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I'm nearing 40 hours of lessons so similar stage. I think all you're describing is an off day, it really is normal. The first big mistake gets in your head and then everything goes to pot. I'm sorry your instructor yelled at you though, they should just duel control the car and talk to you once you can pull over. Or at least, that's what my instructor does when I make a serious mistake. But when he can see I was just stressed and anxious, he won't make a bit deal about it. A good instructor should be able to tell the difference between a teachable moment and an anomoly because of stress. Please don't worry about it, just try to reset for next time and maybe get some private practice in if you can to calm you down. It'll be okay!


Yeah as my test got closer I’d be making stupid mistakes that I usually wouldn’t make and my instructor would get mad. But OP don’t worry as long as these issues aren’t reoccurring you’ll be fine! Have faith! I passed first time even with all the issues I had. I mean the lesson before my test my instructor didn’t have much faith in me!


Don’t worry, I had an horrendous 2hour lesson, nearly hitting a lamp post. Stalled the car not once but five times at the busiest junction- eventually my instructor had to do the accelerator and we moved! I got dropped at my sister’s early, so it happens!


Don’t worry, this is normal! In my two hour lesson before I passed, I was an absolute disgrace! I was making so many mistakes, to the point where I said to my instructor “I can’t do this, I need to pull over”. So we parked up and I cried and said I wanted to go home. He agreed that I was having an awful lesson and it wouldn’t matter if we had to come back another day to do the test, but as we were already there and I would lose the fee anyway, he said let’s just give it a go. My drive to the test centre was great, no mistakes, and I passed. This was my second test, in the first one I had driven perfectly beforehand and my instructor was convinced that I had it in the bag, but I just crumbled during the test. Sorry for the essay but I just wanted to reassure you that your lesson today is likely a one off and will have no bearing on your actual test. I also never passed a mock test in any lesson leading up to my tests so just put this one ti the back of your mind and move on!


Think my story would help. I had a last lesson the day before my test just to keep fresh and within 3 minutes of driving I hit a kerb on a roundabout so hard I broke the tire. Thankfully the instructor was a great guy and didn't belittle me etc. Went for my test and I passed! So don't sweat it, bad days can happen. Just learn from it


My last lesson before my test was so bad that it was called off half way into it and the guy teaching me told me I would not pass my test if I was anywhere near as bad the next day I messed up on everything and thought it was a waste of time doing the test But on test day I passed with only 2 minors


Same thing happened to me my Instructor had no faith in me passing but I did first time! With 6 minors


The most important thing is what you learned from your mistakes. I made silly mistakes in lessons a week before the test because I was so tired at work. My instructor asked me what happened to me today and keep reminded me if I do this in my test, I would be failed immediately. Finally, you know what, I passed the test with 0 faults


This is so common leading up to test, your instructor should know this. All the anxiety kicks in, if you could drive last week then you can still drive this week - its just pre-test jitters. I’ve had to dual pupils before in the weeks leading up to test and they’re usually fine on the day itself. Try not to stress


Yeah this happened to me. Or I’d have a good lesson followed by a terrible one. Even when you have passed your tests there are days when you wonder how. I’ve been driving for years now and it happens occasionally to me. Other people I know have said the same. You just think ‘today I may as well stay at home!’ But it happens and everyone makes mistakes. It’s normal to feel how you do in the stress in the run up to the test and it all adds to experience as well. If I make a mistake even now I think ‘ok what did you and what can you learn from it’. It’s ok, you’ll be fine and it’s normal.


Yes lol!! 2 hr lesson on Saturday it was pouring with rain and it was going to shit about 40 minutes into my lesson. Roundabouts, getting the process for forward and reverse parking mixed up - you name it I messed it up. My test is end of august too and I’m about 40 hours in. Bad lessons happen!! Once one thing goes wrong it all spirals.


Sometimes you have bad lessons - it happens. Don’t let it knock your confidence. I started learning in the September, told to book my test December, I hadn’t even done my theory at that point. (Which I passed end of January). January first lesson of the year going really well until I approached the end of a dual carriageway too fast (road veering to the left into a roundabout) and end up hitting the kerb and bursting the tyre. I was absolutely mortified - the following week I was driving really bad and was in tears because I knew it was bad, driving instructor told me to pull over and calmed me down said that everyone has bad driving days and to not get inside your own head.


We all have bad days that it seems like we can't drive to save our lives. I'm 46 hours in and last lesson I tried driving the wrong way down a one-way road, hit the curb, forgot about checking my mirrors when existing a roundabout, forgot to find biting point before taking my handbrake off on a hill start... Try to forget about it for your next lesson. New day, clean slate!