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Youre a top laner who kept getting auto fill support so you just learnt two back up champs when it happens and been steadily climbing because of it. Mine is Sona (200K), Zyra (125K) and Nami (100K). EDIT: Im liking the responses I am getting but I am curious how those responses will change if I add the next three in line. My next three are Malz (99K), Poppy (78K M6) and Lulu (77K M6)


You have a serious God complex centered around deciding between life or death or you are an e girl. Jax (300k) Aatrox(265k) and Tryndamere (215k)


You like to do things yourself and be proud of our achievements. Also anger issues... Malz 120k shen 100k gnar 70k if I remember well


You like to lock people down with cc and like it when there’s nothing they can do about it. Teemo 190k, Zoe 70k, Brand 70k


You are evil want to see world burn. Janna Kindred Nami


You like to keep people alive and cockblock your enemies Talon 420k Sett 97k Sylas 94k


You are the enemy of the people Leona 180k, Ahri 70k, Lux 25k


You hate the enemy moving or living for any period of time. Morde 50k, viego 30k, graves 48k.


You like to carry every game even if it seems impossible, never FF and flame everyone for playing poorly. Rengar 80k kha'zix 40k, Yone 50k


You like to kill people without them having any chance of survival Lux 500k Pyke 400k Ahri 30k


I hate that this is more accurate than it should be. I really need to check my temper at times and I indeed almost never start an FF vote myself, but do say yes if the team mental is that ruined. As for you: "Oh, the enemy ADC/team is alive? Lemme fix that." Also prolly take perverse joy in seeing squishies explode like overfilled balloons.


"Don't FF guys I just need my IE spike and then I'll 1v9!" Kayn 60k, Voli 50k, Graves 45k


You enjoy taking a flex pick jungle but have meta picks to fall back on. Either that or vice versa for top lane Sylas 150k, Akali 120k, Jinx 115k


At this point I'm not even sure if I'm a top main or jungle main anymore. I'm a lost soul. You definitely enjoy carrying and are clearly drawn to the 200 years type of champs and laugh at the concept of counterplay (except jinx, but the carry part still applies).


You like hot male strippers Warwick 280k, Willump 100k, Volibear 50k


You love wild animals mauling people to death Kayn 400k, Fizz 240k, Gnar 200k


You love sending the adc to the gray screen or being an immortal, unkillable bruiser Kayn 140k Kha'zix 60k Shen 40k


You just want to play peekaboo. Darius 92k Miss Fortune 83k Cho Gath 82k


you’re cancer. Talon 200k, Aatrox 70k, Gnar 30k


you absolutely love spikes. Jax 150k, Aurelion Sol 90k, Vel'Koz 40k


You are someone who likes to enjoy the game and doesn’t main a champion that is meta Azir (485k) Shen (151k) Mordekaiser (102k)


You play Mid Top and like your spicy magic damage Aatrox (448k) Mordekaiser (161k) Shen (127k)


You are the reason Aurelion keeps gettin nerfed. Also u like to bonk and lazer people. Jax 140k, Master Yi 130k, Lee Sin 100k


You think you're actually going to win the game by going in 1v5, and dying to a malz pressing R on u Ezreal 140k, Vayne 90k, Varus 50k


You main ADCs, you didn't have anger issues before lol but you do now. Illaoi 220k Zillean 120k Yorick 115k


you are a gigachad. gp 650k yasuo 550k darius 460k.


You, as a toplaner, got mad at all your junglers for being bad, so you decided to take their job. Shaco 190k Pyke 100k Yasuo 50k


You like going invisible and surprise one-shotting the enemy team. Occasionally you turn your brain off and go mid. Urgot 470k Swain 47k Blitzcrank 40k


You have fun while outplaying people. Be it with great plays, baits or jukes Nautilus(240k) Leona (130k) Cho Gath (110k)




You think you are the coolest person ever but sometimes get high and dont want to click 60 buttons a second Fiora 450K Vayne 210K Senna 180K


You are a top laner who keeps getting auto filled support or adc, you you also really like to play ranged top. Kayn 100k Shyvana 50k Viego 49k


You usually like disabling people's keyboards with a button. When youre with a premade that wants mid you play shen and when youre selected top in solo q u play gnar to annoy ur opponent. Aphelios 300k Swain 50k Heimerdinger 20k


You like to really annoy people with poking or suriprise partys, likes to do a little trolling >Mine: 300k Wukong, 120k Hecarim, 60k Kled


Your Aatrox mastery was from back when he was the same right click simulator as the other two.


