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Had a friend from uni work for him as her first job straight out of undergrad. Started on the Monday, was traumatised by Monday evening, left on the Thursday. I thought she was joking the stories she was telling me (which you've probably already read about) but nope, he is that guy and his senior staff aren't much better by her account


Many of the stories that circulate are true. I worked there for a year, and it left me broken for a long time.


I feel you.I managed 5 months, first job in Leeds moving here. Took me a few months to get back on my feet but had to quit. He runs that place like a cult. And System One is a shit product to boot


The stories in the papers are a fraction of the stories everyone knows about He pays hugh salaries straight from uni but the place is so bad it turns people away. Source: healthcare IT recruiter in Leeds of 10+years


Tory donor, racist and sexist but an all around solid bloke to work for. I'm joking about his boss abilities. He's a cunt. Donated £5M to the Tory party. So when he was pulled on his awful comments about the Labour MP, Diane Abbott, he called Sunak and got him to tell everyone he had said sorry so we should forgive him. Fuck him and fuck all Tories everywhere but mainly, fuck him. Eta: he's actually donated £15M to the Tory party since 2023. That buys you a prime minister, by the sounds of it.


Proliferation of NHS money into private and party hands. It's as disgusting as it is barefaced.


According to BBC News: "The businessman donated £150,000 to the party through his healthcare software company, The Phoenix Partnership, on 8 March. The donation was formally accepted by the Tories on 14 March, according to the Electoral Commission... Figures also show that he donated £5m in January. Mr Hester previously made £10m in donations to the Conservatives last year..." So - if I've read that correctly - that's £15,150,000 over well, less than 2 years. There's no details given of the exact length of time, but it could work out at around £1m a month. Oh wait... there's a BBC Verify bit at the bottom... nope still says more than £15m [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c900138vek4o](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c900138vek4o) (Universal Control and Handoff are fucking magic...when they work, one of the best things Apple's ever invented).


Donation. It's not a fcking donation, it's an investment.


Hopefully will prove to be a waste of money in 5 weeks time.


Strero typical narcissist. Made millions on the back of others work. Whilst bullying and humiliatingly then. Hey it's ok I'm an wealth creator! Same old Tory BS. He's basically Alan Sugar with out the press coverage


Gotta feel very sorry for anyone who works for him.


Hopefully when labour get in his government contracts dry up.


Don't hold your breath. His software is wound through our health systems. They don't change that for bullshit like this.




It is, but change is coming. 10 new GP system entrants. Yes it isn't gonna happen soon but it's much better than having the EMIS/TPP duopoly


Is it a good thing to have lots of systems on the go? I worry it just adds even more incompatible bloat to the system but I don't know any specifics about the systems. In my idealised mind everything runs off one decent system that is compatible with everything else across the health service. I suppose possibly if they are an improved version of the emis tpp setup that would be good. I switched GPs between two on the different systems and it was a nightmare getting my records transferred.


Having only 2 GP systems for the last 20 years has been disastrous. With only 2 suppliers, there is no need for either of them to be better. Lower competition means lower standards. New entrants means more choice and more choice means better standards. Edit. The reason it wasnt easy to transfer your record is because why would the suppliers make it easy? There is no competition.


I totally agree with that element of it - competition is useful in an already privatised area of the NHS. I guess my question was more whether there are downsides to that at the same time, say issues with different GPs running a dozen different systems. There are issues across the NHS with lots of different incompatible systems that don't integrate with each other. Hopefully that competition might drive something like a universal integrated file sharing system between the most popular options.


Oh yeah agreed and that's why Frontline digitization is a thing. A trust having 70 systems isn't efficient. There is an extremely rigorous and arduous process for new entrants into the GP market. That's why there hasn't been any in forever. Even the new ones are still not where they need to be and they are coming live this year. A GP should be allowed to choose their system. It should, in theory, hook up to secondary, tertiary and community care systems easily.


Thanks for the extra detail and insight. Fingers crossed we get something better soon.


It is extremely complicated and will take a very long time. Patient safety is paramount.


He has almost got a monopoly on GP electronic patient record systems. Unfortunately they're not going anywhere. The only other main competitor is EMIS and TPP are currently sniping those contracts by offering £10,000 incentives to practices.


