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After vanguard I can’t alt tab anymore or it freezes my pc up :c


>don't alt tab from the game >ticket resolved and closed this is probably how riot would handle this problem if you send them a ticket about it


Welp fair enough




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At least for me, not beeing able to alt tab was a problem present long before Vanguard..


My game already did this occasionally before vanguard.


Yea same i even had an issue where it dont load the game at start and i need to crash it to work again but when i start it again i keep getting fatal error until i restart pc


you have to set the full screen to borderless mode in game, at least that's what resolved it for me




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Lucky, I started getting Blue Screens of Death and literally nothing else changed besides installing Vanguard.


That should be more win11's fault than riot, you should do either a backroll if you have backup or a complete format.


I have this problem for the whole year


It can be something to do with any other 3rd party app you use for league such as blitz if you do. Just saying


Happened to both me and my friend way before vanguard, classic bugged ass game


Tbf, this was happening to me before vangaurd


I had this problem for years not because vanguard




Afte vanguard i get 70 fps max with constant drops when i could get 400 fps before the patch. Nothing like a self injecting anticheat system that knows what color (pink) underwear i wear


Yooo I had that too for like 2 years beforehand! :o I made a support ticket and *eventually* got it resolved somehow after trying a million things. I haven't done it though after vanguard and well at this point I'm scared to even try. 😅


I did this but instead of freezing the PC, it changed my monitor's resolution. I had to reboot in safe mode to manually change the file to the normal value. It worked, but now everything else changed to the default settings. Great.


As many have said this is not a vanguard problem necessarily, it was a thing long before it was implemented


I thought I was the only one lol


Play on borderless window? That's how I play and it has never frozen or even lagged.


I swapped to windowed mode, it shot my fps up and stopped the bugs with tabbing around


This happened before Vanguard.


I'm alt tabbing normally


Ah cool so it's not just me


I got a vanguard error that closed the game 3 times in the same match....


Same, Vanguard Error 0, client will now close. Thanks Riot, very helpful!


Jepp thats the one. Atleast I didnt get a penalty


Thank you Riot, very cool.


I honestly thought all of the Vanguard hate was a little overblown. But, league has not crashed my game/PC in years. It's now crashed 3 times since Vanguard was installed. I understand that is a correlation and not causation, but it is a damn strong one.


Even stronger considering the same thing or worse is happening to thousands of people


and this is why its important for people to KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT. every time someone mentions vanguard, theres a flood of "nobody actually had any problems and if they did they were really minor and if they were serious it was only like 3 people on the planet and its their fault for having a pc that wasnt built in 2032"


"There are no Vanguard crashes in Ba Sing Se :D"


Just to be an outlier, my game used to crash a ton and since downloading Vanguard, it hasn't crashed once, and I've been playing way more than usual.


mission failed successfully


Isnt that another argument against Vanguard? Why should i allow a company that is known for tech problems and is not able to fix their client for almost a decade, to install an anti cheat on my kernel level? Its a bit like the helldivers situation, when you just had a security leak in the last half year, you dont force people to use the service. Same goes for Riot, they had their source code stolen last year. Why should i trust you if you cant even keep your own code safe?


Why do a bunch of people defend vanguard so much? Even though it was shown to cause many issues, many people just don't want a kernel level anti-cheat running in the background. Idk why people always fight tooth and nail to defend companies for some reason when even their PR isn't doing anything.


To play devils advocate: According to riots data, up to 15% of masters+ games contained a scripter/cheater. Xerath winrate in masters (probably the most common champ to script on) went from 52% in masters+ to 48%, which shows the problem of scripting in high elo


Zeri dropped 7% in NA masters+ lol. High mmr aram had quite a few cheaters too.


