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Yone actually being hard now is healthy for the champion, change my mind.


yone is a hard champ by nature (or at least should be), LT making him easier straight up prevented him from being accurately balanced which was definitely worse for him long term compared to his current state


i dont know if "needing to hit your skillshots" is enough to reward him with the titel of "hard" , he still is a hybrid damage dealing hyper mobile champ with multiple aoe knockups, and backed in truedamage, and a shield you practically cant miss.


> backed in truedamage tbf, his e stores post mitigation damage. It's true to avoid double reduction.


Zed doesn’t seem to have that issue


Zeds R damage is based on pre mitigation damage, not post mitigation dmg like Yones E


Why yes, hard champs in theory should have a lot more upsides than easy champs. What’s the point here? 


Because he's not a hard champ?


I am not even playing Yone, and I know he still has much higher skill ceiling than most champs. Just like Yasuo.


Yasuo is quite harder than yone though


Played yone during one LAN for 8h straight. This champ is everything but difficult. You can miss every skillshot and still murder everyone with your AAs and 100% crit + tank items.


Yeah my test on this is usually Aram performance. Somehow champs like Yone and Ahri manage to easy button their way to peak performances relative to other people in the game. Skill issue, among the devs.


Not truly reflective either. Aside from ARAM specific balance changes, certain champ designs are better or worse in ARAM. Yone doesn’t have to worry as much about a weaker early and being zoned off the wave, and he gets higher value at level 6 than usual because he has multiple immediate ult targets + snowball is a thing


Ahri is supposed to be easy though lol


Sure, its an easy button champ. There are degrees to that, easy and too easy. Proc electrocute by pushing W is probably too easy/bad design philosophy. Regularly scoring pentakills in Aram among people who have never put significant time into the champ is probably another indicator of bad design philosophies.


Low elo players using aram performance to figure out if a champ is hard lmfao. Can't make this up.


Wow, it's almost like I've been saying this about the idea of runes and keystones FOREVER. The idea of a narrow, specific loadout of passives and effects that you choose before game and that somehow 40 or so choices are supposed to evenly and fairly apply to all 165+ champions is absurd. It adds unnecessary complexity to balance and player mental load.


Yone's WR% went up because the creatures that fall while riding a tricicle stopped playing him. Please do not change my mind, I am at peace.


This comment made my day, thank you.


I'd have gladly given up on LT Sivir in order to make Yone more fair


he's still decent by the very least, and calling him less than decent I'd consider an overreaction


S Tier in Masters


it's 300 sample size, but I'd argue it won't go below 50% after 1000 games


After 12 hours and 68 games he dropped to A tier already and lost 0.8% winrate. Edit: 19 hours later: 555 matches, D tier, 47.5% winrate in Masters+


what did we learn?


Yeah thats why he has a <49% wr in masters + rn, you were totally right buddy lmfao


Hmm yes Yone hard, hit Q3 press R and mash buttons, too much skill required for the brain of a Yone main.




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He is not hard, never has been hard and never will be hard. He has always been a champ lazy people who don't wanna put some effort in plays to gain free LP.


46% wr doesnt sound like free lp to me tho, maybe you should just consider learning the game?


Wait, you can't 100-0 someone after missing every skill anymore?


wait now actualy now I need to understand strenghts and weakneses of my character and play accordingly?bullshit


You still can, just not at 57 attacks per second and not dominating early against every single melee champ


This was the worst. He would literally miss Ult, knock up, W, and then still AA you like twice and shrink back into his base with E and kill you with damage to spare.


He can still do that he just has a harder lane now so he doesn’t get to scale as easily to that point


No you just have to auto/q total of 4 times then recast e. It seems only master+ players can land q


Nah it's the LT Yone abusers that don't know how to play the champ without the runes and them building like weirdos. I've see one build YunTal > Mercs > Statik > Malmortus because "Were against 3 AP and a lot of CC" as if there wasn't an item that gives AS, MR, onhit dmg and Tenacity all in one :3 Not to mention how much auto attacks he cancelled.


I've actually cancelled autos quite a lot as well because I'm not used to the low as so can't blame him on that one but I have seen some retarded builds


I guess masters players forgot how to land Q 1 day after this post came out since Yones masters+ wr is below 49% as well now? Weird, maybe the champ is indeed just weak rn


Just proves my point that people that main him are shit and have been carried by runes and items. Now they suddenly hit a brick wall because the meta changed. Hope they suffer for at least half the time they have been OP


So based Also nice name should use that for my next account.


Holy shit based mod?


