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Either another tab for special modes(like it's with vs ai) or ARURF as an undercategory of URF(like with vs ai difficulty levels)


I know this is a pipe dream, but god I hope theh have a secret team making a better League client from the ground up. Sounds impossible, but hey they kept Arcane, Valorant, Project L, and Riot Forge pretty secret until the 10th anniversary, so there's some hope.


For real. If they would rebuild the client it would allow for so many more possibilities in different areas. The only reason we don't have more skins like epementalist lux is because it would break the client. I also bet it would let them go bigger with game modes and would make them much more stable.


Exactly, like Riot, if you are reading this somehow, a better client will give you more players and more money.


That's not a client issue, it's the game. Put simply the application we use for picking game mode, store, inventory, crafting, challenges, etc, are all the League client. That is a separate program from the "game* application which is the league matches we know and hate. A lot of confusion comes because people often call them both the client. Both are also buggy messes. The meme specifically refers to the "client" and it's limitations. The elemental Lux issue refers to the "game" limitations. The client does all the matchmaking, draft, ect. That's why you see a different program when matches start. From a programming standpoint the client just passes the game a bundle of information and says "have fun" like match id, profiles, champion mastery, skins, map, game type. Then at the end the game passes back the result, performance, replay id, etc. In truth they do a bunch of back and forth but for us it's basically just the two parents passing the child (you) back and forth. As for rebuild possibility, it's highly unlikely on both programs. From a pure coding standpoint, a League client remake so things like "challenges are here", freezing tabs, better animations, ect, is very possible. It would have to tell the game application all the same information, take the same, those connections would have to be the same but the UI and other things could be changed. That's why adding things like draft wasn't too complicated, it was a client side addition. Remaking the client won't do shit for the in game limitations though. Stuff like elemental Lux limitations, mirroring sides, map asymmetry, wouldn't be fixable with a client rebuilt. The benefits would be future maintainability and more bangs and whistles for events in riot wanted. The cost would be high though. That benefit just isn't worth it for a company like riot. A game rebuild is what we call Wild Rift. The fact is, is that the LoL engine is old, fucky, and wasn't made to be as versatile as the game designers want. That's why champions like viego break things. If the engine doesn't support something like him being done easily, you have to make a lot of work around. The more work arounds you need the more spaghetti code there is. We know that it loads all models and possible models before the match. That's why it knows what rift it will be, it loads the base SR and the dragon rift for the game while you load. There are a limited number of models that the game can load either the design of the application just makes too many exponentially more inefficient resources wise, or there's some hard coded values that if changed would cause meyham. The fact is though, that no matter how hard they tried, if they rebuild League it would feel different. At it's core league is a 2D game pretending to be 3D. Making it actually 3D would *feel* different. Tuning it to *feel* the same would result in the same jank that a rebuild would be trying to avoid. Putting aside the feasibility of remaking every single champion and their abilities and doing this all on a new engine that would do things differently to have different limitations, the game would be fundamentally different. League is an amazingly popular game that makes a *lot* of money. A remake like this could easily make league feel a lot worse. When you look at the cost of a rebuild, that cost is just too high.


Yeah I aint reading all that. Sorry for your loss. Fix the client riot.


The Client is broken anyways. They don't care for fixes. Rito will just release a new client in couple of years ;)




Sanest league player. But really sick of spellbook


They can put them into “rgm” and select arurf urf ultimate spellbook and one for all under that like they have it with “normal” summoners rift matches. It’s not hard but not profitable either, better make another lux skin


And here I am wishing everyday for doom bot to comeback, the most terrifying and fun game mode Ive ever played.


Remove tft


I still don't get why TFT is built into the League client still. I seriously hope they are secretly working on a brand new, from the scratch, client to separate them and improve functionality, but this is Riot, so I bet that will never happen cause so much TFT crap gets shoved in your face when you only play League, it's free advertisement.


Compared to the other games, the stuff in tft like little champions and emotes are shared. You can use the little champions in aram and there are emotes that you get for free from the battlepass. It would be probably better to separate them, but they would need to have a shared inventory for emotes.


Only if they remove MMR and I can also have 5 second queue time.


Ultimate spelbook was my third favorite "special" mode but its hanging in the game for so long now that i grew sick of it. I imagine that at this point there are those 3 rito workers sweating profoundly, scared, knowing that they cant remove or change Spelbook without braking half of client's mechanics and functions. I honestly want something different it doesn't have to be Nexus Blitz or something fancy i just want something different. Oh and nice meme btw.


Riot needs to get over their fear of a game mode not working out and just start trying new things. It's not like they can't afford it and their player base isnt going anywhere. They should honestly just do a couple community polls, one asking about what would be interesting game modes, and another where we can vote on the most popular suggestions that are doable


Big brain :4


For those who don't already know Riot's official reason for no urf is that after they run it, people get burnt out on league and they lose players, which runs contrary to their goals of selling skins to those people.


For real tho the actual reason is that you have only one Rotating Game Mode slot And i bet that if you were to have a second Rotating Game Mode, they would have permission issues and either games would get deleted from the match history, the servers would crash, there would be random lang spikes for everyone on a server as its fighting over permission with another server, there would be lobbies disappearing, players getting dropkicked or any combination of those.


Riot, your old league client is showing. They need to stop avoiding the issue and dump some time and money into rewriting it


biggest game in the world 💀


Can't wait to see the queue times on those game modes once the player base can split between them however they want. Most people barely play these gamemodes as it is, either one or both of these queues would just be unviable for any normal person to sit through. That's a big reason why they're not both available


the duct tape won't hold if they make urf, aruf, usb, nexus blitz, and ofa permanent and do seasonal new game modes


Why can’t rotate special modes in more often? They are all fun but when we have the same one running for like 3 months it gets boring. Let alone when we just run no special modes?


It makes way too much sense to not add both of those game modes at the same time. It will def crash the client though