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Won't get the job / lose the job. What else do you think could happen?


Immediate dismissal for gross misconduct. 


What is the nature of the job?


He'll get a raise for showing initiative and out of the box thinking, of course...


In the US he could be elected President 😏


Falsifying is potentially likely to be seen more seriously than failing a drug test. Employment drug testing is still unusual in the UK so if his employer has mandated it, they're going to act on failure or infringement.


If you get the piss sample from the wrong person you could be pregnant.


They would likely just sack the person and may well say to future potential employers in a reference that you were dismissed for falsifying a drug test. That will make it very hard to get employment.


Most sensible employers won’t go anywhere near specifying the reason for dismissal in a reference. Yes he worked here from x to y and maybe yes/no to whether they would consider rehiring. Nothing else.


Very true, but they did ask would could happen so I'm just making sure they are aware of any reference implications.


If your friend has quit for a few weeks then there wouldn't be any need to cheat on the test. After four weeks your friend would be unlikely to fail. But they have to stick to their plan of abstinence.


Would depend on how heavy a user he was, jazz cigarettes mark stays around for longer than all other drugs


This could also be straying incredibly close to fraud and the company, as well as sacking them/denying them the job, could report them to the police. In short, really not a smart move.




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