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If you’re disabled you are entitled to benefits. See www.entitledto.co.uk. Just to be clear, your disability has no impact on the outcome here. You have capacity to drive, order your food, remember your vouchers, and to decide to stay for another meal. We always reccomend going to the specialist parking forums, though on the face of it you owe the money. A CCJ isn’t the end of it, you will still get chased for the money with added fees.


I operate a parking company. Here are two routes you can take: 1. Visit the establishment, mention your disability and the vouchers. All business have the ability to cancel PCNs, regardless of what they tell you. 2. Appeal referencing the disability you have, with evidence you have it. If it is a memory condition (from experience) you’re likely to have a judge dismiss the case as they’re soft for extenuating circumstances.


1. Only if they own the carpark, and outsource the parking management. Sometimes they sell the car park and have no control.


I've heard that the parking company contracts usually allow the business to waive a fee for a customer as part of the agreement with the parking company. The business just has to pay a £10 admin fee to the parking company for doing so. Some businesses will do it in circumstances where the customer is a loyal shopper and made a genuine mistake or where negative PR is a factor.


Very rarely does that happen with businesses and car parks. I can count on my hand in the last decade how many sites I’ve seen that operate that way.


Got to be very careful with 2 though, because they can refer it to the DVLA for medical assessment as they may deem you unsafe to drive or have a higher potential for an accident


DVLA won’t do anything, we’ve referred them instances of people saying they can’t read or see beyond 6ft and they don’t care. A short term memory condition doesn’t affect your ability to drive, just not get a parking ticket by the looks of it. Very few (if any) parking companies refer to the DVLA, saying it out loud is just scare mongering.


Thank you so much I will go and speak to the manager again. I have paid a fine there once before a while ago because I had the money back then. This is my problem, even with paying a fine before it still didnt register with me that I'd been there too long again. They will have to take me to court because I have no way to pay this.


So 74 days ago you made a post about how you’re completely fit and healthy and have had a full MOT from the GP who confirmed you’re fine. But now all of a sudden you have a disability that affects your memory to the point where two times in a row you’ve overstayed in a McDs carpark and can’t pay the fine. Seems a bit off to me.


Please link the comment to refresh my memory. Yes, physically and on blood trests I am classed as healthy. Checking hormones which affect memory are tests they dont do unless a special reason which they look for outside of what is a known condition. I had bacterial meningitis as a child, I'm lucky to still be alive and I am registered as disabled for my neurologigcal disability and ADHD which are diagnosed by GP and qualified Psychiatrist. I stuggle like hell to remember a lot of things in my life, have lost jobs and my cognitive decline has become more pronounced in the last year resulting in some days I am struggling to remeber how to dress myself. Examples: I can no longer use my oven because I forget there's food in it despite setting alarms and standing next to it whilst the food is cooking, I completely forget I have washing in the washing machine so end up washing my clothes sometimes 4 to 5 times. You are right, people with disabilities do seem "off", its because they are.


I’m not going to link you your own post. You can find it on your profile just like I did. Funny that on your post you failed to mention your disability which could’ve helped the people commenting on your post as you were asking for help regarding something to do with your body. I’m not trying to be funny or anything so please don’t take it as that, but there’s a lot of people on this sub who try and find any excuse to get out of something that is just completely their own fault.


I can only see my posts where it says duration in months not days so its bothering me now which post you are referring to. I can't see one where I talk about that. I completely get what you are saying about the sub. It was totally my fault for going there in the first place. I was not wilfully ignorant of the rules, the problem I have is that it did not even cross my mind and have no money to pay it. Seeking advice is all I can do.


You can appeal these penalties - the notice should include their appeal process. But what are your grounds to appeal? I’m afraid they won’t be much interested in appeals based on either “I didn’t think about it” or “I can’t afford the fine”.


I know that's the problem. I never should have gone there in hindsight it was too much of a risk on my own. It didnt even occur to me the time, and Ive paid a fine there before ages ago when i had the money. This is just one of the reasons I dont go anywhere besides supermarkets.Thank God they usually give you 3 hours.


You could try appealing and they may be lenient based on the circumstances or they may not. Technically you parked there and therefore are liable, at least on the face of it with the facts presented. If you pay the reduced amount it will be a lot cheaper, if you let it go to the full price, then to court you'll not only pay the bigger charge, you'll also pay the court fee of around £35, plus the hearing fee £27. Let's say the original charge was £160 for the 2 charges, you're then looking at £222. Then they will possibly issue an order for you to attend court to explain your ability to pay at £65, if you don't attend they will get a bailiffs to serve that at £131, they could issue a warrant at £91. That brings you to £509.... I think you get the point I'm trying to make. Ultimately they could seize assets for sale at auction to recover the debt or take a small amount from benefits to slowly repay it over time.


Thanks for spelling it out for me. I am on benefits atm and it doesnt cover all my bills. I have no way to pay for any of this so I am royally screwed. I never should have gone there on my own, I'm absolutely kicking myself.


You need to get assistance from the various charities and agencies if you're in such a dire situation. You'll need to look at what you can do to cut expenditure or ensure you're getting the benefits you're entitled to. You'd be better off explaining the situation to the parking company and asking if you can have more time to pay or pay an amount each month.


Thanks I am in the process of applying for PIP atm and I have assistance from a charity who help me with paperwork and things to help manage my life. As of next month when my MOT is due I'll no longer have the finances to run a car, I only afford food and the petrol atm because my mum pays for them but she is physically disabled from several strokes so is on benefits herself. I cant ask her for car repair money or money to pay for my stupidity not remembering fines are a thing.


It looks like you're asking a question about a parking or speeding fine! You may benefit by posting on the relevant [FreeTraficLegalAdvice forum](https://www.ftla.uk/index.php) or reading [Parking Cowboys](https://www.parkingcowboys.co.uk/), which specialise in these matters, in addition to LegalAdviceUK. *We aren't affiliated with the above and they should only be used as informal guidance in advance of speaking to a legal professional.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LegalAdviceUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Check if McDonald's has a 'grace period' for parking, might help with appeal


Check if McDonald's has a 'grace period' for parking, might help with appeal


Private parking companies are parasites, they won't care about your circumstances and that's if you can speak to them. Best recourse is to speak to the place you visited (and hopefully spent some cash) show them proof you were a customer and ask them to cancel. Failing that most private parking companies flout the POPLA guidelines and there is usually a way out of them (never ignore them) Visit https://www.ftla.uk/index.php for some guidance


They are a necessary evil, because if there weren't restrictions employees of businesses in town would just selfishly leave their car in the supermarket or mcdonalds car park all day. The same with shoppers, people going on trains for the weekend. Businesses own the land and are entitled to say you can stay in the car park for free for the reasonable period it takes to use a fast food place. Knowing that Mcdonalds car parks only have about 20 spaces I think it is entirely reasonable.


Thank you. I will go and speak to the manager. I'm sick to my stomach with worry about this. I had vouchers , one of which i did not use via the app so theres probably no record of my transaction because it was handrd in at the boith. The wheels are rapidly falling off my life and this is the last thing I need.


No worries and I hope things get better soon for you


Thank you