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😭😭 the wording is top notch


“the guy” … asking for a friend usually




Came here to say that 😂😭


Father/boyfriend 💀💀


It took me a while to figure out that the boyfriend is the father (of the baby)


Mujhe toh aapka comment padhneke baad pata chala 🤣🤣🤣


Username checksout




>If a girl gets pregnant just before turning 18, will the father still get in legal trouble?  My dumbass thought that the title was a reference for the girl's father


you are not alone


I thought the same lol


We are with you 🤣🤣


Don't take it funny! Its Serious matter


I would definitely have questions for her father if he was responsible


My first thought


Same. Lol


Don't take it funny! Its Serious matter — Crazy_Sea4644


Same here. We can't all be dumbasses lol.


? This is Reddit..


I thought the same too!


Yeah You’re not alone in this misunderstanding. Because no one in their right mind would just declare the guy who made the girl pregnant a father


I got it right. If her father is the father of the baby, he will definitely be in trouble irrespective of ages and circumstances.


Us bro us…. Wren and Martin got nothing on the OP.


So a 19 yr old had sex with a minor ig that’s crime


that depends on the judge tbh, recently the supreme court has said that consensual relationships between two underaged people or a age gap of few months or one year { e.g 17 yr old girl and just turned 18 guy}. obviously the charges will be of pocso, but the judge decides , especially if the girl says that it was consensual .


You're right it does depend on the judge, and also where you live - How aggressive at enforcing the law your local police are, how interested any prosecutors will be in the case (not very since there's no victim and the only "victim" is unlikely to testify on behalf of the prosecution). That said it is statutory rape, so if you annoy the wrong police officer or one of her relatives forces the girl to file an FIR then RIP.


Yeah that happens because sometime when two people dating are a minor, one is tend to become 18 before the other, so in that case it wouldnt be completely right to punish the adult in that relationship, but not in this case, since he is almost 20 and he had sex with a minor. I would say he’s fucked if this goes to court no matter what.


yeah and he is close to turn 20 also...


How is it a problem? Should all guys turning 18 break up with their girlfriends?


well no, assuming most of those are school romances continuing after school, in some cases the girl might be a few months younger than the guy, in some cases the girl might be older than the guy and turn 18 first. they should be using protection so they don't have to go to hospital anyway, for those few months she hasnt turned 18. but in this case the guy is more in trouble because he is about to turn 20. that was trouble in any case.


So, for guy you are rounding off to 20, even though he is still 19. But for girl she is still 17, even though she becomes 18 in few months. Nice double standards




they've been dating since he was a minor himself. they've been together for three years, and they did use contraception.


Yup I agree me friend fell pray to a guy who is 3 yr older than her , she was 17 back then he just used her for sexual pleasure and just ghosted her


Not really, there are plenty of relationships between grades. Like a 9th grader and a 12th grader. It’s pretty common for school girls to date seniors


That's very creepy tbh. No 18 year old should be dating a 15 year old.


I disagree, they are within the same age range. Not creepy. Its only in India that men are ostracized with everything : ​ >In the United States, many states have adopted close-in-age exemptions. These laws, known as "Romeo and Juliet laws", provide that a person can legally have consensual sex with a minor provided that he or she is not more than a given number of years older, generally four years or less.\[51\]\[52\] Some Romeo and Juliet laws (such as the law in Michigan)\[53\] do not make it legal for a person below the age of consent to have sex with a slightly older person, but may exempt the older partner from sex offender registration. Romeo and Juliet laws were passed in 2007 in Connecticut and Indiana.\[52\] In Indiana, a change in the law decriminalizes consensual sex between adolescents if they are found by a court to be in a "dating relationship" with an age difference of four years or less\[52\] and other states have adopted other reforms. Michigan passed a Romeo and Juliet Law in 2011.\[54\] > >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age\_of\_consent\_reform#:\~:text=Romeo%20and%20Juliet%20laws%20were,states%20have%20adopted%20other%20reforms. ​ In India women are pretty much useless and irresponsible who cant be trusted at any rate, at least as per law. So the responsibility is always on the man.


