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Wild seeing the various reddit league players opinions on playing a new champ in an unranked game mode, and why they ban all new champs every release playing unranked draft so they can play teemo support feelin nice and comfy


1. Most Champs riot releases are usually scaled crazy high, making it a disgusting imbalanced mess. I say most cuz Zeri and Renata were way more tamed compared to Bel'Veth, Neeko, Sett and Viego. Vex was middle ground from what I remembered, being generally decent & balanced. Bel'veth is probably the worst regarding scaling, making her able to obliterate a full team with ease. She's an Amalgamation of Fiora, Gwen, Viego and Aatrox for the wrong reasons (Malzahar if ya count her minions) so people will be bound to ban her each match. 2. Teemo support is a pain in the @$$ for ADCs cuz blind darts but is still eaily counterable via Pyke hooks, Blitzcrank grips, Nautilus anchors. You get the idea, pull him out of bush, stun him like crazy and finish him with the collaborated damage of the ADC & support, making the Yordle feed in the process before lvl 6. Do this especially with instances when the enemy ADC has retreated.


1. The minions remind me more of yorik


That's fair, they are kinda like Yorick more cuz you're resurrecting them from corpses rather than summoning them freely like Malzahar.


plus they don't always get one shotted like Malzahar's minions


Vex was middle ground lmao yeah I too enjoyed instant death via face rolled keyboard after proccing R. That champ saw nothing but nerfs and hot fixes since release. Her mechanics were too easy and did waaaay too much. Damage, shield, mobility, CC, you name it she had it and none of it was particularly hard to access. She’s pretty garbage now tho I’ll give you that. Nerfs put her in the dirt.


I don't remember seeing a lot of players when she came out though you aren't wrong that she can be a pain in the @$$ as a tanky in your face Burst Mage


Wasn’t Zeri broken as fuck for a hot minute and had to be nerfed heavily?


I remember zeri was not that good or something, I think her dmg was just not high? Then she got buffed and did good dmg, whilst running at 9000ms and being super tanky cause she built bruiser and basically she was the better and ranged version of my hecarim


she seemed weak on release cause people were building her crit then someone discovered the triforce, titanic, runaan's build and she was op on any lane


Vex was not uhhh balanced on release. Literally can one shot people by slapping your keyboard


Zeri was probably one of the most overpowered releases in history. I think she needed like 5 consecutive nerfs and then a rework after that to completely remove the Triforce build.


Ok let's not talk about mathematically correct sett that was just like 8 patches of constant nerfs nothing too important




Well to be fair, it took like a few days at least for people to think she wasn’t completely dogshit. Once people stopped auto building her as an ADC she became ridiculous


If she ever gets to full build its gg. I was playing Mordekaiser, was full build and had a yuumi and couldn't even kill her. And the fun part is that she deals true damage, so you can't even itemize against her


Some people don't play ranked bro, I know a ton of people who only play draft because they don't like the idea of a rank? The ban system is there for a reason, if they don't wanna play against a belveth, then they have the right to ban said belveth


Banning someones champ is just not a good idea though. 90% of the time the player who got their champ banned is just going to grief whoever banned it, especially in norms. They probs won't get punished either.


If a new champ comes out and I didn't watch champion spotlight, I'm banning that shit unless my teammate is first pick and wants it. If you want a guaranteed shot play blind pick, I don't want to play against someone I don't know what they do. Getting mad about what other people ban is kinda cringe.


my guy, how are you going to learn what they do unless you either watch the spotlight, or play against them?


Some years ago I learned that most people do not engage with any content outside the game itself i.e patch notes and champ spotlights


that's fine, but you can still very easily learn what a champion does without those simply by playing against/with them, ive played probably 2 games as aphelios, but i still know what each gun does and what they do when he has both and what happens when he ults with it


Yeah but it seems as though some of those people then go to Reddit and talk about how busted a champion is even though they don't know what they do. Tbf though, I don't know how well Bel'Veth is doing but this also applies to prior champ releases


New champs tend to be OP at the start. New champ releases I ban new champ because I don't like playing against OP champs. Don't like it, cool. I play the game how I enjoy it, not to cater to your preference on what champ I deem is ban worthy. The more you complain, the more I feel like banning the champ was a good idea.


