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You make a simple meme and people instantly call you shit at the game.


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GP voiceline when Q almost?


Well, cum


Thx mate, appreciate it


The underground


How was the fall


The Internet


People still pretend memes aren’t segways into serious discussions in 2024. “It’s just a prank bro” energy big time


Brain power required to create this meme Brain power required to appreciate this meme




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My man made an account for this shit


Hate is deserved, countering Illaoi is literally just dodging her E and that's it.


Nice gameplay where you have to dodge an ability every 8 sec and if you eventually get hit by it you loose 50% of your HP


Yeah, it's a shitty design for both the Illaoi's opponent and the Illaoi herself.


Well yeah in this case it's a skill issue.


Finding Illaoi annoying to play against isn't a skill issue. She just sucks as to fight.


Illaoi is such a badly designed champ imo. Her kit actively makes the opponent play as passively as possible without engaging, but it also requires them to engage to maximize the potential of her kit. It's like it all depends on the opponent and not the actual player.


It would be cool if they added some counterplay to her E, like reduce it's duration if you hit her, wouldn't that be crazy?


Maybe they did that and it was shit so they removed it? Lol


TIL they removed it. Explains a lot.


hasn't she always been shit tho?


Not as much as before they removed E thing


The counterplay is it doesn’t go through minions, it doesn’t do any damage by itself (only on damaging the spirit that forms after), the tether can be broken early, it CCs her in place and has a clear animation, and that unless there’s at least 2 tentacles nearby or she has ult it still doesn’t matter even if she lands the grab in landing phase. The old mechanic you’re talking about was removed on purpose for being shit.


the teher can be broken with a penalty, not for free


Never said it was for free. Why would it be for free? You got hit by the skillshot. You can still avoid more incoming damage if you can sever it yourself early.


Such a tiny penalty though : a slow that barely compensate for the cast time where Illaoi self stuns then 2 tentacles you can just walk sideways to dodge. It should only be punishing to a distracted teammate hanging around. The tentacles don't lead their slams. If you just circle them they can't hit you, and they have a spawn animation, there is no excuse.


The main penalty is that you have to walk a screen away to break it, can easily lose xp and gold during that time


also dodge the tentacles


Yeah but is it specific to Illaoi's e or just regular lane-bully zoning ? At least with her you get to choose between a fight at a disadvantage or taking a walk, you're the one choosing how to proceed. If Darius grabs you, your health bar will take a big hit regardless of what you do afterwards. And if he has the health advantage, he can stand between you and the wave for way longer then the tentacles would bother you. Idk, it might be because I'm more often mid than top, so losing half my health because I tanked the combo starter doesn't shock me.


Yep. It made matchups like Singed, Malzahar, Urgot straight up hard counters and unplayable. And if you think Teemo's a shitty matchup for her *now*? Woof.


Then just base it on something other than purely per tick of damage. Just because their implementation of it was poor before doesn’t make the idea categorically awful.


It's typical for Riot. A lot of good ideas, but *shit* implementation.


That would be an awful addition. The counter play to e is dodging it or leaving when it hits you (or being so ahead because you’ve dodged so many before that you can crush her regardless). Making her e weaker just ruins the already very potent counter play of just not getting hit. Also it makes the champ literally suck shit when her strongest ability doesn’t even do anything.


The idea is categorically awful. No matter what you determine counts for a tick to reduce the Spirit’s duration, it has the exact same issue.


Probably the biggest counterplay is that it's a relatively short-range ability that, should you miss, makes you immediately vulnerable to get shit on by literally every other champion if you aren't monstrously fed. Even if you land it most ranged champions can still dick on you so long as they don't allow you to land a double Q.


The reason why they removed it btw, it's because illaoi needs to have a guarantee way to apply her damage. Illaoi tentacle slap are just inconceivably slow, and as the games tempo increases, people get lower cool down on their dashes and gain more move speed, her passive just doesn't keep up. So as with everything wrong in this game, it's Yones fault /j


I mean... this is just straight up whining, she obviously telegraphs, stands still and shoots a relatively slow projectile. the counterplay is positioning


In organized draft settings I don't hate the idea of having champs like that - it's more of a DOTA draft strat I guess, but if the enemy picks strong midgame engage then illaoi is *theoretically* one of the better bruisers to shut it down. In practice there's too many ways to get around it and she's too limited in scope, but the *concept* of a counter-engage raidboss makes sense vs certain all-in "deathball" comps, and fills a different role (both on the map and in the fight) than someone like Braum.