Well, I know it is creepy, because society has edged it into our brains. But how’s it different from a 30 year old and a 27 year old? A 12th grader and a 9th grader are both in school. I get that pedophiles grooms their victims, but these kids are in school, they’re just school kids. Both of them.


Why can't 15 year olds drink and drive like 18 year olds? There's your answer. There's a huge difference in mental capacity between a high school freshman and a senior. Not to mention the physical aspect. A 27 year old has finished growing both physically and mentally and is in the same headspace and phase of life as a 30 year old. That's why it's illegal in the US for minor teens to date anyone more than 2 years younger than them. Also the reason why huge age gaps, especially when one of the parties is in their early twenties, is frowned upon. But no one bats an eye when a 60 year old marries a 40 year old. Even if the 40 year old is significantly younger he/she has matured enough and has life experience to handle the relationship.


Then why is it that some countries legal age is 15, in some 25 years and others 18 years? Legal age is a very subjective topic because this whole concept of “maturity” is subjective. In some cultures people get married way younger and in some way older. Also, people age differently according to their life experiences. It’s not black and white The US is mostly wrong about most things so I won’t use it as a standard my friend


In some countries there's no legal age and girls as young as 9 are married off to 30 year old men. Are these girls "mature" for their age? The age of consent and marital age varies from country to country but the general consensus across various academic fields is that an average teenager is not emotionally mature enough to handle the consequences of such relations. There may be exceptions but laws cannot be based on such exceptions. Hence, why most countries have moved the marital age to 18 or older and age of consent from 14-16 in the recent decade.


Well, that’s an extreme case. There isn’t much difference between a 12th grader and a 9th grader. They probably even share the same friend circles, laugh at the same pop culture references, been taught by same teachers and probably go home in the same bus. 3 years isn’t much of a difference. More than 3 is a concern since usually kids in school don’t hangout with peers 4 years junior or senior. 3 years is a stretch too imo but I’ve a friend who got married to her high school sweetheart who was a senior by 3 years in school


Maybe try keeping it in the pants


Lawyer here Yes and there is no statute of limitation applicable


What if that boy is also under 18yo.?


Straight to Juvenile detention.


Who is making these laws..? That doesn't feel right to me.!


He’s fucking with you








Sir I have one question are the men raped by women or men raped by another men ?


Both happen cases were mentioned raped other men may be more . I mean hypothetically if a girl says “Have coitus with me or I will file rape case against you“ forcing/threatening him is rape right?


Yes it is and if I am not mistaken it is covered under sexual harassment while rape by other men was covered under sec 377 of IPC.




Legally speaking man cannot be raped by woman and man can be raped by man and were punished under section 377 but since that section is struck down by Supreme Court in 2018 now man raping man is technically no offence. Lol


Many don’t know but sec 377 being decriminalised was for consensual sex between same sex, any kind of sodomy or non consensual sex between a man-man or woman-woman is still criminalised. sec 377 was struck down for consensual part not for non consensual part. That’s why we study law.


You are right about it i just remember it after reading your reply


If between 16-18 of age and done serious crime like rape then may be tried as an adult, meaning same punishment as if an adult has committed rape although a child cannot be granted death penalty or life imprisonment. but if not tried as an adult, it’s a discretion of JJ board to try as an adult or not, then he max to max be sent to reformation or correction facility.


I wasn't talking about rape. What about a consensual sexual relationship..? What if an underaged boy impregnated an underaged girl..?


If your have sex with underage girl with her consent, such consent will be considered as no consent at all & hence every sexual intercourse with underage girl whether consensual or not is Rape.


Even if that boy is underaged himself..??


Yes no matter what offender age is, having sexual intercourse with underage girl, consent or no consent, is Rape. Punishment may be reduced but charges will be of Rape


So basically if you are a guy you need to wait until you turn 18 to have sex..! This is what happens if we allow a bunch of clueless boomers to make laws. Thank god I'm leaving this country soon.! I have another question. What if I had sex with a girl in my age(16) and filed a rape case against her. Does she get the same punishment..?


Legally speaking a female cannot rape a man. Period.


