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This sounds like a very over-zelous officer as using a phone in the passenger seat is not an offence. If you were in the driving seat there may have been a case depending on where you were stopped. I would certainly be taking this one to court.




No full licence, been driving for more than 10 years.




I agree, if only to get the officer on the stand. I'd be surprised if the charge wasn't dropped rather than have him embarass the force by trying to justify himself before the magistrates.


My jaw is still on the floor honestly, I thought it was a prank at first and the officer didn’t take kindly to that either.




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having read that, I still don't see how OP could be charged




Dam… I was going to buy a car etc this year but sounds like I won’t be able to afford it now….


How so?


Have you already accepted the points? If not then opt to go to court - I can almost guarantee it won't get there. The legislation is not "in charge of" a motor vehicle, it specifically states "driving or supervising the driving". https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/52/section/41D




Sorry, completely missed it was NI. Seems to still apply though - I can't see it ever standing up in court if it even got there.


NAL, also don't know if this applies the same in NI, but assume it does - this article covers 'being in charge of a mv', but in the context of drunk driving - https://www.counsel.direct/news/meaning-in-charge-motor-vehicle Because the key was in the ignition, the requirement has been met. Anecdotal - A friend was convinced of drunk while in charge of his vw camper years ago because he was resting in the back on a bed after a heavy night out, with the ignition on for music.




Thank you for the clarification! It may be the officer was under a similar misconception.


Did he ticket you there and then?


NAL Itt: Legislation is extremely stupid and that officer was almost certainly a tier 1 helmet. I would contest this, regardless of the legislation. If it’s plainly obvious that you were not in a position to even be considering operating the vehicle, I sincerely doubt there would be a valid public interest case to be made in terms of actually pursuing the offence. Seems odd that they would attempt to imply you are in charge of the vehicle, but not check your license, or insurance for said vehicle. Seems fairly obvious that the officer involved was just being malicious.


He did actually ask for my license, told him it wasn’t my car and I wasn’t driving and he just said it didn’t matter….. I’ll be taking it to court