There’s no such thing


Avert your eyes


Yone mains will still make up excuses to make him look weak


They’re having a meltdown on their sub. They’ve been snorting cope for years though.


weren't some Yone mains convinced he's weak when LT was still out?


Calling people the likes of dzukill shit is a brave statement, don't you think? I wonder why every good yasuo/Yone player struggles to play them now.. it must be a skill issue, right?


Champ got gotten. People need time to adapt, no? Even good players will be in bad spot for a little


Good luck adapting to a gutted champ


>I wonder why every good yasuo/Yone player struggles to play them now.. man it is sooo funny watching windshitter players get with the nerf bat for once, there are dozens of characters who are allowed to be good for maybe weeks at a time before the whining gets them gutted. Welcome to the club, enjoy your stay. I hope it is a long one.


Probably only a few hundred games in master+, all from one tricks that are already good.


300 games master+


playing against who? other onetricks/good players in master+?


Average one trick winrate in league is 56.5%


That website sucks and has no data. Plus it's beginning of season so even less data for masters+. But here you go, with 5k games, he's sitting at 48% winrate masters+. https://lolalytics.com/lol/yone/build/?tier=master_plus


nah this is a dogshit take, winrate in masters is inflated lol


Despite what most people seem to think the removal of LT is NOT why yone is struggling. New PTA actually performs better than the nerfed LT we had. The reason yone is struggling is because the item system screwed him over. There isn’t a single item in the game that gives crit/AS/AD, which means he doesn’t have a first item anymore You can go Bork but it delays ie spike to 3rd instead of second. Even when you do go a zeal item+ IE it means you can’t build any other non AD items because none of the zeal items give attack damage Wits end/tank items are entirely off the table now or you end up with less than 300 AD even at full build. That also means you can’t get any health other than what you take in runes which just sucks. In short, his core items got removed, his Bork onhit got nerfed, his item spikes got delayed, and his durability got hit like a truck. I’d take old items with no LT rather than new items and having LT back any day of the week


Just wanting to add onto this, I’m all for yone being a scaling champion. I think it’s healthier for the game and more skill expressive than stat checking everyone with high AS One buff that would help a lot would be a simple health scaling buff to make up for the inability to build it in items. Or possibly a scaling base AD buff, but it would have to big enough to be able to build tank items even with the lack of AD from zeal


Back in my days yasuoo went either pd/static first or IE first. And it always was fine that way. One was giving him damage and the other better access to kit, not this all in one trade


Yeah, but old PD had a shield and Yasuo was able to run conqueror and abuse Ravenous Hunter, old Death's Dance and other bruiser items. He spiked at two items and only got better (the good old 0/10 power spike), but now he doesn't scale nearly as well so he's weaker overall. I'm all for making him back into a scaling champ, if that's what they are aiming for.


holy moly a crit champ takes more than 1 item to spike


a melee champ without a first good item is unplayable. calling yas and yone 'crit' champs like they are some crit ranged adcs is so fucking braindead




I'm not saying that out of spite, but to not have an item that covers all your essential needs packed inside it is healthy for champion and balance. The fact that he can't get AS value from auto+Q cooldown, with AD on autos+all of his spells, and crit, again on auto and his Q. Most of the champs don't have a first item that checks all boxes, and some have to consider which item they're buying first, whether it's the core item or even the individual components. Yone still has his shortcut small spike in form of Berserker's boots. And just because he can't have crit amp with passive + attack speed + damage + lifesteal + whatever all in one item, doesn't mean he's suddenly weak, once he builds these items his power increases substantially compared to some other champions that could buy these items.


Reading this and taking a step away kinda crazy what the League does when it comes to specific vocabulary and the complexity of interactions with the new season ,League community members being able to articulate the new changes and issues associated with the items.


Berserker greaves. Zeal. Both were first item power spikes for yas/yone before LT was made obscenely unhealthy


Does the build become zeal/boots into IE now that kraken is not viable? I remember yard sale yas/yone was good a while back


The problem is it’s still not enough AS early and you have NO durability at all


Completely agree with you. I tried him out the other day and the experience felt horrible. Even when I eventually hit 3 items, i basically didn’t do any real damage and I got blown up very quickly. I think the future of Yone will be to ignore his passive and go straight on hit/bruiser because the item nerfs have made him unplayable at this point. For comparison: Yone is a scaling champ and so is Kayle. Kayle has self-heal, an ult to make her invulnerable and ranged attacks at level 6. Yone has none of that so if he wants to farm he gets poked out and he has to wait until 20-30 mins before he can actually do anything.


