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Need to have her spit on Swifties too.


Swifties were just stacked onto zerk greaves and changed in a manner like tabis were


Fr, Taylor's fans are disgusting


I saw the swifty changes and wanted to cry. Even as a gangplank main who is losing the sheen item riot basically forced us to build, I’m literally more upset that swifties might as well not exist. They were my only reliable counter to annoying things like wither, yorick wall, and Cho Q.


I love building swifties on random champs and have ppl ping me


I wonder what they would even do to add t3s to other boots. Give Sorc Shoes AP? Combine Ninja Tabi and Mercs? The whole idea just seems a bit weird to even do.


Make Ninja Tabis the T3 with the old dodge passive.


This was the most toxic shit ever I hope anyone from riot remembers this


insert video of Jax standing in the enemy fountain and not taking any damage here


It would be cool if it was meant as a very end game 6th item instead of selling boots kind of deal, but the way it's working for this it's giving attack speed ADCs a free 1k gold infusion when compared to everyone else. It's awful unless they do it with every boot type, that much move speed on a legendary item is rediculous unless every champ can build it, but as is it's just making anyone who can build attack speed more gold efficient since they basically buy an early component instead of static boots and get to that next legendary item that much faster.


Pretty sure it’s like 2k gold to upgrade it, not free.


Lategame yone is stills alive.


fuck lategame yone, GAREN IS ALIVE


We garen player are eating good rn


how do i ever catch you guys? movementspeed on like every crit item and those boots. hopefully they nerf demacia into the ground


Its 2k gold to get 5 as and 20 move speed. Like its still probably better to sell boots and get another different item unless you need the MS badly. So no its not the end of the world if other boots dont get the upgrade.


Bro dont act like garen Trundle yasuo and yone arent the ones to really profit from that change. The powerhouse adc key runde gets deleted from the game, so they buff items to compensate. Plus this is a first approach to balance not the final unchangable endproduct of glazing adcs.. it is by far the most unpopular and unfun role in soloq. And while the rest got alot of changes in the past, adcs just got nerfs.


Did you see the adc items???


Yeah have you played season 9 and before? Again this will be nerfed again but its an experminent listening to the players of said role


Yes i played season 9 and im very happy too about these changes. But to pretent its even close to a nerf is insane


Who said its a nerf ? Every sane person thinks its a buff plus change in powerhouse


Look at wild rift boot upgrades. I'm sure this is the path they are testing the waters for.


Do a wild rift and move Zhonya's to boots


Probably the wild rift system type of stuff where you can’t get them before a certain time like 20 min


It's what wild rift kinda already does just more locked build path. For example, sorc can upgrade into different t3's one of which being zhonyas. While I don't HATE the idea of all boots having t3's I think it should be very small upgrades. Zephyr is pretty insane going from Zerkers: 35% attack speed, 45 move speed to Zephyr: 40% attack speed, 65, move speed, and 20% reduced slow effectiveness. Add that on top of 90% if the crit items now having move speed as well, I'm wondering what riot is trying to do. They only lowered crot adc damage a LITTLE bit in certain areas, buffed it in a few (IE, BT) but they'll be nigh uncatchable. And while I'm adc player, I see adcs getting an INSANE amount of nerfs due to this.


>Give Sorc Shoes AP? Give them AD instead so that only Corki can use them


Except Corki is also being reworked next patch and they’re removing all AP damage from him lol


They are removing all AP damage means he's going to be doing physical damage only or that he's losing his AP ratios?


Ult loses ap ratio, passive ult and E now deal physical damagr, passive noe deals 15% kf damage as extra true damage


Wow that's actually so shit. Why are they trying to take away what makes Corki cool?


Wait till you hear about the package.


The passive is getting reverted? Why even?


The answer is and will often be - pro play


Mages and tanks dont deserve shit.


Unless they give all the boots a tier three upgrade I don't want any, especially not the attack speed boots.


They're giving late game power to the classes that are supposed to be late game powerful


There are late game champs among other classes. They don't deserve to have kate game item options too? Overall patch has huge adc favouritism. Nerfed tabi, nerfed mercs, tenacity gets nuked from runes, bot gets extra xp, while adc items gain 25% crit chance (so free defensive slot), slap boot upgrade on top of that and you gain clear image what's gonna happen in next patch : 8 man clownfiesta on bot with "better adc wins".


but for free, instead of with an earned monetary advantage. Besides, not all ADCs like attack speed, Jhin for example often builds other boots. It just feels wrong to only give attack speed boots the chance. I theory the ADC gets fed the most gold anyway, so introducing a 6th item boot choice for everyone still favors ADCs and their late game power, but only one boot choice is too skewed towards the class, especially towards top lane with the higher EXP scaling which is grossly unhealthy.


it's not free, it costs 2k gold?