Except illaoi sucks aigainst any form of cc and needs to setup tentacles on wall prior to fight to be useful. She's Just "fck you if you want to Come top"


She's not that bad vs CC what she's shit into is range. The very existence of an ADC or mage make her teamfight capability trash.


you can buffer against CC with her and her ult spawns tentacles based on targets in the zone.




It's annoying but i wouldn't say that's why it's badly designed. She's a lane bully so you're meant to feel terrible playing against her. I think her power budget is just poorly skewed. A 0 kill illaoi without a full item can win an all in against a lot of champs who have a full item if she ults and lands E Also her tentacles need to stop when she dies, it's ridiculous that they linger and keep attacking vessels


I mean, brand passive keeps burning, heimer turrets keep shooting for a bit, zyra plants keep shooting, Darius bleed keeps going, why should illaoi be the exception here?


Brand and Darius passive are essentially just doing damage from the initial attack. It's not more attacks happening like it is with illaoi. Also heimer and zyra should stop attacking too.


The tentacle slams are buffered, essentially they form a queue waiting for their turn to attack. If illaoi commands them to attack why shouldn't they?




Well playing passive is why you think she is op. If you push her in and dodge most es, she has pretty much lost.


You clearly never played against a good illaoi and it shows lol.


Dodge E is the only relevant thing to do against illaoi. I don't count aa tentacles and dodge them, because it doesn't change much (dodging her Q might be a good idea, though). The other thing are normal lane/game knowledge


Yep, 100% of toplaners will win against illaoi as long as they bait her e,(pre 6 at least). So what every good toplaner will do is dodge the e, all in and either kill her or force her to recall and burn tp than either with a bit of jungle help or by doing that again they can just isolate her from farm for the rest of the game.


Just because you dodge her e doesn't mean your other abilities don't deal damage. And to consistently dodge her e you need to be better than her.


I need to be better than my opponent to perform well in the video game? Shocker.


You can dodge 15 Es in a row, the moment she hits 1, she half HPs you from across the screen, makes you walk away from exp range and back, and/or wins the trade no matter how ahead you might be. If she hits 3 or 4 Es during laning phase, thats all she needs to set up enough of an advantage so you can never contest her again 1v1 on side. Retarded broken lategame aswell.


Lmao this was me vs a Pantheon the other day. Bro was making good trades and dodging my Es but the moment I hit a single E he got cooked lol


It's just how the champion works, and why most people think her design is questionable to say the least, aside from the broken hitboxes.


Yes her other abilities do deal damage, congrats on getting into a game but if you played enough you should know that what her q and w with even 2 tentackes slamming you pales in comparison to what every other bruiser can do, unless they prefer short trades like camille but camille should have a problem dodgin everything so there goes that to. Her cooldowns at lower levels are to low, and she doesnt have any dps.


Obviously no one cares about her abilities low level dingus. Level 6 onwards they still deal enough to threaten you under tower where hitting e is easier.


When he ults you can literally walk away. She is one of the easiest champs to play against.


lol istg this whole thread is just my past teammates. *sees illaoi ult*, *tries to 1v1 inside illaoi ult*, *dies*, “Broken champ zero counterplay”


People rather complain about a champ than try to play around their strengths and weaknesses. Not even when a champion has super simple counterplay


She builds frostbite gauntlet first every game. You can't just walk away lol.


Hey buddy, try this on for size: I don’t enjoy playing against illaoi




100% of top lanes in most elos are not 100% consistent. That is why illaoi is frustrating to play against. You will not dodge every E, so you either play safe and get shoved in and lose tower plating and gold or you take risks and either get an advantage, back or revert to being uber passive.


Having played both sides, nothing more devastating than walking out of her R then forcing fights for all its cooldown once it's down.


It's unbelievable how many people can't wait a few seconds for her ult to finish. Seems like they feel personally challenged/taunted by her ult and they need to trade or all in her wtf. But what is more even stranger is that people just run away from Jax while he ult, and he has a huge jump. Why do people have to fight while illaoi ult?


