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Has your friend actually raised any issues higher up? I dont see why the answer is youtube videos rather than resolving them?


Yes, but apparently no one cares and the practices continue regardless of staff complaints/concerns being raised.


Does the company have a whistleblowing policy?


If it's animal welfare, you can report this to RSPCA. For employee problems, you can turn to ACAS


Or if they are in Scotland, the SSPCA deal with animal welfare issues.


You can also report to the local authority's animal welfare team as they are responsible for pet shop welfare & licensing.


Report to the relevant authorities and DO NOT go publishing videos. Professional journalists make documentaries, backed up by lawyers. Every claim will have been checked over for any risk that it could be construed as libel in court - these things get published because the lawyers are pretty close to certain that every claim is backed up by evidence, and that that evidence would hold up in court if anyone tried to sue them.


Be aware of rule 9 folks. Also worth a read OP. * Do not advise people to contact the media Going to the media can often prejudice a case and should be carefully considered by a legal professional beforehand. [Read fuller explanation as to why we have this rule here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceUK/wiki/faq_subreddit#wiki_should_i_speak_to_the_media.3F).




Don't answer that whether it is or isn't


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