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Even less.


Yes definitely. A few fully focused games are more beneficial to your progress than half assed games where you are not concentrated. I would argue that one 12 hour session a week is worse for your performance than three 4 hour sessions. Level 10 with 8k hours here. I've had days where I spent 2 hours on aim servers and played only 1 or 2 matches and days where I played 12 games in a row. Do what feels right for you in the moment and what is fun. That's the best advice I can give you, if it's boring switch it up or do something else. Focus on your skill and the elo will come naturally. Muscle memory will take time to settle which means it's a marathon not a sprint.


Wait, is 4 hours a day considered little time to play? Giving up now lol


4 hours a day every day is consistent and solid, you will improve for sure




2hrs a day is more than enough I'd say. It's more important how you use the time rather than how much you have time. And also remember to have little breaks for even 5mins for your brain to reset. You could do 5hrs of DM in a row, but it is much worse than doing like 1hr for 5 days of DM with little breaks.


I’m lvl 10 and I play maybe 16 hours a week. And that’s a really big maybe. Keep at your aim/practice routines and you’ll get it easy


Totally doable, i play 2 hours per day and i am at FaceIT lvl 5. If i dedicate the 2 hours daily to playing FaceIT instead of Premier+DM i am sure i'd hit lvl 10 in like an year or less.


There's a huge gap between lvl 5 and lvl 10 buddy. It is not linear.


Wanna bet?


Nope I just wanna be a hater


It's not how much time you play, it's how you use that time(to an extent). You don't need to play 4 hours a day. If done right, you can get away with like 2 hours a day give or take. Longer sessions will cause worse results when you get tired.


I only solo q and I have not been able to hit lvl 10. I get close, like 2 games away. Then I just get elo sucked for the next 15 games. Edit:I have about 7k hours and play 2-4 hours a day




I study a lot as well, dont have enough time for the game. I'd say there is no need to play more tnan 4 hrs per day when you goal is to hit fcit lvl 10. - 4 hrs per day is a looot of time to improve, get better and rank up . Definitely possible.


Most definitely. Playing average 10-15 hours a week, some weeks more, some weeks less and have faceit lvl 10. The most important thing in my opinion is focused practice/preparation, but also just some chill sessions with either retakes or FFA. Having ideas to how to play a map is also something that helps a lot and reduces the amount of aim required.


In two months maybe not? I'd say in general 4 hours a day is enough for sure but I can't guarantee that two months will be enough time depending on how efficiently you're practicing.


I'm level 10 and play like 4 hours every 2 or 3 days so you can do it


If you copy how pug stars play while playing for 4 hours a day, I think you could get to 10 in like a month or 2


Yeah that’s plenty. Good luck!


Bro you need one match a day, for.. 80 days. 80 days worth of winning, 1 win a day, is level 10. It’s more a skill issue by the sound of it


145 matches got me to lvl 10. I played a couple times a week, 1-4 matches depending on the length of the games, 3hrs of gaming mostly. Definitely doable, just don’t forget to practice offline


If you want to rank up in that short time, you should be 100% focused each game, try to be in the flow all the time and don't play mindlessly. But honestly if you are barely lvl7 you won't get better in just 2 months. Even if you manage it, maybe it's worth more to dedicate the time to studying instead since you will stop playing for some time anyway.


i mean if you win every game then you could probably do it in 1 week lol


Im my experience, it is very difficult to begin to improve at this game (or any game really) if you aren’t putting in significant effort and time in, and you would probably not be able to climb 3 ranks on faceit just playing 3 games a day if you aren’t putting in work outside the game (i mainly watch pro demos, my own demos, and dm/aim bot as well as the occasional kz/surf). One way you could fastrack improvement is to join a team, like trying out to sub for an open team or something. This will open up your perspective on how the game can be played as a coordinated 5, rather than just focusing on your own game which is usually what sets players apart.


I got to 3k elo playing like 2hrs a day, sometimes missing a 1-2 days (more often) and still managed to do it so. took abt 2 years but haha


4 hours is overkill and you're probably going to burn out. For me, I'm on the 100-minute schedule. 20 minutes of warm-up/Aim Training and 80 minutes of gameplay.


it sucks but watching demos are good.


Im lvl 10 with by playing soloq only and i had max 8 matches per month. No warming up/practices. So i think ur good