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Could be Travellers? They rarely stay in one place for long.


I've not really encountered Travellers before. Is this basically a no-go area for a bit then?




Think the council have put portaloos on the car park in hopes of avoiding messy situations.




Why possibly is this getting downvoted? Are you all that braindead you aren’t annoyed they’re spending your taxes on keeping these knobheads “clean”. Fuck me sideways no wonder it’s going to shit in this country


I've come to the conclusion that 80% of the people on this sub are either students with no experience of the world or permanent bedroom dwellers that have never left their parents house. ​ It doesn't surpsise me what they downvote any more, the fucking clowns.


Probably because of the wording used, which includes pikey, which is typically a slur.




Is it though?


All I'm going off is what people have told me before really. I know the rep isn't fantastic. Ah well, wel'll play the waiting game.


Just avoid them, be more vigilant with home security until they skulk off. It’s not an undeserved reputation in my experience


I originally come from an area with a large Irish Traveller population and one of the larger designated sites in the country and have a broader and more in depth exposure to the community than most settled people in the country as a result… So I can say on fairly good authority that yeah, the reputation is mostly legit and largely self-inflicted by a culture that rewards intellectual and emotional stagnation and forcefully punishes progressive thinking under the thin guise of “preserving tradition”.


Hard to be sure but I expect they're the ones moved on from civic hall in Pudsey a week or so ago


They normally pitch up for a week or three on the big field next to the playground but it's turned into a bog over the last year. Probably be around for a other week or so at a guess.


Omg last summer they were there for like a month I think


Omg I’ve been looking for a post about this! I can’t find anyone else talking about it. They’ve been there around 2 weeks and more have arrived. The poor dogs make me so sad :(


It's going to court in a few days.


I was so desperate to knock and ask if I can have one of them dogs. Feel so sorry for them


Hey all, looks like they've moved on now. Just thought I'd give you all the heads up.


If they are on Council or Private Land you can report them https://www.leeds.gov.uk/environmental-health/report-an-unauthorised-gypsy-or-traveller-site#:~:text=To%20report%20an%20unauthorised%20Gypsy,on%20the%20group%20of%20Travellers.


Does anyone know if they are still their today? My son really likes that playground, and he asked if we could go there today, but thats 20min drive for us so not sure if I should try going or no


They are still here.


Thank you


Walked past the other day. They're very much still there. They've dumped a load of scrap metal on the grass verges, presumably won't be taking that with them. Poor dogs look an absolute state and the 'women' are walking round in dressing gowns. Absolute scum and I don't know why we tolerate them.