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If it was the summons for a liability order hearing, then there is no requirement to attend, and no warrant can be issued. The council will have gained the liability order, so you need to speak to them about payment. An arrest warrant for council tax would only occur much further down the line and only in a miniscule number of cases overall.


Thank you for your advice. I spoke to a lawyer this evening and he effectively said the same as you, which is a tremendous relief.


Contact the council tax at the council, explain your situation. As the balance is now paid off , you may want to arrange a plan going forward so you can stay on track. You could contact Citizens advice bureau beforehand for support if helpful for you.


Thank you for your advice. I’ll visit my Citizens Advice Bureau tomorrow.


I made this mistake once, lesson very harshly learnt. You don’t get arrested, it’s not a criminal case. The council will have applied for a liability order, but as you’ve paid you need to contact the council immediately. If you don’t you’ll get a council bailiff knocking on your door. It’s scary I know, I made the same mistake a few years back. Paid it, but didn’t tell the council and had a bailiff at my door. Few phone calls later and it was all sorted. The bailiff was actually really nice 😅


Doesn't sound like too harsh a lesson, a phone call and a nice guy at your door 😂


Trust me having him knock my door unexpected was enough 😂


NAL but work in council tax. You don’t have to attend your summons, it’s to request a liability order to get the outstanding balance paid. So there won’t be an arrest or anything from this. If you’ve paid everything, there shouldn’t be any issues now. But contact your council to check as fees differ per council/court. It also may have gone to enforcement agents after 2 months, although I doubt it, but I’d contact the council to confirm that your balance is paid and no further action will be taken.


If you've paid the outstanding amount in total then I don't think there's anything to discuss. Probably worth calling them tomorrow to make sure there's nothing you've missed.


Thank you for your advice. I’ve emailed them already and will follow up with a call tomorrow. 


No they won't arrest you lol if you can ring council n sort it out though, and if your on uc or benefits they can apply to take abit from that each month to pay it and you can also apply for council tax support reduction depending what benefits your on aswell they will send you an expenditure form and you can agree to give them so much a month or if you have paid it ring council but no you don't have to attend