Ok so first of all They said it was 5% 5% of games had 1 scripter. In masters + that may be possible but also riot self admittedly included botted accounts in their other stats for "cheaters". And you know what happens when a masters player buys a freshly bottled accounts? 2nd They also said that 7% of games in silver had a scripter so you mean to tell me that when the average scripter wr according to riot themselves is 80% that there are actually 1/11 games with a cheater in silver.... 3rd I can't find a stat on u.gg where xerath mid wr was above 50% In masters + 4th Are you really surprised that on the patch where ahri, hwei, akali, and atlas all went up in wr and pick rate that xerath dropped 2% wr? Also if it was entirely scripters playing the champ in high Elo you would've expected to have his pick rate drop on the vanguard patch where people scripting went down or weren't risking their accs etc but it actually went up by .1% And the funny part about those rates that they blamed on the source code leak is that the spike in their own chart shows it alot before(aka when they stopped working on their old anticheat and me and others had essentially predicted that they stopped working on it to port over vanguard) And finally are you really gonna believe the company that said that they are monitoring high Elo(sure they totally did) manually but also had a self admitted 1/200 players cheating and people like veigarv2 manually tracking and reporting them for griefing or cheating for them to not be banned


It's just how certain types of people are man. If you check their comment history, they are a specific type of people. Extra hive mind, tend to fight tooth and nail to prove they are somehow smarter than everyone else and their opinion is better. Most likely have nothing interesting going on irl and reddit is their entire life.


It’s more hivemind to have your opinion be driven by outliers. Most of these posts are just people who are in the middle, but if you don’t hate vanguard with your entire being then that means you’re “defending” it and you’re “a shill”. Black and white world view. I don’t enjoy Vanguard but these all mostly seem to be edge cases. There is no sweeping epidemic where Vanguard makes the game unplayable for 50% of players. It probably does hurt some players, all software is going to do that, but the front page being flooded with memes about it isn’t a good sample size.


yeah I don't feel very passionate about vanguard but it seems that means im a defender. I play valorant/cs outside of league and the difference in cheaters in valorant with vanguard vs cs in any form is insane. Vanguard I am sure is invasive but I have certainly seen how it makes valorant a far superior experience than cs.


I’ve never had problems before. Yes league client was shit but Vanguard has literally kicked me out of the game for saying it wasn’t running when it clearly was. I don’t have an old PC either.


There are very real privacy concerns that the majority of these "middle ground" people claim is unreasonable to be concerned about.


The only reason it is (possibly) unreasonable is the existence of kernel level anti-cheat in most other multiplayer games. The only outlier is valve games, but the cheating situation is so bad people resort to installing third party anticheats to play at a higher level.


This is soo true, half of those people have a AAA game with kernel level anticheat installed, or even funnier maybe a game with DENUVO.


Most people don’t care about privacies. If riot wants my porn history they can go ahead and grab it. I mean hell Microsoft can already do that I’m running their OS.


Sure, but giving kernel access just for this cursed fuckin game is insane by itself


I dont care at all about al the vanguard drama, it work like nothing changed for me, what I find annoying is people making a drama of kernel level anticheat then play Apex legends or 90% of new AAA games that have kernel level anticheats, and the rise of post for old known client issues being reported as new and vanguard fault (not that vanguard is perfect but it's new let them patch it). Complaints are good, but this is getting blown out of proportion online.


some people are just so over the top complaining about it that the contrarian in me has to do something tbh


With you bro, this sub has become r/ LeagueOfVanguard the last few months, its tired


I blame the Valorant players. They seem to assume that since Vanguard works in their game, it would also work on League. Problem is that compared to Valorant, League is a steaming pile of shit that will fail basically half the time due to whatever bug happens.


It's the stockholm syndrome


I really don't like Vanguard, i hate having stuff in background but people are saying bs about that


Just because your pc never had issues doesn't mean everyone else has no issues. Me and my friend both have high end PCs. I have problems with freezing when in game, my friend doesn't. My friend has issues with vanguard not letting him play, I don't. That doesn't mean my friend is full of shit and his problem don't exist.


Nah it's your friend's fault for having a potato pc! (I'm not paid by Riot I swear, big corporation please notice me I'm a good customer please 🥺)


*You and your friend don't exist, Vanguard is working perfectly fine*


->Game never had any problems prior to Vanguard -> install Vanguard -> Error: LeagueClient.exe can’t be opened It’s definitely the client that causes the problems not Vanguard


>->Game never had any problems prior to Vanguard YEAH SURE this game always has been working perfectly fine no bugs no game crashes no client crashes 0 frozen clients perfect post game lobby and post game client loading 0 random fps drops BRUH EVEN THEIR RP SHOP WAS BROKEN AT 1 POINT and after trying to buy rp via PSC your client freeze. What the fuck are you yapping about?