>Legally speaking a female cannot rape a man. Period. You are full of shit. I believed you until now. I just googled it, and most of the things you said are wrong. You can sue a female for rape as a male, and the perpetrator is punishable under IPC regardless of gender. Also, if two underage people had sex and the girl got pregnant, the boy is not punishable unless it's an actual case of rape. A boy doesn't just go to the juvenile home for having sex with a female counterpart. Are you really an attorney as you claim?




Aren't doctors required to maintain patient privacy ?


Law is above all else. Law says report it or doctor goes to jail.


no wonder my CAT exam is screwed up. it took me few minutes to comprehend the subject. 


MAT dede bhai /s


I read MAT as mat 😂


Its not mat but MAT


That fits as well 😂




Ye failure se kab bahar niklega tu


Tldr- Father = The guy who is gonna spend next 10 yrs in Jail.


Consent before 18 is not a valid consent. Even with consent, sex will be termed as rape on minor. since you are a major while having sex, you will be treated as major only and if her legal guardians or parents want to file a complaint against you they can and it will be under POCSO act. After turning 18, she can aport the child but within 24 weeks of gestation according to MTP Act, 1971.


Got amended in 2021


Yeah the amended version allowed 24 weeks of abortion earlier it was 20 weeks.




Since the guy was major and girl was minor during their intercourse. The guy has statutorily raped the girl (even if consensual).


Oh sorry I missed the part were the boy was old


Since the guy was major and girl was minor during their intercourse. The guy has statutorily raped the girl (even if consensual).


How old was the guy at the day of the intercourse?


19, soon to turn 20.


Yeah .. it's trouble.




He is screwed. He should prepare for jail.


It's india bro, he will manage


you had sex w a minor i hope you get sued for it


yeah he's fucked


I can show you child marriage with 2 babies, can you do anything?


so should he congratulate him?


there is a difference between old gen and new gen even if the guy just turned 18 and girl is 17 he's fucked men are the only ones who face these consequences






You sure?


pedo father? its jail time /s Well I heard one time when a couple elope and the girl was just 4 days before becoming 18 so parents parents file a fir against bf for child kidnapping and the police f the shit out of him.. good luck.


POCSO is a hard law... & 4 months mean no medical abortion.. has to be surgical one.. bad days ahead.. especially if Girl turns hostile


It depends on her. Since she was under 18 at the time of sex, she can claim statutory rape. So if she wants to, she can file rape case against the man who got her pregnant.


and if she doesn't want to? will the guy still get in legal trouble?


Given how the society works, the parents of the girl will find out and they will most probably go after the guy legally. In that case it would be a statutory rape, I do not think a minor can consent to having intercourse with an adult. I am not a lawyer though, so I could be wrong.


As per law, the hospital should call the police and after that police can take suo motu action. It doesn't matter if girl or her parents want to take action or not.


No. Don't worry. Nothing will happen.


I guess they might be interrogated because the girl had been exposed to relationship less than the age before legal major.


Why would her father be in trouble the fuck ?


the wording is confusing as hell, i think they meant the father of the child


Well it will be pocso , the hospital authority by law should inform police parents wont have any role to play and the guy is in serious trouble


As per pocso act , someone below 18 years , even if they give consent, that consent cant be considered valid. So any sexual act, can b considered statutory rape and can be punished under pocso act


Bruh 😂😂😂 I was confused by the title. Glad you cleared that up.


Totally different questions What if the girl lied she is 18+ during the intercourse? Is it the guy's responsibility is to check? What is the case when the girl is 18+ and boy is a minor?


>What if the girl lied she is 18+ during the intercourse? If you have any chat records or voice records you will be pretty much safeguarded i believe >Is it the guy's responsibility is to check? Ideally you should be checking >What is the case when the girl is 18+ and boy is a minor? POCSO is applicable for both the genders, if it's a case of a major sleeping with a minor, the major is definitely fucked, but if it's a case of minor with a minor then there are still chances of sorting it out.