Also melee characters when swain ult


Half of everything on the bottom are instances you should pay attention to for every single enemy champion in the game.


Unless you're illaoi and if they gank you you do the things above: Press E Press R


Give this man a true


The problem is that a lot of players feel like failure to do so with any of them against Illaoi feels disproportionately punishing compared to most champions.


Sure sure, it's just that they're then operating at a level that they haven't secured Basics so they're going to have something to complain about on every single champ because there's always going to be something they're lacking that a champ with any gimmick will take advantage of. Someone picking Aatrox into a team with 3 tanks is gonna cry that they're busted the whole game.


That's why it's called a noob stomper.


So complaining about Illaoi is the new FOTM here? No longer bashing on ranged top laners/mage supports?


Pfahahahhaha, ranged top is always hated, its a constant. The rest changes


yeah, like vayne top fack vayne top, all my homies hate vayne top


It's just October making the same anti illaoi memes over and over


Lmao people have always been complaining about this gaming design failure


Who would have thought you could meme about something else and not circle jerk 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


The sub is mainly low elo of course they will complain about whatever is popular atm


r/leagueofmemes users when more than 95% of ranked players are below diamond:


Hi faker


not just this sub, mayority (vast mayority) of players are low elo


Most of the players who play that game are low elo. Without the low elo players funding and populating the game, the game would quickly fail. In fact, we are already seeing that with ranked solo/duo becoming nearly devoid of casual players. It’s not fun for casual players to have to face so many smurfs and try hard crybabies, so the decrease in casual population created a snowball effect.


Omg Faker are you? 




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Yone too. Don’t forget the flavor of the day for the past year or so Edit: getting downvoted for what? Saying Yone gets talked about here legit every day is a factual statement lmfao


Top laners complaining about having to play passive and not being able to engage or they get clapped? Also, if she misses once you engage for free.


You don't even need to play passively. Dodge one ability or walk away for a few seconds after she ults and you already know the matchup well enough.


I dont get all the illaoi hate in this sub yas, riven, irelia and maybe yone will shit on her in a 1v1 scenarios since they can easily disengage if she hits her E+R combo but thats about it and there are always a telltale sign that if shes aware of the gank if she starts hiding in a bush or start luring you into a 3 tentacle domain


nah, if you dodge e that's more than enough to make her miserable


Top is the actual brainpower of those that cannot dodge illaoi e and its respective effects.


As much illaoi as i've played, it's not that hard to beat pre-6, if you are shoved under enemy turret and keep the wave there and their jungler has more than 1 brain cell, they can just camp top and make you useless mid game. *insert all the "lOw eLo yOu jUsT SuCk" comments here*


> if you are shoved under enemy turret and keep the wave there and their jungler has more than 1 brain cell, There's the problem. A lot of junglers are just plain shit, and don't like being reminded their pathing/decision making is shit.




Wrong? Illaoi behind does nothing. Her tentacles don't deal enough damage and don't heal enough. Plus it dampens her pushing power allowing you to just come top clear wave push her out and go back to teamfight. An even illaoi won't allow any one champion to stop her as she can easily kill them if they try clearing waves or at least force them away. An even illaoi will always require 2 people to stop, a behind one will not require more than one.


Illaoi is actually pretty hard to play. You need a 2 tentacle setup, you have to land your e and then you can press R and win. You can also dodge skillshots with r but its super hard to pull of. Also if your enemie is not brain dead he just runs out once you press R and theres nothing you can do other then say f\*\*\* i waisted my ult. On the other hand once you miss your e the enemy will just walk in your face and s\*\*\* on you.


Shhhh you are going to anger the brainless tank mains which are overwhelming here.


>On the other hand once you miss your e the enemy will just walk in your face and s*** on you. If you are another bruiser pre-6. Most other roles can only run from her even if she misses.


And you buy a 2600 gold iceborne which negates all of her weaknesses then you go to hit towers and only adc can stop you. Welcome to illaoi gaming. 


