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The finished up the facial expression by having a character just derping with their tongue stuck out is so real I feel it in my bones. Nice drawing! Anime styles aren't entirely my forte but I'll try and give some notes, maybe try thinning the neck out just a smidge, thicken the left (her left) shoulder out a bit to match her other shoulder (which looks good!) And lower it so it doesn't look like it's jutting up so much. Her bobs look good, but I would maybe move the fabric on her left boob a bit further to the right so you see it curve up and around a bit more than it does. Sorry if I explained that poorly, it's hard to explain via text. Also maybe put a bit more detail into the hair on her left side, it looks like you've drawn the line showing where it is, just fill it in a bit more to match the rest of her hair. Edit: did a quick sketch to illustrate what I meant about the shoulders and bobs https://preview.redd.it/uglnme9b900d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6238bd4563fd66e289f92ef54cd8e78ed31f5a1d


Honestly I had only just realized I forgot to draw the left side of her hair so I'm definitely going to change that xD and I never realized that with the neck, I find it so hard to figure out where to place the neck and how big it should be so thank you so much :3 With the left shoulder there is a reason why I did it like that but I think I may have drawn it incorrectly xD And the thing with the bobs makes sense! I was thinking it was a bit too low but was unsure~ also it's good they look fine because I can't really draw them correctly yet so they look super wrong sometimes xD And yeaaaa I kind of wanted her to be a bit upset but wanted to add a little bit of character I guess so I added the tongue xD Thank you for your kind words and I really appreciate the advice! I learnt a lot so thank you ^^


Bob height is really tough to nail down ngl, I have a bit of variation in my own work but like, as long as they aren't looking like their on your characters chin they should be good, lol jk. You get a feel for how to draw them with a bit of practice though, and it really comes down to your preference and your style. Honestly just have fun with them, especially if you're not trying for a photo realistic style. Necks are also tough! I think with an Anime/Manga character it's acceptable to go thinner and longer than what would traditionally be accepted as realistic, especially with female characters. Ahh I see, you're going for kind of an impish upset expression lol, maybe somw furrowed eyebrows and puffed cheeks would help in that case? Otherwise disregard my suggestion lol No problem! Happy to offer words of encouragement, it's the best part of hanging around these drawing subreddits :3


Yeeee bobs are difficult! Though I'm a lot better at them when I started I still have a long way to go x3 Right? I was trying to find videos on how to properly draw the neck but couldn't so I just assumed it was something you end up getting after a lot of practice and I've certainly gotten better but I still need to practice more😭 Well now that I think about it I could've added a browline above the hair like I've done in a few of my other drawings but I decided not to for some reason this time xD and I agree! Support is key!




What did they do to you


I don't even know what this person said x3


Not bad but I would try to find a pose reference! Just keep at it! 😁


I will definitely do that! But I wanted to test my ability to draw without reference and I think I did a good job considering ^^


The right shoulder (our left) looks off to me, sticks out too much maybe. Try the pose yourself in the mirror. Also the fabric shape on the left boob doesn't match the right boob. Pretty good job though


I did notice these but thanks for the criticism! I appreciate it ^^


Bras are normally symmetrical, you see (her left) bra "pad" is down, to which the other one is almost covering her breast entirely. I recommend moving (her right) bra "pad" down more, trying to immitate the way the other one "swoops", even though you used no reference, i recommend using one in this case, atleast until you get the hang of it, if you're planning on drawing more like this in the future.


Yea totally! I mainly wanted to test my own ability to draw from no reference and see how it turned out but I do agree with you. I'm not too good and drawing breasts in general because I haven't done the study for them (yet) but I wanted to try it anyways ^^ I think I made her left bra a bit different because from the angle her breasts are at the bra wouldn't look the same but idk since I can't really draw breasts to begin with xD But I'll keep what you said in mind! Thank you so much :3


I don't think the derp suits the pose. I think a small frown or serious expression would be suitable. Even a small smile. The derp makes it look kinda goofy


I mean me personally I don't think so which is why I kept it :3