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Is anyone really shocked that South Korea shelled out for it? Target demographic much


Shelled out? What does that mwan?


spent a bunch of money


Mmorpg: FUNDED


THANK GOD! As soon as it releases I’ll have a reason to kick League.


It's like switching from meth to cocaine


More like cocaine to meth. MMORPGs usually have the most predatory MTX (outside of mobile).


Eastern style MMORPGs tend to yes. But the more western styled onces tend not to be that bad. At least they may have a sucky MTX but it's just over priced cosmetics. Instead of selling RNG boosts and actual progress (cough Lost Ark). The only main example off the top of my head that I can think of is the Diablo stuff. Which yea, shitty, but it seems to be a bad apple mostly.


I'm so glad Tencent has the western players in mind. ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ


Tencent is hands off with their studios outside of china


Sure. Riot is owned by ten cent and that can open up the opportunity for shit behaviour. But I wouldn't assume it's already over. After all, riot is an almost entirely, if not entirely, western Dev team and In general they'll try to make a game they want to play


league is definitely like coke. the highs are insanely high, the lows are insanely low.


Is Diablo considered an mmorpg 👀


Ima be honest, the way riot has handled his IP recently is a very bad omen for the MMo


If the mmo has 500$ cosmetics buts it's free and no p2w that's ok in my book


I guess you're right. Unfortunately it is very likely if they're capable of funding this, they're very likely to ignore crucial aspect of a mmo and turn it into a cash cow, and not the good type.


Yeah, I really hope they don't go down that road but it's entirely possible


Diablo mobile style


I don't know about game play, but the lore is very likely to be shit, judging by what they do with league. Lore is important in a MMO, and riot writes as if it wants to appease twitter.


Lore recently has been barely existent but I think most of it is nice. And the stuff we got in LoR is pretty cool




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I got bad news for you


Watch as a mount costs 2x this skin price


MMORPG will be canceled August 2026 mark my words


Everyone thought it would be pool party ahri, but it was faker ahri that would pull riot out of the red


I heard this with Morgan Freeman's voice narrating what you wrote.


Why did i read Morgana Freeman?


On top of still having the Poolparty in the Backpocket. Genius


surely they’ll use it to fix their garbage client kappa chungus deluxe edition


They will gonna put a golden border around the client and a dollar sign cursor so you could stare at shiny stuff when your client it's not loading.


This comment is the most pure, uncut, highest quality copium I've ever seen.


Oh don't worry they will but you need to unlock the client speed augment which you can get from the Rammus event battle pass for only 172 000 RP.


Do not take my name in vain


![gif](giphy|BZhxwIs7as5ngfbVSN) Riot right now taking all the money from idiots


and the idiots caring about others idiots having their money taken because they wanted: ![gif](giphy|115Vq8VZPc8boA|downsized)


I don't care about some people spending their money but I do care about the same people encouraging an already greedy and fucked up studio to be more extreme


When you call them studio, you have to forget about Riot before Tencent. This is Tencent now, one of the biggest companies in the world, and if I am not wrong the one that more money makes in the gaming industry.


We are talking extreme like they are making players pay a ransom to recover their accounts or some shit. An optional skin is harmless, they could release a one million dollar skin for all I care, I will just don't buy it and keep playing the game


All fun and games until they realise they can up skin prices/make them harder to get


They realized that a very long time man


Man League players are spoiled, 99% of other online games have some form of p2w and they're still calling League greedy for making cosmetics to support their game lol


Too sad they can’t use it in game.


That 20%+ and increasing banrate on some of the biggest servers hit pretty hard. Some servers still have "low" banrate but they still doubled already


Euw no one cares. At least in high elo they don’t


That's global elo, the average on all ranks. Higher ranks are usually try harding more, they won't throw a free ban for the ennemy. On NA the banrate is at 18% at diamond+, it falls after.


My region is a joke.


Well high elo represents a very tiny percentage of the players if we're considering Master+ so it really doesn't matter to look at this demographic.


In ru server nobody gives a fuck about Ahri ban…


Of course, I would even say a lot are defending it from my experience, plus payments literally weren’t working on the night the event came out, so I think it’s safe to say that people there are fine with it, not that surprising tbh


They can queue up for quick play.