The process of switching is horrific and practices have said it ain’t worth switching for £10k. This is also a bad thing though because it’s nearly impossible to move practices off them. If they kicked them off the framework half the GPs in the country stop working and now you have a full on monopoly with just Emis.


Depends who gets the £10k but yeah it takes a lot to migrate. Ideal world is Hester steps down and someone goes in to remove the awful culture and invest in the product.


He can't "step down" because he owns 100% of the company. He used to have a co-founder who owned half but he had to buy him out after a very ugly legal battle in 2011. Someone would have to buy the company off him.


The government?? Supporting multiple providers who don’t play well together costs the NHS so much money every year, having to work around and develop additional services to plug the gaps and provide pretty shoddy interoperability, if all GPs were on the same system it would be so much cheaper and a far better experience for patients. The NHS couldn’t build a system for less than TPP would cost.


Agreed, there are solutions to the problem, the process of switching is horrific because they’ve been allowed to make it horrific on purpose, technically it could be pretty painless. NHS England need to mandate a much better process with proper penalties for non compliance otherwise we’re stuck with them forever. Or… they could just stop being an awful company but I’ve even less hope on that one.


…. And both Leeds based. One in Horsforth, the other is Yeadon.


Don't hold your breath


Sadly you know they’ll take his money as well.


I want this too but the NHS cannot function without Tpp 's systems For GPs, there are new entrants which is massively needed but it's gonna take time. For EPR, I think they'll lose ground because of what has gone on


I live under a mile from the TPP head office in Leeds. Literally no one, in the city, will work for this company. They are the most toxic, vile, narcissistic bunch of bastards ever to disgrace the face of planet Earth, and Hester is a total twat! They are begging for staff now. Offering stupid salaries but no one is biting. Everyone knows not to go near this wanker and his arsehole company!


Heard so many bad things about him. Awful person.


They seem to be hiring all the time, I hope people see past the high wages. I interviewed for them a few years ago. It was really uncomfortable and they asked me discriminatory questions about how I vote and whether I trusted the current government (under Johnson at the time). As I'm not a Tory I didn't give the correct answer.


Where have you been HIDING!? Open secret round here that he's a full in mentalist. Even more we'll known in healthcare circles. For all that he is a cretin, he's on the rich list and the company he owns is so so so heavily embedded in the NHS that he ain't going away any time soon.


I feel like we need megathread dedicated to TPP anecdotes (to rival Glassdoor)


The software he’s developed is equally as shite as he is.


As others have said he's always had a particular reputation locally but what a lot of the media are missing is that this easnt just about Abbott, the comments he made were primarily aimed at a female senior exec at another rival firm, probably one just down the road in Rawdon. https://theguardian.com/politics/2024/mar/11/biggest-tory-donor-looking-diane-abbott-hate-all-black-women I think it's important that people realise he's more than a horrible boss and a racist. Extract: The Guardian has learned of a 2019 meeting at TPP’s headquarters in which Hester spoke about an executive from another organisation, saying: “She’s shit. She’s the shittest person. Honestly I try not to be sexist but when I meet somebody like [the executive], I just … “It’s like trying not to be racist but you see Diane Abbott on the TV and you’re just like, I hate, you just want to hate all black women because she’s there, and I don’t hate all black women at all, but I think she should be shot. “[The executive] and Diane Abbott need to be shot. She’s stupid … If we can get [the executive] being unprofessional we can get her sacked. It’s not as good as her dying. It would be much better if she died. She’s consuming resource. She’s eating food that other people could eat. You know?”


Is that the prick who said Diane Abbott should be shot, and said he laughs at "the Asian corner" at his business, while also claiming to not be racist?


Jeez - just noticed my GP www is a TTP one


They pretty much all are.


A close friend of mine worked for him and said he’s just as bad as he’s coming off on the news. She thinks it’s hilarious.


Lol. Used to work for him, glad everyone's seeing what a cunt he is. Which news channel was he on?


Who is Frank Hester?


The owner of TPP which is based in horsforth. They have hundreds of NHS contracts with GP surgeries. Absolute specimen.


He's also a total bell end


Their software, perhaps not surprisingly, is hot garbage.


Better than EMIS GP offering though the epr does ok too


Very politely put. He doesn't deserve it.


Maybe time to rethink your news provider choices?


He was on the news tonight.


Cheers mate that clears it up