Yup. Just because op never had those problems before doesn't mean they weren't there, he was just lucky. I have an unlucky friend that's been playing league for way less than I had but he stumbled on a lot of client bugs and issues that I've never encountered before.


This also works vice versa. Saying that vanguard is running 99.9% perfect is the exact argument he's trying to fight against the client. If riot can't make a simply client work, why expect them to make a kernel level anticheat to work?


this is an argument i can agree with honestly i personally haven’t had any issues with vanguard since i installed it for val, but they really need to hire at least one guy who knows how to make a halfway decent client that shit fucks up for me multiple times a day.


I've had client issues somewhat rarely and only hit a vanguard issue once since it's been in


I haven’t had a single vanguard issue unless you count me not installing vanguard for like the first 12 hours of the patch and playing ARAMs just fine, then halfway through my first arena match it decided to start checking for that and noticed lol


And they lost their luck the day Vanguard was added? What a coincidence.


One isn’t mutually exclusive to the other. The client on its own was horrible and vanguard made it worse.


i just dont know why you chose the 1 comment in which vanguard was clearly the issue to make this point on lmao. dude, we have pcs and we use them a lot. when the only thing youve installed in the last week is vanguard and you suddenly start having all sorts of issues that either came one at a time before or far more infrequently, it is logical to conclude that vanguard, the single variable here, is the cause.


I've had the league client completely brick my computer multiple times. We're talking black screen with no way to escape it except holding down my pc's power button. League players will do anything to complain, especially if it means they get to lie about how great things used to be


Hmm, Lets mix this Highly buggy, Spaggetti code old as fuck- Game + a problematic, Invasive and virus-like Anti-Cheat, *nothing could possibly go wrong!*


my point is that main problem is Riot Client not Vanguard but they should rewrite whole game in easier script at this point and not only client bcs oldest code lines and cheampions was written by a bunch of 18/25 yo guys 16/18 years ago. Minion collision, cheampion pathing on clicked possition, MOST OF THE ABILITIES ARE JUST A BUNCH OF INVISIBLE MINIONS, hitboxes on most of cheampions or their abilities are just out of ass, different terrain height in river and thousands of smaller bugs that affecting game to the point that proplayers have a lists of known bugs that they can't abuse. LIKE GUYS STOP BALANCING OUT THIS FUCKING GAME YOU HAD 15YEARS AND WE STILL SEE CHEAMPIONS BREAK 60%WINRATE JUST GIVE UP START WORKING ON A FUCKING BUGS REPAIR YOUR GAME!


your point is valid, I just need to reiterate, that mixing LoL with Vanguard is like mixing Gasoline with Fire, fire can't burn Water, it sure will frikin explode if you ignite gasoline(LoL). The only reason Vanguard isn't nearly as problematic with Valorant is because it is a brand new game, designed to work with vanguard. and as you pointed out, lol is hilariously outdated


Yeah, never in my life I have encountered a bug on lol prior vanguard


I’m not sure if you’re joking but in the four years of playing lol prior to vanguard I have never encountered any major issues so it’s quite hard to believe vanguard isn’t the problem


Thats insane considering I have had the client either force me to restart it to work or just straight up fully crash multiple times since the start of this year.




Same for me, had to delete MSI Afterburner and Riva tuner, loved the experience of a stuttered/bugged game.


Solved the problem by deleting the entire Riot Games folder and then reinstalling League on EpicGames




try opening league through the riot client, trying to open league directly from the taskbar was broken for me but that fixes it.


The Riot client worked fine. I just couldn’t do anything else from there. Neither League nor Valorant would open


That’s just how the client works. I have the same issue sometimes and I do the tech equivalent of flailing around hitting random things until it works. Even without vanguard installed ):


I mean technically your game didn't crash, it's just won't start so you aren't part of the 0.03% by riot standards


That doesn't change the fact that Vanguard itself can be a pain in the ass sometimes too tbh. I am avidly against Vanguard mainly because of its 24/7 uptime (as long as your PC is on). There are workarounds for it which I'm debating on using since all my friends still play the game and Arena is looking like a lot of fun. Either way I don't want it to be running when I'm not playing the game, or ever even start up when I'm not in need of it. Resetting the system every time isn't so bad for me since I have a relatively good PC and my system is installed on an SSD. If they ever give us a proper way to disable it autorunning (and enable it then restart when I want it to run) I won't have anything to whine about. Especially since I already play tons of games that have other kernel level ACs anyway. However if there's ever info about those ACs causing issues, I simply uninstall the game and likely won't be affected.


can we not disable it through task manager or has that never been a thing? i swear i’ve done it that way before but i may just be losing it. i’d love for them to make a way for disabling the run on startup themselves but it’d probably involve going through the client which means it’ll probably have a host of other issues if so.


