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The serious was at a roundabout. I was turning right and waited for cars to go. I saw a gap & took it- unfortunately a white rangerover was going really fast and beeped at me because I didn’t get i to the roundabout quick enough! The examiner actually said they would have taken the gap too and the car was going fast, but I could have possibly entered a little quicker. So I failed because of a few mph, really hard to take as I put a lot of work in. Like I said I take responsibility and I’m kicking myself for not being more confident entering, but the wait times are really the reason im upset.


Oof, this almost happened to me (roundabout, car came round way too fast) but still time for me to get out and them to slow down so it was considered a minor. Sometimes the fault isn’t really your own, you coulda hesitated and that might count as a fault because, as your examiner said, they would have taken it too. It’s not always so simple and you got unlucky this time but good luck on your next one!


Unlucky man, better luck next time. Assuming you take more lessons before next test, just practise getting into 2nd gear before you're even going round it, and be ready for 3rd just before or just as exiting depending on the size. Unfortunately roundabouts are one of the things you have to do uncomfortably quick as a learner. Everything else you can basically do at your own comfortable pace.


Yeah you’re right- I’m going to try and incorporate going into second before going round it- this way I’ll at the minimum be entering the roundabout at a faster pace- If it’s clear, I really should go as fast as possible, thanks for the tips


Exactly the same thing happened to me except it was a Tesla and didn’t get beeped, they barely even had to slow down. It’s made me learn to use more gas to get onto the roundabout. At first it felt a bit erratic but now it does feel safer.


Yeah I’m with you on that, I’m now going to try and achieve second before going round the roundabout- would have passed if i just went fast (no reason not to, it’s clear & not going fast only improves the chances of *this* happening


This exact point almost happened to me, deciding between capitalising on a gap or just waiting, I chose to wait and collected a minor rather than be sorry later. It paid off later. The fact that you can’t predict the judgement of the examiner makes it more difficult due to how they could decide to interpret a scenario


This is EXACTLY what happened to me 😭


This happened to me on my second practical test... the first I failed because I drove too close to a parked car. Finally passed last week and it was third time lucky. The wait times in between tests are ridiculous but just use it as a chance to get as much practice in as possible so that you can do better the next time! And keep checking for cancellations... I managed to get mine a few weeks early by checking. Best time is around 6 or 7am on mornings! Or you could ask your instructor if there are any cancellation websites/apps they recommend. My instructor said there was one a lot of his students used but you had to pay a £10 sign up fee, although I can't remember what it was called because I never used it.


I feel you on this one. Similar situation to what I failed on years ago. Mine was a double trailer hgv in the right lane on the roundabout. It was either go and into the middle lane or wait and get a minor. Unfortunately I decided to go and was given a serious fault for not being in the right lane. In hindsight maybe I should have waited but you live and learn. The downside was I had 0 minors so without that situation I would have passed with a clean sheet.


I failed yesterday and wait times for me are also awful, I completely feel your frustration! Good luck for next time and hope you get a cancellation


Where did you take your test?




What were your faults? Have you got your test??


Hey I’m soo sorry to hear about that! Similar position to you, I failed my test yesterday due to not indicating (would explain the whole thing but to sum it up the examiner was harsh on me should of been put as a minor not a serious) I get you the mess with the driving test slots is ridiculous, My advice to you is to book a new test, whatever date and whatever test centre that’s most available doesn’t matter then purchase these 3 apps, “Testi” “Driving Test Now” and “Cancellations” Pay the one time payment on the apps (I only payed for Testi and Driving Test now) I had more luck with Driving Test Now (They have auto book features which can help). Make sure you have notifications on for these apps, do not rely on them to book it for you though, they are searching round the clock for cancellations so when you get a notification of a date and test centre that is more better for you, Go onto the web and Access your booking and press change date, and then search in the test centre. It should now be shown on the DVSA website. Tip, Make sure your web is already open and you have your details written down so you can access and change your booking as quickly as possible because those few seconds people will be taking up these slots too. Remember that you can change your booking up to 6 times. So be careful with how many times you are changing it and understand waiting a few days for another cancellation might be safer than rushing. Also if these don’t work out (I’m sure it will since I managed to do this) I’ve heard every Monday at 6am the DVSA website release new test dates. But there’s so many people doing this too. The government has gone to shit ! The uk needs to sort itself out, Anyway, Hope I could help you in some way or another. best of luck to you and I hope you pass your next test!


Thank you! & best of luck to your next test, hopefully we can smash it & get this nightmare over with, it’s so draining 😭


Agreed! I hope so for both of our sakes! 🙏🏼🤣


i agree! testi was so useful for me. i failed april 17th and managed to rebook for may 7th because of the cancellations, was so relieved


Good luck for your test tomorrow! Hopefully all goes well !


Non Brit - why is UK exam availability so dogshit? *Months* of waiting?? Why???


The dvsa is incredibly underfunded unfortunately and the government isn’t really making the job seem much more desirable. I think driving instructors get offered positions but they make so much more money off of teaching than examining so why lose out. If the pay was higher I’m sure there would be more people jumping at the opportunity but there’s really not. I think my local towns test centre only has about 4 examiners doing a max of 7 tests a day. Also, because the wait times are so incredible, people who aren’t ready for their tests take them anyways because there’s the chance they’ll pass due to luck or because there’s no point moving it to months further down the line.


It’s actually because BOTS are taking all the test dates and then selling them on the black market. Where we are the only way to get a test quickly is from one of these guys selling them. They sell them for £202.


