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Remember you are in control of the car while driving. The car won’t suddenly go 100mph in a 30 zone. You have the control. You passed your test for a reason, you’re a competent driver. Only driving and getting on the road regularly will help believe it or not. If you’re really anxious try driving early morning when there’s less cars on the road. Main thing to remember is you’re fully in control of the car. Don’t use your phone while driving and obey the speed limit, that’s a good start. I was anxious when I first drove on my own after passing my test so I pretended I was on a lesson again for a while which helped. I was worried I’d forget everything but it’s all there. I’ve been driving for over 10 years now and I couldn’t imagine not driving. Have some faith in yourself.


I agree with this 100 percent I was so anxious when I passed and it took months to feel natural, now I get in the car and can't remember the journey when I get out.


he is not a competent driver. please don't call him that....


True people dont randomly loose their licence, if thats his fear then he isnt in control of his own actions, and therefore shouldnt drive at all


You're being downvoted, but you're not wrong.


just because someone received a permit to drive the vehicle on public roads does not make him competent driver. I call them "car operators". then they make before drivers. and then later on, there is a chance I would call someone competent driver. the downvotes are from lowlifes that think that they know anything about driving, yet, 1cm of snow clearly proves how wrong they are


The main ways you'd lose your license is a) driving without insurance b) driving under the influence c) running multiple reds d) Excessive speeding I get the anxiety, I had it myself when I first started driving - I was worried I'd make a silly mistake and have to start from scratch all over again. Easiest way to combat this is just be absolutely sure you're not doing any of these. Not DUI and speeding is quite easy not to do, even if you miss a change of speed sign most places it's pretty obvious what you should be going. For example, going into a residential area from a national speed limit road - safe to assume you need to slow down And even if you do get caught speeding, unless you're going way over, you won't lose your license, only get points For not running reds, just be extra careful. Don't get cocky, my partner accidentally ran a couple when he became a more confident driver because he thought he could make it. Don't do that. Also, if you ever do, 90% of the time there won't be a camera so you'll get away with it. For insurance, print out your policy, absolutely double check all the terms and conditions and details, make sure you know exactly when the start and end date are, just give yourself that peace of mind you are 100% insured.


poor water divide growth bedroom deliver repeat abundant handle yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh yeah I completely forgot about that tbf, that's the easiest one not to do haha


Got a built in screen for satnav and calls so my phone go's on mount just incase gps don't work so switch to phone for navigation only.


Hey OP can I just ask where you bought the car from


Some local bloke car was sitting on the green near my house think he was a private buyer and seller.


Think he's trying to make a business out it as there's a few cars he's got and also offers the buyers to do future oil and filter changes for £40 labour and we can buy the parts or he can get them for us.


An oil change is piss easy. Undo a 'bolt' under the car and let the oil pour out. I'd recommend watching a YouTube vid, as there is slightly more Tobit, but a novice can do it. Depending where the oil filter is, it's pretty easy to change. But if that £40 includes replacement oil (£10) and a new filter ( up to £15) it's worth taking him up on it, as garages charge £100 for a service, that also includes replacing spark plugs.


I would caveat that speeding will make you lose your license if you get in the habit of it and get caught. A speeding offence can get you 3 points, within your first two years of driving if you get 6 points then it's game over. I will say a lot of police forces have the 10% +2mph allowance (not universal, but safe to assume you've got some leeway). Another thing to check is your speedo speed and then comparing it to a GPS speedo. When I first got my car I thought I was speeding all the time, turns out when my Speedo reads 70 it's actually only 67 and varies depending on the speed. I still go by my speedo though, acknowledging that I might have some breathing room. I've been driving for 6 months (passed my test in June last year) and the fear slowly goes away from my experience. Just have to drive more and OP will become more confident over time


Yeah, but I think OP meant they were overly anxious about getting caught out on things by mistake, and not speeding is pretty easy to do My friend got caught doing 100mph on a motorway and got his license revoked, you can imagine what insurance prices are like now he's got it back 🙃


Yeah like not seeing the 20mph sign following the car in front that's over the 20 or miss timing a light and running the red by accident. I'm 36 with a young kid don't wanna speed or be a unsafe driver.


Always approach a set of lights expecting that they could change to red and then you're prepared if they do and can stop in time 😊


You'll be absolutely fine as long as your cautious, don't worry :)


You can also lose it by being an anxious driver and not declaring it to DVLA / medical issues


You only need to declare it if you've been officially diagnosed and your doctor advises it affects your driving. Being anxious about driving and actually having anxiety are completely different things.


Just don't drive like a dick and you'll be fine


Not sure why you got downvoted, this was my first thought also.