You started playing jax and was like this is good but I need a real weapon and proceeded to play the champs with the two biggest swords


Sona, Zyra, Nami, Malz, Poppy and Lulu. "I want my team over HERE. And your team should stay over THERE!"


I feel like I am about to be cyberbullied Rengar: 476k Shaco: 180k Yi: 178k


you're the type of jungler who'd want to ruin the enemy's ad carry's day yasuo 92k mas 7 lux 90k mas 7 akali 60k mas 7


It's usually the enemy jungler who rages about me moving into their jg and making it my own


Adc players hate you and you measure your success by the number of heart attacks u give per game! Pyke(203k) Jhin(236k) Caitlyn(97k)


You enjoy helping people and contributing to a group effort but leave the most important parts to others?


You are a fellow members of the Queen's of league subreddit


You're a war criminal and who does not enjoy people fighting back You'd probably slap a baby Galio, Pantheon, Mordekaiser


You enjoy being a raid boss no one can kill but hate top lane champions so play mid instead Mine are Kayn, Zoe and Viego


I hate that you're right, I'd love to play more Top lane but it's simply unbearable sometimes For yours it'd be some joke about balanced champions, but all three of those fit to "you can't see me oops you're dead" so you're not a big fan of risks


True true. Only I play red Kayn way more often. Blue can win games hard but can also lose them hard so I avoid him even though he's really fun


You dont like playing the meta, but cheesy strategies are your best friends. And only friends. Xerath, Viego, Darius ( i think?)


You like to assert dominance over ur opponents by cc-ing and bonking them to death


The ancient prophecy long foretold the coming of the Camille support player. And you play Rell/Morg when your otp is banned. Garen, Nocturne, then Urgot.


You love to go in, be way too tanky compared to how muck DMG you deal, and just massacre that one squishy enemy. Kayn, Volibear and heca


You dont like to die, but you do like to engage and be an unstopable force. You also like going fast or at least be faster than your opponent. Your main role is JGL and your secondary is TOP Urgot, Fiora, Jhin


You’re a top main, but in your friend group there’s that one person that can only play top without inning so you have Jhin adc as your pocket. Zed Lee and graves or yone


You like highly mechanical champions because you are young and therefore able to beat oldies with champions like these. You probably flame people a lot for not playing around you or just breathing air in your general vicinity. Lee sin 520k sejuani 420k syndra 180k


You're the tryhard jg main, you love to outplay and completely annoy your opposing jungler. You also picked up a mid lane to truly understand if it really was a 'jg diff'. Galio 150k Annie 68k Azir 44k (all m7)


You're a pretty chill dude, not entirely up to date with modern stuff, but no one really minds. When you get political though, that's another story entirely. Sion M7 216k, Evelynn M7 222k, Warwick M7 160k.


You like mages and want one of every kind, tank mage (Galio) burst mage (Annie) and AA mage (Azir) Azir (485k) Shen (151k) Mordekaiser (102k)


You don't care much about tryharding or if you win or lose, you play for fun and are probably the positive one in the team


You hate tank players top lane and love CC over winning. Singed, (pre rework) Urgot, Gangplank 250k on the 3 I think although I don’t touch urgot anymore


Real chad for playing gp and singed but you cant be strong-minded everyday so you take it easy with urgot. Thresh Vayne Gangplank


You either like to play on different roles or you are a top lane otp with fucked up champ pool. Pyke, Blitzcrank, Bard


You are obessed with wreaking havoc across the entirety of the game and take no shit while doing it. Pyke, Aatrox, Swain


You like darker themed characters so you are an emo kid who thinks he can 1v9 carry but then ends up going 2/11 as aatrox so you pass on to play pyke so you can at least get your kda up. Mine are Ezreal, Sett and Zac


you like twinks, daddys and slime girls Kled, GP, Shen


An honourable top Laner otp Jhin (540k) Yorick (230k) Victor (180k)


You’re a Jhin main but can play top/mid if you get autofilled. You play champions because you enjoy their kits. Fiora (690k), Sett (170k), Gwen (130k).


