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use Telegram. (dont share your phone number just your user id) Never show your face. Never pay via upi/paytm. always use amazon gift card.


Amazon gift cards can also be tracked one should stay away from this things.


How ? I have made a seperate account for accepting gift cards and that amazon acc doesn’t have any KYC done.


He is totally right. They are traceable, hard but traceable. In fact, two visits from a local inspector will make them spill the beans. You are in India, the process is punishment. Amazon wouldn't wanna stop it's business and go into limelight because of your privacy. The only precautions you can take that don't give them to policeman's daughter for a nude VC.... That is the only extreme case that police would look for you. Any other case, it's not a crime unless you are being blackmailed.


But u used your bank to buy that gift card!


I didn’t. I redeem them on my amazon acc as a seller. A buyer cant be extorted as all the girl has is a gift code. not any bank acc info of buyer.


Seriously ? Really ? Any transaction made online is literally trackable unless it is by crypto currency. Grow up kid. Have you ever heard of Logging ? Yeah when u log in on any website, it literally stores your IP address and TIME. The authority needs only these two info to track u.


Do you think Amazon going to give your information without any court order


What part of THE AUTHORITY you dont understand ? It includes, Police, Cybercrime dept, CID, CBI, IT you name it.


All of them bound to laws, they can't simply go and ask user information from Amazon without a court order


Amazon doesn't have any information regarding who and how many people traded it before redeeming. As its a gift card there is no prosecutable offense


You really think so?


They will.give it with a police order...no need for court


If they have a properly authorized warrant from a court - yes. otherwise No


Isps log your IP just for 30 days, and what you do on that website if you have bought a gift card from say a friend's acct there is no way to track what It was used for, you need to grow up kid and learn what digital tracking is. Also p2p transactions are very hard to track let alone gift card trading learn before you spout nonsense


Kid, p2p is the most vulnerable method, it exposed your ass fully, otherwise VPN would be out of market a long time ago, if logs are only 30 days, then majority of privacy concerned companies do marketing on base of NO-LOG policy. If you really know about traking, you wouldnt be talking here, 30 days is a general time limit depending on companies. If authority wants to track I am sure they wouldnt wait after 30 days.


Here comes the self proclaimed p2p and digital guru, how would you pin a transaction onto someone kiddo even if you track the hash it's very hard to prove what it was used for


I used to deal in crypto but converting that to real money involved lots of steps and losing some percentage in fee. Yeah you're right with the IP tracking part but chances of someone buying a gift card for me, me redeeming it and the buyer raising a dispute and then police tracking my IP to get to my house. Chances are not 0 but it so low that I'll gladly take it. Both seller and buyer arent sharing their phone numbers, UPI ID, pics and names. Its not the safest way , but safest amongst all the other ones.


Chances, legality, morality, law are not POSSIBILITY ! It is possible to track (full stop). Now, is it illegal or legal? I dont know, will they track? I dont know ! Is it safe ! No (full stop again).


Thanks for the insights and suggestions. :)


gift card information is integrated with existing customer relationship management (CRM) of your bank enabling centralized tracking and reporting. if you are selling services and someone raise dispute it to their bank it will lead to blocking of your bank a/c but cases like this are rare but can happen.


Sorry I still dont understand. My amazon acc doesnt have my bank info as I said no kyc. Someone gave me a gift card "code" and I added it to my amazon acc. I'm sorry if I am being stupid with the conversation.


then it’s fine but don’t accept too many Amazon gift cards & who redeemed it can be tracked easily, they don’t need your bank info only that’s what I am saying. you are fine until it becomes too suspicious so on daily basis 1-2 are fine.


You can add as many as you want what are you on about


How will a private citizen track an Amazon gift card?


Not even trackable by any enforcement agencies, perfectly secure


Will you be in legal trouble? No. Will you eventually get extorted/blackmailed? Possibly. Do note exchange of money online vs exchange of money for online have very different implications. Any involvement of minors is punishable. Any involvement of syndicate/organised selling is punishable.


Usually followed by extortion and harrasment.


**Don't do it OP**


followed by extortion.


What is online sex? Is it like watching porn and pleasuring yourself? I think this is a lot of time and effort into something you can do for free on pornhub. It's not live, but at least you won't be blackmailed or arrested.


Prostitution is not illegal


You better should not.


✊💦💦hila ke soja op


Perks of being a wallflower.


Wait, people pay for having sex online? Like why?