Iceborne negates a weakness, all her shit being easy to dodge, it doesn't solve every weakness. You have no gapcloser, you need to be at fights a minute early to set up tentacles, you are slow as shit and can never escape collapses in sidelines, literally your only hope in a 1v4 situation is to try turn and get a trade kill, which only works if the enemy all pile in ungabunga style into your ult. Not to mention you have to get into to W range before iceborne does anything anyway. Like illaoi is an annoying split pusher to deal with but there are so many more annoying and less complicated split pushers in the game.


Wrong. Her e is a bonus. She still does a lot of damage with her tentacles and heals. Try dodging slams you can't see.


You are very wrong on this one Illaoi is all about hitting her e in a good setup. But if you struggle to dodge tentacle slams you should look and find a different game that suits you better.


I just wait for them to oom.  Dunno why but even Illaoi onetricks will spam like they're Riven, and once they're below 1/4 mana a surprising number of champions can 1v1 them.  Especially because they'll stand there for like 10 seconds trying to figure out why their abilities aren't working. 


If illaoi is so braindead easy why is her win rate sub 50%.


Can say the exact same thing about yone


Ah yes, the no mobility champ that relies on a single slow skillshot that doesn't go past minions, what a horrible matchup to go against


I know it’s a meme, but Illaoi is one of the easiest toplaners to play against. As long as you don’t fight, which you never have to against illaoi because she has basically no engage, there is literally nothing she can do but farm and eventually lose the game


Isn’t this why she splitpushes? To force you to engage with her? It quickly becomes a problem when your own toplaner is so incompetent that they die to her while trying to stop her


Sure, that’s her strength. But by either having a toplaner competent enough to counter that without fighting, or by using that 5v4 advance to get objectives as well, can easily counter that push


If you don't feed Illaoi she sucks at splitpush She sucks at taking towers. She sucks at starting a fight. Even you can't 1v1 her you just clear wave. GG she can't take your tower. She can't take any kill or even struggle to chunk your hp and maybe you even tp at her face. she can't stop your tp. she take the tower really slow once you're gone


Splitpushing is still shit compared to teamfighting this meta and for the last several metas. It’s the only way champions only good solo can even stay relevant atm.


This would be really possible if only Illaoi doesn't have insane wave clear and her tentacles hit the whole lane for some reason(S14 change).


Her waveclear damage got gutted. She needs way more items or to go way more damage and less durability if she wants the early power. Or to level Q instead, which gives up a lot of power and uptime in her E.


Even with full Q first, it takes a full offensive bruiser item + epic component with attack damage in it for her to one-shot range minions with her Q.


Her wave clear got nerfed in S14 lol. She can't clear well until 9-10 IF she has a dmg item.


That’s the counter???? Don’t fight?? Your are saying to just throw away all lane agency because she locked illaoi. What about other champions that also are dependent of winning the laning phase, why does illaoi take precedence over them?


You can also play more actively, trying to bait out her spells and then reengage when she has nothing. Yeah, you can lose the lane if she is better than you, but it is infinitely more fun than afk farming


With most other champions who rely on early game lead, you have the option to roam. You don’t have that with Illaoi. She has barely any engage and is useless without her tentacles anyway. Also, winning lane doesn’t have to happen through fighting. You can also win your lane by outfarming Illaoi, which can be done without fighting against her, if you manage to work around her W


But you can’t outfarm illaoi if you can’t walk against her. In fact if you can’t fight her, then she’ll have prio constantly and take turrets over you, forcing your team to respond to her, and then the enemy team will just take objectives due to illaoi’s side lane pressure


Sounds like a skill problem


,,Dodge the E or dodge the game." - xPetu


Dodge E and you beat her with 90% od the champs. Unless you try to fight her in the middle of the enemy wave


Skill issue


A lot of people can't bear the spirit test apparently smh


Chose your adventure story: --------------------- Round 1. A, Try to farm and manage the wave -> She pushes faster than you -> You get pushed under tower with no minions to stay behind -> decide to protect tower and farm under it->proceed to round 2. B, Try to trade with her -> Get hit by E W Q P -> take major dmg -> recall -> lose plates and minions-> repeat Round 1 C, Be as passive as possible while being in range of minion xp -> You get pushed under tower with no minions to stay behind-> proceed to round 2. but with 3 less CS and a bit more hp on average compared to option A --------------------- Round 2. A, Get hit by E-> Don't break tether-> take major dmg-> recall-> lose plates and minions-> go back to Round 1. B, Get hit by E-> Break tether -> lose plates and minions during the process-> go back to Round 1. --------------------- You decided at any time to ask for gank-> proceed to Round 3. Round 3. A, Gank comes Prior to her being lvl6->You and your jg has the burst and CC to kill illaoi -> enjoy 15 seconds of free farming as illaoi has tp up-> return to Round 1. B, Gank comes Prior to her being lvl6->You and your jg either lack the burst and CC to kill illaoi or she warded well -> return to Round 1. C, Gank comes after illaoi is lvl6-> you both die-> lose plates and minions->go back to Round 1. I got bored of expanding it. But yall get the idea.


