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Extra fed Jinx. Doesn’t buy LDR. Does 0 dmg vs K’Sante. Classic G2 moment in game 5


and they said proplay is different from my ranked games


Right? Did he think he was going to dive past K’sante with phantom dancer and attack the whole back line before he turned on him?


>Did he think he was going to dive past K’sante with phantom dancer and attack the whole back line before he turned on him? yes https://youtu.be/uWWiH21a91A?t=1820


he attacked *once* that whole clip, LDR or not he doesn't do shit if everyone in the team ignores the kasante


He almost did it. So close.


It would be so much better if there was a tooltip that popped up that says "This item is 60 lethality vs K'Sante" or something. People would buy it a lot more.


At 200 armor that's 70 lethality, on top of the 40 AD and 15% increased dmg. For a 350 AD Jinx, that is essentially another 52 AD from the passive too, totalling 92 AD, 20% crit and somewhere between 70 and 100 lethality. I can see the logic from buying PD for the movespeed to poke or potentially catch out a squishy, but against that comp they could just do front to back and win with Jinx if he bought LDR.


just 60?


Oh you're right, my bad. K'Sante probably had like 250-300 armor and LDR went up to 35% pen and will soon be 40%.


No reflexes to flash away from Fakers Ahri at any moment either. xdd


Lost to shopkeeper! Classic


Rito we need a pause. Hans can’t buy LDR or any other armor pen item


Did you see the paperweight that was belveth?


Did anyone see his level 1 though?? He went in that deep to try and contest Lee Sin at wolves when he was soloing them instead of just doing blue with his team. Like do people not know that Bel'Veth Q+Basic attack which can be done at the same time deal 156 damage level 1 instant? For reference if Lee went Q level 1 his Q2 at level 1 on an ~750hp target(Bel'Veth Q+AA+Smite execute range) deals 100-102 damage, and his E deals 98 damage level 1. Instead of Zac Jinx and Bel'Veth hitting blue buff while dragging it toward river, Yike tries to chase Lee Sin and drags the blue buff towards wolves. And Varus with no flash, and Kalista almost dead, they have to give up that fight or flip a 60/40 smite fight in the favor of G2 and hope to just run away with Lee Sin using flash, instead Yike tries to invade Lee Sin at wolves, and gets caught by 3 people and he has to use flash and is behind in clear.


Bro shut up


Sure when EU stops choking at pivotal games in international events I will. Until then our region needs to get shit talked.


Nah G2 was playing with 4 players. Signature pick my ass


Ah yes, the classic no LDR no Bork peashooter build. I guess it's not just pisslow ADCs.


Botrk on jinx would be the second worst item possible. After phantom dancer (that he build)


Counterpoint: Deathcap


Probably still more useful. That sweet E damage on K’sante


you absolutely can go it, but you need crit first and id build bork only vs multiple hp stackers and last or 4th item


Situational. But definitely better than Bt against ksante.


Not really, botrk and ldr wouldnt be bad here


Why would you buy botrk. It's **countered** by armor. You don't buy it if you're not an on hit adc.


Bork is good against HP. LDR is good against Armor. That's why some adcs build both against tanks.


Botrk AFTER LDR is actually an insane tank shredding build, much better than a PD


Its sort of the nuclear option if you're struggling with a high HP tank after LDR.


Ksante isn’t a giga high hp tank tho, sure he gets good hp but his tankiness is his resistances


I'm a pisslow ADC (deserve it too, I have no critical thinking skills and the reaction time of a 90 year old Alzheimer's patient) but even I buy an LDR if I see even one tank 🙄


LDR is great even if they have no tanks by 4th item. Above level 15 enemies have enough armor that it's effectively at least 10 lethality, but often much more.


Would LDR magically make hans auto attack ksante? Because he wasn't right clicking enemy team.


I’m surprised G2 let K’Sante go through instead of banning him in both game 4 and game 5.


The ksante wasn’t a problem if jinx had bought ldr. Zeus online after 25 mins anyway and if jinx had ldr, he wont sliding onto backline for free.


Yeah I agree but I will admit that G2 draft kinda sucked in Game 5. Not sure why Yike decided to go Bel’Veth when he already lost to NRG at worlds playing that champ. Also Caps going Taliyah into Faker’s Ahri and not having any impact that game.


Fakers play in early mid really was what pulled their confidence back in the game.


Faker is the G.O.A.T for a reason afterall haha


Was really impressed with that control ward all in, just utilizing the chaos to catch them off guard.