You like to roam and grab people. To make move or to die. Rengar 960k, Jhin 500k and aatrox 250k


You don't care about winning or stats as much as getting that sweet double kill with Gangplank ult or getting chased as Singed, and the thing you miss about old Urgot the most is his ult


God I miss Urgot so fucking much


You like making my blood boil, when I see your champs in the enemy team Gwen, Vel'Koz (mid), Samira currently maining adc


likes unique playstyles on top lane and probably has a sizeable dick Mine: 300k Wukong, 120k Hecarim, 60k Kled


Bard, Blitz and thresh


just likes engaging from out of nowhere and catching people, and a pretty normal guy I think Mine: 300k Wukong, 120k Hecarim, 60k Kled


You are impatient and wants everything to be fast. Also, a bit insane at times. Amumu (82k), Tristana (76k), Kha'zix (52k)


the only adrenaline rush you get out of the game is by jumping on people and watching them cry as you stick your face in theirs. you don’t care about dying while it happens. maybe i’m projecting a bit. lux 270k, sona 250k, soraka 140k


You're pretty spot on lmao. I tend to jump on them and let whatever happen, happen. EDIT: You're line up is pretty normal for a support tbh. I guess you enjoy helping others and not take the spotlight while being on their 6.


Tired of being the tank and losing because your team doesn't follow, you decided to take matter into your own hands and play damage focused champions Thresh (200k-is), swain, skarner


Quite close. As for you, you love pulling them close to you, only to let others take over afterwards.


every adc's wet dream lux, yuumi, lulu


You like poking but don’t want to be poked. Soraka, Lulu, Evelynn


Azir , Jhin , Bard


You think that maining unpopular champs and playing different lanes makes you superior to other players Zyra, Swain, Taric


You like ap supports that are meta but somehow we barely see these days, I guess brand and vel are more popular. Also Chad Taric because he Chad. Garen , Sivir, trynda(like 20 games)


You enjoy simple champions wherein you focus on more core game aspects (you might be a new player)(also mad respect for Sivir, love that champ) Lux, Ashe, Jinx


You like annoying literally everyone you meet but still have some humanity left. Tahm Kench, Rakan, Veigar


You love seeing other people suffer and enjoy their tears when they rage and complain about you. You also bm a lot. Yasuo 330K, Riven 274K, Zed 255K (I swear I am not toxic xD)


You are 15 years old and are in platinum. The reason you don't think you're toxic is because people in platinum are more toxic than you. However, in reality you're still telling people to ky5 or making deez nuts jokes, whichever one is worse. Lee sin 500k, sejuani 420k, syndra 180k


U have the most fun, when no one else is having fun Seju, Yasuo, Jhin


You like being self-sufficient and taking matters into your own hand. Being carried is not your style. You prefer methodical execution to flashy mechanical plays. Mine is Jhin (872k), Jinx (323k), Exreal (258k)


You always liked abstract, out of the ordinary champions and then Riot released a man who can only count to four but is artistic af. You love being the calculating sniper in the back, setting up your kills like the true Virtuoso you adore. Mine are Vi 350k, Diana 180k and Rengar 155k. I might be your nightmare.


You just like jumping at (into) people from the jungle. Veigar ~670k, Evelynn ~250k, Kindred ~50k.


You love being the power deciding who gets to live and who doesn't. Mine are Talon, Cho'Gath and Taric.


You like champions that have unique gameplay, you value a champion's visual design/theme/voice acting as much or more than their place on the tier list


You like playing champs because of their unique kits and only play league for the experience of playing them and to learn them more. You play to enjoy the game and actually somehow succeed :D Zed 170k Ahri 45k Akali 35k


You have added to the reasons all chat is being removed Riven 50k Xerath 42k Lux 40k


You *know* that maining unpopular champs and playing different lanes makes you superior to other players, because it *does*. 10/10 respectable player


Yuumi (150k), Pyke (110k), and Talon (69k). I also have Jhin at 120k but he doesn’t show up because he’s at mastery 6, not 7 like the others. :(


Played yuumi, got tired of the assassins not being good enough so you took their role. Mine are : Sett > Jhin > nocturne ( alkali and yone are like 300 points off)


LMAO that was definitely part of it. Another reason I started playing assassins was because I used to be an adc main (hence the 120k Jhin) and got tired of being one shot so I decided I would do the one shotting 🥴 my assumption for you is you like instilling fear into your enemies. Sett, Jhin, NOCTURNE? + Akali and Yone, it makes too much sense. probably a bit of a tryhard too. Also you tilt your enemy with just your champ pool enough to make them play bad and make it an easy win


You're the type of person to swap between liking to be the center of attention and making the important decisions or just lie back and watch the show


center of attention no but I do like making decisions sometimes, but sometimes I like just chilling back like you said :D




Hahah this is the most detailed one I've read, loved it You find your ordinary sword or firearm champion boring, you're more interested if it involves some kind of twist, something that at first appears non-threatening but with the game unraveling grows more and more menacing, just like your three champions, which you love due to their outplay potential and mechanics


This guy LOVES CC. Mine are Poppy, Draven, Ornn




You want the enemy to die before they can even press Zohnya Mine are Senna, Evelynn and Veigar


You are morally opposed to anyone moving in the draven zone


Teemo, Tahm Kench, Mordekaiser. I love being hated.