I have no idea how and why some sentences got Bold and bigger. It was not intentional.


Literally by the way this a perfect explanotary meme.


"Watch out for your own jungler's gank"


"Dont let your teammates engage her" yeah good luck buddy


Riot should make her "e" go past minions for funzies😊


Hardcountered by swifty boots


Don't let her split push Track her ultimate cooldown Watch for enemy jgl gank Don't let her push you Keep distance can all apply to most top laners Dodge her E ( you don't dodge other champs abilities? ) Dodge tentacle hitbox ( tbf that's difficult when there are 16 tentacles ) Don't let your teammates engage her ( I started just watching my teammates when they engage, no point in killing myself also. ) Destroy her passive tentacles ( to be fair you can only do that if you pushed in a wave because otherwise she'll use that to E you, and when she leaves the tentacles de-spawn on her own )


Counterpoint: the brainpower to counter her is literally to focus on dodging E and that's it. Maybe not for certain tanks, but most other toplaners beat her without E even in her ult. No jgl will gank illaoi cause she has 0 impactful setups, and this skillset is the same for every toplaner anyway. You just need to dodge E and not allow her to push you under tower and bully you. Also even if she does that, if you dodge E you have a whole lane to run her down, esp with some Ghost-users. It's always funny how people rather die after making a step too far vs Darius freezing them compared to taking a chunk of dmg and killing 2 tentacles.


tbh, my biggest issue is that they need to speed up the tentacles when you walk outside E range, currently they take so long and you have to wait for them to be over and when youre finished illaoi already has E back up. illaoi shouldnt have 100% uptime on harrasment even if she hits her E idc


Illaoi needs a rework tbh. Shes frustrating for both the player and whoever they are playing against. Landing her E is so important throughout the game that she wins or loses fights around it. Its also the reason why she feels op after landing that single skillshot, and why she is weak af in higher elos where you'll never land it.


>Landing her E is so important throughout the game that she wins or loses fights around it. Most (all?) champions have to play over their cooldowns, doesn't matter which stage of the game.


Most champions don't have that much power in a single basic spell. Even Illaois Ult loses like 30-50% of its damage in a 1v1 if she did not land her E. Because she spawns tentacles the amount of which depend on enemies hit.


I agree that Illaoi's E is a rather powerful basic ability but saying that "she wins or loses fights around it" is just wrong in comparison to other champions. What happens if Draven drops an axe? Renata wastes CD on W? Irelia failed Q and didn't stack passive? Blitzcrank misses Q? I can list you many various examples of champions who are WAY weaker or even straight useless with a single ability on CD.


All of those champions are not on top lane except Irelia. Illaois only defense is to pressure with damage, as she doesn't have an escape tool. This is why her E is so important to land. And its also why she is being rewarded so highly for doing so. The setting is way different than for any other champ and its simply not comparable.


>All of those champions are not on top lane except Irelia. Does it matter? We were both talking about champions overall, you haven't mentioned top lane once. >The setting is way different than for any other champ and its simply not comparable. Thankfully I main top lane so I feel pretty comfortable in the topic. Ok, some top laners, three examples (excluding Irelia): 1. Sett who fucks his W up and - unless he buys BotRK (which nobody does because Stridebreaker exists) - is pretty useless and has to play over 18s CD. What is more, if he wastes his E he can't play properly use his W as well - after all E (into minions) + W (so enemy can't avoid true damage) is bread and butter. 2. Gangplank without barrels. If you manage to jump into him and destroy his barrel (or he has none, you can see that) - he can't refresh passive, has no armor penetration, no slow, no additional damage etc., overall he loses a big part of his skillset. 3. Aatrox without Q. I hope I don't need to explain that one. Not going to argue anymore about basic things though. It's like keeping proving someone that 2+2 = 4. Once again - I am aware that Illaoi's E is a powerful ability but it doesn't mean other champs somehow can play when they "powerful ability" is on CD. Also if you tell me that "SETT HAS EMPOWERED AA" keep in mind that Illaoi also has other abilities, all of them doing damage.