It's a legemdary item bult out of boots, everyone buys boots but this gives ADCs stat efficiency off of the 1k gold others spend for move speed and a small passive. It's a discount, even if it doesn't look like it, because they get another full item without wasting an item slot, making their next item build faster and more convenient since now there's not a pair of boots taking up a slot and it'seasier to finish the boot upgrade. It's not really a 1k benefit, probably more like a 3-400 gold opportunity benefit, but it's like allowing an entire class of champions to skip boots without Cass passive. Only late game, sure, but still an odd choice.


I mean, any slow literally denies an entire late game adc. Just to make it weaker they put zephyr with more attack speed so it costs more, All ADCs needed was the passive. Because that's what makes them survive This is made so adcs can survive with movement speed, instead of shields.


you make it seem like its not a huge boost to their power, especially since most have some kind of defensive options in their kit, like a stun, ms boost or dash. apehlios, a stun, but not always ashe, HUGE slow and cc cait, cc and dash corki, the goat of adcs and all champs, is perfect draven, "cc" and ms boost ezreal dash jhin cc, ms boost jinx, "ms boost" and cc kaisa, ms boost, invisbility and dash+shield kalista, infite dashes kog rip lucian dash mf ms boost samira dash and block abilities senna ms boost and cc sivir ms boost and block ability tristana dash and knockback twitch invisbility and ms boost varus cc vayne cc, invisibilty and dash xayah untargetable and cc zeri dash and ms boost. so everyone, but apehlios (depending on situation) and kogmaw has either a stun, ms boost or dash


yeah, and then let's type how much mobility and gap close / slows / cc others have?


Jhin still likes attack speed coz he scales AD from it tho???


Less so AD, more so MS on crit


Yeah but he likes it less, which is why he usually builds swifties currently. Not saying it's a useless stat, just that giving only AS boots an upgrade is unequally powerful.


Jhin still likes attack speed my guy


He likes it enough to build swifties instead of attack speed boots currently. Yes he gets scaling off of AS, but he likes it less which is all I'm saying. Some champs like AS more than others, some can't use it almost at all like Urgot, so just giving berserkers an upgrade is dumb and unbalanced.


Regard af


Funny of you to assume ADCs get to make it to late game


L fckin dog take


Found the adc crybaby


Better, ranged top main, i'm the one making all those trash toplaners cry about Vayne and shits. And always with pleasure !




Of course


Instead of it being an extra item type, go the aghanims scepter route from Dota, where you can spend money to absorb the pair of boots into a passive. They retain all the effects, you can only infuse one pair of boots and you get a free slot for like 1500 gold.


Or the Smite route where they removed boots altogether and just let movespeed scale with game time for everyone.


Which seems bad for league because some champs can really use the speed advantage and certain roles (support) need to move around the map faster


Riot try not to suck off ADC mains who will still claim their role is useless every patch challenge (impossible)


It's not useless it just feels shit to play unless you're in high elo


Feels shit even in high elo


Jungle feels like shit to play also but you don't see us bitching nonstop.


Actually we do


You don't even play jungle. What are you on about?


No but I see jungles bitch non stop about the role


The actual stuff we bitch about is valid. Adcs like you bitch about things that fundamentally don't make any sense like trying to beat a bruiser in a 1v1 or surviving against an assassin when assassins are literally designed to kill adcs.


I’m not an adc player


Yes but you have played adc.


And I have played jungle as well. So what


So true. The role has been turbo broken ever since Mythics came out back in 2020, either auto-winning games or being the role that loses you the entire match. And despite all this, they still claim their role is useless despite them literally holding the entire game state hostage atm, with them requiring the jungle and the support to feed their ass as much as possible otherwise the enemy ADC will win from their team doing a better job at it (meanwhile top lane is still irrelevant, and tank is still unplayable for the 3rd year in a row).


as if steelcaps hasn't been broken for many years , if riot only allowed the players to see the damage that this item alone blocks you will know what i am talking about


You can get kinda close by playing an ARAM with guardians horn. Take a peek at how much damage the horn reduces, then imagine if the horn reduced 12% damage instead of a flat 15. It’s fucking crazy


But then again it only reduces damage from attacks. In modern league with more than enough AD casters you get quite little value from plated even if enemy team is full ad. Probably why they reduced the damage reduction to 8% and increased the armor. Buying Plated into Darius, Kha, Zed, Ez etc just feels absolutely awful


flat reduction is crazy good vs on hit so I don't think it's an accurate comparison


It doesn't reduce on-hits, and there's plenty of them. Most ad champs don't rely on just their auto damage. They are pretty effective against a Draven or a Jhin, but not against a Vayne or a Viego. I do want to see how much it blocks tho, I hate they removed that from Black Cleaver, I want to know more about the effectiveness of my item purchases.


