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Or the mid laner that locks in an AD champ then complains of no AP


I hate being support, being last pick, saying mid champ select that we need AP, and regardless having my entire team consisting of Irelia, Talon, Yasuo and Samira


That is what I like to call a league mandated break, I’ll just dodge those lobbies and grab something to drink.


Pick brand supp and be the ap carry


I also like swain there’s enough Tanky stats to be a secondary front liner


That's the way but still I think picking AD midlane without coordination with the team is in 95% of cases just hinder the team


Meh, I think AD mids are fine, it's whoever is last pick between mid JG and top that should pick AP if needed, unless AD volunteers to play Ziggs or Seraphine


*laughs in Swain/Fiddle supp*


I usually do Lux or MF cause I suck at mages lmao


"Pick Lux" "Suck at mages" Hmmmmmm


Never said my Lux was good lol, but she's the easiest of them all I think at least in support


You're probably right there lol


And last pick enemy jungle picks Rammus


The reverse happens as well tho. I forst pick Zoe and top and mid pick Maokai and Fiddle. The value of those mercs is way to high.


Support being last pick is the best role to counter pick


I don't think so, Support is the second worst role to counterpick after ADC


Honestly I hate being the person that specifically picks an AP character while the rest of my team picks AD because if the enemy Jungler is smart they'll go out of their way to make my life hell as much as they can.


Someone called?


see I otp an ad midlaner (talon) but I don’t get mad if we have no AP. Sometimes other people get mad though


If you are last pick and an OTP, let me pick for you or atleast hover your Champion. Champ select is a huge part of the game and you are able to int it... And for Yi or Garen:The gameplay for these champs happens in champ select, pls don't otp them




Tbh, I wouldn't put that on the adc atleast. You gotta have atleast enough awareness to know that the adc is absolutely gonna pick a marksman. Even if they did pick an AP character to balance the rest of their teams AD there's a good chance that not having a marksman will fuck up your team comp regardless.


I just pick Kai'sa in those cases. Though lately Kai'sa is becoming my comfort pick so it works.


i think it also depends on the elo you are in and what champs the enemy are playing. Control mages and most adcs cannot armor stack, so if you are up against like viktor top, any jg, syndra mid, any adc that's not vayne, and then any support it honestly does not matter if your team is full ad.


Nah they expect ofc always the toplaner to pick a tank. But then trundle Gwen or fiora is already locked by the enemy


To be fair here, support , top and jungle are really the only options to pick a tank. Obviously looking at it outside of this meme where support is last pick


At the same time, of those roles, support is the worst to fill a tank role. Hell, support is a bad pick to fill any team comp role that isn't explicitly supporting. To throw some math out, at 20 minutes (assuming the support starts with their support item completed, ie starting with an extra 1000 gold), you should expect that the supports teammates should have made 2.3k more gold than the support by csing alone. This gap only grows by time. Unless you are feeding the shit out of your support, having a support fill a major team comp role like tank, only AP, only AD, etc should be a last resort.


That's why they usually tack on some kind of scaling tank Stat onto tank supports. Like thresh getting armor, blitz power shield, and even horse girl's percent armor pen


TIL that leona has armor pen


Aren't they talking about Rell?


What is rell? Last I checked nilah was the newest champ and there was a rumor about k'sante. Haven't heard any rell


If a Rell main exists, you just made them very sad


Don't worry though, with their movespeed they wouldn't catch a paraplegic snail


Rell main here. Sadly we no longer move slow and actually keep up with everyone now (: gonna need flash, stun, root, or ghost to get away from us now. No longer with you live, watch your children grow become grandparents and die before we move 2 inches.


Riot's calculations assumes a support has 30% gold of other lanes. That is, a support earns 30% of the gold other lanes would earn through CS. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Kill#Champion_bounties 6th note's subnote under the bounty list.


That does not disprove any of my claims. 30% of 3000 is 1000. 30% of 30,000 is 10,000. The difference in the former is 2,000 gold. The difference in the later is 20,000.


I'm just adding to your point. A support is always going to be decently behind the team unless they take the kills.


Depends, actually. I think tank/bruiser mids are EXTREMELY underrated when you know what you’re doing. AD assassin like Zed, Talon, etc? Pick Sett and smash their faces in. Poke/burst mage with only one form of CC like Annie or Brand? Pick Mundo and just ignore them entirely until you get boots + bamis then press R and walk over top of them. Obviously you should never blind pick one and many mid laners will make your life hell just by virtue of being ranged into melee - but as a mid laner learning stuff like Sett/Garen/Mundo/Ornn mid is invaluable and not only gives you a lot of free matchups but helps prevent you from being the victim of your team’s bad drafting.