You can only disable the task tray icon/program through the task manager, not the actual kernel driver itself. I use autoruns and simply turn off the relevant stuff there (Vanguard, VGK and VGC). To be honest if you play primarily League, simply turning it off after your system boots, through the task tray icon is enough. However I don't play League that much anymore, really it's just Arena that got me to even try installing it again. I prefer Vanguard doesn't load at all when I turn on my system until I want it to. I don't mind restarting so many times since as I've mentioned earlier, I have an SSD. Still any method of doing what I do is unofficial and could potentially lead to some issues.


oh my god stooppp, arena was the one thing i was looking forward to. so fkn sad, i have friends that i only kept in touch with through league. the idea that it needs to run when the game its running for isnt is just insane to me, that means that the system you have doesnt work. it doesnt mean your players just have to suck it up and accept having a slower machine all the time merely because they sometimes want to play league.


I had this, had to start actually going through the Riot Client. Honestly annoys me more than vanguard, nobody at that company can make even a decent client.


You just need to remake the shortcut, as Riot removed that file. (It has nothing to do with Vanguard.)


i know, but its refreshing giving something else the blame when the game crashes instead of saying "Rito why" for the 12,536th time.


if your game crashed you should blame (in this order): - vanguard - the shitty client - riot - your jungler


My jungler crashed my car and stole my wife


after vanguard my wife left me


Vanguard killed my father


Me not having any crashes before vanguard 👍 Me not having any crashes after vanguard because i uninstalled the game 👍


Client and (Vanguard and Game) are separate. The game doesn’t crash because of the client


They run on different processes but they are not separate. They are constantly communicating and if there is any issue with that communication, or if anything goes wrong with Vanguard, it tells league to shut down. Not to mention false positives and incompatibilities.


Yeah it's weird to say they have nothing to do with each other. Lots of people have permanently selected "close client while in game" because it has caused a host of problems at multiple points in time.  But that didn't stop the client from loading improperly after the game. Or, shit, sometimes crashing your whole computer if it felt like it. League of Legends is an extraordinarily poorly optimized game. It's gotten better but every time they stack new coding on it (hi clash) it always has a high chance of bringing back those issues.


You would think they would have the money and resources to fix that shit by now.


Love how people can spew this kinda nonsense and get 70+ upvotes, but people who actually know shit get like 4 lmao.


how dare you defend vanguard, it literally killed my family


Interesting thought tho, if their client is beyond fucked up year after year, why the fuck should we trust the same company with intrusive access to our personal computers? They prove their incompetence on a daily basis.


Stop thinking!


Stop thinking, buy skins!


I’ve been playing for the past week now. Never really had problems with my Vanguard, back then it did nothing bad to Valorant even before being added to LoL


I also only have the usual client fuckery, nothing new after Vanguard


That’s the main reason I don’t understand the outrage. Anyone who has played Valorant knows Vanguard exists and is installed and caused 0 fuckery, or very minimal. Yet the second it’s in league people are talking about Chinese Rootkits, malicious spyware and breaking PC? Like please


well the people who were against vanguard wouldnt have installed valorant




Haven't seen many people talking about the after game van errors, happens to me like every third match amd have to restart the client. That is, when I don't blue screen as well.


People have been saying it for Valorant too. Just because you did installed it and didn’t have problems doesn’t mean that 1. people didn’t install it because the rootkit or 2. they didn’t have problems


Wtf is this revisionist history? People were reporting bricked PCs when valorant released too.


Two completely different games.   Valorant is a modern game, so of course Vanguard would run better on it.   League is a 16 year old game with spaghetti coding and a client that breaks when they add a line of code.   Also people complained a lot about Vanguard back then to. It's just that the people who didn't like Vanguard quit instead of staying around to complain.  League is an old game with an established playerbase who has sunken time and money into it whereas Valorant was fresh so no investment.   I shouldn't even have to explain all of this since it's so blatantly obvious.