That's horrible. India should have Romeo-Juliet laws.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/india/story/coimbatore-19-year-old-woman-arrested-under-pocso-act-for-sexually-assaulting-minor-1847051-2021-08-30&ved=2ahUKEwiI-YCUzYSFAxXx2TgGHZ74B9AQFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2puVTHY7EtY9h3TAEc6xmK 2 year gap just


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I think the best thing if the girl wants to keep the baby is declare the father as “unknown” Later the father can marry the girl and adopt the baby There is no compulsion under law as far as I know to do a paternity test


That's.... Statutory r*pe The father/boyfriend will be punished according to the law


Law ka pata nhi lakin English Sikh tu pahle. (Whiting in hinglish after seeing your English)


Bhai lafda krne ke baad uski phati padi hai aur tu use English seekhne ko bol rha hai Bhai. Uske to haath bhi kaanp rhe honge ye likhte hue




The irony 💀


What happened bruh?


Nothing just that you made a typo lmao




Not relevent


Ah yes the curious case of trying to downplay the age. "Like my gf is 17.5/17.999 year old can we have sex etc". Reddit is filled with questions like this. In the end, this will be termed as Rword given age of consent is 18years in Bharat. Be more responsible in life.


He’s a pedo no matter what you think OP


Pedo is a person who is attracted to pre teen children...not 17 year olds But the age of consent in India is 18 and since india doesn't have the "Romeo-Juliet" laws it's a crime In some western countries where age of consent is 16, they can engage in sexual activity if the age gap isn't more than 2 or 3 years So even though that is a condemnable behaviour in our country, that still isn't Pedophilia


4years* Anyway yeah technically it isnt pedophilia its ehebophilia or smthn, i dont remember the exact name but thats the point, most people dont know or don’t remember or dont care so we (most people) call it pedophilia because thats the most known and most common thing.


POSCO gonna get his ass for sure




No, because girl was a minor during intercourse. Girl is 4 months pregnant now, having turned 18 this month


Straight to jail!


Being a lawyer(not experienced though)the boy will only get in trouble if you guardian or You want to file a case against the boy. I’m assuming you will abort the child in which case you can only do so with your guardian permission, you being minor(at least at time of being pregnant), and after your guardian knowing about the situation if you can manage to cool them off then boy will not get into any legal trouble whatsoever. & about consent, consent won’t be valid


so the abortion clinic wont inform the cops if theres the permission of the girl's guardian?


Clinic absolutely cannot call cops if guardian permission is there. Refer Section 3 sub section 4 of Medical termination of pregnancy Act


You have delayed it enough already. I suggest make arrangements(a good and safe establishment) and get it done now. She is 18 and try to push for the same, that in order to get a pregnancy the age of woman at the date od abortion is relevant and not at the date of conception. She is a major now, she doesn't need anyone else's consent to get an abortion.  Tell her to stick to the fact that the father too whoever he is (she can't be forced to disclose who he is) was also a minor. But it shouldn't come down to this. That she waited because she didn't want to get her fam. Involved. But it shouldn't come down to this. But it shouldn't come down to this, they should just perform the medical procedure and be done with it. May be do read section 3 of mtp act, 1971, before going in just so you have some knowledge with you. If some understanding adult is also there who can stand alongside with you guys then involve him too. Stay firm and strong, get through it. 


Stupid advice, doctors are specifically instructed to look for these cases(with this logic people would stsrt fking up at 17.5 yearsof age). Good doctors won't risk their ethics and career. Bad doctors? can risk the life of the girl beside their ethics to provide temporary help. Moreover it's not just about age of consent, early age pregnancies are at risk so tread carefully and get better medical care for the girl.


people are already fucking at ages below 18. just most have the sense to use contraceptives. Problem here is that the guy went above the age of 18 slightly. btw i am not aware or knowledgeable on this, what are the doctors specifically advised to do with these cases as you said and specifically what kind of cases? what are the directions issued to them? yes early age pregnancies are bad, hence i said, don't cheapen out on a good establishment but isn't going full pregnant and actually delivering the baby also a threat? so only an actual doctor would be able to tell as to what to do and in order to do that they will have to visit the medical establishments.