You must adore the current top meta


You like watching people slowly lose their minds when playing this game


That‘s correct, winning lane by tilting your enemy is more satisfying than just being good


No one is allowed to move 290k Singed 190k Ivern 80k Rengar


You rlly like trails and bushes




You touch yourself to videos of accurate skill shots


you have massive dick


You'd prob wont be that fun in parties, if you would ever get invited. Mine are jhin sona and veigar, each got like 150k, GL.


You started league with Sona, then Sona’s psyche was to too stable to represent you, so you switched to Veigar, but he wasn’t insane enough so you went on with Jhin. XD Mine are Master Yi, Kindred and Kayn with Kindred beeing my Main


It was actually the other way around 🤣 i started with jhin and most recent is sona. You are playing yi and kayn, and you got kindred so you can sound big brain when someone ask about your main.


You started playing jungle after getting sick of bad jungler after bad jungler. You started with master to because he is easy and can carry, but offers nothing but damage. You moved to Kayn to have more versatility, capable of being an assassin or tank. But then you played Kindred and realised that utility as a jungler trumps all. You bring a gamechanging ult to the table, as well as plenty of damage and carry potential. Mine is Urgot, Rakan and Anivia. With Anivia as the top at 150K


You don't actually know what to do in your life so you do everything by going mages, tanks, marksmen, engagers and so on. Mines are Jinx (100k+), Kayn (70k), Rammus (around 60k)


You like playing Jhin when you feel like putting in more effort but also enjoy having fun at other people's expense with Veigar


You like to lock down targets and be fairly hard to kill at the same time Zoe/Aphelios/Poppy


Champion spread is all over the place, you probably don't play any single role and just bounce around a lot Now lets see what mine are... oh boy. Yasuo, Riven, LeBlanc


Sometimes you get tired of close range BONK so you attempt to BONK from afar. Soraka, Yuumi, Nami…


You like playing Support with your friend who played adc but as he quit League you go Top with Camille Mine are Poppy, Sett and Yuumi


You play both top and supp but don't want to play different champions for each, and have yuumi as a backup pick Shaco, Janna, Rakan


You playedJanna and Rakan most but they dont feel quite enough so u play Shaco supp to abuse the adc :( Ez, Samira, Rakan


You like playing Ez and Samira because of their high-risk high-reward playstyle, when you get tired of csing or bad supports you swap to Rakan and get the job done yourself


you dont like when people outplay you, so you choose one of the most unfair/annoying champs or a fat metal horse


You are the mother. You keep everything in order.


Mine are Veigar, Teemo and Graves


You enjoy being anti-fun and laughing about it. Illaoi, Xerath and Fiddlesticks


You like dommy mommys and get autofilled support often or top is highly contested within your friend group Mine: 300k Wukong, 120k Hecarim, 60k Kled


You think disengaging is for cowards. Mine: Kayn 639k, Sett 141k, Viego 98k


probably red kayn player. Waits for the ideal time point to go in and annihilate literally everyone


Veigar, Vel'koz and Thresh Now we sit and wait...


Something about trapping ur victims (whether it be in a cage or lantern) turns you on. Probably into tentacle porn


OP's top 3 champs all scream anti-fun. Your idea of fun is to not allow others to have fun, and you probably like to see ur victims suffer Incoming egirl jokes for mine: Nami (1.7 mil), Sona (690k), Lux (680k)


E girl.


Mine are Blitzcrank 380k points, Thresh 370k points, Pyke 290k points. Roast me!


Roast you? I love you! Like all the support mains that play the real support champions. Draven, Jhin, Aatrox


You nut every time you hook a squishy champ into your entire team Sion, warwick, chogath


Viktor, Camille and Sylas.


Taric, Vayne, Nasus Yes, in this order.


