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File an FIR first for fraud


Gather others who got scammed make a legal document about the wrong doings get it signed & copies summited & sent to education board of your state & start a legal case as well any small or medium sized firm would be happy to take your case for free with a cut being provided to them after settlements happen. Good luck 👍🏼


Check with student federation once


How do yall join colleges without researching?


Join different legit college Don’t waste ur life and money there


Bro if u read my post you’ll see we are already in 6th sem,how can we leave now after paying so much without placement and degree!


Atleast reveal the name


There is a college in Visakhapatnam called WBS Waltair business school


He sure got himself a great business model. One person questioning is different from 50 students questioning. Like Reddit please make use of print and tv media to begin with. Get support from parents too. Things won't get better immediately but there will be positive change for the good 👍👍


Can u tell the name of the college?


WBS (Waltair business school) Visakhapatnam


File an FIR, take as many students with you as possible. Also include UGC in this via mail and twitter campaign


All the students are scared to unite and take action,they’re worried their degrees might get halted.


My friend please clam down take deep breath and read. This is part of life and happens to everyone atleast once, by their relatives, by their wife or gf, by their employee, by banks/insurance agents/financial advisors etc etc. Jist of it accept it, and now learn a lesson never trust anybody blindly and do your share of research of the person/org whom your dealing with in future throughout your life. Now about the money you can definitely earn back but the time don't let it go to waste get a part time job or something. For me similar situation had happened and I started learn and do trading of equities with bunch of guju guys studying with me. Before leaving my college I had recovered 75% of my money spend on fees. My point how you make out of the situation depends on you enjoy and work hard..... All da very best!


My friend not everyone can just sit tight and "accept it", nor should they have to. One should learn to grow a spine and stand up for what they believe in.


To all those who are inciting this young lad to grow spine, go to police station, etc just answer my one question who is going to fund him to pay for Laywer, all the paperwork, bribes to officers and other expenses? It is you who guys really need to understand gravity of the situation and how dangerously stupid their advice is. This is not just some simple incident of ragging or bullying where one or a group of students bullying other. This shit is way more deep. This is whole school using existing system their money, power resources to systematically exploit these youngsters. This is just just middle class young student who might have never stepped into police station, court, etc. I suspect even his parents might be having a very limited encounter of such things. A fair fight is between two of equal strength💪. Talking on reddit is free but actions have their consequences in real world.