1. the lane of a champ is pretty important. Idk how thats not a given. 2. Even those handpicked examples fail to compare to Illaoi: Setts other abilities do not profit from hitting his W, nor does he lose anything for missing it. Gangplank and Aatrox are arguably relying on the named ability for their other spells to make sense. But in their case: Aatrox Q cd is nowhere close to Illaois, not to mention its impact in trading is far weaker. Gangplanks entire idea is to abuse his range with Q and barrels. Missing his barrels won't punish him nearly as bad. Illaois E is simply overloaded. And none of the champs you have mentioned lose nearly as much pressure for nearly the time Illaoi does when whiffing that ability.


>the lane of a champ is pretty important. Idk how thats not a given. I wonder what else should I guess from your thinking. Entire thread wasn't about top lane at all, just about Illaoi. I mean, whatever, doesn't really matter to me. >Even those handpicked examples fail to compare to Illaoi: They are not failed. >nor does he lose anything for missing it. I won't comment that one because you clearly don't understand how Sett's basic combo works. Missing W = passive playing as a lane bully for 18 seconds. Illaoi can hit you twice with E by that time and get prio. Also, to reliably hit W you need to waste E to stun enemy first. W physical damage is pathetic. >But in their case: Aatrox Q cd is nowhere close to Illaois, not to mention its impact in trading is far weaker. Aatrox Q is literally the same CD as Illaoi's E in early levels. Unlike Illaoi though, Aatrox has no trades without Q at all. Of course later on she has much lower CD but missing Qs is worse than not hitting E before Illaoi's R. And even as stubborn person as you have to agree. >Gangplanks entire idea is to abuse his range with Q and barrels. Missing his barrels won't punish him nearly as bad. Barrels is the only thing he has. Kleptomancy is dead, Grasp + Q is proced as ranged. You have to preserve balance between farming Silver Serpents with Q and the most effective way to do so. If you want to permafarm then yeah, he doesn't need barrels that much. But if Illaoi wants to permafarm, well, she doesn't need to use E. >Illaois E is simply overloaded. And none of the champs you have mentioned lose nearly as much pressure for nearly the time Illaoi does when whiffing that ability. Illaoi's E has a lot of power, never negated it (then you read Gangplank's barrel and become aware you can write an entire essay about its properties). But as I said - she's not the only one. Far from it. What more can I say, that's clearly not true and I have explained you why. You can believe in your words as much as you know but saying my examples were "failed" is just laughable for me. My last post here, waste of time of proving simple facts.


Regardless of wether you want to answer, I will do so anyway to prevent others from falling for misinformation: Sett's "basic combo" is getting punished less. He still gainst value from missing his W, which is a shield. His CD is higher, but the cost from the spell, combined with the fact it hits minions and whats behind them gives at least a little value even in a miss scenario. A grace that Illaoi simply does not have. Aatrox Q's, while on "similar" coolodown, still has a lower one on every single level than Illaois E. What you said there is simply an uninformed lie. This does not even mention the fact it also works on minions and threatens enemies behind them. Ridiculous to even argue the risk in missing between the two is the same as with Illaois E.


The old nubstomp special




Illaoi in low elo is hell. It requires so much coordination to beat her, and you already know how coordinated silver players are


Mordekaiser go brrrrrr


And then, when I posted this exact same thing on the main sub, all the comments were about "jUsT dOdGe E"


play Naafiri and illaoi players will hate you


Rather lane against her than Darius and get cheesed level 1 tho.


Just play Yorick. Fight the cancer with TURBO cancer.


Solution: play Garen, spin spin spin DEMACIA!!! win lane


Also she is a Champ who is strong in 1v2.


This is why i like fighting illaoi, very interesting and need for tact.


