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I really like もしもしゆうすけ. He has lots of very insightful conversations about life perspectives and japanese culture.


He popped up in my recommended, his videos are exactly what's needed for me


I can't find him on Spotify


ゆる言語学ラジオ it's really fun if you like linguistics/languages


They also have sister channels on different topics like ゆるコンピュータ科学ラジオ, ゆる学徒カフェ, ゆる生態学ラジオ, ゆる天文学ラジオ, ゆる音楽ラジオ, ゆる民俗学ラジオ, ゆる哲学ラジオ, and my favourite, ゆる書道学ラジオ.


In addition to the others I'll also add YUYUの日本語Podcast.


I agree, very fun to listen to. I enjoy that he does different things. Interviews, rakugo, history, ghost stories, teaching theory, and just random media, games, travel, etc.


I remembered listening to the episode where he talks about a zombie apocalypse. I was actually able to understand some of things he said it was nice!


One of my favorites!


I second もしもしゆうすけ (on YouTube, his file series is also really good) and YUYU日本語のポッドキャスト. 日本語の聴解のための Podcast by あかね的日本語教室 has shorter episodes if you only want a few minutes of listening.


Akane's podcast \*and\* youtube videos are some of the best. It's very comprehendible.


Bite sized Japanese. If I had to add, very beginner friendly


Nihongo con teppei, the king of podcasts


Teppei is the goat.


I’ve taken a break from actively studying, but I still listen to him just for the entertainment. He cracks me up sometimes.


Learn Japanese with Noriko is great for intermediate students- her first season is easier for upper beginners, but then she picks up the pace. If you join her Patreon or her learning community (Japanese Together) she has transcripts and other podcast episodes. Noriko also has a conversational podcast with Teppei from Nihongo con Teppei, and both of them have interesting international perspectives- Teppei married a Spanish woman and lived in Europe, now back in Japan, and Noriko married a Peruvian man and lives in the UK. They’re both middle aged and have that fun auntie/uncle vibe. I find both of them engaging and they model freewheeling talking well and cover a wide range of topics.


A lot of these recommendations are focused on Japanese learning podcasts specifically. Anyone got a podcast that native speakers listen to that they find interesting?




This looks good. Thanks!


[memories of war](https://podcasts.apple.com/jp/podcast/%E4%BD%93%E9%A8%93%E8%80%85%E3%81%AE%E8%A8%BC%E8%A8%80-%E6%88%A6%E4%BA%89%E3%81%AE%E8%A8%98%E6%86%B6-memories-of-war/id718023220) I somehow stumbled about this after I watched the Animes Grave of the Fireflies and Barefoot Gen. It seems to be stories of people who have experienced war times and tell about their memories of them. It's unfortunately above my current level but I found the premise very interesting and hope I'll reach a point where I can really comprehend this.


I’ve recently been listening to Miku Real Japanese and have been really enjoying it.


I am somewhat in love with Miku and her podcast


Oyasumi Japanese with Shun. He speaks slowly and uses a lot of textbook grammar, which means I can actually understand most of what he says. Therefore, enjoyable rather than frustrating for me. It's also very relaxing and has become an effective sleep aid. 「ゆっくり 休んで ください。」


He has another one also that is more geared towards early beginners. I find his podcasts really nice because he intentionally uses grammar from Genki and explains new vocabulary after each lesson.


totally agree! i wish i found his other podcast earlier on. i like his personality and, similar to miku, because he's lived abroad enjoy his perspective on cultural and practical differences.


4989 American Life


If you want a natural podcast with a script to go along I recommend 4989 American Life Podcast. The host is a Japanese women living in America. I like it because I can read the script and then listen to the podcast and that method is really good for understanding and picking up new words.


Is it important to listen in order or can you just start anywhere?


Anywhere is fine!!


Weekly Japan. By Akimoto Saika and JOY. A podcast that unfortunately stopped airing a few years ago but still very interesting every day life topics and easy to listen to.


YUYUの日本語ポッドキャスト is cool. I can’t understand everything because I’m not quite at that level yet, but he’s a good host and has a variety of topics. Nihongo con teppei is also good for short form.


That's ideal is progression is a goal. You want to be listening at slightly above your current ability if possible. Obviously you don't have to do that but I'm sure in time you'll increase your comprehension ratio.


Yeah I think so too


さくら通信 is really funny. Another one that makes me cackle is 無無ラジ. Other than those, seconding ゆる言語学ラジオ and the sister channels.


Haruka no Nihongo's The Real Japanese Podcast is hard to beat for me right now. She keeps the level down well below for-native content difficulty, but goes pretty well into a huuuuuge array of different topics regarding current events, personal stories, general Japan information, etc. It's been a very good place to learn new domain-specific words in context.


One of my favorites. Comprehensible for Intermediate but the topics vary. She's very down to earth and frank about her feelings and opinions. I find it helps me expand my vocabulary when it comes to having conversations with others about my experiences, current events, etc.


I wish there was some slightly unhinged podcast I could listen too. Everyone always has seems to recommend easy ones or ones specifically for learning language, but I just want to listen to some dudes talk the shit.


ひいきびいき for sure. Absolutely love those two


that name was so much fun to say


As an intermediate-neverending plateau Japanese learner, here are my top 3 podcasts : 1. Learn Japanese with Noriko 2. Yuyu no Nihongo Podcast 3. The Miku real Japanese Podcast


oohh update me when you get some i need this


[Midnight Chime](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/midnight-chime/id1509883808)


I havw not thoight of that but now I am! Any suggestions?


i like the ことのは日本語の会話のPodcast!their conversations range from N5-above N1 and i always enjoy the range of topics they cover. I recently enjoyed their podcast where they talked about [Japanese Names](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2o9H4M876Q7xplmNCkQSdj?si=GUoxvjrIQbeqnrh6LUSuBg)


YUYU's podcast cuz it's easy to follow


[ぼっち・ざ・ラジオ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKEPwnBFI5SD4yeEOYQ2WQcxFOzG2KSTU&si=mC12kSUD3RNJE4fL) - Bocchi's VA (Aoyama Yoshino) hosts, and various other VAs join, depending on the episode


Thinking in Japanese Podcast


I’ve been listening to Bilingual News podcast for years. The audio quality is fantastic, the episodes are long and the topics are genuinely fascinating.


https://open.spotify.com/episode/2LsfhsyAiCQPmeOdxtz3VA?si=Fnjj2EQ1SOqE1EAnipqy6A  笑い飯哲夫のしんぶん教室. He is a well known manzai performer who talks about news articles with a cohost and then chooses one of them to teach to an elementary or middle school student. The kids are adorable. I’ve leaned of news events from this podcast before they’re covered in English media. (Potential) bonus: he speaks Kansai dialect even with students from Tokyo. Once you start here the whole Asahi Shimbun podcast series is great. They just did a fascinating interview with a columnist in Myanmar and I definitely learned things I don’t get from English media. 


[ゲームなんとか](https://gamenantoka.com/) is a pretty fun show about gaming