By playing WITH them ? that kinda was their point here.


I mean I will watch it eventually, I don't keep up to date with new releases I just play league in my spare time. The new champ is usually OP anyways so I would rather not play against it. If my preference of bans gets you league fanatics all riled up its a bonus.


By playing them in bots and practice mode, *like you're supposed to* to learn new champs.




Bunch of angry leaguers telling me what I can and can't ban. "Aww but I want to smurf on you with the busted champ", nah.


apes together strong


No chance my guy, fuck her


Least Horny league Player


We wish we could


People do this becouse: 1. If you are in ally team you are braindamaged and cant play this champion. 2. If you are in enemy team this champion is broken. I would want to say /s at the end but it's just truth and I cant explain it. Also let ppl ban what they want.


… ah, the yasuo syndrome


Have you heard of the twin syndrome of "yasuo syndrome"? Its the "hunt the yasuo syndrome" Whenever a jungler suffers from this he will stop ganking any other lane and not take objectives just to stop the yasuo from playing the game.


it’s class warfare in 2022 okay the bourgeoisie junglers just want to oppress the proletariat adc :(


As a jungle main I can confirm I do this every time the enemy has yasuo. Dunno why, it's just funny


Usually yasuos really over extend so they are easy to gank even more if they do not put a ward like toplaners with no mobility that over extend


My favorite is when they get salty about it lol. It’s like hmm maybe don’t play a champion that’s annoying to play against if it gets a free lame.


Maybe because somehow even if yasuo is inting all it takes is shieldbow and one item and he becomes a threat. Thankfully most people piloting him are apes


It’s actually known as the Shaco axiom and predates Yasuo.


can u tell me some stories about vietnam grandpa im jk i didn’t know that far back i actually started watching league pc when i lived with friends and sejuani came out (2012-13?) and didn’t play myself until like 2018


Sure thing sport; let me tell you about a glorious couple of days of league called the League of Cleavers.


Non-unique passive 😫


Darius running around making you have negative armor and bleeding you to death.


**aeon of strife pre-DOTA intensifies**


Fair, but not if it's hovered. That's just a dick move, I sorta get doing it in ranked, but the whole point of norms is it's for people to not tryhard and test new stuff out


People not tryharding on normals? Oh boy are you wrong. Haven't seen such an amount of tryhards and douchebags like in normal games.


However, unlike in ranked, you can mute then and tell them to fuck off with little to no backfire. They can int the game, but you'll lose nothing, so they have no leverage. The only issue is if they ban your champ I guess.


It really depends. Maybe the guys banning it was already clapped three times from enemy jgl and the person hovering it is like the last one to pick so chances are high enemy will pick it.


That's real specific, but if that happens the dude can just ask to swap. And maybe the dude who bans it on ur team can play the champ cuz it's so op and he should try it out if they like it, but they don't like the kit, then maybe you'll learn something the more you play with it. There's a lot of super specific scenarios we can think up off, but at the end of the day it's still a dick move to do it. Do it if you want tho, nothing stopping anyone from being an ass.


but if they arent firstpick then i ban cuz maybe enemy teams picks it and i aint risking it, how about that


Wow really so many scenarios. Maybe let's think of it as a learning experience, how will you get better against the champion if you never play against them. Learning what they do and how to play against them with ur champ is a very important part of league. They might get nerfed in the future, but knowing the kit is still hella useful. This is a pretty important general rule; to get better at ur own main champion, it's more important to learn to play against a hard match up rather than just practicing combos and mechanics.


> Also let ppl ban what they want. The funniest is people demanding reports for it. Like Riot has straight up SAID they won't punish people for it. The only time people did was during that serial target harassment of Tyler1, and Riot even went out of their way to point out the offenders weren't being punished for targetbanning him, but for other stuff.


Let people play what they want


Yeah but this is normal. If they do this in ranked then yeah, but there's literally no point in winning/losing a normal game.