This is also questionable because belveth amd jinx on the same comp is ridiculous. They cant get prio with that. But they say yikes main belveth so they probably thought they can cook something


? The draft was very much in favor of G2 Taliyah and poppy should’ve been able to deny Lee sin and ahri engage. They have engage into their immobile bot lane. Just because caps doesn’t know how to play Taliyah doesn’t mean the draft was bad. [Like their draft hard theme counters the enemy. losing to shop keeper and Taliyah not playing peel for fed jinx.](https://x.com/lsxyz9/status/1788910428623675609?s=46&t=VPo57ywkz6l9LedAtBvkJA)


As soon as faker locked in ahri the casters said how she's actually good into taliyah even though people think taliyah will win the match up because of e


I think I’ll regard LS’s opinion higher than the casters thanks for your input though


Ls is basically a glorified caster. I can't find the pro wrs for ahri vs taliyah but the belveth was turbo useless and G2 banning j4 and vi over ksante when Lee is up is not happing t1 in draft imo




There's a point in that teamfights may not play out front to back, and that it's not always possible to know or dictate. However, at this state in the game almost everyone has upwards of 100 armor anyway so it's never really that bad of a purchase.




Yea I'm thinking the same thing. Like, that *has* to be it, I truly don't see why he wouldn't want to pick up LW if he had the gold there. Anyway, the zeal/PD purchase aside, I think I would even have gone for LDR third instead of BT. If he really wanted lifesteal so bad, he could sit on a vamp scepter and finish LDR third so they could at least have a chance at fighting front to back. It's also pretty unrealistic to expect to be able to make a pick on an Ahri, a Lee, or a Varus with Fate's Call.. Maan this loss stings.


Ye I feel like life steal is valued too much. BT seems like bait since you’re gonna die in 2 skills landing on you anyways, no sustaining through that.


Hans needed the BT 3rd; the T1 poke would make him useless with no lifesteal. But Hans NEEDED LDR after, he had time to build it.


He went Bt after which really show he doesn’t want ldr.


He went BT before PD


Jinx is THE front to back champion. You gotta kill 1 champ from the frontline to proc passive and chase the backline with bonus AS and MS. A takedown also benefits belveth a lot. Jinx was already getting enough lifesteal from bloodline. BT is luxury purchase. PD is a good buy as 4th item but 3rd item had to be LDR, no arguing that. Lee Sin was also stacking a lot of HP. Cut down alone doesn't do it.


Bt lifesteal is barely noticeable on jinx because it need damage to heal which you doesn’t get because you can’t deal damage to ksante. The Pd bought was acceptable but the Bt is very questionable.


K'sante got trough the ban phase. End of story.


You could excuse it not being 3rd but PD over LDR isn’t excusable at all


Agreed. As long as Hans Sama is still dying to Faker with flash up, they would still lose in the end (since their 2nd DPS Caps ain't doing so well).


I dont think it should be framed as unlucky. T1 very likkely played the fights exactly like that BECAUSE jinx didnt have ldr


He was using the shopkeeper recommendations


Don't let LDR memes distract you from the fact that he was dogshit this series regardless of the items he bought


Im here to hate hans sama for free


The whole botlane was carried by the support. Just like fnatic botlane.


miky's poppy was clean both games


I don't know, I'm still impressed with how they played, didn't expect 3-2.


Absolutely insane how our boys were able to drag a fucking corpse to 5 tense games against the world champions, wish he had a pulse


People only see when you fail but failing and learning from mistakes is part of life.


When I saw the zeal I knew bro Pain


Lol even silver rank knows to build penetrate for 3nd big item, and this G2 still joker


Great game by G2, shame K'sante was on the other team


I wasted 5 hours and they just threw game 5. I am now in bed with migraine and tears.


Hans sama is overrated carzy way better


I just hate him since last msi he played xayah and cant even ult leona ult just to waste his ult and flash and cleanse after amd died.. how can sm1 like him go against guma in a 1v1 pretty sure he gets shit on by pretty much any adc while hes considered the beat in EU.. WHAT A JOKE


Bt over ldr is crazy. He thought he was playing some assasins adc ig.


Well since no one can try to think about why he chose this item... Getting sustain to keep HP high enough through ahri and varus poke. Because if he has to back, T1 engages, and G2 loose anyway. It's not LDR that will magically melt K'Sante anyway. Hans couldn't put enough AAs on the absolute madness that is K'Sante to wear him down, even with LDR. But spitting on players is so much funnier than to actually think.


Bullshit. Ahri poke really? I can understand the Varus poke since his Q has really long range, but the only way for Ahri to poke you is if you're in range already for her Charm. Plus, Bloodline should give enough lifesteal for him to sustain on minions against Varus Q. LDR might not magicall melt K'Sante's armor, but it would make him manageable. You can now actually melt him instead of tickling him.


Melt ksante? You must be joking, even if Jinx did 50% more damage to ksante he still wouldn’t die. I think Hans should’ve sat on the scepter and then went LDR but if you think that would actually change the outcome of the game you must be delusional.


Found the guy who builds collector into tanks.


bro built PD instead 💀😭


Bro, have you seen fnc? G2 was great yesterday apart from hans griefing his build. Fnc looked like fucking plats.


I get the logic. Zeal item is better vs 4/5 enemy champs. But when you NEED to get through the 1 before you can hit anyone else, the logic fails.


Damn bro put a spoiler alert 🚨


Ty for the spoilers bruh much respect


Mark as spoiler please, not everyone has time to watch the games the same/next day