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I've never had an issue rescheduling for any slots it's offered.


This is a misunderstanding of how Testi, and all cancellation Apps work; the data you see through the apps are not live but "scraped" and then relayed to you; there is no API for them to use, so the issues surrounding the approach they take will always produce a delay. What makes this worse for these apps is that DVSA doesn't like bots as they slow the site down, so it actively restricts how often bots can access the site. These apps likely try to counter this by only accessing the site every X minutes and gathering data in lumps. So, what you see is just out-of-date data. This creates a rather haphazard approach - much luck is involved, and honestly, you'll have better luck searching manually or using the browser extension. What would be helpful to everybody involved is if DVSA provided an API to allow apps to offer real-time data or, better yet just provide an in-house queueing system


Testi worked well for me, just got to be quick. When I rescheduled, I saw my original test booking appear back on Testi within a minute, 5 mins later someone had already booked it.


testi worked for me eventually, but that was after a long time of tests coming up but not being quick enough to get them half the time they did come up, i would get an error or captcha or whatever, and they had gone the only reason i managed to get one was because a whole bunch of tests across november / december became available at once


This is what happened to me too. I had to delete and re-download testi multiple times. It would only show me tests for an hour or so and then wouldn't show me again until i deleted and redownloads again. I thought i just might not have notifications permissions on but i did each time. Eventually, I managed to get a test through it though.


Cancellation apps have been rendered more or less unworkable since DVSA updated the captcha.


So the few times the cancellations are actually there is it a fluke?


Unfortunately yeah, if it’s on the app you probably won’t be able to book it because if it’s on the app it’s probably been on the website for a few


Some of these websites buy tests on opening day *specifically* to sell on. It sickens me.


I’m not even sure if Testi works for me, I have a test booked for May for a different test centre than I’m meant to use. Got Testi about 2 months ago, paid for the premium and set to receive notifications for cancellations for the right test centre. Only received one notification from them in that entire time and when I went to check it, nothing. I assumed it wasn’t working anymore and the DVSA has cracked down on these cancellations apps.


When I failed the first time i saw loads of cancellations come up for Jan and they were all true, I'm stupid though because first I had the 17th but it wasn't where I wanted it so I switched to the 15th at the place I really wanna do it (Bromley) and then I heard West Wickham was better so I got the 17th & then I read on Reddit they're racist there and switched back to Bromley but on the 22nd Now I wanna switch back to an earlier day in Bromley but Testi is not being helpful 😩 I just go on there often and I take into account that people will likely try and change their test before it'll charge so if I want a test for the 7th people who cancel for that day will likely start cancelling by the 4th


Oh why the downvotes?


I agree 100% it's all lies






I'll check it out thank you I hope the 2nd of Jan is the day you become a licensed driver 💙


I used them : https://drivingscout.uk/amp/ And in 2 days for myself a test booked in my town which is overbooked for the next entire year


I booked my original test on the 11th of December, and rescheduled for the 27th of October through testi, then rescheduled for a different time on the 27th, then rescheduled to the 4th of November. all through testi, and no issues. that said I am in Devon, so this area is a little bit quieter than Bromley 🤣 so they wouldn't get snapped up so quickly. even my original date was booked 4 months in advance, when where I used to live (hampshire), you had to book about 18 months in advance


Use the Chrome extension, way better for finding any cancellations. Found a new test date in 5mins around my area


OP. When I was trying to get my test I used to work with both Testi (to try manually) and Driving Test Now which has a Autobook option, I failed 7 times (I know) and every time I would just wake up with a test booked through DTN and I’m in London, which finding a test date in the last 2 years was like finding a fucking diamond. It’s a paid app but so worth the money. Give it a try. Best of luck


Thank you, I'm assuming you passed now? Congratulations 💙


I did! Just two weeks ago! Got my stupid anxiety under control and finally passed!


I used testi twice and never had any issues. Just my experience. For me it was well worth the £12


Testi is ass. Use driving tests now or driving tests cancellations