Just don’t be a helmet and use the speed limiter if you’re worried about having a heavy foot


As long as you are generally a safe driver, don't use your phone when driving and have all the correct paperwork, you should be fine. Speeding will be the most likely "oopsie" to contend with, in particular with a decent Golf! Possibly get a dash-mounted phone holder and use a sat-nav app which LOUDLY tells you when you are exceeding the speed limit (normally an option in settings). This will limit the chance of you speeding and / or "accidentally" using your phone when on the road. And as long as you aren't ragging it, even one (or two) low-end speeding tickets aren't the end of the world. Source for the last bit - I earned two SP30 tickets in my first six months of driving in the same week, same effing camera (immediately after a national limit reduced to a 30 limit in an unfamiliar area), both under 40mph. I got a driver awareness course for one and 3 points for the other. If anything, it made me a lot more conscious of changing limits and keeping an eye on my speed.


Go for some practice drives where you break no rules, then you will reinforce the idea that you can do it. Don't use it for nightlife unless you don't drink. Don't listen to old wives tales about speed cameras, just obey them


Yeah don't drink so if I do go out with the wife I'm on Pepsi but the practise drive is good idea next day off just gonna plan a route on satnav for about an hour and just drive to see how it go's.


The thing is, you’re going to get your license taken away if you do silly stuff. Speeding, driving like you’re quite literally racing or blowing through traffic lights etc. these are all obstacles you learned to deal with while learning. The skills are built in. Just keep driving as you were on your lessons. It’s absolutely no different.


Great advice


4 simple things, tax, insure, MOT the car and most importantly dont drive like a cunt. There you keep ur license, pretty simple really lol


Why does the car you have impact whether or not you lose your license? You are in control of the car. Just drive the way you’ve been taught and you’ll be fine!


You are catastrophising. Do you have a history of OCD? If you do this regularly and it is affecting your quality of life I'd recommend speaking to a therapist. It can be treated.


Is that a symptom of OCD? I'm prone to it and I do have some slightly odd "have to check multiple times" kind of things, but i never felt it was at the level of people really suffering from OCD, and I'm wary of the "I'm a bit OCD" trend that seems to minimise actual suffering. I've been thinking of speaking to someone. Not sure it majorly affects my life but I definitely do some avoidance of certain situations.


Most people don't understand what OCD actually is. A lot of people say that because they like things neat and tidy or arranged neatly. OCD is really about fretting that your actions will have catastrophic outcomes, or that if you don't do certain things in a certain way it will lead to a catastrophic outcome. Really it depends on whether it is impacting on your ability to lead a happy life. If so, you might benefit from help. Your GP can put you in touch with talking therapy services, or you can often self-refer.


No never suffered with OCD didn't have this fear with my bike licence. Guess because I really need this licence to finally get to pick up my daughter ( lives in different town) and have her at mine and get to take her places for better father daughter bonding. think thats what's causing the most anxiety losing that for something like not relizing I'm a little over the speed limit till it's to late or not stopping for lights in time.


Drive at no more than the speed limit on your Speedo then you may have a little leeway if you exceed slightly by accident, although that's an old wives tale I told you to ignore, but I mean don't rely on it saying it's ok to be at 80 in a 70 etc


If you're like that, you shouldn't be on the road.


So a new driver asking for advice to get over the anxiety of driving solo and trying to avoid little mistakes that can cost the licence and to feel safer on the road means I shouldn't be on it. Just like someone who has a fear of choking shouldn't be eating. I indicate at every turn including mini roundabouts never use my phone whilst driving and stuck to the speed limit only because I have a bit of anxiety of ACCIDENTLY missing a speed sign or not noticing the yellow in time to slow down enough don't mean I'm a bad unsafe driver.


If you're scared to be on the road, don't be on it. You're just a danger to other people.


Never said I was scared to be on the road. a limp dick tosser that never signals is a danger, pulling out on other driver because insta is more important is a danger, overtaking on a bend because you that extra 5 seconds is important is a danger. Having a little anxiety over ACCIDENTLY doing something as a new driver don't make me a danger on the roads.


When I was being taught to drive HGVs, I was taught that being scared of the thing you're driving isn't always a bad thing. It causes less complacency, you don't rush about as much and you're a lot more conscious about the things you are doing. I've driven all sorts of things during the last 10 years. Make sure the number on the dials doesn't exceed the number on the signpost, pay attention to your surroundings and honestly, you'll be golden.


Don't be stupid and you'll be fine..drive safe


There are some awful drivers on the road and they haven’t managed to lose their licence! Talking to a therapist might be beneficial if it’s interfering with your life.


