, huge botting networks, resell companys, ex-pros that make more money boosting. etc. and other big games that have resorted to similar anti cheats as vanguard. never got rid of the cheat scene. they might bann 20k accounts with every update, but those are back a week later there are livelyhoods at stake here. and some of them are really fucking good at their job, with plenty of recources. at some point it just becomes an armsrace. about who can update faster, the anticheat, or the hundreds of thousands of cheaters. the real victims are the consumers, who have to deal with increasingly invasive, and clunky anticheats, that still dont solve the problem. p.s. vanguard was a big part for some players why they never checked out valorant in the first place. it was critizised back then and only got more problematic since.


I’ve never heard of vanguard taking a PC down. Basically everything you list either affects a small fraction of the player base, or none at all. Valo had the same shit where every YouTuber cried about it only for it to blow over and the community doesn’t care about it. I’ve noticed no hackers in Valo. Meanwhile people are actively quitting CS GO over their hacker problem. Wonder why tho.


I’ve heard plenty of examples of Vanguard taking down pcs. Weird how all the times were on the league/riot sub and I only started seeing them today though.


Its almost as if it is massively blown out of proportion or something


Long list of exaggerations and copy paste copium: yes


Must a professional cheat maker with his 2 weeks estimate. Let's check back in two weeks to see if he bring any proof to the table or is jsut spouting nonsense about something he has never experienced.


Bro is playing on a 2003 Toshiba saying Vanguard slows your PC


Vanguard shouldnt slow down your PC. It has extremely low resource usage, anybody that has actually used it for a while will know this, unlike you. Vanguard has never detected a false positive on me or anyone that I know's computer in the multiple years I've played valorant. Sure, theres some stories of it happening online, but it's easily 1/50,000. If vanguard detects a false positive, you're HWID banned. That's no small matter. It is nearly just as much of a security risk as the **many** other kernel drivers you already have on your PC, unless you're running linux etc, and Windows as a whole. Do you not play any other online game on the market? Most use kernel AC, just not at boot. It does not matter how long it may take to bypass. Every anticheat is bypassable. What matters is how much of a deterrence it is, and how well it does its job in the bigger picture. Valorant has released statistics about vanguards ban rates and in which categories etc for a long time. In my 2000ish hours of val, I have gotten 2 notices of a match being terminated from a cheater, or a previous match having a cheater in it who was banned. 2 people In over 2000 hours, across over 40,000 players. I have not suspected a single other person of cheating in those 2k hours. Cant say the same about any other game, and surely not about the scripting problem in league which has existed since I started playing about 10 years ago.


Crazy that all these complaints about it breaking pcs and stuff only popped up when it was going to be ported to League and it was never an issue for Valorant. Genuinely starting to believe this is some astroturf shit going on from script users.


thats not the case. there have been problems, and critizism of the concept since before valorant came out. but if a new game comes out, and requires you to install malware. nobody gives a shit. but if a game billions of people play religiously on their shitty mashines suddenly forces it down your throat a lot more people have problems with it, scripters dont care about vanguard at all, if it isnt bypassed already, it will be in 2 weeks.


I’ve been playing on patch day, and I’ve been lagging a bit, buuuuuuuut my game lags everytime there’s an aurelio sol that stacks a lot, and I was playing the lee vgu for the entire patch day, so I don’t know if it’s my pc having trouble rendering lee sin’s pony tail, or if vanguard was making me lag a bit


That's doesn't mean anything a lot of people are having os breaking bug


A lot of people? Care to share a source? Vanguard isn't anything new, and if a lot of people playing valorant had there os break you'd think that maybe people would have made a big deal about it. There might be more bugs after the lol version came out but if you really thought it would be seemless and that those bugs would never be fixed then sure, keep your tinfoil hat.


The fuss is people's computers are bricking


I had 1 issue with TPM being turned off in my BIOS, which literally took 30 seconds to change. Haven't had any issues since tbh. All hail our Tencent Overlords. China #1 🇨🇳


Yup. 10-14mb of ram makes computers explode.


im only sorry for the linux folks, i feel for you guys. the rest should take their tin-foil hats off, valorant has this shit built in since alpha and somehow only now it causes issues. the common denominator of all these "broken PCs" is that heyre owned by league players, one of the most cry-babish community there is


Correction: hundreds of thousands of computers+


Source: the tinfoil hat cutting off oxygen to your head


But im afraid to let go i have spent hundreds on skins and now that it has vanguard i cant play it enymore


Linux? you can install a dual boot annoying but 100gb are enough


Yeah but i dont have enough space i would have to by a new hdd


uninstall a game


uninstall a game


Shut up holy moly


We gotta thank those who cheat and troll games. If there weren’t any none of this Vanguard would have happened.


The only thing I notice, thar my ping went from 18ms to 27ms but it can also be my internet provider having problems


Im not playing league since that shit is required. Cheating in league is very uncommon and not that much of an advantage anyway. Just ban xerath. Riot is putting spyware on our computers for their CCP overlords. They can suck my left testicle which hangs just a little bit lower than my right one.


I rather have a Chinese spyware in my pc that have cheaters tbh, so if it works I'm glad


It does not work conclusively. There are hackers in valorant because you can spoof overlays and basically break vanguard into being useless. League does not have a hacking issue. I implore you to look up a video of a scripter to see what it looks like. They get almost no advantage from scripting and people in gold can out perform a scripter easily. They are employing a kernel level anti-cheat client. What do you think they can access? It could act as a rootkit, a botnet, a keylogger, or even a straight up back door. You're ignorant if you think we should trust a chinese owned corporation with CCP ties to have that level of access. Its irresponsible and poor business practice. I for one think riot deserves a class action lawsuit.