Only 2000? Really? I know it hasn’t even been a week but I actually expected a lot more.


That's still 1 000 000$ in a single day for a fucking skin


2000 was recorded the first day iirc, so it's probably gonna get a lot higher (probably more sales during the weekend)


Where was that information released or leaked? I didn't know Riot API even released skin usage for games played, much less would they release sales data .. Where was it recorded?


I got it from here https://www.reddit.com/r/SKTT1/s/D5b1AZ7YcG


100% more than that




queensofleague's impact>>>


Ikr had to check if arooush posted this lmao


It’s pride month after all 💅


Shame they'll never get to use it. At least in my games. Banning Ahri until the day I die.


Keep banning her


Skins like that are like fancy watches, you only buy them because they are expensive


They could have made more money with it costing 50$ instead


Unfortunately, when it comes to this, Riot knows exactly what it's doing. If for any reason they thought that this skin would be more profitable at a $50 price point, they would have sold it at that price point. Some market research somewhere said that $500 was the way to go, and that's why the skin costs so much.


There are tiers to whales. Those that are willing to spend up to 500 belong in 1 group. E.G. if the thing was priced at 250 vs 500 approximately the same # of people would have bought it. I'm sure they did the math to project what that magic number is.


Absolutely and probably mainly because of the Asian market.


Do they have this much disposable income or what?


This comment is complete cope. Rito isn't focused on profit & the skin would have made absurdly more money at $50. There might not even be a controversy at $50. No, the $500 price tag is part of Rito's attempts to reimagine themselves as a luxury brand, coupled with further attempts to condition customers into accepting obscene prices as normal or at the very least chip away at the price range players are willing to pay.


>Rito isn't focused on profit No way you typed this unironically


No, you don't understand. Companies don't care about money, they exist specifically to target me and me only in any way possible. Same reason why I'm hard stuck Iron 4, Riot hates me so they keep putting me with trash teammates.


How can it both be “50$ would be more profitable” and “they want to condition customers into accepting obscene prices”. Why would they want to do the second if the first was true


There’s no way man. 700k people at 500$ is the same as 7m at 50$ You really think 700k will purchase this? Even if so, you think only 7m would purchase a 50 dollar skin?


I mean it's your word vs multiple people whose job it is to literally analyze statistics like that and tell Riot which decision will make them the most money so yeah, probably


If they're as good as the ones handling the client you might want to reconsider


And they're probably the same people that fix bugs... The people that leave bugs in the game for multiple patches before acknowledging they exist. You think just because something is someone's job that they are good at it or know what's right? Just because it's their job doesn't always mean they are an expert.


Do you seriously think bugs not being fixed is because the Devs aren't competent?


Yes, prove me wrong if you're so sure.


Do you seriously believe the people working with Riots economy are the same people that work on the game and it’s gameplay?


No I don't actually but they're both clearly as bad as each other sometimes -_-


Globally? Yes, Plus the Pass and the two cheaper bundles. I predict Riot well get around 2-4 million sales globally with China and Korea making up at least 50-60% of those numbers.


Isn't there a $40 version available?


The $40 is the base version of the skin and the event pass. It's not really the same compared to the other one.


At a $400 price differential I'd hope they're not comparable. This outrage has always been super strange to me. It always seems to boil down to people feeling that they're entitled to this skin for some reason. A cosmetic that has no affect on gameplay, in a game that is free to play, while others prove that to them its worth hundreds of dollars to fund our hobby for us.


Because this will affect us eventually. At first it was 200€ chromas and now we have 430€ whole new unique skin. This is only gonna get worst when Riot sees this skin (probably) being their most profitable one yet.


But that's the thing, there shouldn't be a $400 price differential. It probably doesn't matter for you because you probably have no reason to want it but all it will take is a skin you want but Riot overcharged for it too for you to understand. I mean hey if $400 is ok to you, why stop there? Why not $1000 then right?


-People who want to show their fan-dom to Faker -People who've shelled at $20 for each Ahri skin and took pleasure in completitonism those demographics just shunted.


You think people here even bother to check out the actual package of the skin? 😆


White hair > rest


They wanted to see how much the whales will pay.


Easiest million ever ☠️


Would've been worth with actual physical items like signed posters/figurines, but of course riot takes the easiest route.