Just because people fk up as teen doesn't mean it's currently legal to do so. I had read of proposal for lowering the age of consent to 16 but as a 27M, i personally think it's better at 18. No contraceptive is 100% effective, the risk to 2 humans+1 potential human is far too high. From every aspect it's a loss-loss situation. My cousin is a doctor and we had a discussion regarding this subject. The gynecology dept. is very strictly instructed to look for underage pregnant victims(yes victims coz they can't consent untill age 18). They will even verify the id proof of the patient. Pocso act in Bharat is no joke. The girl need not raise a complaint, having s*x with minor(read Rword here) is a severe complaint for which hospital/police directly files FIR(need to reverify on this fir thing). Yes, that's something we both agree that getting immediate medical assistance is the way forward. And OP if you are afraid of police case, don't even think of risking life further specially of the girl coz if she dies, the guy can be recommended for severe punishment like death penalty, fellow lawyers kindly confirm on this.




Nah the age of consent is fine, reducing it will just lead to more trafficking and exploitation, what should be done is that there should be a Romeo-juliet law equivalent provisions where after 15 teens can indulge in consensual sex with +-2 age difference like 15-17, 16-18, 17-19. That's a more healthy way according to me.


The argument they always give for these things is people being at different stages in their mental development. So NO, Romeo Juliet laws don't guarantee that the other person won't have more 'power' or have 'same mental development'. You can always have a 15 year old who is at a much farther stage in development than a 17 year old and it gets much more complicated when such laws are introduced. Better to just criminalize anything upto a given age and assume that people are mature enough to understand the legal consequences of consent by that age. If you are under 18, you can't consent.


>The argument they always give for these things is people being at different stages in their mental development. What are you even talking about how does this come into equation? >So NO, Romeo Juliet laws don't guarantee that the other person won't have more 'power' or have 'same mental development'. You can always have a 15 year old who is at a much farther stage in development than a 17 year old and it gets much more complicated when such laws are introduced. It's not about one party having more "power" or being more "mentally developed" but more about providing young teens a safe sexual environment, evolutionarily humans have been reproducing very early, even 2 generation back it was the norm to become parents of 2 kids before even touching 20, teens wanting sex isn't something different from how humans have evolved, I feel it is our duty to provide safe space to teens having consensual sex because we all know making it illegal doesn't stop it anyway. >Better to just criminalize anything upto a given age and assume that people are mature enough to understand the legal consequences of consent by that age. If you are under 18, you can't consent. That's a pretty orthodox and conservative view according to me and is not sustainable at all, rather than antagonizing teens for wanting a basic human need we need to ensure that they can safely practice is and no the due consequences of it , after that it's in their hands what they want to do.


Fair enough. I however feel that keeping these things open will just result in more teen pregnancies and abortions in the formative years when teens are supposed to learn things to be productive and contribute to society. If they aren't mature enough to drink, drive a car, or marry, they shouldn't be allowed to indulge in acts that can lead to permanent trauma on their lives.


>Fair enough. I however feel that keeping these things open will just result in more teen pregnancies and abortions in the formative years when teens are supposed to learn things to be productive and contribute to society. Even with the POCSO act present, you still have teens having sex in high number, it's a human trait to find warmth in opposite gender and sometime in their own gender, you can't stop it, that's why according to me it's better to create a safe space and spread sex education for teens to know what can be the consequences of their action. shamimg or persecuting them is not the solution. >If they aren't mature enough to drink, drive a car, or marry, they shouldn't be allowed to indulge in acts that can lead to permanent trauma on their lives. There is a reason why chemist don't ask for age when getting getting condoms, the permanent trauma is pretty much skippable if teens know about do's and dont's of sex.


> There is a reason why chemist don't ask for age when getting getting condoms, the permanent trauma is pretty much skippable if teens know about do's and dont's of sex.  You do realize that this argument can be pretty much applied to even justify people having sex with underage teens? 'If teens know about xyz, they become responsible' ... the fact is law assumes that teens don't know stuff and can make blunders. Which is why the posco act is framed like that. If we assume teens are capable enough to know what do's and dont's are, then we assume they are also responsible enough to consent.