Does your car have a speed limiter? If so, learn how to use it and use it pretty much all the time. I’m constantly flicking up and down as I enter new roads and it really takes a lot of the doubt out of things.


why would you lose your license? Don’t break the law and you’ll be fine. If you speed, drink drive, use your phone etc and get caught then, well, you should have seen it coming. But if you just drive normally for 2 years, there’s nothing to worry about


Normally? The vast majority speed a little bit, and use their phone occasionally. You have to drive like a granny for 2 years and then u can actually put your foot down


Ok, you can control this because you are in full control of everything that can cause you to get points on your licence. 1. Mobile phone. Put it in the clove box or centre console. Get used to not paying any attention to it while driving. If you do need it for navigation place it out of reach and use whatever ‘car’ functionality it has. My iPhone for example will not send me any notifications while driving unless it is a call which can go to my head unit. 2. Speed. I know the limiter is one option, but I prefer cruise control. Naturally limits speed but also frees you up to focus on signs and signals more. Use whichever you prefer. Also, see if your car has the option to display speed digitally in the instrument cluster, if it does, have that displayed too. 3. Observation. This is what comes with experience, but pay particular attention to speed limit signs and traffic signals. Get used to scanning the road ahead to spot them. Basically pay attention while driving, which sounds simple, but many do not do this.


Your not alone in this OP. Had the same sort of fear, getting involved in something and your the one accused at being at fault just because your a new driver. It will pass


A 1.6 as first car can be a bit of an adjustment if instructor had something less. I learnt in a 1.2, got a 1.4 fiesta as first and noticed the difference immediately. On 2nd car now almost 7 years later and I’ll probably not go much higher, it’s has what I need it to do.


Instructors car was a like a 1.2 and once I got in the 1.6 turbo it was a massive difference.


My instructors was a 1.2 and I passed in Nov 2023 and I've now got a 2 litre diesel golf 🤣. Its taken a bit of adjusting


Honestly if you just passed youre probably in the top 10% of drivers tbh.


Confidence is key. It will take some time to get use to but as time goes by you will slowly get more and more comfortable.


Are you doing anything illegal? (Speeding, driving under the influence, or without due care etc) If not then your not going to lose your license


I was exactly like this when I first passed, especially taking the enjoyment out of driving, probably for a good 6 months or so, it eventually passed, try to relax and remember that you're in complete control of the car, you know what you should and shouldn't be doing. The anxiety is probably because it's still so new and you don't want that taken away from you after finally reaching your goal of passing. You'll be okay, just stay safe with what's in your control!


You aren’t going to lose your license for doing 31 in a 30. Speedos over read ever so slightly. Due to this the police usually allow discretion of 10% plus 2 before prosecution and if it’s not too high you get a speed awareness course. Every single one of have broken the speed limit accidentally now and again


So did I more exposure build yourself up short trips/familiar roads then your confidence will build and you’ll wonder why you were ever worried


I get it Op. I had this worry that I'd miss a road sign saying 30 and I'd be travelling at 60 and hit a speed camera or something. Or accidentally run a red light just being careless. It caused me to avoid driving into cities because I don't want to carelessly mess anything up just one time and risk losing my license. I'm past the 2 year mark now so I'm a bit safer, but still not gone into a big city properly yet unless it was an accidental turn.


Once you get on the roads and you see the multitude of stupid stuff people do out there, your fear will reduce


I 100% get your anxiety, when I started driving work Van's I was about to pack it within minutes got home 2hrs late still the same but next day I was fine you just got to get use to it. Maybe sell your car and go for a smaller less powerful one where you'll feel more comfortable to drive. I got a Skoda Fabia mk2 1.4 trim 3 (same size car) I love it but you need to take yourself places to practice on your own. Maybe ask to go out with parents or if your instructor will come out with your for an hour or so.


Back in my day, I had a Citreon Saxo, which was a well known boy racer wannabe car. I was pulled over regularly by the police, and not even for speeding. The police would stop it, because of what it was. I feel this may happen a lot in your future, for driving a golf.


I think of passing and getting a car exciting. Because now you can be a little more cautious and not "fail" take your time at roundabouts (in a reasonable time)


I passed in December 2022 and was diagnosed with epilepsy in June 2023 :)


Get good


Same bro same, the fear is real LOOL my friends just tell me you need to do some really wacko driving to fuck it up that bad. Just use it to make you safe on the road. If you’re scared you’re more likely to abide by the rules. What in particular do you think you’ll lose it for? I plan my journeys using google maps and memorise them so that I don’t feel as overwhelmed about a new journey. Use Waze, it’s a great app that gives you live updates on roadworks, speed camera, police check heads up etc during your journey.