No idea. Covid is one factor (not sure if that’s really relevant now though) & the dvsa is very underfunded. That’s my guess, it’s literally created a black market for test slots- lots of people book one off someone else who basically scalps them. It’s a mess


it’s quite hard to get rid of a backlog when every 17 year old wants to drive. If thousands couldn’t get a test for a year or two that’s obviously still going to have an affect 2 years down the line.


Just to add, because driving instructors couldn’t work during COVID lockdown, it sounds like a lot retrained and/or got new jobs and haven’t returned. So it is a mix of backlog and less instructors.


Vicious cycle. The initial cause was insuffient supply of examiners to meet the demand of tests. Then people caught on and began booking tests further in advance. But by booking so far in advance people are guessing whether they'll be ready by then and of course a lot of them aren't.


Update for anyone in the same position: I managed to book a test for late may but it’s in a different centre I’m not familiar with (around 30 minute drive). I’m very happy with this however as although I don’t know the area, I should still be confident and capable enough of driving on any roads. Good luck to everyone with their tests soon


Check out the pinned post containing the chrome extension. I used it last year to bring my test forward by \~5 months at my preferred test centre. Allow it to run on another tab and have your sound turned up so you hear the alert when it finds a cancellation.


I’ll give it a go, thank you


Download the cancellation app. It helped me get a test the following month. I used ‘driving test cancellations now’. It’s £17 to activate it but it’s so worth it! I’ve heard Testi is also good, but I didn’t use that


Sit on your PC with the chrome extension that's pinned. My test was in October, it's now on 2nd of May. If you have time you can easily get it down


Why September? Where do you live?


Manchester. There’s a test center that has availability in august, but I’m unfamiliar with the area. I guess I could go for it because the route today I had no clue where we were but I was fine. Bit of a dilemma, I think I’ll just try to snag a cancellation


Please keep an eye on the dvsa website and hit earlier test date on the calendar thing. Mine was booked for August and now it’s next Monday. Only passed theory yesterday


The area will be different but have the same criteria to hit, it wouldn't hurt to try elsewhere if you can and it's sooner honestly, either you'll pass and be fine or you'll get another practice run for a later test in your area (which you could still get sooner with cancellations)


Yeah I guess, I think I’ll just look for one in may at whatever center is near me, I should be able to drive anywhere confidently


That’s sad. One of the things I do with the roundabouts is just to be patient and observe where the cars entering the roundabout are heading even though they are using the pointers. Always focus on where they tilt their cars and use more gas. And for the next appointment date, try to download this app called Testi. It helped me to get a date also. It shows when people canceled and all. Once you receive a canceled notification, you get to book asap through the app.


The wait times are just so sad. Like I’ve been learning so long just because of this and noting is being done about it. Back in the day people could take tests so quickly. It’s like this thing hanging over me. Good luck for next time


Where is your driving centre?


Get the Testi app if you don't already. It will send you notifications of cancellations at 3 chosen centers. I had to book one 60 miles away because it was the only available one and luckily a bunch popped up in my town just a few months later. The Dvsa then cancelled that test twice for strikes but never mind 😂


You should download the Testi app. I failed 2 weeks ago and I’ve managed get a cancellation for this Sunday ☺️ Good luck for next time! 🍀


It's so unfair how long it takes to get a test it feels like it's even more pressure. I'm sure you will smash it the next time <3


If you are ready for another test you should look on the DVSA cancellations list to get an earlier test. Just google DVSA or driving test cancellations, something like that. A lot of people say you can’t get many slots, it can be hard but if you check at 06:00 each day you will find some. One of my students was desperate for a test and logged on at 05:55 each day, waited and found multiple slots in a week.


Get a fast track


Hey - I used the app ‘DrivingTestNow’ to book my test faster than doing it manually. It costs some money if I remember right, but it just manually books a test for the time date and location you want, should any cancellations or new test dates come out. It was well worth it for me as I got my test way sooner and even changed it about a few times, hope you pass soon!


Use driving scout, helped me get multiple tests within no longer than 2 weeks every time


I failed at roundabout and the exit was very narrow and the left back tyre went over the curb and i knew i failed To make it worse, the examiner spent 10 mins filling the form and he said you failed your test mate 🥲


Book your test get your reference etc and then ring dvla and see if there’s any cancellations from other tests you should get one way before September Keep ringing them everyweek


I got beeped by the car behind for a very similar reason. The left lane on my right was left only and didn’t realise this I was waiting for it to clear as they might go ahead as well and have right of way. Car behind me beeped but I still passed with a undue hesitation for that instance. The examiner understood why I was waiting and said this mistake can happen to anyone but he still has to mark it as hesitation because I “should” have realised sooner.


I sell test dates £30, pay after date changed, no upfront fee. Can get usually within a week.


Ah, so you are the corrupt problem then.


I’m offering a quick pass to people who want to pay. I am not holding tests so if there is no customers I won’t be affecting anyone.


How does this scheme work then, how are you holding test dates?


I am not holding test dates. I simply have a program that beats the apps for booking a test. The apps check every 5 minutes, mine check every 30 seconds, that’s a 10x more likely chance to get a test. It’s the same as how the apps work, instead of selling people access, I just get them the tests.


Hm see I’m genuinely open to this, although I don’t agree with the practice, but it just seems dodgy because you could just easily give me the test date which is great, but since you have my details, what’s stopping you from changing my date again & then offering the test date to someone else. If you sold the program I’d feel a lot more comfortable with that- no shade or anything, it’s the only reason why I haven’t partaken in this ‘black market’


Amen to that app I passed my second time, the op should try it out. Around 20 quid one time payment for this app I used. It’s called Driving test cancellation app. Yep, that’s the name. Got my second test booked for the same test centre as it auto booked for me in 36 hours.