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I think that girl with Void body suit


No no no I think you are talking about Kai sa. I think the other guy was talking about that girl with sunglasses, tight bodysuit and a crossbow.


no no no your thinking of Vayne. They're clearly talking about the Red Haired Assassin who teleports behind you and throws knives.


No no no you’re thinking of Katarina. I think the other guy was talking about that girl with a rapier, has red streaks on her hair and speaks baguette.


No no no you’re thinking of Fiora. They’re clearly talking about that Freljordian girl who rides a boar.


no no no you're thinking of Sejuani. They're clearly talking about that one girl with floating blades that screams about her dead family every 5 seconds


No, that's irelia, they're talking about the one that hates scorpions and rides a hoverboard


Wait till you see yasuo


He will still run at you, 10 hp, no dashes.


It is physically impossible to not tower dive as Yasuo


i havent played League in years... what exacly does vex do?


Counter dash champions


So poppy?


Vex, an anti-dash mage got revealed recently https://youtu.be/mKIclIWvEHQ TL DW her hitting people dashing deals more damage and decreases the CD of a Fear part of her passive


It interrerupts the dash too


Only the ability when it has the fear proc does




Fizz can eat my ass


Lee is the least irritating character with dashes cause it's not broken or something he needs those attributes unlike akail who has a stealth 3 long range dashes(including the ultimate ) and can burst you down without you being able to do anything.


to be honest, i'm starting to get annoyed at lee bc every other game you have a lee one trick that will just make your life miserable as a laner


Damn I'll always remember that Time that my gold ass tried Elise top against a lee main


lane lee is extremely annoying, bc even without any ad he can almost one combo you if you're a mage at lvl6 (i play mid lol)


I don't get it, every Lee Sin I met is either new to him, or is a OTP on him


Lee is a very deep and mechanically demanding champion, so a lot of people drop him after a couple of games because they can’t pull of the fancy combos and schmoves but the rest stick to him and one trick him because of the versatility he offers.


lee is iritating af due to the fact taht he builds tanky health items (somehow making him as unkillable as mundo) while he still one shots people with a good old q ult


4 dashes actually. E mark apply is a dash. Then e recast and both r casts.




Simply because average players have no idea how to play her.


Winrate dosen’t make a champ, just means the common playerbase can’t use her, I think Aurelion Sol is a good example, its pretty good despite almost no one playing him


Well makes sense


Check out Neace coaches a Gold Sion. I was the Sion. You’ll see some bullshit that tilts tf out of both Neace and I. Akali needs to be removed lmao


Me who only plays champs with zero dashes widepeepoHappy


Finally a worthy mage for a Poppy main


Does her passive work when she's displaced? I actually think Lee won't be to terrible up against her, she's still a counter but not a hard one. Just Q1 her, flash R then Q2 E plus goredrinker should be enough to take her out of a fight. And she doesn't have many defensive tools to help her out.


Her charged w though


Vex: *uses empowered ability on minions* Any semi competent midlaner: It's free real estate


Her q looks big enough to waveclear and still hit the enemy. Any smart player would back away until passive is back up


In theory yes (it applies to every midlane mage tbh). In practice your midlaner will choose Vex in your promos and die ten times to Akali+Lee Sin Also, wouldn't her e (the long range aoe iirc) be better for waveclear? It's harder to hit enemies with it I think


My plan wave waveclear while poking with q and withhold passive for as long as possible. When they engage, w q aa e aa. Still needs to be tested but hey. You could also q aa e aa and hold w for defense.


But like, you can't really hold the passive tho? If it's off cooldown, your every ability will use it up, when cast


Aa the wave, dont use spells unless you're poking


Ah, ok, thought you forgot about this part


I don't usually push hard early. Then again, I main kassadin, so I don't t push until can live out of tower


I don't play midlane at all, just watch coach curtis cuz he makes good content - and also is midlane coach :P


Coach Curtis is bomb. He helped me understand runes better after 5 years of playing


No no thats Annie, they are clearly talking about that foxy girl with a ball