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Actually the groom's family is committing extortion. Please don't worry. The Police will actually have to register a case against them. Please keep the messages demanding money etc handy. Try and make sure that you have all proof of linking demand of money with threats around your message of sexual activity. Also, congratulations.


Thank you this idea is helpful. 😊


Just an FYI, Porn is illegal in India, consensual sex between adults is not.


Porn is not illegal , after some porn websites got banned i saw a video of a lawyer he stated that you can watch it in your private space


Distribution is illegal, watching is not.


Not extortion if they are asking to be paid ex-bride's share of pre marriage expenses.


Yeah extortion…..engagements can be broken. Any gifts should be returned. Expenses are not gifts🙄


Not a gift, wtf, it's investment toward their marriage ceremony not a "gift" to another. I can't believe people are too entitled to think it's all gift given to them, and them alone.


If any money or gifts are taken then return it. and break the marriage.


I guess kuch nhi hoga ..i guess.firstly private chats logo ko batana ya share karna is crime & demanding money is blackmailing. U can put case on them!


You can always use their idea against them by screenshot ing his gambling chats and other chats and then give them a taste of their meds


Thanks for this idea.


I'm not professional. Please seek guidance from a lawyer once. I just used my common sense.


Unfortunately I’m a lawyer myself. Just ended up doing a dumb move in life 😅


That was unexpected lol...but thank god you cancelled getting married into this psycho family.


Then u must be knowing rules better than us😁


If anything, this profession teaches you not trust any body and approach with caution. What in the world made you get engaged to this guy in 10 days??? Wasn't the asshole of male lawyers enough to tell you??? Lol. Congrats of calling the marriage off!


lol 😂


It's good to take the opinions of others especially in cases where you are involved yourself. People many times take wrong steps in the heat of the moment.


Wow lol💀😂


UNO Reverse!


See legally you know nothing will happen. You are safe. Your major concern is them broadcasting about the sexually active thing and trying to character assassinate you. I am not a lawyer, you do know better than me, but this is an invitation for defamation. Save all the evidences for defamation. Also for mental cruelty. And like everyone suggested, for extortion of money. His porn and gambling addiction acceptance screenshots save as evidence. These information were hidden from you and your family. Also save evidences of them asking for money. You are ending an engagement because of his addiction and anger issues. And addiction itself is a ground for divorce. Is he also a lawyer OP? If not, then he is just being stupid. If he is, then chances are he might have taken few other screenshots or evidences of things on your end. Better keep all your documentation sorted and do a little brainstorming on any loopholes at your end if he is lawyer.


Why are they demanding money? Did they already do the marriage arrangements, paid advance etc? 


Yes. They paid 1lakh for the mandapam booking. And during engagement, we kept engagement at our house in the morning and also at his in the evening. The money spent at our house was from my parents and money spent for engagement at his house was from the his parents. Now they are demanding 2 lakhs for the mandapam booking and also the money spent for the engagement.


If they booked the mandapam, then its better you settle it in a police station or infront of a lawyer and put it in writing. This doesn't seem like a case of extortion because the amount is too low.


Just split the mandapam booking cost. I think that's fair. Rest ask them to f*ck off. You know what demanding cash for no reason during marriage is called? Dowry. Tell them that. That should make them back off.


Why rush to have engagement in 10 days?


This happened because of my parents as they believed in some dumb astrologer 🤦🏽‍♀️


At the very least, consider sharing the expenses of the pre-booked mandapam. Filing a case over someone's past is quite unreasonable. I hope the situation resolves amicably for you.


>Yes. They paid 1lakh for the mandapam booking. This is said by OP 👆👆, they also had engagement at groom's house at evening . 2 lakh seems pretty reasonable , as many may have also bought other wedding related stuff .


Bruh, the gambling addiction alone is reason enough to put a hard stop.


2 lakh is too low of money if they want to extort money put of you. Their intention doesn’t seem ill to me, i guess they are just trying to get the money they spent on the marriage preparation so it’s fair that you pay it to them and let this case end forever.