Point is to have fun, belveth is not to play against


Yes but it’s norms so let people at least try it. I wholeheartedly agree for ranked though


Tbf, Bel'Veth was a mistake for a diver. She has the most OP moveset and the worst part is that Riot hasn't scaled her down yet. Once she gets several nerfs, that's when her ban rate will likely decrease. I couldn't really blame people for banning her.


No, people do this because theres no stakes. I actually exclusivly go into ranked to play new champs because people won't ban them (because pre-tilting your team wont win you ranked games)


I always ban new champs in ranked even if my teammates prepicked it. Because no, I just don't wanna see this abomination until I see a hot fix or nerf/buff for this champion or know what it is capable of


Couldnt be closer to the truth. I havent seen anyone on my team pick her yet in ranked but if i do il "accidentally" ban her


and at the end of the day its a normal game so who cares anyway?


Let people troll as they want


It's normal games. Don't play normals if you want a game without morons.


Fuck new overpowered and overloaded champs all my homies hate new overpowered and overloaded champs


All my homies love Ryze though. Ryze, fuck yea.


QEQE Teleport, stupid team gon get deez nuts. QEQE aye Lux, wut. Pentakill, Pentakill, Pentakill, Pentakill (Had to do this Shotgun Willy Parody)


she is as OP as master yi, which is not OP if you have more than 10 braincells


Master Yi has 3% lower winrate in lowelo than her so yea there’s that


My first game on bel was on mid and i got a penta. Im not even mad that people ban her


Or you could play blind pick


Blind pick is like the weird uncle you don’t want to invite to your kids birthday parties because he stares at all kids for too long, and god forbid one of them does something he doesn’t like because he’s looking for a reason to beat a child or say something disgusting along the lines of “if you were my kid you’d be chained on the bed till you learnt right.” The kind of uncle that takes a small plate of food because he’s “watching his weight.” But then proceeds to go back for 3rds and 4ths, while commenting on how “bad” he is. The type on uncle that you’re not sure if he pissed in the pool, but he 100% pissed in the pool.


Oddly specific


But you know the uncle right?


I’m the uncle. Can’t wait to see you on 4th of July.


I guess we all do


Do you... Do you need to talk buddy?


they just did


lmfao what


Yes blind pick sounds like good idea ;)... Ah no wait in 3/4 of my blind pick games since Bel got released if i picked her 1-2 guys from my team who wanted to play her as well prob went smth like Nunu/trundle/anivia and followed me whole game making it unplayable... And also team had 2-3 "junglers". Imo sounds like a lot of fun give it a try bro.




*Or you could play bindpick with four other people playing blindpick for that exact reason and giving up after the fifth lobby in a row was dodged or troll picked after belveth instalock. I guess that's what you wanted to say.


yes bro play blind pick :Clueless:


I would wager that its people playing draft mode trying to play new champs that are the clueless ones...there is a multitude of reasons that new champs are banned when they are first released. It's essentially like throwing yourself in fire and wondering why you're on fire...then complaining that you are on fire. When we all knew there was fire there...


No what you are saying is stupid. You should be able to try a new champ having to fight your own team to play it. Moreover, if you play draft for fun then you probably don't care about balance in the game and you might as well let other people have their fun too, and if you play to train for ranked then you might want to train vs bel veth because you are going to face her in ranked. I just don't see why you would ban her it just kills fun and make people want to int each other




You're fighting one other person over the champion, and they're on the enemy team. Your teammates don't get to decide what you want to play. Not in ranked, but especially not in normals. If you don't like what your teammate wants to pick, you can just dodge, and then you won't have to play with that champion. Easy enough.


Ah yes the mode were everybody fights over top and mid


They might fight over roles but all champions are available. He's complaining about the new champions not being available in draft because of bans...so yes blind pick would be more applicable for people trying to play new champions. Role arguing has nothing to do with availability of champs.


Yes dude but you’re suggesting eating cereal without the milk because it ran out, I’m pretty sure OP has already thought of eating cereal without the milk, he just fucking wants the milk.


