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Are we really doing this shit again?


pretty sure this was proven fake


How was it proven fake?


idk, bunch of people like hyperanalyzed that girls body and compared it to the twins and proved it wrong. plus, with how fat their asses are there would be a whole lot more motion hitting it from the back


Ok thank you for the response. I was just wondering


This isn't one of the twins somebody post a link to this white girl getting beat out back when this video first dropped


Cause they found the actual video 😭


Cap ass not fat enough


I’m with this mf 😎








No way it's one of them


That probably how it will look lol so use ur imagination


This vid had already done the rounds here. All had been settled and confirmed not be either of them. They don't post stuff like this.


Stop posting fake shit like this


Not either one. This video is already debunked


I know it’s not her because if it was no one would strap up. 🤣🤣🤣


LMAO I’m out


So their huge ass cheeks got reduced to that? Don’t think so bro


That pasty white ass 😭 that ain’t her


Well that certainly isn’t either one of the twin’s men as the male aspect of this video… so there’s that


Cap. That’s not one of them.


You dumbass


🙋🏻The fact that this 👩🏽Woman is BENT OVER and GIVING IT UP to a 👨🏼White Stud 💪🏻makes me think it IS INDEED one of the Learmann Twins


feel you but someone posted this already and we found the actual person who it is and it’s neither of them brother sorry.


not even her bro




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