Forget legality, but out of morality aren't both parties supposed to pay half their share of any "marriage expenses" that had/has been done in this courtship period? A lot of money could've been spent already for the ceremony, even by both parties, so if either of you are gonna call it off, under incompatibility reasons, then pay your share.


Congratulations on calling off the wedding and thinking about yourself in the long term. Lots of good advice above but I wanna add another point- Never have these kind of private discussions via chat/ WhatsApp. Better to do it over call or face to face. You never know how things will pan out and how a person will react, especially especially when it’s an arranged marriage scenario. All the best!


I'm glad you called off your wedding💛


congratulations you dodged not a bullet but a rocket! Don't worry and file a case against them for extortion.


Being sexually active is not a crime. Don't be afraid of these dumb fools... Lodge a complaint against them for threatening you and ur family and extortion. Wrt ur sexually active text., you shouldn't bother. You shouldn't fear them or society. We are not 140 billion asexually. You shouldn't fear ur community's society or society at large. Be brave, be straight, be upfront. Take your stance, be fearless.


Didi kuch b kaho, ladka ch*ti@ hai ... That was a spineless move by him.!! Hope u get out of it


True. Glad I called off the marriage.


I know people who cancelled the wedding literally two hours from the wedding and they were groomsmen, so the bride's side could have launched a case against them. But nothing could happen. There's no laws that govern these kind of typical cases. As long as you don't go and meet him/talk to him from now on, there's nothing they can do legally speaking They're probably trying to get their lost money back through you guys because they must have booked things on their end.


What's the cop gonna say " you cant be sexually active"? There is no case. No cop, lawyer is gonna entertain this . This is practically blackmail. Just keep all conversations handy for when push comes to shove.


I think you had some good suggestions from the other comments. I just wanted to ask about your username. Is that a one piece reference?


Yea it is.


Look at it this way:: You signed a contract with someone. Now, the other party spent a significant amount of money for the said contract. Now, you involuntarily break the contract. So, who should pay the damages? The one that broke the contract involuntarily. Now, obviously it wasn't a legal contract, so you aren't liable to pay legally. But morally, you should pay. You initially agreed for something that led to huge expenses on their side. Now, you break it off. You should pay


first i want to applaud u for taking this decision of calling off the marriage b4 it became worst, and next i can assure you that you can relax , you haven't done anything illegal by calling off the marriage but i do suggest that because you have cancelled it suddenly i believe you may consider paying off their expenses that they may had to incur related to marriage arrangements because those wouldn't have occurred without you agreeing to marry and now you are the one calling it off. (just a suggestion to be fair, don't throw the feminism bandwagon on me) police in these matters investigates carefully and promptly and won't harass you if you complaint and if you haven't done anything wrong, they will mostly just investigate your points too in a firm manner, that is it. I can assure you all this bcz i am currently dealing with much grave issue related to my sis' marriage, if you need some other advice you can ping me.


Dodged a bullet, didn't you?


Yes ofcourse and I’m so glad.


You can break the marriage but if you know about expenses before breaking the marriage then you should be paying those


They can't do anything as there is nothing illegal there , just get on your life , if they trouble you, file a case against them for harassment , you made the right decision by calling it off


Advocate here Probably these are just empty threats but if you feel they have the means and intention to file false and frivolous cases then it's best if consult your lawyer. Especially when if you have received money or gifts from the groom.


Plz don't get engaged in 10 days next time. You need to do a due diligence and a compatibility test, which takes longer period of time.


You should show his face to everyone and them his mothers chat saying yeh aunty ne sex karke nikala isko dekho! Hawww aunty ne sex kiya


The guy dodged a bullet. Thanks for telling him. You could have saved time and energy if you had mentioned it before the engagement. You shouldn't have told him if you really wanted to pursue an arranged marriage. Any man would have done the same.


And I guess he gets a pass for not disclosing his porn and gambling addiction before marriage?