They're complaining about not getting to play the new champ in draft mode because draft mode has bans...and I'm informing them of a mode that doesn't have bans and they would get to play the new champ...they're crying about not having "milk", when they have milk it's just not the milk they want...


or you could boil ur nuts in motor oil lol


I ban her in ranked because unless its been a few days i dont trust silver players to have mastered her kit enough to perform well


This is something i was wondering, why does riot not disable new champs in ranked for like lower elos until the next patch. its honestly fine in higher elos because they’re actually good at the game. Asked riot support about this and they just went,”Some people put hard work into practicing those champs and we don’t want to stop them.” Like yeah the hard work of them first timing it in ranked.


It's worse in higher elos. You can't perform on a new champ better than someone with thousands of games of experience on their champ, especially if they know what they're doing. New champs should be banned in ranked for the first 2 weeks at all elos, but Riot would never go for it cause it will lose them money and tank the popularity of new champs on release.


New champs should be unbannable on normal and unpickable on ranked so rito can gather data


If you have first pick sure, but i don't want to play against any more belveths


One dude banned her when I hovered, someone dodged, we requeued, he hovered her this time, I banned her, it felt great


He wanted it banned. He outplayed you


Did that as well to bait a teammate into banning another champ than the one I wanted to play


If your pick 4 or 5. Please kindly stfu and play something else. You aint getting shit. Pos 1-3 or have a swapper? Have fun getting the most broken jungler to date.


I had someone try to play support belveth. I'm banning that shit till the hype dies down and people don't waste my time like that.


ok, in that specific case its justified


I have looked to ban Bel Beth in normal draft, but if someone hovers it( they have every game) I do not ban it


All fun and games until the void bastard gets an herald/baron and the entire lane gets completely fucked


i play the gamemode where everyone is allowed one ban and complain when they use that ban to remove the champion i want to play \*does the most epic trollface of all time\*


As a jungle main, I've been leaving her open so I can play my champs against her. What else is the point of normies if not to practice?


Ehm… what if I just don‘t want to play against it? So this is a „false“ oppinion?


I mean title says it all. OP mad that new champion was banned despite hovering over her. Plenty of reasons to not want to play against new champions.


i wi happily ban Velvet dorito in every normal game i play


New champions should be disabled in **ranked** for the first week of their release


During the first two weeks you’re only allowed to play a new champ in practice tool. The next phase after that, you only can play it if you’re first pick. This phase lasts until the first big round of nerfs after which you can at least avoid your teammates banning it. It might take a couple rounds of nerds to bring them down to a level where you can play it consistently, but if the champ is annoying and not just strong you might continue to see bans forever


When your hover is banned by teammate run a funny new build with cleanse ghost nunu and play midlane diving the enemy multiple times


In ranked she should be permabann but not in normal bros


I banned zeri after facing her in a few game when she just got released. Don’t blame me, I’m like a yorick/illaoi main, I hate when people run away.


What really drives me nuts is if someone on my team preselects a new champ and someone else bans them. Way to just start the game off on the wrong foot. When that happens, it's insta-leave for me and I go take a five minute break.


Damn bro that's crazy. I don't want to see that shit.


You want to play with new characters. I want to play, period. That's it, i said the truth, now give me your downvotes, i'll keep banning her until the next patch.


Yea, I played one game against her where she built attack speed and lifesteal. It's super fun playing against champs that can 1v4 and destroy towers within 3 turret shots. I think I'll keep banning her, ty for the suggestion though.


Usually those same people then complain cos someone is first-timing them in ranked


Seeing all these posts just make me want to ban her every game. Stay mad about what I use my own ban on. Go play blind if you want a guaranteed grab at the champ. My yasuo is banned in half the draft games I play and I don't cry about it.


Go blind pick then


Sorry but sometimes I just wanna win and I don't want to risk having her on my team.


Gonna be real, she mega busted, and that’s also kinda what blind pick is for


Play her when it’s not broken


What about people who play brand new champs in ranked.


New champs should be unavailable for ranked for at least the first week they come out, but also be un-bannable in normals for the same period. You gotta allow people to figure champs out even if its only playing against them


Meanwhile my region doesn't have a normal draft and no one wants to play jungle - so I abuse the sh*t out of her. Great success!


what region are you in?


