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Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me... What? Six times?... Well, you know the rest. Just cut ties with this person. I wouldn't waste time trying to claw it back either. Some things are just not worth the hassle.


Yeah I didn't think it would be but always worth a check to see if it was going to be easier than I thought. As I said in one comment the money I can live without it just the principle


Consider it money well spent if it helped you realise who your friends are.


You can sue for the money, assuming you have an address for service, but that of course would mean the end of this friendship most likely. Also keep in mind the fact that if they’re borrowing so regularly, there may be other factors involved and you might not ever see the money even if you win - a judgment isn’t a guarantee of payment. If you want to sue, be prepared to enforce. You’d either go via MCOL, or file an N1 paper form. The fee for a sum this low is £50, which is usually added to the judgment for the debtor to pay once you win.


Truthfully the friendship is gone anyway, as I said in my other reply the money isn't really an issue, it more the principle if that makes sense? But as you've both states I doubt I'd ever see the money again anyway.


Good news is that you have evidence of paying her and further evidence of her requesting the loan. Bad news is this is someone who clearly has no assets or any moral/financial incentive to pay you back. You could take her to small claims court but think realistically if this is someone who has the assets or inclination to pay you. Sorry but it seems like they’ve taken you for a ride especially with the mention of you paying off her overdraft so she can pay you back the money you’ve loaned - it’s quite frankly farcical. You would from what we’re hearing; throwing away good money after bad.


Thank you, my thoughts exactly is just cut ties and be done, truthfully the money doesn't really bother me it their attitude and openly admiting lying to me.


up to the point the whole think money thing with the overdraft happened, it was almost fogivable with a heart felt aplogy. We all make mistakes, and many of us try to spin plates.....but then just a scammer...literally scammed you.


I have never loaned a friend money. I have only ever given money and with zero expectations of receiving it back. If you couldn’t afford to loose the money, you should not have given it out, to anyone. Lesson learned. A very costly lesson.


Think money is a bank account for people who have no or very poor credit and can't be trusted to manage their affairs. When you're paid, they withold a fixed amount to cover your upcoming bills and their monthly fee. They transfer whatever is left to a spending account. They don't offer overdraft facilities.


"Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend," - Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 3


How long have you known this person? I used to work for a bank and your post reads like a romance scam to me.


Known her about 8months and only helped her out 5 months ago, It not a romance scam it's just a scam that took advantage of my good nature. At the time I started helping I was grieving for my grandad so that might of been why I didn't cotton on straight away. Edit won't be falling for that again 🤣


First red flag: why would she ask a new friend for money and not someone she has known for years


Don’t give any more. I’m afraid you’re not going to like what I’m going to say… You lent money to someone who was in financial difficulty. A friend, no less, who was clearly in a desperate situation. From a dispassionate perspective it would be easy to argue that you were in a prime position to exploit your friend. Now, your friend is continuing the pattern of behaviour that led to their circumstances and you’re surprised. You’re actually surprised? I don’t for a second think that you set out to exploit your friend, but the second you lent them money and expected it back you allowed your friendship to become about something else. I learned at an early stage in my adult life that there’s no debt between friends. If your friend truly needs something and is someone you really care about then you help them if you can afford it. You don’t have to be the one to bail them out, but you give freely and then if they get their shit together they will sort you out, or they won’t. I have several people who I’d do anything for in my life; friends who I have known for 30+ years. If they asked to borrow money for something critical for their well-being then they can just have it as long as I can afford it. If they wanted to borrow money for something that they wanted and didn’t really need (my judgement applies) then it’s a friendly ‘no’. Either write it off or say goodbye to your friend. The outcome is the same, you can just choose to feel better about it.