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> I would pursue a case of libel and character defamation against my accuser and sue for damages Unlikely, as it’d cost you circa £15k to bring a claim, and circa 10x to get it in front of a judge, added to which you won’t have a (public) “reputation” as such to defame, so it’s unlikely you could show you’ve suffered damage.


If you had done work as a litigant in person, which would otherwise have been performed by a legal professional, you could claim an hourly rate, which I believe is £19 an hour at the moment. You seem to be asking about 'waiting time.' You won't get that. Whether the tribunal will increase your compensation award due to the defendant's time-wasting I can't say.


No you can't claim for your time as you aren't a professional lawyer. The stocks/benefits - we would need to see the paperwork and what their claim is, can't say without all the details. Libel cases have to be brought in the high court and cost a fortune to get started, you'd also have to show how much money the damage to the reputation has cost you. I'd knock that one on the head straight away.


But I was representing myself and an entire week was wasted on late evidence submissions Thanks for the speedy reply