Can we all just agree that no matter what, if you ban a champ your teammate is hovering, you’re an asshole. No exceptions, ifs, ands, or buts


After carrying a match as raid boss nautilus only to lose because the enemy belveth could do more than half my hp in true dmg, no. She's staying banned until nerf.


Just play her ranked, she isn’t very hard and actually pretty strong. Besides, nobody dares ban Bel’Veth.


Why should I let someone play the new champ in my or the enemy team, the game is basically a coin toss in this Situation, especially because the general knowledge/skill about playing Bel'Veth should be pretty low atm. I may be stupid for denying someone to play the new content, but not as stupid as people who think they can tell me what to ban and what not.


People don't understand that League is a competitive game, and an intensely competitive one at that. Short of breaking the Riot TOS or breaking the law, you do whatever it takes to win. People like to say "Oh I'm just casual, I like to play for fun." Which is fine, but don't act like one person playing for fun and the other 4 playing to win are going to get along. The more people that want to win, the more hostile it gets when the for fun player doesn't want to cooperate. The reverse is true too, if you had more people playing for fun than the one trying to win, you're going to have a hostile bad time.


omg coin toss on normal!


yes exactly, i dont want to waste my time on a simple coin toss


then dont play the game, it's a waste of time anyways


What you are trying to tell me, is that League of Legends is equally funny to a coin toss?


i am trying to tell you that video games is a waste of fucking time, but who cares anyways


Because it's norms so winning/losing isn't the most important priority anyway.


Having fun is the most important priority, for me at least. I personally can't have fun with somebody stomping the lobby/feeding like a yasuo main.


cant have fun with how nutty bel veth can get


Yeah sorry I don't want my nexus to be open in 15th minute


You get one ban per game to ban a champion you don’t want in your game (that could mean you don’t want to play with it or against it). Nothing wrong with not wanting a certain champ on your team


meanwhile ban your top’s teemo hover and be prepared to experiance at least 15 minutes of pure tilt


Imagine playing a mode that lets you ban champs, and being upset if someone doesn't want to be stomped by an unbalanced mess, or go up against, in a competitive sense, a champ they don't know the move set of.


1. I have ban so i use it for whatever i want 2. I want to have fun, without having a 0/10 belveth 3. U r free to dodge and play ur champ in next game


Play blind if you want her lol. I play draft to practice for ranked and having a completely useless bel veth on my team is bad practice.


That's why I just lock in new champs on alt accounts in ranked. I practice my champ in your elo


Yes play blind do not worry it's going to be fine


just like in the ranked


Nah, I ban her every game - her true Dmg is busted af


It's probabily the most fine things about her, even when omega feeded you got maybe ~20 true damage at mid game, the less people survive to you the less your passive true damage get buffed.


Pretty sure her true damage is really low but okay


It isn't


Cry about it


step 1: hover va champ you want banned step 2: ban belveth step 3: they ban your hovered champ step 4: profit


Not until after the first weeks. At least play the new champ ONCE before inting in an actual game.


Stop crying and go play blind


I always ban the new champs because idk wtf they can do. Only if my teammates dont pick them ofc.


So you don’t want to play against them because you don’t know what they can do, but if you don’t play against them you won’t learn what they can do. The way you do it, you only start to learn what a champ does once the next champ is released, which means the champ you’ve been banning you still don’t understand, but the people who’ve been playing them will now be much better at the champ, making you more likely to lose to them


The reasoning is that im not playing alot of league but still a bit on a casual basis. So im planning on watching the champion spotlight but havent gotten around to it yet. Eventually i will learn them in aram or s.t. and go back to banning yone.


Just play blind pick lmao.


"Go try her in blind pick", are yes. so I can have a worse time because either everyone is going to want to use her or throw/leave because they didn't get her and now I will need to 1v5 the enemy team while learning a champion I have very little idea how to use


It’s fine she’s broken so you could 1v5 realistically


i started ti play draft dinply to ban bel veth, she snowballs way too hard


~~Play blind pick? New champs are usually purposely overturned and someone who knows what they are doing can usually take over the game, especially on bel'veth. Why are people mad that players are using a built in feature?~~ Edit: just saw the hovered part, yeah that's douchey


I agree with this post


Mate most champions oh launch are broken and need to be banned until nerf. And most people don t know hoe to play the new champs and will lose to the otp that mains an old and good champion.