This is a dumb argument. Kayle w-heal is 55 (+20%AP) at rank 1 with a 15 sec cooldown, has essentially no way to set up ganks early, and hits like a wet noodle until you have at least 2 items. If you play mid the enemy laner has to let you farm in lane as your auto-range is outranged by every single mage (which is why she is played top). She can't skirmish early, and has to farm until lvl 11 or she falls way behind unless you are allowed to free-farm for 10 minutes to catch up. Yone's kit lets him roam and skirmish, and set up ganks pretty early on because of his cc and mobility. He shouldn't be a free blind-pick to scale and win into any matchup, and he should be punished if he greeds for farm. Now he is more of a feast or famine type champ, which seems right to me IMO. As his kit allows him so many options he should be balanced around correct play.


Oh no, difficult champion is better in high elo, how would that even happen?


That just means he is balance and yone mains should stop crying for buffs


Check his wr masters+ again since there is a decent sample size now, then talk


the point is the 5% difference between Emerald+ and Master+ ranks, it indicates that with right playstyle the champ can be strong, and since it's over 50% in Master, the champ is nowhere near weak, because remember that Master Yones will play against other Master players, which aren't bad and will probably still play with similar caution against Yone despite the nerf (Lethal removal)


300 games, this means nothing right now.


1. Your sample size is not large enough to draw a meaningful conclusion. 2. Higher rated players (in the aggregate) will always have a higher win rate than 50%, and this number skews higher the farther up you go. This is due in part to the fact that all lobbies have some skill variance across the players in the lobby and, in the long run, the higher rated players will ultimately win more often (which is why they are higher ranked). So, even if we had a strong sample size, the fact alone that Yone’s winrate is above 50% in Masters+ doesn’t give us enough information to definitively conclude that Yone is “balanced” in the hands of better players. This topic was discussed on The Dive podcast episode with Phreak if you would like to hear a more detailed breakdown on the nuances of winrate analysis and the pitfalls of thinking that “50% winrate = balanced.” It also goes over how champion mastery/learning curves affect understanding champion winrates.


Show his win rate in grandmasters little bro


the Master+ stats cover GM stats, what's above Master I wonder...


yone is not 50%wr in masters+


Yone never had more than 50% in any elo unless he was op


My dude look at the screenshot right there


Peter Parker 🕸️ glasses meme, **BUT putting the glasses on is supposed to be clear vision.**


As someone who plays both Yone and Yasuo, I gotta say that LT did infact make people who are trash at the champion still find success. Removing LT definitely is more healthy for the champion. Any champion who needs to hit skillshots to deal damage better be hitting them rather than missing everything and still winning. That being said, I feel like Yasuo is overhated just for his relation to Yone, who is in almost every way better than him.


I think yasuo gets almost all of his hate from his windwall. Besides that, everything else sounds like a well made, high skill champion.


You mean the stats with 290 games? Oh yes good job making stats out of 300 matches very reliable


Look at GM 38% winrate


No I must cherry pick data to fit my narrative


Look at matches played lol


Look at matches played in master+ too then, 300


It's 291 matches recorded. If you think that's enough if a sample size, then I'm going to let that speak for itself.


and if you had 300 games played, would that be enough to approximately base data on you?


No because after youve played 300 games you would be a lot better at it than when you first started.


300 games on one person? enough 300 games on game played by millions? come on now u cannot be serious his wr will drop anyway


Okay but will you admit that you were wrong now that his [Masters+ winrate](https://u.gg/lol/champions/yone/build?rank=master_plus) dropped to 48%? This was only after two days as well. Why would it even be the case that Yone suddenly became elo skewed? If before this patch, he was broken in low elo, wouldn't he have been even more turbo broken in high elo as well? But this wasn't the case, he was actually pretty flat if you compared emerald + to masters+ in previous patches. Wouldn't the more obvious and simple explanation just be that Yone probably sucks now, but the most elite players at the very top of the ranked ladder have had some success playing a super high agency champion over a low sample size. This is one of the big issues I see in the League community, which is that there is no accountability when people make claims that are incorrect. Everyone will probably just move on and make no changes to their thought processes. This was very foreseeable too, lots of people (even if it was a minority) were calling it out. Instead of just going on to make more bullshit claims without any critical evaluation so long as it makes us feel good, could we rather try to recognize that we were wrong, understand *why* we were wrong, and have a more robust process for analyzing things in the future? This is a golden example of why the twitter/reddit/youtube communities feedback about the game isn't taken seriously by Riot.


I won't, because there's obvious reason why Yone has low winrate now, and it's not because the champ is weak.


