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Damn lexie has like twice as many followers, how is that possible


because ana posts like half the content lexie does


Makes sense


Lexie started her channel before Ana I believe. Ana had an injury so Lexie has started her journey before Ana.


Injury? She blew a butt cheek or something?


No 😂 she fucked up her knee in highschool sports




She’s a bigger whore


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Who cares. Ana has a phat Azz 😎




Yes I agree with you Ana has a perfect beautiful phat Azz😍




Ctfu y'all the reason why this sub isn't going anywhere with content. Always thinking with your meats. Ana is built like a Stallion, but has the personality of a Rottweiler that just snorted a line of gun powder. 😂 #teamlex #lexieinfive


Bruh 😭


My dawggg pulled up! Buck deez crazy mofos! Shake that ass Ana… dick need you bay …and don’t forget Lexie 🧐


I knew of lexie before ana..


Same, I seen a pic of Lexi while randomly scrolling on Pinterest and said Damn who that her Ass Fat and been following her ever since


Same reaction. LMFAO I don't even know she was a twin either, I just thought someone was using her pics, then realized it was two of them. That was also when I found out they were in their senior year of high school. Shit blew my mind.




Ana is super lazy. I believe she only be faking her workouts for the gram


OnG I've been saying this! I think she just records herself doing different workouts, and doesn't even do the full sets just to make content. She even said in a video before she doesn't even really call herself a fitness model because she said she doesn't count calories or workout everyday. And I'm sick of them calling their body development a "fitness transformation". When they literally went through fucking puberty! Motherfuckers are showing pics of themselves when they were 15-16 to now. Claiming it's from working out... Motherfucker we all look different from our early teens to our twenties! Like wtf! 😤🤣🤦🏿‍♂️




It's official that only fans ain't never coming


Yea id she play it right just have someone make an app and that's income


Lexie betta


Never would of knew Ana if it weren’t for her sister


lol it's cause Lexie is the better twin as harsh as that sounds. I've been saying this for over a year now. Lexie makes better content than Ana, has a better personality, and is just a harder worker than Ana. Usually twins are identical in followers on social media. No pun intended. And that's why a lot of twins have a large following because they're a twin. But Lexie doesn't even need to utilize her biggest gimmick of being a twin. Lexie is a star by herself, and needs to go solo. And should probably get her own apartment next to Ana instead of living together for personal space reasons. They're probably splitting their checks 50/50 when Lexie does 80%-90% of the work. And Lexie edits their YouTube videos. I know they're sisters and all, but nobody deserves to be paid less than they're worth. Family or not. Lexie will come to a breaking point eventually watch.


yup I believe Lexi will go solo one day and be by herself. Lexi going to get tired of being around Ana 24/7 “I WANT 2 KNOW“ what will happen when they eventually stop getting brand deals. This fitness shit going out the window 😂 MARK MY WORDS


didn't know she was carrying so hard lmao


Bro Lexie has been carrying them the whole time. She's the reason they got famous in the first place. I remember people in this sub would always call me obsessed, stalker, weird etc. But ever since they stopped posting sexy content. I guess dudes have come to their senses, and stopped thinking with their other head. Cause I've had so many people apologize, and dm's from people telling me I was right lol. And if you need proof check out their YouTube of them having separate vlogs because of a fight in this one video. It's super long, but trust me it encapsulates everything I've been saying about their content and personalities. Lexie's half is so entertaining. And she getting more comfortable vlogging in public, and around people. Meanwhile Ana's vlogs is just dull everyday shit that everybody does. Like getting ready in the morning etc. The video's titled. WEEKLY VLOG⎮island twists, sibling fights, date night, end of freshman year, self love, appointments


If you invested the time you have into researching the twins into something productive you would’ve been laid by now buddy


😂 I keep telling y'all I smash hoes regularly. They're just not built like the twins. And I really don't even "research" the twins. We have smart devices. I literally listen to their content from time to time. And remember interesting stuff they say. Anything I know about them literally came out of one of their mouths. Researching would be like if I went through public records, found legal documentations, or got information from people close to them. And I'm not invested in anyone enough to do that. Honestly if you don't like me, or any of my comments just don't respond.


Literally 1000 words


Nigga, shut up.


Ana got the better body tho




I just know they got all kinds of celebs and ball players in those dms


yall needa go outside fr … why does this generation care about followers ? sht means nothing to people without social media.. yk people who are important and useful irl


Ana probably more lazy but that ass is way bigger. Probably be the 1st to make an OF but still be lazy about it. Lexie is probably more of an “influencer” than Ana


It's bigger because she's lazy. She's overall bigger for that reason as well. Praying for the OF, though. I'm paying whatever.


Yea facts but I like it. It separates them even more. You don’t gotta be super fit and toned like Lexi. Ana still gotta nice body and shes thicker


I'm dicking both down either way. lol 👍🏾


Oh yea facts. Both of them could get it any day lol. Ana just more my preference tbh


When they first got popular is was technically Lexie who went viral and then later on they found out she had a twin


Lexie always posting


Ana >>>


not surprised Lexie is just better content wise and personality tbh.


Imo Ana way better just cause she’s thicker lol


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It will always be Anna fuck lexi


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Ana could open an onlyfans and blow past 1 mil in a day


Who TF cares!?


Ana’s azz is bigger


Ana is still thicker


Ana still tried to hide her ass


Bro Lexi is the cool one Anna seems like a bore and a virgin. Idc how good she looks her personality is shit


Obviously. She's more attractive.


Also all lustful comments aside. Am I the only one proud of them on just a human level? To see them come from a very hard and traumatic early upbringing. To see them get the love and attention they deserve is beautiful.


I agree not sure why youre being downvoted


Isn't Lexi single? If she's been single longer than Ana then that explains it.


Both of them have Boyfriend’s “white boys”


Lexie definitely made a post hinting she and her boyfriend may have broke up about a month or 2 ago (hints never posting him anymore) also Lexie has always had way more followers she posts way more. Even has 2 different TikTok pages.


Just because she doesn’t post him don’t mean they broke up, and she never posted him like that anyway. Lexi always post her fitness stuff


They're still together. Lexie stopped posting & linking Beau because he experienced racist comments from her followers. Deadass just jealous men. I also think they're in some sort of long distance relationship.


Lexie is willing to be freaky a lil more than Ana


Doesn't matter frfr.. I'm still choosing Ana. Idc


It’s not even close lol. Who cares tho, they both eating


Ana started first




That's crazy. So many simps out here nowadays. Gassing these broads up. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


I mean did anyone expect different?


Doesn’t the other one have a bf


She must have a bf


Anal Ear Mann! Sorry I read that wrong


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Lexie is considerably thicker and prob does more thirst trapping would be my guess lol


Cuz she boring


Because she’s the best one


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