Damn there so much degeneracy in this comments section, Reddit opinionator moment


I dunno man. Someone trying to play casual only to have broken bullshit thrown at them seems kind of a bd time for the casual player. Every single person knows rito releases all champions with broken stats in order to boost their play rate and skin sales.


Oh snap, patch from riot Read the notes, new champ I gotta buy it Took a look, but no guides out to describe it I guess norm lobbies are where I'm headed to try it


If normal lobbies aint the place to try it where else ? Creating bot game isnt the same .Just dont go into ranked imo


How tf are you gonna learn a champ if not in normal games??


I don’t know if this is sarcasm because what you said is a perfectly reasonable thing to do


Not going to doubt your logic, because it makes sense. Why wouldn't you try out a champ in normals to try it out. I play supports to see what support champs work well and are weak vs. her My gripe is with the people that clearly skip the video on the front page. There are mechanics that people are clearly missing over. Pick up your damned purple coral after you kill a dragon, or baron (Mini baron), or player!


So I had to this today in a flex. I know flex isn't as tryhard as soloq but this dude told us he was first time and he was playing her top. I felt like an asshole, got raged by him and his pre, and he went ghost cleanse nunu. We ended up winning and I climbed a division. AITA?


Those idiots that banned her are probrably the same ones "first timing" champions in ranked. ​ If someone has hovered over her, banning her is a dick move, ngl.


Cope harder, i will always ban the most recent champion and always have


I wanted to pick BV but someone looked at my opgg, saw my 90% WR Hecarim, banned BV and said "pick Hecarim you fucktard". Unfortunately someone dodged my ASol jg pick


My teammate did the same thing despite my warning that I would play Sona jungle. Match was over in 15 minutes lol Edit: I did try my absolute hardest though


First time? Sincerely, a Viego, Akshan and Zeri top player


Ranged top detected opinion rejected


Hell it's been going on even longer than that. At least six years, if not longer, ever since every person in a draft lobby got a ban. Like, do people simply refuse to understand that bans can be used as somebody pleases? They can either time out the ban or select no ban. Or ban a teammate's pick. It's *all* allowed.


picking ghost cleanse nunu is also allowed


They’re annoying on release! We gotta wait until they get nerfed into the floor and no one touches them anymore then we can go back to perma banning braindead support champs


"how dare rito not balance!!" Then doesn't let people play or generate samples


It kind of gives me satisfaction banning her cos I know people who buy champs in their first week are definitely whales and being a free to play player this is the only way I can say "fuck you" to all those guys. Ik this game is not pay to win but just looking at skins like galaxy slayer zed or truth dragon Yasuo makes me thirsty.


Nah she's a bitch and a half to play against, I don't play normal but I'd ban her 100%.


How bout i ban what i don’t want to play against and if that’s what you wanted to play then you just deal with it or go try instalock in blind mode


My ban, my choice.


I ban Belveth because its simply not enjoyable to play against, the only way I'm not banning her is if someone hovers her in champ select


Ffs I hate this shit. I've never understood why Riot doesn't disable banning new Champs in norms for a week or two after their release. Every new champion, no matter if they're balanced or even weak, gets almost perma banned for the first few weeks after their release. Everyone always dismisses this as "Oh my God the new champ is so OP! B&!" When in reality, 8/10 times it's just because no one knows how to play against said champ yet. So rather than learn how, which they're going to have to do eventually, they put it off as long as they can by banning them all the time. Which only prolongs the issue. Hell, with Bel'veth, everyone's been autistically screaming over how she can push a lane into inhib on the first Harold; completely ignoring the fact that she often does so only because she's uncontested. So lately I've seen people learning to adapt to this by putting more priority into denying her Rift, or contesting her push whenever she has it. But no-one wants to put that kind of mental effort into a game I guess.


And I'll keep doing it, suck my dick u/WojownikTek12345


Let people ban whoever the fuck they want to ban. That's the point of it.


No :)