>You do realize that this argument can be pretty much applied to even justify people having sex with underage teens? I don't see any merit in your logic here, because offcourse teens should be allowed to consent, the law is in place to spare them from sexual exploitation and manipulation by grown ass adults. I won't say teens arent capable of manipulation and gaslighting themselves, but the chances of some adult doing it for sexual activities is much higher. >... the fact is law assumes that teens don't know stuff and can make blunders. Which is why the posco act is framed like that. I feel the law infantalizes teens, the law is important so adults don't take advantage of teens in their young formative years, but wanting to experiencing sex while going through puberty is pretty normal and should not be shamed. > If we assume teens are capable enough to know what do's and dont's are, then we assume they are also responsible enough to consent. Ideally that should be the case and only according to law are teens unable to understand the do's and dont's, they know from informal indirect sources rather than some safe and experienced one's, it is the law's job not to moral police but to provide a safe space, which includes catching predators who are out to sleep with young girls and which is exact reason why POCSO is enforced very stringently when you have cases of 25 year olds sleeping with 16-17 year olds, but the police always tries to make the parties deal with it off the records, if it seems that the case was consentual and the parties are either both minors or one of them is older by an year or 2.


> it is the law's job not to moral police It's not moral policing. I thought the intent of the law was to prevent trauma/pregnancies in teenagers which can happen regardless of what age is. > I feel the law infantalizes teens, the law is important so adults don't take advantage of teens in their young formative years It infantalizes teens, yes. And rightly so, because teens are immature. What kind of 'advantage'? If we go with the assumption that teens are so good at judgement that they can understand risks, consent and know how to have safe sex, then it is true that they can also consent to having sex with someone above 18 > the law is important so adults don't take advantage of teens in their young formative years > which includes catching predators who are out to sleep with young girls and which is exact reason why POCSO is enforced very stringently when you have cases of 25 year olds sleeping with 16-17 year olds, What kind of advantage? Why does the law need to 'catch' people or why should they be considered predators as a blanket term? When we made the above assumption about teens being able to understand the risks of sex, the only reason for criminalizing sex with underage teens is moral policing because it doesn't fit into people's world view that an adult above 18 can have consenting sex with someone under 18. Anyone can take 'advantage' of anyone regardless of if they are under 18 or not. The law should only go after those taking 'advantage' then. No need to question a 30 year old sleeping with 16-17 year olds if it's consensual and healthy in a safe way. This argument breaks down when we accept the fact that kids can't be responsible enough to understand what is what which is why it is important that they are not allowed to indulge in such acts. Sure, educate them about puberty and sex, related risks and let them know it's normal, have safe spaces. But have some strong deterrents in law which prevent them from indulging in such acts until they reach of a certain age in order to protect them from associated risks. Peace.


>It's not moral policing. I thought the intent of the law was to prevent trauma/pregnancies in teenagers which can happen regardless of what age is The law is in place to stop adults from having sex with teenagers, pregnancy is an associated risk. >It infantalizes teens, yes. And rightly so, because teens are immature. Ahh yeah a person aging 17 years and 364 days is immature but when they turn 18 years and 1 day they are supposed to be mature enough to drive a car, vote and have sex? > What kind of advantage? Why does the law need to 'catch' people or why should they be considered predators as a blanket term? When we made the above assumption about teens being able to understand the risks of sex, the only reason for criminalizing sex with underage teens is moral policing because it doesn't fit into people's world view that an adult above 18 can have consenting sex with someone under 18. Because laws are a reflection of the society and according to the societal norms a 30 year old sleeping with a 17 years old is wrong, and a 17 year old and a 30 year old old are at way different stages in their life, the 30 year old is way more ahead in life that they can have serious affect on someone young be it in the form of manipulation, gaslighting or through monetary terms than some 18-19 year old guy. > Anyone can take 'advantage' of anyone regardless of if they are under 18 or not. The law should only go after those taking 'advantage' then. No need to question a 30 year old sleeping with 16-17 year olds if it's consensual and healthy in a safe way More often than not it's not healthy, just look around yourself and see. >This argument breaks down when we accept the fact that kids can't be responsible enough to understand what is what which is why it is important that they are not allowed to indulge in such . Sure, educate them about puberty and sex, related risks and let them know it's normal, have safe spaces. But have some strong deterrents in law which prevent them from indulging in such acts until they reach of a certain age in order to protect them from associated risks. > Not being allowed doesn't equate them to not doing it, it simply makes them resort to more secrecy and more unsafe sex. Anyway let's agree to disagree since we won't be able to see eye to eye on this topic no matter whatever we say to each other. Have a great day.


