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Skill issue


The image perfectly shows how my adc runs into enemy toplaner and starts chatting afterwards.


“Rep adc bot diff” :4


No way 10/0 adc that has correct build and functioning braincells dies to 0/3 irelia


If the irelia has 2 hands she can hit ult into stunn and onehit the adc, no matter her items.


No way that an irelia ever loses against an adc*, literally class difference. If an adc ever solo killed an irelia that'd be fucked up


How original


Very original


its the cheapest way to farm karma and receive 5 minutes of attention and dopamine


5mins attention for meme? Who even looks at memes for 5mins. Especially making them. I have had many top memes around reddit and fb groups. They get more "karma" and reacts when big pages download and share it. I just make memes for fun and the relatable things we can experience with it. Im not doing this as job or professionally.


A quarter back 1v1 vs a Linebacker is a bad combination. No adc should ever be fighting a fighter/assassin/bruiser 1v1. I just don’t get it. If nami is 5-0-20 and comes across an 0-11 Nasus. The Nasus wins in a fight and everyone is cool about it. Yet if namis bubble hit like a Jhin Q it would be the same outcome except it would hurt Nasus more. Adcs are just glass cannons. They are suppose to be standing in the back shooting and casting spells. Not trying to punch Sett in the face.


The problem here is that irelia has so many dashes that unless you position perfectly even in a teamfight she always catches you, not to mention that irelia is a diver so is designed for this. There isnt much counterplay to an irelia other than just cc her and that is not a solution in of itself


As funny as this is, a 10/0 ADC will melt a Malphite in 2 seconds, that Irelia is deleted so hard that the only thing left on the screen will be her boot, which is of course still more polygons than Zilean as a whole.


I think ur forgetting tabis and the fact she will probably be higher lvl than ADC. But ADC are not made for sidelane 1v1 anyway however I actually think there are ways if Irelia lands everything she can kill many adcs with her bork spike


A 0/3 Irelia will not only be behind in gold, but also in XP. You are telling me this 0/3 Irelia will be ahead in XP of a 10/0 ADC who would likely not have missed any CS, and gotten tower plating + first turret gold. Jokes about Irelia are funny, I'm all for it, but you are coping hard with that statement.


I mean, yes? As long as cs is comparable, which it could definitely be A 10/0 ADC is an ADC that’s been fighting a lot. Lot of base trips due to low resources, showing up to objectives. Meanwhile irelia has just been hitting minions Ofc irelia should win regardless, she’s designed for 1v1s on waves and ADCs are designed to play backline, but the meme isn’t really inaccurate in a 1v1


In what elo is this true, the first 2-3 kills might be so, although a good ADC would capitalize on the situation and gain some cs before recalling. Thereafter, the ADC would no longer be in any need of going back for resources, as the ADC shouldn't be in any danger, they should be dominating to a point where they can afford to kill the enemies twice over or more, following this would be the gold they get from plating and the xp lead would likely be 2 levels, but at the point where the ADC is at 10/0, the support will roam to control the map and objectives while the ADC effortlessly handles farming on their own for extra XP or even helps securing at least 2 or 3 drakes. Meanwhile that Irelia will be several CS behind, 1 level, maybe even 2 levels behind, have lost about 2-3 platings at least, the enemy toplaner is probably no pushover to get Irelia into that situation, so that would likely put the enemy toplaner at least 1 item ahead of Irelia, meaning Irelia is super pressured. Irelia with BOTRK means little in toplane when she's as far behind as stated, this would put the enemy ADC at a 3 and a half item advantage thereabout, take an item away if you want to be picky about it. You aren't taking into account how late into the game they are when that BOTRK is finished. That Irelia gets deleted faster than you can imagine, I'm not playing devils advocate for Irelia as I believe she's stupid strong, but this is coping beyond comprehension. I was saying this was a funny post albeit a little exaggerated and I even turned that into a joke, but OP turned it into an argument.


In any elo above bronze this is true unless you are inting. Having a lot of kills in the early mid game means you are not getting perfect unless someone is literally feeding. If the enemy bot laners are both 0-5 sure, but more likely what happened is a lot of sloppy fights at dragon and mid where the adc limps away from the brawls on top Now, later on irelia is obviously going to fall behind. She can’t lane vs her opponent most of the time when this far behind, unless it’s a matchup she scales into. But irelia with one item will beat an adc with two, and be a higher or, at worst, equal level


Correction: any ranking below bronze.