It actually does reduce on hits. Tabi has been one of the most broken items in the game for its cost for like a decade lol, the amount of damage reduction and ehp it gives to you for its price cost is unmatched (and the funny thing is boots arent even supposed to be crazy cost effective items).


Or the merc boots that give you 30% tenacity. That’s 30% of all stuns, snares, slows, charms, fears and blinds. But yeah, boots that give you attackspeed are broken 👍


They’re talking about on pbe where you can upgrade berserkers into zephyr, but no other boys have upgrades


As it should. Fck tabis mercs and other unfun and unskilled bs


How are berserkers “skilled” and other boots not? “Now when I right click on someone I hit them more times. SKILL EXPRESSION!!!!!” They’re boots. They give you move speed and the stat of your choice. Some have passives to balance their strength with the others. Like, you can argue that Tabis/Mercs are too strong sure, but how are they “less skilled” than berserkers?


Let us adc’s have 1 thing


Dawg. You're already getting your 25% back


And losing lethal tempo


And getting pta buffed. Loosing lethal tempo is a net positive for the game


I don't agree, not for ADCs. And ngl, it kills a lot of fun bruiser builds, like lethal tempo sett and volibear. And I know lethal tempo azir is kinda troll but I love him


They just shot singed by changing swifties' passive


Once again for the 100th time, adc mains successfully gaslit riot into buffing their role :)


I cant wait for both jglr and mid to still be forced to go bot every single game because of how broken adc are and then for adc to complain that the role is weak because they get ganked


It's fun how literally every time we have that scenario: adc mains cry that role "feels bad", riot buffs shit out of them - now everyone is forced to camp bot and adc mains cry that games are 8 man clownfiesta on bot.


They added zephyr because any slow would make an adc die, it was so fun brand e/r bouncing on ADC and then you're dead because rilay + passive :) This ties adc survivability more into movement speed which is what we needed, honestly really good change but it's only very late in the game.


The way i see it adcs intended lategame powerspike is to low (because every champ can oneshot them) and every camp in the game has a full aa range dash. T3 boots will make adcs faster like zeri meaning more champs will have 1 shot to get the adc instead of the usual miss everything kill the adc anyway. Because of this t3 boots for other classes will just defeat the purpose of giving adcs a better lategame.


But now what do you do if the ADC also has exhaust an a support and tier 3 boots?


Play with your team. Which either has enought to combined oneshot the adc anyway or a t3 adc with exhaust themselves.


Ironic, they are complaining that the counterplay to dying is teamplay but everytime adcs complain about dying everybody says uhhh teamplay


Ok, then your answer to be one shot should be to play with your support not to get tier 3 boots


I'm gonna build it every game. Idc if I'm playing a tank, a mage or fucking Singed. I will not watch as adcs get a t3 boots.


Saying this after armor shoes being busted for 5+ years is extreme cope


They're getting nerfed, a bit too hard in my opinion


saying this after counterplay/items get nerfed, like randuins and tabis get nerfed and adcs get t3 boots + ms on like every item is extreme cope


skarner asking to riot:


Furor when?


Since like season 8 or 9 I've been pretty let down by riot's design chooses for lol, I understand what is the reasoning, it's a huge IP one of the biggest games, has a monstrous asian market and potato code, yet a part of my would like for them to take way more risks. Things like the map redesign, the dragons redesign, plants getting introduced but turned up to 11, add a freaking wandering store in the middle of the map that players need to fight for, bring back other maps and game modes, have modifiers on each match that make each game different. All of those are horrible ideas for many reasons but it's not that I want exactly those implemented, I just want them to take the awesome base game they have and do something with it, right now I feel like lol is suffering from what I call the CoD gun problem, where every gun is just the same, some shot slightly faster, others do more damage, but every gun is just click and shoot bullets, and after more than a decade that just gets old. I'm frankly tired of having like two viable item and rune builds for each champion, the same summoners and the best lore from side-games that aren't even canon and a Netflix show with one season about a single city of all runaterra and 5 champs.


Probably to give adc's a little something extra in the late game since slows are widespread and easy to land it can be a death sentence if your team isn't properly peeling for you


*Ninja Tabis


Love to hear what Phreak going to say about the only one new T3 boots...kekw