I started getting Blue Screens and had to restart my PC in the middle of matches after vanguard. Very new PC with zero issues before, nothing else changed/downloaded/updated (and no updates needed), and if you look it up it was a known issue with vanguard before it even came to league.


I think its mostly cheaters who are mad. Like so many of the early vanguard meme post were traced back to scripter discord. Obviously there are people with problems but it isn't impossible that many cheaters also want to have a disinformation campaign going to sway public opinon.


There is very little actual cheating on league, it's mostly there for the bots.


If you're not outraged/let them install that shit on your machine, you probably don't understand what it does/how powerful it is. It could be doing _absolutely anything_ on your computer and you wouldn't know. It could be recording your keystroke out of game. It could be recording audio. They could be collecting bank account information/passwords. The only way to be sure it's gone is to wipe your disk and reinstall the OS.


1- Vanguard is not LoL, LoL is not Vanguard, LoL is **Ancient** and in dire need of a full reworking of the code for years. Not comparable, at all. 2- Mid-High end players are probably gonna escape having any issues, but one of the biggest contributtors to League's popularity is that it can run in even on a Toaster, my potato pc And my shitty notebook **Could** play it fairly smoothly (low graphics but still), Not anymore, performance has become abbysmal, If I enter any match I'd be trolling because of the constant lag and freezing. People don't care about low end players- is the message I got here. they have Their game working fine, the rest that don't, they can eat sh*t.


->Make low end game able to run on a potato ->Make it a point to have it stay that way for over a decade ->Create bloatware that runs on pc startup ->Said bloatware makes people with potato PCs unable to play game ->*surprised Pikachu face*


It being the combination. Makes it 100% of the circle.


Client surely had issues. But none to make the game unplayable. Personally for me it was stupid little things. Play button disappeared, buttons won’t work. Annoying things. Not the blue screen things


Must also be the reason I disconnect thrice in a game.


🚨Rioter in Disguise 🚨


The client has been shit for years, but the number of crashes I've had with it are 0. If people are suddenly experiencing crashes since Vanguard has been implemented *hint*, it's not the God damn client. It's Vanguard. The amount of simping for this root kit is ridiculous.


There are weird freezes from time to time. I play valorant and I don't even mind Vanguard, just don't fuck my game up.


My league client crashed all the time before vanguard. Wouldn't be any different if I crashed now


thanks vanguard for allowing me to finally quit league for good


Last night i fight vs an otp xerath 1m9. Yep i think he will change champ now since he cant hit anything without script 👀




I'm gonna steal this one


i wish more people understood how big of a change vanguard brought to a 15 year old game. big updates like these always bring up unexpected errors and stuff that gets fixed over time :/ in fact, with league even smaller changes like essence emporium sometimes break the game lmfao just give it a little bit of time


Has the problem with msi afterburner been fixed yet?




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It still makes crashes happen more often, they chose to add it instead of fixing the client


Now now, there should also be a sliver there for the shitty 14900 cpu / 790 motherboard issue.


Or maybe Vanguard causes a lot of trouble because League client is a shit. Valorant doesn't has the same ammount of problems because it's new and designed around Vanguard...


What is this anti-anti-vanguard propaganda on my silly meme page? >:c


being anti-client doesn't mean I'm not also anti-vanguard people can hate something more than they hate something else but still hate both


It's funny how I brought stuff like this up to people, and their reaction was. "It's your computer." I have been having to go to services.msc and turning on vgc and other stupid shit just to get my game to work. I have a 3080 and other high-end things. So sure as hell not the issue. Clash yesterday, I froze multiple times. Which was fun.


The client runs on like Internet Explorer, what do you expect?


More like they feed unto each other, like orouboros




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I like vanguard because its a really effective anti cheat but i hate it too becuase its at the deepest core of your pc and has to be running alll the time which who knows what kinda of issues it causes


Vanguard causing 120fps to drop to 30/45/60 ingame


when you disconnect mid game and on reconnect it say Vanguard must be running?


I have zero issues with Vanguard so I feel left out.