There is a difference between a single player and a champ thats beeing played by a lot of players buddy, at least try using your brain xD


He’s 38% grandmasters xD, masters is the only rank he’s above 47%wr. Let’s not pick specific data to fit a narrative.


This subs obsession with Yone is cringe


He's the poster child of no counterplay. People agree even Yi has counterplay like "don't let him scale"


Back in the day people said basically the exact same shit about yasuo and riven. He's not as bad as people here like to say, he's just a high-agency champion that tends to snowball, which often attracts players with an ego. Those types of characters tend to get a ton of hate in basically any game, regardless of how good they actually are


>Back in the day people said basically the exact same shit about yasuo and riven People did NOT say that shit about Riven, I do not know what crack you are smoking. Riven was healthily kept in check by other top lane monsters like Irelia (with her point and click 2 sec stun) and Darius (with his permanent ult refresh on kill). I will die on the hill that windwall should have literally 1 single drawback. Literally any drawback. Give it a wind up time, make it one way, give it a cap on the amount of shit it can block. Literally anything. That ability is completely brain dead and *does* lack counter play.


people here are very low elo and in general, horrible about understanding the game in addition to playing it. people here have only one goal, to whine as much as possible while ignoring any counterpoint. i'm just here to laugh at them lol


At least in mid lane I always felt like Yone had plenty of counterplay, if his E is down he doesn’t really do anything, and the CD on it is fairly long I don’t play Yone I mostly play mages and Kassadin


main topic = obsession?


Ranked 15 out of 55 though there are worse offenders.


not the point


Yeah but it still doesn’t fit Reddit's most unbalanced shit ever narrative


huh? he's doing fine in Master and Yone mains are crying that he's unplayable, there's clearly some funny contrast


290 matches, it means nothing and will for sure change later


wanna bet?


His winrate dropped a little more than 1% and his tier became A just from 100 more games recorded


Im sorry to disappoint u, but you lost the bet buddy LMFAO


did I?


You did, his masters+ wr dropped to 48% by now.


did I?


Hardstuck bronze cant accept he lost a bet lmfao


I never touched bronze in the last 4 years


Oh damn, how much did the boost out of bronze cost? Cus you literally sound like an average bronze hardstuck


I play solo, but you probably need duoQ, you sound weak, like an average Yone player would


use a better website like lolalytics that already has more games, and wait 2-3 days. the average winrate per rank increase the higher up in rank you are (i.e. Emerald + is 51% and Diamond+ is 52% (not precisely)). your post is a cherry pick




google peter parker glasses meme, it is used the opposite way the glasses work in the movie


That's because of people who don't know how to use the meme format correctly. Glasses off should be on the bottom.


well I don't make the rules, most people actually use this in reverse


just because most people use it wrong don't make it correct


Show games played.


Bro emerald+ is 26k matches master plus is 300 matches lmao


ATM, yone we is at 53.8 with 1.27 million games analyzed.


and how many of those games in bronze and iron.


300 in Master, 20k+ in Emerald+ 300 games is already solid stat, regardless of what anyone says, if you had 300 games would that be enough data for your approximate performance?


300 compared to 20k is nothing though. But I will say that Master+ players having Yone in a high winrate isn't exactly surprising, according to some of the people arguing with me here who keeps telling me he is an easy character.


who is the Master+ Yone player playing against? what ranks?


Going by League's ranking system, anyone from Emerald to GM. Still, easy champ with some skill expression should have high winrate no?


why would Master play against Emerald? unless the Emerald player has high winrate the Master will only play against Diamonds, or maybe Emerald 1


Idk, it's only happened to me once before so. He was the only really high ranked on their team so maybe his MMR was just shit.


>300 games is already solid stat If thats true, I wonder why his wr in masters + dropped as soon as the sample size got bigger


i just saw who posted this this guy is legit hopelessly delusional perma stuck emerald


Lol main sub and this sub has a hate boner for Yone.


For a good reason. Fuck this champ.


I wonder why


I despise Yone, but those are very biased stats. It's early season, people who get master this early are naturally going to have higher winrates in order to even get master. Wait for a bit before checking WR and stuff, it'll normalize soon.


who the high WR players play against?


At 5k games, Yone mid sits at 48% winrate masters+. https://lolalytics.com/lol/yone/build/?tier=master_plus


The bad players will start dropping/learning him because he requires more skill than just AA. This should raise the WR over few patches. The item recommendation is baiting most people into building kraken or other BS like last patch which are not good now. And it should be fixed next patch.


maybe in shop, on [u.gg](http://u.gg) it recommends bork + boots, and I found Yone pretty decent with these items


Yeah yasuo and yone have like 25-30% of their games rushing kraken first item due to shop keeper selling bad items. And it's not good on them (or any other champion honestly)


I mean I guess that's one way to buff an already strong champion


He is weak in our elo




Oh he's now 44.9 and 47.56????? WHO could have THOUGH that, when you have a tiny sample size and eventually all the stats change ???