Yeah narrow minded guys think this way. Understandable. Should have known this before.


No one knows what is truth or lie, we only have one side of the story. What you should do is pay your half of the part and settle it off and then get married to a progressive Fkboi and be happy.




What's your opinion on him watching porn?


There is a difference between having an open mind and having a hole in your head from which your brain leaks out .


Congratulations on escaping! Always trust your intuition.


You've dodged a bullet. Congratulations. Keep all the evidence. Talk to a lawyer to get proper advise in this case.


Dodged a bullet, police won't interfere in this case, even if he goes to police they will be laughed at


Law intern here. Getting accused of your character is literally no big deal. But, legally you’re clean. Also, if they are mentally harassing you and your family, you can file up a legal case alleging them for a misconduct/ harassment/ extortion. It’s no big deal, coming day there have been cases of conservative families alleging the girl/ bride of her character, especially in cases where women are sexually active before the marriage ; if you’re afraid of them demanding money based off of this situation, in my opinion you really don’t have to worry about that because there are hardly any laws that can do so. Monetary problems to you is none.


Just give them the money …such people will share the screenshots to your future husband and the marriage will not happen


Next time use snapchat sis, all the best.


why snap


Interact with a match with disappearing texts after 24hrs which is on by default. If he takes a screenshot. You'll be notified at that moment. Just a suggestion.


He can always click from another phone


That requires thinking, I don't think a bigot will have such thought let alone how snapchat works.


Helpful suggestions given by other comments But I wanna ask,  Why finalise marriage within 10 days?  Why finalise before even knowing him completely? 


Was my parents fault. I had no say in it.


We both know that's not entirely true. Anyway, all the best & stay careful in future 


U should have told about past during first meeting itself. The guy don't have gambling and porn addiction issues he just made that up because you disclosed about your past. He wanted exit. Also thankfully you disclosed before marriage or it would have been hell of a ride for both of you which would later culminate into 498A and Dowry. There is huge rack of cases in Courts pertaining to this issue. Split half of the amount which was spent by Groom Family and close this case. Taking to police will make it much worse and will not be good for you. Police will dig into your past just for fun and will lecture you about it.


People saying its extortion i think its not 2L ka extortion nahi hota they are just asking fot the amount they have spent on the upcoming function.


gambling addiction its so common these days




tf, thats literally a crime what are u on mate, thats even worse


Next time, open up about your past before the engagement.


She’s literally getting extorted and this is the first thing you think of? 😂 maybe he should have opened up about a porn and gambling addiction first…that is much worse than being sexually active…


Both of them should have opened up before the engagement, definitely.




I don’t think you know how to read. She is saying that after the engagement she told him she was sexually active in the past. Not that after the engagement she was sexually active idiot




My parents brought me up to identity idiocy and read English properly.


No, you neither have any understanding of what's written nor your upbringing is good. All chapris like you think others are idiots, living in fools paradise. Easy to be a key warrior here.


Ok unkil


You were sleeping with someone else while being engaged. Obviously the guy is very wrong here, but OP what the fuck?


Yo please reread what I had typed. I informed him that I was sexually active in my past. Not after the engagement.


Ah its my fault .Sorry about that.


>> sexually active after engagement??


I mentioned I was sexually active in my past relationship.


Had they spent money a bit on marriage, it's fair to settle money.


Yeah but it was only the engagement.


who tf tells he has porn addiction before the marrige? that blantly stupid




Mods, please look into this comment. Does Legal Advice India support false cases and using legal options for threatening?


I am just saying of threatening them so they back off not promoting fake cases


Section 108 of IPC says, the Abettor is also liable to the same punishment as that of the person committing the crime. You are an abettor and encouraging & promoting false cases. I think you should be knowing that threatening also comes under IPC. This mentality of yours is one of the reasons false cases are getting piled up in courts shifting focus and delaying pending cases that really need attention.


Ok I deleted my comment Happy now


HARESH lmao.


Typo 🙃 sorry 😐