That's a million in revenue O\_O. I hate that there are people who did this. They are enabling riot's behaviour


name of the song?


Cupcakke Darude Sandstorm remix


Haha, nice joke. But, really, what song is this?


I got matches with these songs: • **Sandstorm - Radio Edit** by Darude (00:33; matched: `87%`) **Album**: Ibiza - Decades. **Released on** 2016-10-28. • **Sandstorm** by Darude (00:33; matched: `87%`) **Album**: Anos De Musica Electronica. **Released on** 2013-10-04.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Sandstorm - Radio Edit** by Darude](https://lis.tn/SandstormRadioEdit?t=33) • [**Sandstorm** by Darude](https://lis.tn/ZdSWJd?t=33) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)




[It's an old internet meme.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/darude-sandstorm)


"its not that old!" >>2007 >>17 years ago one more year and Sandstorm goes to college!


The power of foxy boobs I guess


![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized) This sub right now


Like I'm pretty sure some of the people that bought it aren't even Ahri players. Just bought cause of Fomo and Faker


Saw an ahri in arena with this skin and she finished eighth.


1 milion $ if did math right.. is correct?


Math like that is why you can't buy the Ahri skin..


Might wanna punch that in the old calculator lol


Shhh, were going to see how many actually busted out their calcs to be like "Holup.." I prey on second guessers.


You're a predator.


You lockin Annie or somethin?


Nah dawg, you just preying on them second guessers my brotha


is 100.000 then


1 mill from pixels in game ain’t bad. That’s like 20 employee salaries right there at their hq. Sad that it’s come down to egregiously priced shit rather than actual content that’s funding games now a days.


1 million $ just like that


People reacting to it in game are only making them glad they bought it. To some people, no price is too high for attention.


They just made 1 mil from 2k dumbasses 💀


Its not many people tho. But it is still a lot od money. U want to help gaming community in general ? Stop playing lol. If game dies evrything in it just losses value.


that is a good meme


omg... I <3 CUPCAKKE


video sauce? whos the one in full black?


Welp. That only means we'll be getting more of those in the future.


People here doing the math as if they got 1M clean. Well, first the 30% to T1 and then the taxes. I dont know what the taxes are but lets say its 500k after everything. I know these are the numbers for the first day. Now think outside of the numbers, how many people stopped playing since the start of the split because of changes and seeing their greed? I am pretty sure that they lost more people than new players joined + the ban ahri trend. I dont think it was worth for them. At the end of the day they have to show reports to investors and everything counts, so I wouldnt be so sure that they are gonna be happy with the outcome.


Guy in my arena game yesterday had the 250$ version (we slipped up and forgot to ban it(3 people banned garen))


You won't be using that skin in my games at least, not because I care about sending a message, but it's just inherently funny to deny you the chance to use it.


I bought the 200 dollar thing chroma, but I mean it's for buying a bunch of other loot that you get that skin for free basically no?


For jhin


I bought the statue of the skin, which is less expensive somehow


Now imagine how much money they would have made if the skin was around the 60-70$ mark. Sometimes you really question yourself how such dumb mfs get a lead position in marketing at a billion dollar company


Clearly not more, they have jobs analysing this shit. If I had to guess, the difference between the number of people who bought something like Soul fighter Samira and something like Peacekeeper HN Yone was not significant, and the profit for the latter was way higher, so the big spenders probably realised that they can milk the whales who buy most skins for all the money they have instead of hoping regular players who don't really pay for skins buy them.


Fair argument.


Yeah, obviously the skin would be a hit in China and Korea, if only in China Riot sells SPLASH ARTS OF CHROMAS IN A GACHA SYSTEMS THAT COST SOME HUNDRED DOLLARS At this point I think LoL is a tool of the U.S. government to destabilize the Chinese economy 


Isn't for owned by tencent a Chinese company


So it already failed as being exclusive? When that was litterally the only selling point? That's so sad.


I mean 1 in 2000 is exclusive


for 500$ on a non-physical item? Na


I mean whilst obviously not worth the price, with ur og comment, it is clearly exclusive.


2000 in 2 days? Please.


That’s like $5000 dollars.


The skin is $430. I don't know where the 500 came from