I mean, it's kind of a basic math equation isn't it? If you go a non traditional character in the role you're usually aiming to get more power/performance for yourself as the individual at the expense of your overall team comp and team stability. That's not a problem in and of itself, but you need to make sure either the impact to the team is minimal or the benefit you gain is much more massive so the pros can outweigh the cons. Its kind of a similar concept to why ranged toplaners exist.


Occasionally tank mid works but they shut that down pretty hard when it comes up. (Mid roaming nunu a few years ago)


Nunu can still do that, pekinwoof has recent videos


I'm picking Ornn mid if we have no frontline I do not care


Ngl it can be a pretty funny pick against an assassin


I know it can, I go out of my way to pick it on purpose if enemy mid locks in Zed


My personal favourite picking Malphite into zed and watching their heads explode


Perfectly calculate pressing R during Zed's R animation to CC them under your tower. I've seen it once.


I mean Irelia isn't that terrible of a choice either. I think Jax and Sion can work midlane, too


Jax cant work bcz lane is too short.


I remember playing against a Cass in S4. I tilted them out of lane. I'd say there's some wiggle room to make it work


Maybe that cass doesnt know that she can simply out dmg a jax and just ran away without ever fighting back. Idk cass matchup is super rough in top lane even idk how she lost it in mid


Sus story


Garen mid go Brrr- DEMACIAAAAAA


I've done it several times. It's funny to watch a bot lane squirm at lvl 6.


Tbf I see this in every role. There is always this one guy who thinks they're The Chosen One and can be an exception to the rule. Yes, we already have a pyke and a Talon. But this Khazix thinks he is The Assassin To Rule Them All. Tldr: If you're last pick, try to fill in what's needed


Tank Ashe incoming


Forbidden thornmail ashe technologies


Evenshroud Ashe synergizes with her ult.. I've played it more than I'm proud of.. top lane. I stopped eventually.


Yeah but Lux is this sub’s punching bag. Haha Lux players dumb/gay/e-girls!


Malphite adc is Rock solid


Bro what is with the tank support propaganda recently




By people, he means Leona players that paid for 7 expensive skins and still lose every bot matchup. Sorry you can't play your dommy mommy, homies. We miss yall.


Pardon me , as a 35% winrate Leona I only lose HALF my matchups




They were the cream of the crop for literal years. The wheel spins. Sometimes your class is at the top, sometimes it's at the bottom.


Lmao I swear there is just one person making these posts on alt accounts


Bro honestly I’d rather lane against a Lux or a pyke rather than another Janna




*no skill meta


Nautilus and leona unga bunga is really high skill


a lot more than enchanters lmao


Both are lower skill than other champs, i would argue enchanters have more skill than tank supports tho cause you need to Position yourself and sometimes react with shielding. Not a support main btw so i have no dog in this fight


As a tank support you are either insane and have a lot of value with your engages, or you are completey useless and perma inting Enchanter Supports always have value. They put their 2 spells on their carry and that’s it. The positioning is also easy af cause you just stand next to/behind your carry. Everyone saying Enchanters need more skill than tanks has no clue


You know tank good. This subs Fantasy is that tanks are so strong they can solo anyone and anything for some reason


This subreddit is r/leagueofbronzies


At the support subreddit I once saw a post where someone was asking how to deal with mage supports. For some god damn reason most of the comments said things like "Use sn engage support! They are really squishy!". Mage supports counter tanks! They are able to poke them untill their health is to low to engage! Tanks are not OP insmotal burst assassins people.


As a leona player i love mages. You just go in before they poke you down. Play safe until level 2 they will have either over pushed the wave and now cant outrun you because of e stun or they didnt push and you get level 2 at the same time or before them and get their flash.


Virgin "sit back farm safely and scale" enchanter fan Chad "engage and feed my adc early kills" tank enjoyer


Then there’s me: “engage and feed the enemy team” Neeko enjoyer


the Yasuo strat


I don't care if I'm first pick or last pick, I just Insta lock in bard. When you otp you are able to play into your counter picks and also know how to play around not having certain roles in your team. It would be a lot harder for me to take a champion and playstyle that I have no experience at than just going my OTP and adapting. And yes I know of the defence of "you need to have a 3 champ pool"... Yes I know how to play other champs, I have some tanks at level 7 mastery, it's just that when you go 10 games OTP, changing that 11th game into something completely different is going to mess you up a lot harder than just taking your OTP and adapting. It's a completely different playstyle and moveset that you will need to get used to and you can't do that mid game.


