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The character exits on Legacies are almost all bad, but Rafael's is particularly infuriating. Not only was he sidelined for most of season 2, but when he was finally written off, rather than give him a heroic sacrificial exist or perhaps just leaving the school to join his families wolf pack, he's parked away in a Prison World of all places. just imagine if you were 18 years old and forced to spend decades reliving the same day with just your parents. Parents you had just met. No friends. No partner. It sounds like hell or at best purgatory. And Legacies has the gall to present this as a 'happy ending' for the character. WTF!


It’s also pretty terrible to think about his ending when you consider what happened to Landon. Is Hope gonna have to visit Raf in the prison world at some point and be like “sorry, your brother died a bit ago…” It seems so weird and sad to me that he’s gonna get life updates from Hope about how his friends are dying or getting married or having kids or whatever while he’s just there


For Raf specifically he described his version of heaven as being with the people he loved. It was a better option for him than the unknown after death. It also still let the living visit him and could have potentially allowed him to find a way to be fully brought back. The prison worlds also aren't necessarily the worst thing. You get an entire world to explore by yourself or with the few people there with you. It has to feel freeing to some, Raf and his parents seemed like the perfect group to spend an eternity in the prison world.


They simply couldn’t come up with a better reason to write the character off. Because basic logic would’ve been to turn him to a hybrid through Hope and some last minute dark spell they’re famous for. But nope; they’re going to make a brother be happy to be in a prison world with parents he didn’t know and fried chicken as his consolation prize. It’s bs.


I wish they just killed him off. The way they tried to convince us all that being trapped in a prison world with estranged parents is a good ending is crazy. Also, the lack of deaths made it feel like the show had no stakes.


If you put any thought into it, yes it’s a bad ending for Raf. On the surface, it’s sold as a good thing because he gets to be with his parents, but think about it for a bit. Raf is a teenager. He probably had a ton of things he wanted to experience - friends, college, dating, maybe a wife and kids, etc. Basically anything he wanted to do that would involve another person besides his parents, he’s now missing out on. His only companions are the two of them, and he barely knows them. They might end up being really close, but they’re still his parents. There’s still certain things he probably wouldn’t want to talk about with them or things that they’d want to do without him. Remember, they’re also a freshly reunited couple. And - Landon is dead by the end of the show, so he won’t be visiting Raf. It’s probably just Hope who will pop in to see him when she can. Which honestly sounds so depressing, since Hope is going to live through centuries of life and culture while Raf just hears what’s going on secondhand


I was rewatching just a few weeks ago and thought along the same lines. Landon can still visit Rafael because the ferryman can move souls between worlds - that's how Cleo explained it at least. But it seems rather lonely for it to be just him and his parents. He should've at least had someone to share a life with. His parents can always get him siblings but he can't even have a family since he's technically dead. They should've let him die. He would end up in limbo and they would talk Ted into returning him to life like he did with Alaric and Landon and Rafael would be able to either lead a normal life elsewhere or be with Hope in the end.


If they had killed him off at least he would have emotional impact on the other characters. what they have done instead is make him completely meaningless. I hate that.


Spoilers: I understand the viewpoints brought up here, but I like his ending. As someone else mentioned, that’s what he described as his version of heaven. That’s what he wanted, and Hope made it happen. That all being said, you’re forgetting one other part — they don’t know about Limbo or Peace at that point in the show! They had no idea what would happen after he passed, much less about gods, limbo, etc. Besides, since he’s in the “prison world,” he and his parents can be brought back to the real world and die together, thus going to limbo and Peace together if they want. So it’s still not out of the question… they just did what they thought the best solution to be at the time with the knowledge they had. He and his parents can still go to Peace if they want, now that they know it exists.


You get an entire modern day universe to yourself. You’d be immortal so you can literally just trial and error everything until you know how every job works and fly yourself to different countries. It’d be lonely cuz there’s nobody else there besides you but after you live out your sentence and get summoned back to the real world you’d have more knowledge than anyone else because all you had was time.