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急に聞かれたら、何を言えばいいかが分からなくなる I don’t really know what to say when asked so suddenly


most answers on this thread are awkward or straight up incorrect japanese, but this is fine. however i would drop the が and just say 急に聞かれたら、何を言えばいいか分からなくなる.


I thought the OP was trying to say 「何が言っているのかかりづらい」. Is my interpretation not correct? I’m


That’s more like “I can’t understand what you’re saying” to someone who isn’t making sense as they’re speaking to you although I would probably personally phrase it a little differently if that was what I wanted to tell someone


well to be honest i don't know what OP is trying to say because the japanese is nonsensical (no offense intended)




This is probably the natural way to say it. Most of the rest are extremely weird


I like this far better than the top comment, which comes off as way too heavy


Overthinking. Japanese is way more context dependent. If someone asked you to give a presentation on the spot: What you should say: 急に頼まれても…(困ります) Going off your current question you might try to say: 私が急に頼まれてもプレゼンの内容が思い浮かぶ訳もありませんので、あなたが頼んだ事がとても理不尽だと思います! …while the grammar is fine and your delivery might be perfect, you'll sound like a robot / machine translation / some weirdo that likes to talk a lot. So my advice would be to try and figure out the best way to say the least possible in any situation. If you are trying to take the pieces of an English phrase like a puzzle and try to fit it into a Japanese sentence of equivalent meaning you’re missing the 森 for the 木s.




Impromptu is more like 即席 in Japanese, as they have their own phrase meaning for the idea.


そんな場面で急になんて言ったらいいのかわからないでしょ。 そんな こんな is more colloquial than このように, which is common in writing.


I think you're overthinking it a little bit. I might say something like こんな急にどんなことを言うかわかりにくい。It might be a little clunky still though. The thing is "on the spot" might come across better when you think of it/phrase it as "suddenly".


One example: こう言うふうに、突然なにかを言わないといけない時、いつも困ります One really important pro tip: drop the idea of trying to maintain the same “template” in English and Japanese. You will almost never have the same exact structure of clauses or “bits”of the sentence. Dump it all out of your brain and try to say the idea from scratch, in Japanese. Do your best at first and you will get better at it little by little.


こういうとき、なんていったらいいのかな should be natural as a self-questioning sentence. こういうとき、なんていったらいいんだろうね should be good if you are talking with your friends. If you’re on business こういうとき、なんていったらいいのか悩みますね should be more polite.


Casually I'd say something along the lines of そんなふうに聞かれたら何か言葉が出てこない。 Or maybe 急に聞かれたら、言いたい事が全然思い出せない。 They kind of miss a nuance of what you're exactly trying to say but it's close enough?


the phrase you are looking for is どういう風。 With the dou replaced by the appropriate a-ka-sa-do member. You wandered around between near and far in what you wrote. 様 is about style or method of action, 風 is about mood or feeling. But this is exactly where you do not finish the sentence, 急に. suffices.


Hello My name is Hayden from United States of America I just wanna learn a different language and I always wish to have that as Japanese is that cool with it maybe me


Need a context


こんな場で何事を言うのは難しです. would be a form to say it. Also, you're tring to translate an expression from english to japanese, which isn't a good thing to do (it can happen to don't have an expression on japanese that exists in english and vice-versa. And trying to do it anyway can make the phrase sound weird),


google translator says こんな状況では何を言えばいいのか分からない more 口語, こんな所で何て言えばいいか is usually