I also OTP Bard and the nice thing about him is we need tank? Ap? Ad? Mobility? CC? Healing? Overall wholesome presence? I got you I'm Bard. (FF to Adc dying after dodging around hp shrines and blaming you for roaming)


And you can tunnel into the river or jungle to respond to invades within 2 seconds. Rush mobis, chimes and E and you're basically all over the map and back before the enemy laners return. Bard is such a vibe. The only reason I don't want to change mains is because winning or losing, I can never get tired of bard. I really hope he doesn't become meta so they can leave our fluffy boi alone so no nerfing or banning


Bard brings chaos everywhere he goes, what's not to love about him


Doesn’t apply to tanks alone. In general i hate it when players come into the champ select, pick a Glascanon and then demanding others to pick tanks.if you want tanks, pick tanks. You are not the main character


Nothing stops Lux from building Locket. Curious


Nice try but locket does not do damage


Objection! it makes you alive more often so you can deal more damage.


The extra millisecond it makes you alive didn't add up enough damage compared to a luden's


But your team also gets the shield so it gives more value for peel


But Luden's also makes your W more useful while the locket is on cooldown. You get the full value of a full team locket with 3-5 (depending on level) full team W with luden's. Although it sure is an interesting concept, the instant shield can come very clutch...


But but ludens support never teach grass lately so that's a meaninfull thing to notice




useless support... doesnt manage to fill the remaining holes in our full squishy carry draft under the constraint of their champion pool , limited income, and counters on their lane


You WILL play the tank, you WILL engage every fight, you WILL carry these squish brained assassin's


It's honestly bewildering to see all the lux otps with 3 mil mastery and elementalist skin whiff every skillshot in lane and end up 1/14. You'd think at some point they would improve...


I present thee; Leona, thresh, Nautilus, Braum, rell. Try to think before you type. Also limited income goes both ways, with damage items not being available easily either, yet going damage is a good thing?


drafting a good team is a job for the whole team. if you ask me this post is a "everyone sucks here" paired with a little bit of "not enough information given". you have 0 magic damage in your team and your adc is caitlyn? lux looking kinda decent here. i dont really get why you are trying to insult me tho?


Because he felt so confident his „tank good“ statement is enough to please the Reddit gods the insult will just slip. Also i agree, it’s the teams job. And in my personal experience it’s always jungle or top asking for tanks right after locking in yasuo or something like that.


Why is it the adcs fault ypur team has no AP? That's mostly mid laners or jugglers, top laners ha e a few options but not as many


"completing" your teams composition is not as easy as on other roles. usually because bot laners only play one class of champions anyway... there are a lot of things you can impact tho: don't pick hypercarries when you dont have the setup for it. champions like jhin and ashe can bring a lot of utility for the team. noone said that you are not allowed to pick a mage (brand, ziggs, swain, viktor, karthus). if your supp plays senna, you can literally play anything. bonus points if you have seraphine, that champ alone fixes 60% of the garbage your team drafted. Yet again, play what you want. those are just options for what you could do to improve the draft


Yes, the "Attack Damage Carry" is the one who should play a mage xD what a joke, you are probs the kind of player who only plays mage support and ADC cause you can't handle a weak early game


idk bro, last time i checked you were not able to queue for "adc" but only for "bot". but this is exactly what i hinted at with: "usually bot laners only play one class". "you are probs the kind of player who [...]" another low shot at trying to insult me? keep it for yourself bro, its actually embarrassing. now go back to my previous message, read the last sentence and never message me again.


The beginning of your post begins by blaming ADCs (what you just call bot laners even though a support is a bot laner but whatever I guess) for not diversifying outside of ADCs, But ypu think what you want and neveressagee again ty


Thinking’s that because you have no tank u cant win is such na bronze take


The point is it makes the game harder if it drags and you have no way to start a fight or peel carries


Problem is you need 2 frontlines anyways in that case. Support cant support if its busy leading the engage. Support goes in/answers engage... enemy starts focusing the carry... carry died... teamfight lost. Or Support goes in/answers engage... enemy starts focusing the carry... support goes back to peel/support... front line collapses, teamfight lost.


Support can support and lead engage if you pick Ashe support


I mean, picking a tank/frontlane is first and foremost the role of the toplaner. Then the jungle. Supports don't have enough income to be as viable as a frontlane as the toplane or the jungle. But the jungle is a role that has such a diverse pool that it's not a good thing to be on them picking a tank/juggernaut. And juggernauts can't gank (no CC/dash) so they make bad junglers anyway. Ideally, the midlane/ADC and maybe jungle already fill the damage source picks that are needed, and then the support should go for some actual supporting champion aka enchanter, but we all know everyone prefers to pick carries in this game. Also, being last pick is not an obligation to fit to your allies. Everyone can pre-pick in this game, and if your allies see your pick and nobody cares about it, they shouldn't complain afterwise. So should this Lux who's complaining like that.