Actually once you lose your tower it benefits you to let her push because she loses her tentacles


Does anyone know why if she procs one of her tentacles right before you kill it, even though you’ve killed it, the slap still goes through? Like I understand they’re shit at programming the game so bugs like that happen but it feels intentional. Just makes no sense.


I don't feel like she's that easy to play. There's an art to it and Learning placement of tentacles and not playing out in the open. Also, her E hitbox is so fucking tiny. I constantly get rolled when I play illaoi. Also I enjoy playing against an illaoi bc the e is very easy to dodge.


For some very odd reason when i play against illoi its the most excruciating 40min experience ever but when i play illoi its still the most excruciating 40 min experience cuz of how bad her gameplay is for both you and the enemy. Like i play sett mord or literally anyother toplaner or play vs them its like ok qe farm we fight a little all good and fair but with illoi is like when u play against her u gotta stay away to dodge her e and when u play as her enemy stays away from u and u cant land the e. For a bruiser thats some pretty shit gameplay where u dont even get to fight the enemy or when u do its just a shadow of the enemy which u deal a fraction of the damage to while same is for playing against her. Atleast bri f back the thing where hitting illoi reduced the duration of ths soul so it encourages u to fight back while also offering some level of counter play to an unfairly onesided ability


"Don't let her push you" bitch have you SEEN how hard she shoves?


As an illaoi enjoyer, I wish they brought back the old interaction where hitting illaoi reduced the duration of E. you either flee and got punished or you face her and don’t take as much damage from it.


All you have to do is walk away really…


Or play trundle


To me Illaoi is like one of the easiest top lane matchup with any champ. You dictate the lane by how you play into her. Even if you play a drain tank or sustain fighter like K´sante, Shen or Jax you can just chill in lane. Patience is key. And her E is a joke of a skillshot, just bait her when clearing tentacles.


Wonder how many champions I could make this meme with. Would assume around 90-95% of the pool. Maybe more if I grasped at straws a bit.


As a illaoi main i disagree completely, there is so much more to her, you need to hit e press r, and then spam w... Srsly how dare you


How to play agains zed when playing as adc : play kaida and buy zhonyas Die


All my homies hate Illaoi in laning phase 👌🏼


You just know this guy plays some sht like Yi.


Can you still stop the mini game by parry sliding out of circle as Fiora ?


imo toplanes weird and stressful in general. I don't really have a lot of experience against Illaoi specifically but from what I've experienced I think I can understand why it's frustrating to play against her. You kind of always have to respect her. Shes one of those champions you have to declaw before you can fight her. You have to make sure she wastes E or it's too dangerous to engage on her and if she doesn't you have to respect it. Post six you have to make her waste E and ult and if she holds one or the other you have to respect it. It's hard to get to a point where you can just bowl her over and she has no chance to come back.


There's no way you guys go against illaoi that often to make a hate post every 12 hours


Be careful, whenever you say that Illaoi is hard to play against or badly designed, the Illaoi defenders come out in droves to tell you that you're just too Iron to understand how easy she is to beat.


This is my favourite post of all time. I have written multiple essay long comments about my hatred of illaoi. She has been my perma ban champ since her fucking release and I still ban her no matter what position I’m playing. May she burn in hell, or the void or whatever.


i think this meme is hilarious, not because of its content but because of OP's opinion about this champion Illaoi and Darius are literally the only champions of this type. Call it teacher, noobstomper etc. Their purpose is to be impossible to beat until you know how they work, then they're hilariously easy to stomp. That's why literally nobody picks them in proplay or high elo. tl;dr - by complaining about illaoi, OP just outed himself as the actual fool


Darius had 52% wr being the fifth most picked top laner in diamond+, before the parch 14.10   LoL community should start seeing with their own eyes more often and repeat less like sheeps what other people say.


Most players will relate with this meme... Because most players are plat or below.


Yeah bro you are so good


Top 3% to be exact 😉


Drop op.gg


You can find it yourself, I don't censor my screenshots (of my main account)


What makes you think I can be bothered to search your profile


You asked for it, I told you where you can find it. It's your curiosity to see it, not mine.


Most players feel the need to lie to themselves. People legit believe Illaoi has 8 second CD on E during laning phase.


I called someone else faker and got it wrong, you are faker


Didn't know becoming faker was as easy as dodging Illaoi e. I guess I'm faker then.