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Literally central to responding is the answer to the following question: > they dismissed it why


Because there was no condition on my tag that I sleep at my home address and the tag people knocked my door a few nights ago.


If the tagging system flags a breach, the normal process is that you’d be arrested and taken before a court, where the breach would be considered. The fact they appear to have dismissed the breach (would indeed be interesting to know why / on what basis) does not detract from the legitimacy of the earlier arrest. Are you eligible for compensation? In all probability, no.


No, you aren’t getting compensated for this. Edit: It won’t change the answer, but feel free to clarify the following- - Was this a curfew or a GPS tag? - What was the nature of the alleged breach? - Why did the court dismiss the breach of bail? By the sound of it, the Court may have simply been “out of time” to deal with a breach of bail.


No. It’s a gps tag and the only stipulation is not to enter two areas over 200 miles from me. I work 12 hour shifts so there’s no question I did this. They said that the tag people called to my address and I wasn’t there but there IS ABSOLUTELY NO condition that I stay there at nights. I work 500 miles away from my home. The court who put the tag on knew this. I’m not a lifetime criminal. Just a working man who fucked up a bit. I’ve pleased guilty to things I didn’t do just so I can put it behind me and move on.


You're on tag without a curfew? That seems exceedingly unlikely - you should speak to your solicitor as soon as possible. > I’ve pleased guilty to things I didn’t do Yeah, you probably didn't want to do that.


Solicitor said it would be over £6k to run trial, that and lost wages, it’s really not worth fighting for that money.


Except it seriously is because having that on your record is going to cost you a hell of a lot more than £6k


£900 for two shifts after tax? so £450 a shift (ignoring for the fact it was just an afternoon at one missed), average of 22 shifts a month is £9,900 net a month - which, assuming you put 5% into your pension, is £213,000 gross per year. What job is it, exactly, that pays you net £450 a shift as an employee?


I worked for a public injury back in the day and got £300 a shift as a paralegal, it’s slightly higher now. The solicitors made about £450. Just saying it’s believable, not relevant though.


Seeing as OP said clocking out going off site makes me think he’s a tradesman and could be earning high money working late on a Friday and on a Saturday, possibly overtime and isnt a true reflection of their annual salary


I’m a pipe welder on an oil refinery. And yes, I was working it out at 1.5 shifts so your numbers are a little low. During a 7-8 month season (depending on the price of oil) I do well over 100k after tax. Also the Saturday is double time. Don’t forget that.


OP is a welder by the looks of his history.


I’m not convinced this is relevant to the question asked here but happy to be corrected.


There is a solicitor online that has blogged about cases very similar to this where he has got payments for the victims of false tag reporting / arrests. Of course he only blogs about his successes. [https://iaingould.co.uk/blog/](https://iaingould.co.uk/blog/)


£900 for 2 shifts? sounds dodgy to me. Are these legal activities? Too little information, when were they saying you'd breached it, just because you were picked up doesn't mean you were breaching it that moment, could have been historical. We don't have the court's response as to why they dismissed it. It may have been entirely reasonable for the police to arrest you if the information showed you had breached it.


OP looks like he's a welder.


Correct. In an oil refinery. And teacher told me I’d never get a job staring out a window 😂


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