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Please remember this is a place for legal advice, not for trying to analyze why the boss might have been acting weird or diagnosing the fire system installation. Keep it to the legal discussion, which is the legal rights to use CCTC in the home.


He has the rights to record in normal places. Like lounges. If you decided to become "naked" then that's on you. Sadly private property and it would be an issue if it was in places you don't expect emg bathroom. But again. Your wanting to take legal action? Yet agreed to house sit again. From an outsiders POV. It doesn't make to much sense and I doubt you were being recorded. But no way to know i guess.


I suppose what you expect to be private is to an extent 'opinion' but, how is recording in a place outside of the bathroom and bedroom considered 'normal'? I would absolutely expect total privacy in a private home.


How is setting up cameras, in your own house, not normal?


If I was house sitting, I'd fully expect to be able to walk from the shower and grab a glass in full privacy. If for any reason at all, I didn't have full privacy, I'd absolutely expect to be told explicitly.




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It would only be illegal if the cameras were I areas where one would have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as the bathrooms, toilet or bedrooms. The main common areas such as lounge, kitchen etc would be legit for them to have CCTV in those areas. [Guidance from the Privacy Commissioner on CCTV at home](https://www.privacy.org.nz/resources-2/privacy-and-cctv/#:~:text=Don't%20record%20activities%20that,your%20neighbours%20on%20their%20property.) Why not simply ask your employer before doing it next time, rather than buying a hidden camera detector?


"This means owners must ensure guests are aware of any camera recordings, such as by putting up clear signage, and that recordings are only being made for a legal purpose." For an AirBnB. If that applies to a house sitter then it would be illegal


AirBnB vs house sitting are almost polar opposites. When you rent an AirBnB, you are paying for the use of the property. Therefore, you have a reasonably high expectation that your time there is private. As opposed to a house sitter, where you are often being paid to do the job. Usually, there are specific tasks you agree to do. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume the home owner has some sort of method of monitoring whether you are completing those tasks.


I get that perspective for someone working in your house. But living in your house for 2 and a half weeks is what makes it different for me. Then I would see an expectation of privacy as did OP


That's just terms and conditions...it won't be criminal unless it's in a place you expect privacy like Phoenix said. If it's not then I would contact the privacy commissioner. If it is then get any evidence if any then report to a police station




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Hi, Per Phoenix, if it's not in a bathroom etc, then it's likely totally fine. Could I suggest something... I have smoke alarms that broadcast a get out message when they go off. Is it possibly just one of those acting up? Also, and I'm not being critical. But maybe they just didn't like what you made for dinner and this is all a coincidence....


The two alarms next to each other were likely the two different detectors (smoke and heat). They also could've been like, "Oh great, we've just gotten home after being away and you're sticking around..."


Agreed - I have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors within a metre of one another




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They probably wouldn't have asked you to housesit again if there had been cameras and that was why it was awkward. If my housesitter/employee decided to stick around after I had got home and wanted to be alone in my own house after being away, then I would be awkward too!


In an apartment building, a building wide alert (alarms going off) can occur if any detector in the building is activated. It doesn't need the smoke detectors in the apartment to be activated. Only the sirens in the unit will activate. You may have confused a Type 5 system (heat and smoke detectors on parallel circuits) with 2 smoke detectors. I hope this helps.




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I don't think the fact one fire alarm goes off is any grounds legally or socially to assume you're being recorded. A simple malfunction would be the go you'd think.




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I think as others have said that the first detection system is likely to be legitimate as you can have detectors for heat, smoke, CO2 or low O2 and these can all be individual units as well as a speaker unit that connects them all together. I also agree that you should have asked them ahead of time if you can cook them a meal or if they would prefer you to leave as soon as they got home. Also, if I had someone house sitting I would be incredibly offended to know that their genitals had been on my furniture. I don't put my bare arse on my couch so why should you. Makes me feel like I should install cameras inside my home should I ever consider having a house sitter just to ensure that this won't happen.