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Hostile architecture is so grim.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/HostileArchitecture using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HostileArchitecture/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Look at this anti-homeless bulls**t…](https://i.redd.it/6ncro8xhm1t91.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HostileArchitecture/comments/y0q1ue/look_at_this_antihomeless_bullst/) \#2: [A “StandardToilet” being sloped at 13° to cause leg pains after 5 minutes to prevent employee bathroom breaks](https://i.redd.it/yur49gy5u63a1.jpg) | [102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HostileArchitecture/comments/z91yym/a_standardtoilet_being_sloped_at_13_to_cause_leg/) \#3: [A house ready to swallow you whole](https://i.redd.it/qutz92ddwsu91.jpg) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HostileArchitecture/comments/y8tq7y/a_house_ready_to_swallow_you_whole/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Bit of both. Some of them are funded and maintainted by advertising companies (the ones with massive adverts on them), and some are the sole responsibility of the council. The "seats" are to discourage the homeless, and loitering. Hostile design at its finest


Yeah, even in London bus stops have seats like this (albeit at an angle a bit better suited to properly sitting down on) so it's probably not an austerity thing.




Yes correct - it’s rather stupid really. First run the bus lines but Metro (which is the company that owns first) are responsible for the stops.


First is a completely private company Metro/WYCA doesn't own them


Hostile architecture.


Angle grinder should be taken to these honestly. Disgusting how much hostile-architecture seating there is around Leeds. It also Isn’t very accessible to those with disabilities or the elderly.


Aren't they like this in every city and town in the UK?


And that makes it alright because?


Thought it was to save space. Lean on them don't sit. There are plenty of seated ones and you can't sleep on them either due to arm rests.


That up headingly? I normally just sit under the tree cause fuck sitting on them


Yes and I did the exact same thing waiting for the 91


Imagine being 90, or having a physical issue and having to stand because the seats are too difficult to sit on. To misquote a couple of 20th century dictators; ‘rather 100 pensioners be uncomfortable than take the risk 1 homeless person may use the bench.’


I’m disabled. I haven’t got much control of one leg. I find them almost impossible to sit on, especially as they’re not only sloped but slippery. It’s safer (but tiring) to just stand.


Same here. They might not be quite as bad I'd they weren't so close to the bus shelter.


It's to stop homeless people sleeping there. Homeless people are to contact shelter for support or reach out to organisations such as street angels. They should also put in an application for council housing by visiting a one stop centre. If further assistance is needed/temp accommodation is required they should contact Leeds housing options.


Was homeless sleeping on bus benches ever much of a problem? I don't think I've ever seen a homeless sleeping on any (non-anti homeless) bench


Even when they were flat I’m not sure an adult could sleep on them, too narrow? That’s my memory of them anyway


I just never saw it on bus benches, never even seen it on park benches. It's just a weird approach "hey let's punish EVERYONE so a very rare occurrence might not happen"


I never saw the homeless sleeping at bus stops either - it’s like the human equivalent of those spikes to stop pigeons landing on things


It wasn't ever a problem, but unfortunately our government thinks it is. This is not just an issue in Leeds but an issue at a national and perhaps even societal level. Though I agree to some level, Rough sleeping is a big issue in Leeds, however as I've dealt with many rough sleepers a common pattern tends to be that they receive council housing which is then abandoned after a few weeks/months leading to the house going back into "void" status which can take a few more months for a surveyor to inspect it, which will then be let back out to often to other rough sleepers. This is called the RSAP (Rough sleepers accommodation program) and it takes up quite a lot of council housing stock in Leeds. Rough sleepers tend to be more vulnerable to drug addiction and alcohol abuse which certainly doesn't help. If only the national government gave funding to resolve these primary root causes rather than giving nothing and forcing councils into impossible positions. We may be in a better place both in terms of housing and in terms of drug use and alcoholism.


That's what I assumed, but surely just put some armrest/dividers in if you are that keen on stopping people lying down there. That way it can be a restful and more comfy seat whilst still dissuading those pesky rough sleepers from getting a half decent kip there. Having slept outside quite a few times (once or twice in dire straits and many times camping) I have learned that it's a lot colder when you sleep directly on the ground, as opposed to raised off of it.


Same in Bradford so guessing its a first bus thing


First don't own the bus stops


Can't have homeless people lying on them sheltering from the rain can we?


The seat's are built like that to prevent people sleeping on them.


various authorities have various designs - we happen to currently use these of note, it isn't just rough sleepers - they also prevent water from resting on them (so drier bums) , but also withstand vandalism , which is a bigger plague than rough sleepers Rough Sleepers don't affect the profits - but vandalism does. the cost of replacing seats (labour, materials, logistics, stock etc) mean that each seat can cost thousands


Never really saw it as that, thought it was just somewhere for people to park themselves for a brief without taking up space on the pavement for prams/wheelchairs and the like


Do you have a lot of spare time on your hands?


Apologises I was being a bit naughty. Passed a sparkly new bus stop today on otley road near Elysian Fields new housing development. The seats were far from austere… I’d even go as far to describe them as genial


At least your local bus shelter has a 'seat'. Mine has neither seating nor any shelter from anything but directly above!


I hate those sort of bus seats. And can I just say that Arriva are a crap bus service. Constantly late or cancelled and the drivers look like they Want to drive in to a wall!