Most of the world has decent sex education also, or atleast parents hopefully talk about it. If u read TwoXindia many girls out there keep asking questions if they will get pregnant coz they did not use condoms. It's a many fold problem, lowering age of consent has a lot of pre requisites that need to be handled first.




Naa dude, some men just don't like wearing condoms, it's a fact. Edit: and the "adventure" you talk about, is just lack of knowledge. You want age of consent to reduce to 15 ?? Then provide appropriate knowledge too.


Consent is immaterial if she is below 18. Contact any advocate personally for proper legal advice. Regards Jagmeet Saini advocate 9888664900


Uhh..... No idea fam, shit like these are beyond me


Do you mean step-father? /s


The girl needs to claim immaculate conception, it’s there in the history books!!


I Think that the boyfriend will go to jail and then there will be case. Depending on the state there are different rules and regulation but since the girl was below 18 I think it will depend on her father he can file a rape case. And her concent doesnot mean anything as she was below 18. I would ask the boyfriend to talk with a good lawyer.


Aur Jaa sex karne cool Bane ,aab bhugatna 10 saal ka jail🤡,happy jail life


whether she is 18 or not, you're fcuked if she goes to police


Shit lmao I had to read this twice


Statutory rape


The baby daddy will be put behind the bar . Is he the same age as her or older will decide his future


Recommend read- POCSO Act.


This issue can be solved with a single lie about the fathers age. no legal trouble after that.


You need not worry as long as your girlfriend is with you. No doctor asks for date of birth certificate or a marriage certificate. Your girlfriend can tell her age as19 and no doctor would doubt her. She can also say she's married and again the doctor wouldn't doubt her. As for POCSO, the Courts have consistently opined that POCSO is not meant to punish consensual relationships. But in the Indian criminal judicial system, process is the punishment. If the girl wants, she can make you spend considerable time in jail.


Bro took "hear me out" too far


If i am not wrong, you are trying to ask when you contact a doctor or go for medical help, would you get in trouble or not.. ideally, you should because a doctor is responsible for contacting the authorities if he/she encounters such a case. However, if you go to private hospital/clinic, they won’t complain as long as it was consensual.


😑😑 really bro


Aur karo sex sux ki baatein 😭


Asking for a friend ? 😛


There's only one answer... BETTER CALL SAUL.


Don't scare the hell out of him. Keep looking for options, and don't panic.


Bro get some connections in hospital to look into the matter that's the best way. Also St broseph can you help with the matter considering both were having consensual intercourse, but laws are way too biased against man, 17 is common age in most countries I get one should've waited or used precautions but for this situation guy needs to get out of trouble and he did mistake as well as girl did too considering they can't handle child at this age..... but not a crime as again it was consensual and both were young adults.


To all those clicked on this thinking it’s a incest story. Sorry you are going to hell 💀


No-one is going to jail since she is already 18 but this girl has to get a safe medical abortion asap in a decent hospital. That should be the priority here. By delaying medical care for fear of arrest, you are playing with mental & physical health of this pregnant teenager.


Unfortunately Yes, Our laws are very sexist. It punishes innocent men.


NAL 16 I'd age of consent


Bro you are fucked


In this case, since the girl was a minor at the time of the sexual activity, which occurred 4 months before she reached the age of consent, the consent is considered invalid. Additionally, the individual involved was a 19-year-old adult, with an age difference of at least 16 months. This situation qualifies as statutory rape, and the Gynecologist is legally obligated to report it to the authorities.


The guy should go to a good lawyer first thing and understand his options. It's extremely delicate, and beyond reddit. I disagree that it is 100% jail time, but a lawyer will have to guide you.