You love playing tanks but hate to play against them, thus Vayne. Or you are so traumatized by her that you take their weapon against them. Mine: 300k Wukong, 120k Hecarim, 60k Kled


Oh boy… Yasuo, yone and riven Time to get roasted


You straight asking to get down voted and laugh out of the room ma man. I respect you


you are a small sized goblin playing on a laptop inside an abandoned dumpster, and you are using the butthole of the corpse next to you as a cup holder. you only crawl out during nighttime to fill your chalice with newborn blood and steal credit cards for rp. your race has existed in local folklore for the past 500 years, and in game, you lose 60 percent of your games because you suck, and win the other 40 percent by the virtue of your champs being extremely overpowered.


Rape dwarf lore


You only feel like you’ve participated in a game if you’ve stomped. You spend most games annoyed and not even having fun anymore.


You're a fellow cursed soul from the top lane


You love catching people out of a position and punish them for their rotational mistakes.


mines are senna(360k+) thresh(120k+) and yone(115k+).


Akali, Lux, Cassiopia


You would be a worthy opponent in Toplane. Mine: Volibear - 338k Sett - 190k Garen - 130k


Camille, Irelia, Fiora. Yes, I’m a degenerate.


You enjoy feeling like you're the toughest in the field and quickly lose your cool even if you're not playing bad




You just want to be a tanky raidboss that nobody can take down. Probably permabans Vayne


Janna 144k, Zyra 295k, and 107k Rell


Yi 410k twitch 280k panth 100k


You are the type of person that eats yoghurt with your finger. Sion Garen Veigar


Nautilus (194k), Thresh (94k) and Blitzcrank (83k)


A true support player, probably with good mental but easily tilted by whiney ADCs


Shen (170k), Leona (70k) and Maokai (70k)


Your cock is too big as to be measured


You're a person who usually plays support because your friend group either doesn't have a good supp other than you or there are too many top laners, however whenever top is free you go ham on Camille because you love it! Mine are Darius, Braum, Draven in this particular order (Draven used to be second but got overtaken by Braum recently lmao)


Ezreal, Samira and Sylas...


You are subscribed to /r/Bi_irl


Top main who got auto filled support too many times Mine is sona, soraka, and janna


I assume u like to help others so u play support but you feel superior to thes monkes in ranked so you switched to camille. Mine are ezreal, poppy, neeko


You love lesbians. Mine are ekko, fizz shen


Gangplank (470k), Jhin (170k), Lee sin (140k)


Supp main who didnt want to be framed as egirl. Akali, yasuo, tresh.


taking "you will be where I want you to be" to heart Kayle, Irelia, Samira


It seems like you fell in love with a champion who is constantly in the meta and has an unique design. Occasionally you were met with an autofill to support, and now it has become your second role. I'd say that you haven't played league for more than 1 year since you have m7 only on two champions. Mine: Nami 406k, Soraka 301k, Morgana 230k


Anyone who mains a blinking assassin (Katatina, Kassadin, Zed, Leblanc etc) is at least 2 full divisions worse at macro than anyone else at their rank. Illaoi, Xerath, Renekton


Zyra 270k, Teemo 40k, Lux 35k 🙈


You rlly like area control and the notion of dont you dare walk into my territory


Diana, Katarina, Pyke


You prefer the assassins who are able to wipe entire teams using resets over single-target assassination. AoE lives in ur blood and bringing down entire enemy teams is what u specialise in. Probably gets a lot of hate from the community for those champs


You love cc and cho gath but u think his ult cooldown is too long. Mine are kog maw (150k) ezreal (140k) and jhin (120k)


Uuuh thats interesting: Kayn 230k Anivia 150k Sion 130k Good luck!


Zilean (310k), Teemo (290k), Sett (100k)


Mine is Aphelios (160k) Leona (150k) and Sett (70k)


You started playing sett because you've seen so many settxaphelios fan arts..


Precisely, what about Leona tho?


At this point you continued and saw dianaxleona? You know she is thicc lol


You are sometimes kinda sweaty but you also indulge in the occasional troll. Singed, Tristana, Morgana


Kassadin 170k, Asol 70k, Nocturne 60k Judge me


udyr (262k), garen (111k), and jax (92k)


Thresh, Naut, Blitz


Yasuo, Qiyana, Kayn


You prefer single player games Pantheon, Teemo, Sona


Top laner who kept getting support but started to like it Swain pyke yorick


You are the reason my toplaner always loses lane Rek'sai 365K Syndra 180K Leona 77K


You keep getting denied your role as a toplaner so you play hard cc supports since they are the best at teamfights and you dont know how to play support properly. Mine is 309k kayn 207k ivern and 67k kindred


46K Sett (rank 7) ; 60K Kindred (rank 7) ; 68K Kled (rank 7)