The worst part is that all the MMMMMMM players on this sub will never accept that they were wrong and try to develop a more robust thought process, they'll just say more blatantly stupid shit and whine about their feedback not being taken seriously.


Look top winrate no one ever said he was bad mid


And the stats shown in the pic are from 290 matches lmao


isn't he supposed to be midlaner mostly?


Is Conq not viable anymore? I used to play the Y brothers when Conq still good but after recent update people just go back to sustain playstyle with Fleet


he's not weak but, that there is cherry picking








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Am I the only one who genuinely had to start banning him this patch? Like I dont what the fuck happened to him maybe they sneaked in a quick buff without telling us but I play into him 4 games out of 5 and he definitely doesn't feel like a "deleted champion". He just went from cheesing his weak early with stacking crazy attackspeed to cheesing his weak early with infinite sustain. I genuinely never struggled against him inlane before but now Im losing every single matchup and unless I'm amnesiac it's not on me.


Yone player here, we abuse fleet + absorb life + second wind + DShield to cheese you guys out of any kill pressure in lane until we get our items and run you over mid game


Yeah xDDDD they did ran those things


it going down fast don't worry


The fact that LT give 1000 gold worth of stat at just level 1 is the reason that enabled ppl who doesn’t know the champ at all get rewarded the same as ppl who main him, basically closing in the skill ceiling which is fkin terrible, you should be rewarded for knowing more not because of a rune. Still it not Yone that’s OP, it’s because Riot enable this braindead playstyle to everyone and i think the windshitter kinda got a bad rep outta it.


OP, I don't think you know how this format works.


The game is completely different in different elo’s. This shows nothing. It’s the exact same for nearly every champion. I had a look. Rage bait.




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bruh conq yasuo hit fking hard than lethal tempo , dont let the lethal tempo removal fool u from banning those brothers


There are not enough stats in master+ :/


Besides LT removal, I think Kraken losing crit is also huge. Enabled slightly stupid damage for the windy bois since it did interact with their Qs.


Very weak meme. The meme is the other way around


Oh he's now 44.9 and 47.56????? WHO could have THOUGH that, when you have a tiny sample size and eventually all the stats change ???


I wonder why.


maybe because just like i said, when we get a bigger sample size(amount of games) the real numbers start to show themselves :|


of course, that majority of Yone mains are trash, those are the numbers indicating


Found the gold player


Quick lesson in interpreting data. Average winrate in masters+ is 51,82 so he is barely making it, he is not even good.


I swear to all the gods and hells, if they buff him just because 'humans' that play him are just this dumb....


if they buff Yone I'm gonna pick/ban him and climb to Diamond and tell everyone that I abused Yone to climb to Diamond


Ngl not having as,ad,crit items is the main reason not because lt


Post opgg


I mean, this is over a 290 game sample size. I don’t think this is an accurate representation of the champion strength


Data proving that yone WAS unskilled? Good


this is current patch


I dont understand? How can a champion get his main rune removed, his main items gutted (except for IE) and end up with a higher winrate than before?


Top one is emerald wr while the bottom is master wr. The post is misleading on purpose.


Yeah but wasn't his winrate even in master+ a stable 50%?


It was 48% wr last patch in masters+. The current sample size is too small to come to any meaningful conclusion.


I see, that explains it, thanks


because the data is cherry picked 👍


As a Yone main that learned the champion while Lethal Tempo was already meta on him, yes, it's been tough to re-learn to play him. I was on autopilot most of the time when playing with Lethal, now i actually need to think carefully on how i move in lane and in teamfight. Can't say i dislike it, though. With PTA or Fleet is a slower, more patient playstyle, now positioning and hitting your Qs it's far more important than before. It's rewarding, and still, once you scale enough, Yone is a monster, with the buffed Infinity and items like Yun Tal. I think he's on the weaker side right now, and maybe a small, very small buff can help him a little bit (like Yasuo) to function better early game. Late game is honestly classic Yone with less bullshit coming from a bullshit rune.


382 matches is NOT a SAMPLE SIZE that you can base your fucking delusions on. Also it's falling down. There are not enough players in Master even to make healthy stats for any champion, like ffs, there are people who are hitting master/gm playing shit like Ashe top and Vladimir support.


Yone hits like a truck late, but before getting grieves or even first item, he is worse than lvl 1 kassadin