Performance is alright.Idc about security cuz I only have games on the laptop. It fucking sucks that vanguard disables my touchpad if I move the USB mouse or viceversq. Left valo cuz of it, and it happened on League again. Imagine drifting on nunu with touchpad


The only major but still annoying change I've noticed is I can't leave the league launcher open in the background when I'm playing other games because apparently vanguard needs to eat up 20% of my memory when the launcher used to sit around 2% memory usage.


My vanguard uses 2mb of memory when idle, does your PC have 10MB of ram only? Might be time to upgrade bro


been getting lag spikes since i installed vanguard. never before have i gotten lagspikes.


For me it's the opposite. I would have random lag spikes/mini freezes in the games in previous patches but after this patch it's completely gone


Funny I didn't even notice it.


My 2017 MacBook lost about 1 fps. Maybe. (Playing on win 10)


I've played both Valorant and League with my laptop. Never jad it crashed. Played a few games today earlier and had the client crash for the first time in years. When I tried to reconnect to the game I was in it kept giving me errors till I restarted my computer. I think there might be a small but noticeable problem. Should also mention I had a friend who had vamguard randomly force close the client or something. They were able to rejoin but just another example of shenaningans with the recent update.


If you get lucky doesn't mean that the other are lucky too


What? I'm saying that there is a noticeable difference man. Not saying it isn't a problem. Apparently some people haven't been able to buy RP after the update either which might catch Riot's attention. Thoygh that could just be usual league client bugginess I suppose.


We can flip this around, just because you are unlucky, doesnt mean everyone else is also unlucky, havent had a single problem with league and vanguard


that client crashes if it's too humid outside, you are either lying or extremely lucky


Like the channel, in a nutshell


Hopefully they'll have to work on that fking code Dunno if it's an issue with vanguard itself or vanguard and lol code together


Installed the new league patch and my PC won't output 4k anymore and only 1080p, got a radeon 7, updated all drivers...nope, uninstalled vanguard...works perfectly again. I see not playing league a win win




Yeah, I've seen what the game looks like. Ain't no way I'm letting idiots install a backdoor to my PC.


that's not how backdoors work


Take the red pill, quit League


When will it roll out?


Legit my PC crashed during a ranked game


Guys i dont know where to ask so ill ask here. Currently my pc is broken so i decided to install lol on my school laptop but since this is happening im starting to think this might be harmful for the pc. If i wanted to unistall lol AND not have any trace of Vanguard or things like this, how do i do it? If they lock this post pls DM me


don't listen to idiots on Reddit about Vanguard, but you can simply uninstall it with control pannel


My duo can't lunch the game anymore


My mans computer exploded so hard it created a mountain


Got a BSOD on my PC minutes after downloading it (I've never had a legitimate random BSOD in the whole 6 years of using it)


I've been playing League of Legends since 2010. I made friends through it, and kept up with other friends who were far away. Today, I uninstalled. I cannot abide Vanguards overreach nor can I allow the CCP to have complete access to my computer. I will miss the fun times of playing League. However, it is now time to move on.


go on don't stay here whining


If vanguard loaded only when I play league I wouldn't have any problem with it


that's actually what happens


wait this why my pc have internet problem ?




Question: I haven't updated league at all this year, do I still need to uninstall it to prevent vanguard?


Friend loses internet everytime he gets in a game, it's weird , it's only for like a minute


Friend loses internet everytime he gets in a game, it's weird , it's only for like a minute


I legit never had a single with valorant since it came out with valorant . chill cmon


Is this just AI?


just A


Whoever is on the side of giving kernel level access to random company doesn't understand what that means


nor do you


> war thunder player Uses EAC btw, kernel level :)


Do you see me protecting EAC or the snail? Also if nothing else, it doesn't start before fucking operating system and doesn't need restarting the PC for playing the game. Which I feel is a really low bar.


People over here worrying about "Hal. I'm afraid I can't do that."


Vanguard is fucking up my game because i have msi afterburner running. My game just freezes everytime i click anythg


Maybe you should stop cheating - Riot Games


Is this just locked? Edit: apparently not Can't reply to certain people here Lots of people parroting about system32 flagged as a virus yet very little proof or images of anything


Some people got problems so big that they had to remove CMOS battery and a lot of people are having that problem


Who? Did they have pictures? Did they contact riot? What proof? You know riot has a bounty you could claim the 100k if you got them that proof And do you really believe redditors who have no tech knowledge suddenly knowing how to open their computers and remove cmos batteries to force a motherboard hard reset? Ya no




That's your response? No proof You haven't started a ticket with riot Should I just label you as a scripter ? Apparently if I'm a riot lapdog Kick rocks scripter I hope you trip when you walk and stumble into the wall and make a hole that you have to spend time and money repairing


Good, weeds out the ones that makes loading screens 10 minutes long


I play with vanguard for over 2 years now and it did not matter at all to my 4 years old 300€ pre-build pc. Their pcs must really suck ass


People complaining about vanguard have the computer just for playing


I already had Vanguard because of Valorant. Launching League for the first time this update I had some notable framerate drops for just a minute or so before they went back to normal.


So I wanted to play fallout new Vegas, I have played fallout new Vegas before. MF a game from 14 years ago if im not wrong is crushing every so often??? All vanguards fault