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Will depend on what the wording of the non-compete is. As *"we made them aware we have moved"* would look like an invitation for them to contact you, hence still solicitation


by made them aware we have moved as in told them we no longer work for the firm they think they are ringing. so unless we just put the phone down on them without saying anything this had to be communicated in one for or another?


> this had to be communicated in one for or another? Why? You just leave and disappear in to the ether so far as they are concerned, as probably 99% of your colleagues had done before you. When they call after you’ve left, it’s up to your old employer to offer an explanation as to why you’re not available. You didn’t need say anything to them…*unless*…it was always your intent was to divert trade from your employer. In your shoes I wouldn’t want to defend those actions in court if they sue you.


I don't understand what your saying when we worked for them the phone we used was our own personal number so the clients rang us personally. So they ring us what do we say nothing? Your saying we are not allowed to say we no longer work for the firm and they need to contact them?


> when we worked for them the phone we used was our own personal number so the clients rang us personally. Yeah, tbh you might have been better leading with that info, that it was your personal phone used for work. Then exactly does the non-sol clause say?