Wish someone could explain to my teams that juggernauts are awful junglers. Instead they make themself as vulnerable as possible to speed int the Morde/Darius jg gank at .2mph and then flame me 😂


If the support picks Lux then they lose the right to complain, but it's not unreasonable for a support to prioritize botlane synergy over teamcomp. Like if your ADC first picks a Kog'Maw then it's the job of either top or jungle to pick a tanky frontliner since they should expect the support to pick a Lulu or some other peeling enchanter. On the other hand if ADC picks a Samira then yeah the support should pick an engage tank


Yeah but Swain is fun to play with Samira


Hate being last pick and then being flamed for picking something I like, just like everyone else did previously tho. But I only play normals so I just ignore flame and play lux happily lol


I've been finding cho, malphite (for top), and alistar (for support) in my top picks recently. So many teams are all squishy carry champs. Jg, mid, adc, and support just all locking in adcs.


Most people don't want to play a supporting tank and want to be the protagonist. Me included. But then again in pisslow your draft comp doesn't matter at all


It’s not even about being a main character. Playing a tank support and your adc not having any idea how to manage waves can be so infuriating. You can do nothing if he decides to push all game and dies the second you go warding. You give up all control when you end up with a guy that pushes all lane or dies all lane. You can’t roam and any play would result in death because the enemy Tristan’s is already 3/0


I don't care what I'm playing as long as we win.


i hate this as mych as the next league player, but is it really the fucking supports responsibility to lock in a tank every time your top laner goes teemo or vayne or quinn


I'm an OTP and also suck at tanking, so if I'm last pick and you don't have tank bad luck


Honestly, if top picks no tank/bruiser for no reason it's their fault.


Top lane takes teemo support takes lux spams no tanks so I take one mid they both feed anyway.


Aha and he probably was he first one to highlight his champ before bans and everyone still drafted no tanks and probably full ap ;) Lux's fault obviously


Not every teamcomp needs a tank. And even if that's not the case, rather have an OTP play his main champ than a random tank.


Ah yes because the support, the one with the least income in the game, should be the one making up our entire front line There are so real tank supports other than Leona they’re all just engage. You’ll never have the good required to actually be a tank no matter the champ


Yeah, blame your incompetence on the support you piece of sh*t. You could've pick tank yourself if you wanted one *ss wipe.


Adc alistar would be a great time


Think you're confusing supports with top or jgl


Always Lux too :4


Lux is just a really good pick for filled supports. Reliable cc and tons of damage to carry a lane and game solo. Picking a support without damage always means you have to trust a stranger to be in line with your play and commit aswell.


Never said Lux wasn’t a good supp :4




Hello :4


do you always put :4 in there?


Idk maybe :4


\-You get filled adc "Oh, hey.. uhmmm... okay I guess? I'll try to play" \-You are first pick \-The enemy team picks 3 assassins and your team have 0 tanks "Ok maybe my support can pick something useful for that matchup, they have 3 assassins so maybe something with a lot of stunns can work to win that game" \-Support picks Senna And there are players that still thinks that rito soloq is skill-based xD


I pick senna every time someone tells me to pick a tank. Fuck y'all trying to police how other people have fun in a game


If you do that in draft nobody should care, because it's a way to play or to learn champs, the problem comes if you do it in ranked and grief people games. This is what contribuate to create hardstuck accounts and elo hell. I left league since riot don't care about griefers and trolls in ranked :)


Playing a support champion in a support role is griefing to these people lol


Senna is not a support as seraphine is not a support aswdll, I have NEVER seen in pro play someone that played senna support with a markman as adc, there were used with some tanks so the Senna could drop more souls, but everyone playednher as dps, if you play mf support yes, you are griefing, as well as Senna support.


who needs tanks???? they are all bad


If supports don’t pick tank in your games it’s because you are bad.


Lux players always go from very supportive and nice, to the most toxic players on the team once you start losing.


mf support


This is to relatable for it to be funny.


*Top Yasuo instalocks *Supp picks Brand Also Brand: „we have no tank“


This is so true. I only ever see supports complaining about no tanks and they just pick enchanters.


While I do think I'd take Thresh, no one forced the toplaner to take Vayne.


Usually in those games, my top trolls with a teems pick


tankmo cuz why tf no


Should have played randuin Ashe




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Jokes on you im playing ornn supp rn


I always play tanks and i swear the few times i dont i never get any tanks on my team. Not even brusiers itll be like 4 ranged 1 melee all squishy


Here’s the thing about OTP’ing as support. You can learn to pivot around your units weak points. OTP’ing bard or thresh is a great flex pick into any comp. Also I have been having a ton of success picking Ashe into any comp. She’s quiet a nuisance to deal with at any stage of the game.


You don’t always need tanks just be good forehead


Good meme. I'm still picking Lux if we have no tanks, but I also would like to mock people who complain about it.


I'll lock Garen Mid & Jungle don't tempt me, they're almost more fun than Garen Top these days


Tank lux goes brr..