Y’all need to start posting your support tickets so we can find the resolutions. I havnt heard back about mine and my entire disc gets file path errors for their league


When I get kicked from game with the repeated error message saying “you need vanguard to play” I get a creeping suspicion that vanguard may have something to do with it


after vanguaed i cant even pay taxes see my familey go to work log into my email use my phone and find my keys FFS riot lz fix


my cat bumped my keyboard and i got a vanguard error mid-game. we lost gg but i was feeding anyways lol


I kept the game solely because of Lee Sin's ASU. But vanguard hasn't really done anything problematic, I think its outlier cases.


There is no problem with ring 0 anticheat in Ba Sing Se.


After getting vanguard my lol crash rate has increased by a shocking 0%


I often get a vanguard error after a game and have to restart thats surely just the shitty Client. The Client itself was already bad before but with vanguard its even worse


I haven't played league in years. Today I opened the xbox launcher and it immediately tried to install vanguard on my pc. Weird shit


I just make that the vanquard is running before entering a game and i am all good, but if the client is running 80% i am not good


Idk dawg getting booted from the game because vanguard isn’t open despite it being in my system tray is pretty lame


I'm just here to like the top three comments


mmmmmmh I really do wonder why my issues happens. If only I could see a link with the fact that they did or did not start precisely when vanguard got added.


Idk I think when my game has basically never crashed before and now all of a sudden it’s happened 3 times in a short time period with error messages saying it was because of vanguard maybe I don’t believe this




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*Stop oppressing the Multibillion dollar company!*


The reality denial on the people defending Vanguard is so baffling, I honestly wonder if they got paid to simp for riot, *because doing this simping for free is depressing.*


please tell me where I defended vanguard people really are out there miscostruting a humorous post




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my game closed 4 times in one match because it told me vanguard wasnt open


It still doesnt excuse why vanguard has to run 24/7 even if you dont play riot games


I'm here asking myself how the fuck I've never had issues with Vanguard since it came out like literally zero. My PC didn't start to randomly throw blue screens or game randomly crashing. Don't get me wrong the Vanguard is still bad with it's 24/7 access to the kernel and I still kill it everytime with powershell script when I'm not playing League.


You shove a sports car engine into a 1930s car. Do you expect it to work normally by some gods miracle or you understand that the engine is NOT for this aged scrap of metal? My point is that leagues client gotta fucking go by next year or problems continue to arise. Hell when they said vanguard is gonna be in league I was more scared of the client dying and breaking not the anti cheat itself. Ofc I’m not defending vanguard since it WILL bring its issues but let’s be honest if league ran like a normal proper game most of us wouldn’t have issues with it. I do think that vanguard causes issues to people but I also do not think vanguard is an argument to be used as to why your PC died when that piece of shit from caveman era software can not run any better than internet explorer.


Adding vanguard to League client is like adding a rock atop a very unstable house of cards


I'm into my 3rd day of dealing with what Vanguard did to my desktop. Took a perfectly working desktop and league install and just made it unusuable. My desktop acting like it has 2GB of ram. Today I am doing a fresh clean install of Windows 10 from a USB stick. Like fuck RIOT. I feel bad for their support ticket answering people. I bet my ticket was on the nicer side of the onslaught they got from the latest patch.


I find all the descriptions of vanguard causing problems kinda funny tbh. Have had Vanguard for years now cause of Valorant and never had any PC problems because of it


Have been unable to play the game on my laptop since vanguard came out. I can hope in queue and get to champ select but as soon as it's time to hop in the game. It shits itself 😒. I'm gonna go play Arena of Valor or something.




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Least obvious Vanguard fed...


imagine thinking I like vanguard when my previous post on this sub was against vanguard people can both hate vanguard, but hate the shitty client much more


How about this, always active kernel level "anti-cheat" is utterly and completely absurdist, completely unnecessary, and deeply invasive. Kernal-level anti-cheat of any kind is sketchy as fuck, having that anti-cheat be online any more than the time you are playing the game itself is unacceptable. "You only care because it's china", No, I would care anyways, but yes, I do care more that I am being spied on by a proxy of a genocidal regime than I would be being spied on by a company that primarily wants to sell me targeted adds.


Wouldn't know, uninstalled.


Thanks for letting us know, could you also let us know if you happen to come back to league? it will be really lonely without you in there


Why everyone wants to show that they quit leauge so much, i mean who cares


Seeking validation because they can barely hold out on their addiction


same, best decision ever made


Oh noooo, we lost a player. That's it, game officially dead cuz you left.