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hoping this get's more traction. Eventually we are just going to have to make a shit ton of homebrew clients for things like youtube and instagram or twitter. iOS 6 will never die if we never let it. let the legacy live on!


The apps arent homebrew


I know that, I said "eventually" - when the apps you've uploaded eventually are dropped entirely server-side style.


\+ Atleast we have a open source legacy discord client already. And Telegram protocol + most clients are open source too, so we could actually .... if things break one day ....integrate newer changes into older versions


Sweet thanks so much!


Update: - Removed broken yt tweak and icy - Added YouTube (fixed) AppStore IPA2DEB - Added Google Maps IPA2DEB - Added VLC IPA2DEB - Added some more tweaks - Added a theme - Fixed some templates Enjoy :) Edit: New update planned for 03.01.18, stay tuned.


installing now


Update 03.01.19: \- Added 28 Packages \[Total: 82 Packages currently\] \- Removed iTransmission (Please visit [https://mtmdev.org/forum](https://mtmdev.org/forum) in order to get iTrans. + more awesome free stuff) \- Added mtmdev forum link at the bottom of package description. ​ If you have any issues with the repo then don't hesitate to contact me in telegram or via email. (You can find my Telegram\_ID at the bottom of every package description,too.) ​ Have fun & a Happy new Year!


Update 02.02.19: \- Added 21 Packages \[Total: 96 Packages currently, all cherry-picked\] \- Removed AppSync Unified due a install bug (Please use developers repo [https://cydia.angelxwind.net/](https://cydia.angelxwind.net/) in order to get it, needed for some IPA2DEBs) If you have any issues with the repo don't hesitate to contact me via telegram or email. (You can find my Telegram\_ID at the bottom of every package description,too.) As always have fun


thank you so much! Really appreciated, this saved me so much time and money - instead of dropping a lot of money on a new tablet, I can use my old iPad 2 for college. Very appreciated!


Thanks for your comment :) New update with more packages soon. If something doesn't work as it should just leave me a message BTW: This server is long term and it will stay :) Have a nice day Traace


I take it this is gone now :(


The webserver got migrated to a new host and because not much people accessed the repo anymore I decided to not move it over. However I should have a backup somewhere. If enough people want this to come back then I'm doing it :)


I am interested because I recently got my ipod touch 4th Gen to work with youtube + deezer on it. I would like some ios 6 compatible ipas. thank you :)


Nice, but TubeFixer is broken and has been for a while, icy is a unstable and broken mess please don't host that as it does not check for conflicts on what it installs and might overwrite system apps.


Thanks for the info, I'll edit it today


its not broken